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I Love Bagpipes

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Posts posted by I Love Bagpipes

  1. Thanks George and thanks Krys for clarifying.

    Like I said I ain't no scientist...but I know that Krys is. :)

    I read the article George but it still doesn't explain the leap from a wing to an arm.

    My usage of "crossover speices" is not from the lectures I've heard. It is my words from my limited scientific appalachain vocabulary. :) The lectures are presented by passionate evoluntionists professors....one from Duke and the other Cornell? And they had fascinating information and presentations regarding the primodial soup.

    Krys..I didn't know piffle stated that evolution could be in the first heaven and earth. Duh on me. I thought I had had an "orginal" thought with that. I guess at the time I thunk it, it had been so long from piffle that I'd forgotten. :rolleyes: Funny thing is...when I shared that thought with Corps they responded that would not have been the case...that God doesn't think that way. Oh well!!!!

    I guess if it came to an "either - or", I'd choose evolution (from one kind/species/whatever into another) in the first earth........but evolution only within species/kind/whatever in the 2nd earth. I have no prob with adaptation within the same kind. I guess time will tell!!!! Thank ee. :wave:

    (I do look foward to "evolving" into my new bod. :) )

  2. I'm not a scientist, just a science dabbler.

    Last year I took a couple home lecture science courses from The Teaching Company. (Great place...for lifelong learners. They search US universities/colleges for professors that are PASSIONATE about their subjects. Not expensive either...if you buy their stuff on sale.)

    My mind changed regarding the word "theory" and is as LG defines....its is not JUST a theory.

    In watching one of these series (biology) I was trying to understand evoluntionist's reasons for believing in cross species evolution(correct me if I am wrong on that). I followed much of the logic/experiments that have been performed; they were fascinating and my kids and I had interesting discussions. The breakdown for me came with the jump that because a bird's wing is similar in shape to a man's arm structure (as well as other living creatures' structures), that that "proves" we all evolved into different species. At that point the theory crashed...for my logic. God can use the same structure for different stuff because it works well.

    I also remember that the theory incorporated two theories for evolution. Again I don't recall the names of these theories (and am too lazy to look it up). One theory was that evolution can happen slowly over a long time and the other is that a jolt (so to speak) can cause evolution.

    Another thought I had some 10 years ago when reading on this subject.....folks can have all the cross-species evolution they want in the first heaven and earth. We know nothing about it and in the last 6000 years, ain't no species crossed over. :)

    BTW: :biglaugh::biglaugh: Love the joke. :biglaugh::biglaugh:

  3. That's only like 30 minutes from us Suda!!

    Iffin we are in town....we will definitely make the time one of those evenings.

    (These days we sometimes don't know our T-giving plans until a week before.)

  4. Past the care of what family and friends will think and say.

    A thought about friends. I cannot tell you the number of times I'd get phone calls/letters/"infomation" about someone who left the "household." After too many of these and the years ticked by I'd think, "Well, there goes someone else I can't talk to." My heart would sink....one more time. PRAISE GOD, He is making sure I'm renewing some of those lost friendships!!!

    And, one reason I wouldn't bring "unbeliever" friends to fellowship during M & A is because I would think, "What if they decide not to stand? Then we can't be friends anymore." I'd start to question this logic but I'd been well trained to turn down the volume of love/reason and turn up the volume of justification. Finally the caged tiger couldn't stand it anymore.

    Great mind pic SkipC. Anyone hear..can you post a tiger pic?


    Great thread dancing. I won't hoard the posts. I'm just thinking about folks still in who might read this ... and as you stated: "I know it's not for everyone....yet." I understand that; I lurked for 1-1/2 to 2 years before the growl awoke the tiger to action.

  5. (Ex10...I hope you don't mind me fine tuning the rhythm of your poem. It's beautiful.)

    The distance between us,

    spans years, spans time and place.

    But the distance between us,

    is only a breath, only a trace.

    The distance between us,

    is nothing when we embrace,

    once again.

    The distance between us,

    melts into time and space.

    And the distance between us,

    brings us together,

    joining us in His grace.

    I love you T... :love3:

  6. Let the tears of joy flow my sister...and when you play Good Seed...crank it up! :dance::dance::dance:

    :biglaugh: I love the song "Resurrection"...."Because God resurrected Christ His Son..."

    Hey, I doubt you remember this. I was one of the "dancers" in the 10th and we performed in the chapel one Sunday to that song. Came skipping down the aisles! Seems like we had scarves or something with us.


    BTW: RRII, are you recently out? If so, enjoy the breezes; they are easier to detect away from those corner walls....and enjoy the extra money. :)

  7. (((((Ex10))))

    Thank you..

    Had to get my tear bottle out again...sweet tears.

    BTW: I changed a line in my poem, because in my mind pic I'd pick up a piece and look at it and decide whether or not to throw it in the trash. ( Just couldn't think of words for the rhythm composing the orginal.) :) :

    " 'Where do I start to pick up the pieces?'

    The answer came,

    'One at a time. Some you trash,

    And some...you keep 'em.' "

    My times with you? ...I'm keeping 'em. :love3:

    Looking FORWARD to Texas!!!! :dance:

  8. Gosh Dancing, you stated that well.

    I looked up the exWay Rev's number 6 to 10 times before making that first exit phone call.

    I was more scared than excited. :unsure:

    I still cared what family and friends might think, but knew I had to do it.

    I read in a book a few years ago, "Feel the fear and do it anyway."

    I felt the fear and did it anyway....alone.... without spouse.

    But PRAISE GOD he tiptoed outside a few months later and we are relishing the sweet breezes,

    ABSOLUTELY relishing!!!!

    And that exWay rev? ...I called him almost everyday for two months...sometimes twice or three times a day. He would tell me, "The latter rain will be greater than the first. You wait and see." He was GREAT, never asked anything in return. And he returned my calls EVERY time. We communicate about once a month or so now.

    The first day after my "official" exit (telling TWI leadership), I put on a Good Seed vinyl album. I cried because I didn't have to feel guilty for listening to old Way music!! :asdf: That's ludicrous!!

    We had been given the "directive" to not play any old Way music in fellowships. The "heart" was that it might bring up some "memories" for some folks. (WHAT THE "H" IS WRONG WITH MEMORY!!!! :asdf: ...fear...Fear....FEAR!!!) It was okay to listen to in private though. :evilshades: (I'd listen to it in private and feel I was a hypocrite. :evildenk: Huh...and I guess I was.....but ain't no more....:dance:.... at least I'm in process of unlearning the damnable habit. :) )

    (Now I understand that certain memories can hurt...dang it. Like all of us, I have my fair share. And sometimes we just aren't able to handle 'em yet. And I understand we learn to move on. I understand that...but I don't think that attitude was the "heart" behind TWI's directive. TWI promotes hiding the past in a closet and pretending that it doesn't exist.....just stuff it in drawer somewhere.....of course, until TWI tells you it is okay now to think about it.)


    And hey...this was less than a year ago.

    :dance: FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY!! :dance:

    The breezes are sweet outside!

  9. ((((Bikerbabe)))))

    Yee ha!!!!!!!!! So GLAD for YOU!!!

    The less stress, love your surrounded with, etc., WILL make a HUGE difference.

    Be sure to watch some funny movies and get some chuckles!!

    Looking forward to hearing about your progress!

    Flow 7 regarding "normal":

    Hubby asked last night: "Are you feeling normal?"

    Me: "No. I seldom feel "normal"....but that is normal....

    so I guess, yes, I must feeling normal." :biglaugh:

  10. For any of you NC/southern VA folks who want a taste of Mayberry and like contemporary Christian music:

    Todd Agnew, Michael O'Brien, Joanna Martino...and 3 local bands: Common Creek, Broken, and Refuge

    Sunday 8/27 in the amphitheatre across from the Andy Griffith Playhouse. It's free (love offering). Opens at 4:30 but bands don't start until 7:00.



    or call (336) 786-5627

    I'm a Todd Agnew fan and my son is a "roadie" with Refuge....a teenage band and they are pumped!!! :dance::dance:

  11. For any of you NC folks who want a taste of Mayberry and like contemporary Christian music:

    Todd Agnew, Michael O'Brien, Joanna Martino...and 3 local bands: Common Creek, Broken, and Refuge

    Sunday 8/27 in the amphitheatre across from the Andy Griffith Playhouse. It's free (love offering). Opens at 4:30 but bands don't start until 7:00.



    or call (336) 786-5627

    I'm a Todd Agnew fan and my son is a "roadie" with Refuge....a teenage band and they are pumped!!! :dance::dance:

  12. Funny story Oakspear. :)

    Dittos to all the above.

    Gosh...without GSC....I don't know if I ever would have found some "long lost" friends.

    And I've discovered new friends as well.

    You are (as stated above) caring, sensitive, empathetic, and funny. :biglaugh:

    Thank you beyond words for your labor of love.

    I think of that poem...."One Man Awake".

  13. Sort of a derail here..but talking $$ in the Corps.

    My hitching partner and I were 3 to 5 minutes late to the designated rendevous point for the Lead bus. We made a phone call to the Lead house and the response of course was, "Your late. Hitch back to Emporia."

    And we did...along with about 8 to 10 other folks who were late too.

    (BTW: We all got stuck in Amarillo...real wierd. Were any of your on that Lead trip? 11th/13th corps...November i think?)

    Well, it was still required that I go Lead. But since I "missed it" first time around, I had to chalk up $200.00 to go the 2nd time. (I guess everybody had to do that that didn't make it.) :blink: A spiritual partner bailed me out.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled program....

  14. I inquired of Dancing where he/she got this poem and this was Dancing's response. Click on the website; it's worth the couple minutes.

    Dancing's post from doctrinal (can't remember the thread..something about love and words started by Sirguessalot..I think):

    "I found it on the internet somewhere. Changed a couple of words.

    Made it a book and now a class!

    Bringing in millions now......

    Ha just kidding. I didn't write it.

    But I did find it on the internet, and changed a couple of words.

    here's one place that has it-

    googled the title...


    but that's not where i got it.

    it says author unknown, but they are now huh...."

    BTW: LOL Dancing....bringing in millions. Can we share in the royalties? :biglaugh:

  15. This might belong in doctrinal...but I'm putting it here anyway. :)

    As stated in other posts I've been reading, rereading, and pondering the book Cry of the Soul: How our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions About God. It has prompted me to question the teaching from TWI that God has no emotion, that when the Word states that God emotes, it is a figure of speech.

    I posed this question to someone recently out of TWI:

    Me: We were taught that God having emotions is a figure of speech. Maybe that isn't true to fact. I'm starting to question that.

    P: God doesn't change so He wouldn't have emotions.

    Me: If God has always had emotions, then he hasn't changed. He has always been that way.

    P: God is spirit.

    Me: Yes, and who are we to define what spirit encompasses. A spirit has not flesh and bones but emotions originate in the soul...not the flesh and bones.

    P: hmmmm

    In another conversation with a different person, she posed that our emotional design is perhaps part of being made in God's image.

    I do remember a teaching once by D**e B****d in rez along this line. It was from Psalms and he stated something to the effect that if God emoted, His emotions would be the most intense of any emotion we have ever felt that it would be beyond our comprehension. (Or something like that. I actually probably have those notes buried in a file somewhere. Oh geez!!) Perhaps therein lies the answer? Is it beyond our comprehension?

    What say ye? Any thoughts?

  16. Waysider...you are so funny. :biglaugh:

    Wordwolf....you nailed it!!!

    Without emotion life is lifeless. Emotion moves us to action. Emotion makes life meaningful.

    Everytime I hear the phrase "control your emotions" I change it in my head to "regulate my emotions." I can feel intensely and then determine whether or not to act on it. I can regulate how I feel by applying certain techniques I learned (outside TWI of course). TWI taught me to suppress my emotions under scripture in the guise of the renewed mind. The result is soul suicide....and for me was physical illness.

    I also have a physiological condition that effects me to the point that I really have a hard time controlling my thoughts. I have to tell myself at those times..."this will pass...it always passes" and i have to remind myself that "these thoughts/feelings are a distortion." When this condition flares I sometimes have to literally talk myself through simple tasks.


    BTW: I think I'll start that thread I've been thinking about...does God have emotions?

  17. A humble thank you for your kind words and encouragements. I feel my poem doesn't do justice to the vivid mind pic I had...but it gets the point across.

    Act2...Thanks for thinking of me. Maybe my screename will come in handy for extra prayers. :biglaugh:

    Krys....officially it will be one year in a few months. It has been one of the hardest things I've done, yet so much richness has transpired...and many deep, real, intimate relationships/reunions.

    :) A year ago at this time I awoke each morning battling a deep, vast emptiness inside. That no longer happens...the emptiness is gone. :dance: PRAISE GOD...completely GONE!!! :dance: That doesn't mean life has been a piece of cake (no where near)...but there is depth and meaning...and I am no longer living/supporting something I really don't believe in.

    This poem posted by Dancing on the doctrinal sums up those shattered pieces:

    ~A Poem of God's Grace~

    I did not know His love before,

    the way I know it now.

    I could not see my need for Him,

    my pride would not allow.

    I had it all, without a care,

    the "Self-sufficient" lie.

    My path was smooth, my sea was still,

    not a cloud was in my sky.

    I thought I knew His love for me,

    I thought I'd seen His grace,

    I thought I did not need to grow,

    I thought I'd found my place.

    But then the way grew rough and dark,

    the storm clouds quickly rolled;

    The waves began to rock my ship,

    I found I had no hold.

    The ship that I had built myself

    was made of foolish pride.

    It fell apart and left me bare,

    with nowhere else to hide

    I had no strength or faith to face

    the trials that lay ahead,

    And so I simply spoke His name

    and bowed my weary head.

    His loving arms enveloped me,

    and then He helped me stand.

    He said, "You still must face this storm,

    but I will hold your hand."

    So through the dark and lonely night

    He guided me through pain.

    I could not see the light of day

    or when I'd smile again.

    Yet through the pain and endless tears,

    my faith began to grow.

    I could not see it at the time,

    but my light began to glow.

    I saw God's love in brand new light,

    His grace and mercy, too.

    For only when all self was gone could

    Jesus Christ's love shine through.

    It was not easy in the storm,

    I sometimes wondered why.

    At times I thought, "I can't go on."

    I'd hurt, and doubt, and cry.

    But Jesus never left my side

    He guided me each day.

    Through pain and strife,

    through fire and flood,

    He helped me all the way.

    And now I see as ne'er before

    how great His love can be

    How in my weakness He is strong,

    how Jesus cares for me!

    He worked it all out for my good,

    although the way was rough.

    He only sent what I could bear,

    and then He said, "Enough!"

    He raised His hand and said, "Be still!"

    He made the storm clouds cease.

    He opened up the gates of joy

    and flooded me with peace.

    I saw His face now clearer still,

    I felt His presence strong,

    I found anew His faithfulness,

    He never did me wrong.

    And now I know more storms will come,

    but only for my good,

    For pain and tears have helped me grow

    as nothing ever could.

    I still have so much more to learn

    as Christ works in me;

    If in the storm I'll love Him more,

    that's where I want to be!

  18. In a recent reunion with a dear exway friend, he stated that he no longer "hangs people with their words."

    I thought that a good phrase.

    IMO (no data to really back it up..other than the initials that follow my name..KGBE (knowledge gained by experience) ).... it's a personality thing; it's a defense mechanism; and it is taken to the extreme in TWI. At the same time it is necessary in order to communicate clearly.

    Certain self talk phrases/words I've had to change in order to help myself have been very crucial for me. Is that part of semantics? Perhaps that has to do more with the context(s) in which those words were used and the impression they made upon my psyche?

    I enjoy words...especially etymologies. Words are like culture to me, colorful and fascinating. I'm a peruser of the word section at bookstores. And I used to "love" to do word studies...yep... I really did. :)

    BTW: Since leaving TWI, I especially enjoy using the word "hope" in contexts outside TWI's definition.

  19. Wow Dancing....an apt description of my life currently.

    Who wrote this poem?

    ~A Poem of God's Grace~

    I did not know His love before,

    the way I know it now.

    I could not see my need for Him,

    my pride would not allow.

    I had it all, without a care,

    the "Self-sufficient" lie.

    My path was smooth, my sea was still,

    not a cloud was in my sky.

    I thought I knew His love for me,

    I thought I'd seen His grace,

    I thought I did not need to grow,

    I thought I'd found my place.

    But then the way grew rough and dark,

    the storm clouds quickly rolled;

    The waves began to rock my ship,

    I found I had no hold.

    The ship that I had built myself

    was made of foolish pride.

    It fell apart and left me bare,

    with nowhere else to hide

    I had no strength or faith to face

    the trials that lay ahead,

    And so I simply spoke His name

    and bowed my weary head.

    His loving arms enveloped me,

    and then He helped me stand.

    He said, "You still must face this storm,

    but I will hold your hand."

    So through the dark and lonely night

    He guided me through pain.

    I could not see the light of day

    or when I'd smile again.

    Yet through the pain and endless tears,

    my faith began to grow.

    I could not see it at the time,

    but my light began to glow.

    I saw God's love in brand new light,

    His grace and mercy, too.

    For only when all self was gone could

    Jesus Christ's love shine through.

    It was not easy in the storm,

    I sometimes wondered why.

    At times I thought, "I can't go on."

    I'd hurt, and doubt, and cry.

    But Jesus never left my side

    He guided me each day.

    Through pain and strife,

    through fire and flood,

    He helped me all the way.

    And now I see as ne'er before

    how great His love can be

    How in my weakness He is strong,

    how Jesus cares for me!

    He worked it all out for my good,

    although the way was rough.

    He only sent what I could bear,

    and then He said, "Enough!"

    He raised His hand and said, "Be still!"

    He made the storm clouds cease.

    He opened up the gates of joy

    and flooded me with peace.

    I saw His face now clearer still,

    I felt His presence strong,

    I found anew His faithfulness,

    He never did me wrong.

    And now I know more storms will come,

    but only for my good,

    For pain and tears have helped me grow

    as nothing ever could.

    I still have so much more to learn

    as Christ works in me;

    If in the storm I'll love Him more,

    that's where I want to be!

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