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Posts posted by ebn57

  1. One of my oldest (now 95) and dearest friends told me one time, and I believe it is true, "there is nothing better than being where God has called you."

    For me that has not been easy, but it has been wonderful in some strange and exciting ways.

    Enjoying life at this time. Both the bitter and the sweet.

    We live in an "urban village" otherwise known as a transitional neighborhood in a large city. When I sit on my front porch (we all have large front porches - even those who live in the 'uppers' or second stories), it is not unusual to hear/see/smell the cultures of Africa, Puerto Rico, the middle east as well as All American punk rock.

    Thankful to have been married almost 28 years. Not all those years were good, but as Wendell Berry (now there's a great poet) said, we were "faithful to the good in each other" - even when that good was hard to see.

    Kids are independent thinkers who love God and seek to follow Jesus Christ -

    Have a wonderful job in an urban medical practice. We see people from around the world (literally) and down the street, whether they have health insurance or not. Have friends there who are Christian and Muslim and we laugh over lunch. All day hear Swahili, Russian, Arabic and Spanish spoken. Watch unbelievable explanations acted out when language fails.

    Have friends who will travel (as will I) 400 miles for a good breakfast together.

    Can it get better than this?

  2. Buffalo NY celebrates ethnic heritage like no city I have ever seen. Polka bands and beer are the big news of the day - and I had to work!

    However...........Dyngus Day has become Dyngus week - there still is time.

    This is the way we do it here - week by week, rather than day by day.

    Last month it was St. Pats, followed by the Italian St. Joe's

    Summer festival season starts in March and goes to the Wingfest finale in Sept.

    Ahhhh, Buffalo.

  3. I too, remember Good Friday well.

    Was also silent between 12-3, many businesses shutting down during this time.

    Once organized the neighbor kids and we did the stations of the cross together.

    Often the sky would darken during that time (or, was it my imagination?)

    Was always afraid to look at the statues or pictures in the church for fear that I would see actual tears or observe movement. This was a favorite story of the older neighbor kids to the younger.

  4. Here is an old nurse tip: When you cannot get away from a smell, it can be helpful to keep something intensely flavored in your mouth - altoids, tic-tacs, etc.

    Has worked well for me at times I wanted desperately to wear a mask - but thought it would be inconsiderate.

    'Course, unless you have a smart and senstive cat, you could always wear a mask .

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