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sprawled out

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Posts posted by sprawled out

  1. this was inspired by a thread in "about the way," but rather than derail that thread...

    do you think God is keeping score? is he keeping files on every one of us, checking off "naughty" and "nice" boxes like santa claus? and what's his standard, the "Word of God" that none of us can seem to agree on? how can we be held accountable to a "standard" like that?

    i don't know, i'd like to think God has better things to do than tally up our hits and misses. seems to me the whole scorekeeping thing is strictly a human preoccupation.

    what do YOU think?

  2. scum? that's pretty harsh, innit?

    scum Slang. One, such as a person or an element of society, that is regarded as despicable or worthless.

    most of the corps i knew--myself included--were good people with good hearts and good intentions. a few--mostly those in big positions--were a**holes. VERY few were what i would call scum.

    maybe you knew different folks than i did. or maybe you're referring more to the latter-day corps, the ones i've only read about on GSC!

  3. there's something surreal about this whole discussion, when you consider that the whole thing was built, not on "truth," but on lies (the snowpumps, and therefore God's "promise") and deception (presenting others' work as his own). i DO think that a part of him believed it all, at least sometimes, but he couldn't have FORGOTTEN how it all started.

    i remember seeing and hearing him, too. amazingly, the memories still tug at my heartstrings today. but based on what we now know, so much of it HAD TO BE AN ACT. a damn good act, for sure, but a put-on just the same. why didn't vp confront twi's straying from the truth? because "the truth" was NEVER his concern. "the ministry" (i.e., his thing, his monument, his power base) was. HE WAS A CHARLATAN. and that's the bottom line, isn't it?

  4. i'm sorry that you haven't realized your dream as yet, but you're right--it would've been a never-ending nightmare if you had kids and your ex was still in. that's what they call bittersweet, i guess.

  5. i thought there were a lot of us.

    i wonder what the percentage is, of divorced ex-wayers compared to the "norm?"

    how many would say that they're involvement in the way contributed to the demise of their marriage(s)?

  6. my only "experience" with momentus was all it took to convince me i wanted nothing to do with it.

    i was having lunch with john lynn (something we used to do once a year when he was in the area), and he brought it up to me. this was before any of the bad press, etc. so i asked him to tell me about it. he responded by saying "you'll have to take the class to find out," the same kind of bs we used to say when telling someone to take pfal. i knew right then i'd never have anything to do with it.

  7. thanks, ex. do you know if anyone has figured out how they're getting those materials? did they buy a warehouse-full of them wholesale when twi was moving to the wap stuff? they've apparently been around for years--how do they have anything left to sell? (unless there are very few buyers, which is a distinct possibility...)

  8. (thanks, ca--that much i know!)

    so shortfuse, was it published by the way? after lcm's departure, i assume. (that's what really got me curious--my understanding is that info about the early days was suppresed under craiggie's reign.) does it say anything of substance, or is it just another glorifying glossover?

    was it promoted? was it an attempt to recapture some of what had been lost? or just throwing old dorothy a bone?

    any thoughts on it would be appreciated.

  9. it seemed to me at the time that almost everyone i knew left twi when i did, which was april 1987. after being around here a while, i can see there were lots who stayed. but i'm curious--who here left in that time frame?

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