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Posts posted by oenophile

  1. Suppose if YOU (whoever you may be) are now the favorite poster of one here now and YOU caused this person grief at one time during your tenure in TWI. Is your tormentor to blame for that person's suffering also? Were you just a neutral conduit through which passed slings and arrows of your present admiring reader's past misfortune? Or are you alone responsible for whatever injury you may have inflicted? What would your admiring reader's reasonable response be if he or she knew you were YOU? Perhaps this answer would be enlightening as you ponder how you want to respond to your former tormentor.


    George, I'll try to clarify. Most of us have been subjected to abuse in one form or another during our TWI daze. Most of us occasionally were also on the giving end of the abuse if we are honest with ourselves. The question posed by this thread, what if one of your favorite posters turns out your former abuser in TWI. My response to that question is simply perhaps you response to your favorite poster (formerly tormentor) could be informed by how you would hope that one who admires your posts now whom you may have tormented would respond to you.

    I hope this de-muddifies my earlier post.

  2. Suppose if YOU (whoever you may be) are now the favorite poster of one here now and YOU caused this person grief at one time during your tenure in TWI. Is your tormentor to blame for that person's suffering also? Were you just a neutral conduit through which passed slings and arrows of your present admiring reader's past misfortune? Or are you alone responsible for whatever injury you may have inflicted? What would your admiring reader's reasonable response be if he or she knew you were YOU? Perhaps this answer would be enlightening as you ponder how you want to respond to your former tormentor.


  3. people are born

    people die

    what happens in between?

    A Chinese writer was charged with the task of writing a short history of the human race. "Man is born, suffers and dies", he wrote.

  4. Was LCM an abusive, arrogant cult leader and sexual predator?

    The facts are pretty clear about this. He was.

    Is LCM narcissist?

    I don't know. I doubt many here are qualified to make that diagnosis and probably none who may be qualified have actually interviewed him.

    Could LCM seen the error of his ways?

    Perhaps...or not. Who can say? Has anyone talked with him lately?

    Should he burn in hell for his sins?

    Not for me judge. Let him who is without sin cast him into the lake of fire.

    Should he have to go to jail or make financial restitution to his victims?

    Probably but the statute of limitations has most likely expired. Why weren't criminal charges for rape brought?

    Is his failure to make an apology here evidence that he is not contrite?

    I am not sure. One would think that one's conscience would direct one to make an apology.

  5. Steve, my friend and co-worker passed away last night.

    Rest in Peace dear friend. Save a place for me at the bar up there big guy and order me one of whatever you are having. I'm looking forward to hearing your belly laugh and seeing your smile once again beyond this vale of tears and pain.

    Love always.

  6. A few weeks ago, I announced that Ryan had his research paper selected for publication in the Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History. A few of you asked me to let you know when you could read the paper when it was published. You will find the link below.

    To read his paper, simply scroll down until you see his name, Ryan Jackson, alongside the title of his paper. Click on the preview and his paper will come up.


  7. Hey there Robin. I'll disagree with that one, though I do see where you are coming from. :)

    Mr.P-Mosh (given his situation), makes a valid point. Also --- this is a RECOVERY site.

    Folks need to be able to ask, question, discuss, etc., without fear of the wayGB.

    Nothing *cliquish* about that at all, especially if they still have family *in*,

    and need advice to help them out, eh? Just my imo. :)

    I understand Mr. P-Mosh's point and I empathize with his and others predicament of having friends and family still in twi. I suppose what I don't understand how is it that lurker here can find out someone's identity without that persons consent. You know my name is Robin because I given out that information. Most here post under pseudonyms.

    Who decides who is able to post in the "inner circle." What is the screening criteria? What safeguards would be in place that this forum wouldn't be used to malign someone who is not privy to remarks against him/herself. There was such a forum had a similar noble purpose that turned into a slander room.

  8. Billy Graham was right. The higher powers of Romans 13 are NOT the leaders in the church....they are the civil leaders in government. VPW always used the example of Hitler as the reason this section couldn't refer to government leaders ... but the powers that be that are ordained of God ARE a terror to good works. It took several years of my being out of TWI to see the logic in this section ...

    Suppose I was Christian living in Poland after the Nazi invasion. Would I be obliged to turn in my neighbor who I knew was hiding Jews in her home? If I were a Hutu living in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide, would I be bound by my faith to show government troops, who were rounding up Tutzis for extermination, where Tutzis were hiding?

  9. Steve opened his eyes last week and he is recognizing his family and friends who come to his room. He is still not speaking yet. Contrary to what I was told by his nurse intially there apparently is some brain damage, the extent of which is unknown at this point. His recovery is expected to be an arduous one which probably last at least eighteen months.

    He did elect long term disability income protection as apart of his benefits at work. That pays 60% of the average of his last two years earnings. The Detroit sales team has organized a benefit for him at one of the pubs for this week. Suppliers donated the beer so the proceeds of the evening will go to his family to help close the gap. In Grand Rapids, we are organizing a poker night for the same reason later this month. In addition, the Company is going to cover his mortgage payments for the next year and will find a position for him when and if he is able to return.

    Please continue to pray for Steve that he makes a full recovery.

  10. Dr. Seuss on Aging


    I cannot see

    I cannot pee

    I cannot chew

    I cannot screw

    Oh, My God, what can I do.

    My memory shrinks

    My hearing stinks

    No sense of smell

    I look like hell

    My mood is bad--can you tell.

    My body's drooping

    Have trouble pooping

    The Golden Years are here at last

    The Golden Years can kiss my a$$!!

  11. No, I don’t believe Judas was saved. He is even called the son of perdition[/b]

    Is that a judgment for you to make? Could there not have been a cry out to God for forgiveness amid the anguish that led him to take his life?

  12. I saw the Randy Pausch special hosted by Diane Sawyer this week. It was really inspiring and I am not ashamed to say I got a lump in my throat. Speaking of his wife, he told the students who filled the lecture hall that he met someone whose happiness was more important than his own and that he hoped that each one of them would do the same.

  13. Mr. P,

    Actually the reason your Guinness tastes better in Ireland than the States is because what you get here is brewed in Canada for the "American palate." Technically, Guinness is not even a stout, it's a porter. Stouts have a much higher gravity and abv than the 4.3 of Guinness.

    Actually my favorite stout is Lion from Sri Lanka @ 8% abv. It has a much better mouthfeel and carmel character. When it comes to an Irish Red Ale, give me O'Hara's.

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