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Posts posted by CONNERRON

  1. Hello:

    I just thought i'd drop another note to say that you should not be concerned about the rotten position taken by those of TWI on any scripture, they are mindless , and fanatic about "selling" their dogma. They have no reguard to anything but that. Martindale and etc. made and absolute decree of the "Hand of Man of God to it

    that my prayers would go straight ot satan till i conceeded to their demands, and even mumbled myself to them to accept discipline for my offenses; AND if I refused that was just sin upon sin, as was every disobedience of the Man of God.

    Just a note to remind you that you're dealing with unstable people.


    connerron :asdf:

  2. Hello;

    The TWI, huh huh! ,(ole crap of Craig when he was demanding something), it is a terribly destructive , cult of the part of society that could'nt make it any legal or moral way, so the original one of them heard about a new con to run that actually got attention and movement from the spiritual realm, ( did'nt matter which side), and poof he and all those that would tolerate his sickness , were on their way to a monumental rotteness of legendary proportions. Preach up to break time and go have multi partner sex in his motorhome, with the young women recruited to "bless the man of god afer all he's done. And if they did'nt want to then break'em down to it.

    Many of the originals were from his witness at Woodstock , and having no home he invited them all to the farm . Many of which came there, and got the whole free love thing going i guess. Then when he had drugies, or prostitutes, well , guess he could'nt preach on it if he did'nt know everything about it, and he never stopped researching.

    It is a knowing , sick, cauculating, mafia like clan and cult, that intends to stay wealthy, and have clout to deny the truth and law, till ( i started to say something stupid about the return of Christ, but they are fanatic that their secret priesthood is the returned Christ incarnate, only problem I think we are talking about two differnt ones ), something stopps them, and it gets ugly any time they even hear the word no!

    Once thaey have made up their minds to their "BELIEVINGS" dare and confess unbelief about it. The sacred addgenda of the man of god and his will be done is all!!!!!!!!!

    They will knowingly warp anyone they can , if you won't program , or give ole whoever his way, there is going to be trouble one time or another when ole .......... has help with him.

    These nut cases started their own police force, guns, cars with insignias, and all ; under the man of god

    sovergin rulership. And they mean sovergin , dare any even speak back to him, let anone deny or defy him.

    He is devine authority come to earth. Just the wrong kind i think. God is God, but this is god .

    They try to be a dream come true till they are your whole life , then it gets pushy, and then it gets ugly, then V*** Mc**** risks his life by storming through your apartment uninvited, then screaming , cusing you out, and demanding that Bob Moynihan be aplumbed and his assanine rage be given it's due aplumb!

    or else. They are omnipotent, and any defiance of the rotten spue brings the whole place down on you.

    Frankly Mc*** is luck to be alive, I do a lot out of respect for the real God , reguardless of what a swine like them can do , but me and at least one other drew a line with his butt kissing shows to defend the all mighty Man of god , and make some big show for him. But since the tactic got him the run of the place guess reprobates do prosper. The place is full of this mess , even after purging.

    The theme is an Acts age ministry , with all the power of the Jews and Rome,and all the spiritual position of Christ Jesus , and their theme , any lie , or spirit is a good one if it gets us our way, and gets us away with it. Every filth of the "gypsys" , and every rotteness of bigbusiness crime, all in one. And who they can't run they curse.

    The bible they teach is corrupt, and never presents the whole truth, so just go to the local Ohio meath market bar , probably around west Dayton etc. and pick up some super religious , cheap date , and there

    you are, a safe version of a TWI.

    The indoctrinated higherarchy also knows just what they are doing, and operated a private mental hospital , where incoragables could be made to go to till they were well, and could be a use to the household again, and stop this counterproductive contending about things that were just not true. That was defined as

    anything including all manner of crimes, that they wanted covered up. If no one caught them and was big enough to do something about it right then, by the time they got five minutes away from it it was cursed as looking back, (a corruption of a scripture from the book of Eze.

    A spider net in the dark corners of life to they to get your self out of before the big one can get at you.

    It's i pit.

    god Bless and Keep You,

    connerron :nono5:

  3. Hello:

    I almost forgot the most inportant part of all that , >>>>>>> "THE CURSED LOOKING BACK" TACTIC!

    "Well if it happened last night it's a new day , and thats cursed as looking back!!!!! I"ll reproove ya sore!

    This covered any thing from a fart in class , to raping your wife of course, and every Corps person was sworn to , (another WAYWORD), to ''Operate it".

    Sorry almost forgot, guess it was cursed as looking back HUH!HUH!.

    Thanks for your time,

    connerron :asdf:

  4. Hello;

    I just had a comment.

    Has anyone ever heard the shovel full that was attempted to be taught that IDOLITRY , was "anything the Holy Man of God could'nt have you give up, or give over to him", and FEAR that was any reason to not do what they wanted you to " IT"S JUST FEAR NOT TO ......................" . The contex i first heard it used in was when V*** Mc*** was trying to break someone up , and he raged, like he was inclined to when he could'nt get his way , or the TWI"s way , "IT"S JUST FEAR NOT TO LET GO OF HER FOR OTHERS", of course he was trying to get next in line but who cares about that. Three difernt times i heard that rotton minion use that on someone.

    Then i would be reproted to headquarters and two of them would call and label you, and/or mark you to #1 punnish you thhrough disassociation, and #2 , get you out of their way if you were'nt going to cooperate;

    so thaey had time to get done what they wanted, and get away with it, without getting caught.

    bye the way , I WAS RIGHT , HE WANTED NEXT's.

    And Way Corps , what do you think the oath of salt was for?



  5. Hi;

    There were numerous terms for actions against members ," like the up the ladder , down the ladder",

    when and issue went up the ladder of the higherarchy, and you still did'nt want to submit to them, then you could just by your own action suffer going down the other side of the ladder till you were destroyed low enought to give in to them ; or the old manning ; the latter state worse than the first ; three day deathing of the Dr. . The whole thing comes back to a twisted mind / minds who were very sucessfull as a secret society for years and years. Free home , free sex, some free food , church to make you feel better, and

    "like-minded believers"; thats why they program so much, and play you so much. It's a pit , and a criminal

    game, and they know what they are doing.

    Thanks for your time,


  6. Hello;

    I just wanted to let you know that i am one of those that v** Mc*** took on in the old days and contrived some things for a mark and avoid, then later after Donald Wierwille said he was the fault of it to begin with , then I guess Craig tried to avenge his Corps brother with some other actions.

    But after i replyed to Craig was the death threats , the 15-20 episodes of violence, me stalked, and my house staked out by their "enforcement bureau" , Craig thought he was going to see me punnished for exposing P*** F**** , V*** Mc**** , and several others , and get me back for my national exposure of TWI. Including the wayfer go home sticker campagin. In addition I had confrontations with dozens of their "Fellows of the Corps". A fter one threat an accident on one of my construction jobs almost killed me, another and something came through the car window and knocked me out for a while , as the car went on by it's self almost killing me, and me and several friends caught up with quite a few that said it was made plain that " I had to die ! as a statement , for the "must die by the hand of the arversary curse i had earned.

    Another thing was the three day death i could have suffered as a "sufferage" , the old maning, the latter state worse then the first, or the Kill thy self a an dersion ", that was one of my favorites. I guess I was supposed to drink, drugs , and sex myself to death?? Thats what they did! . Anyway i heard by faithfull men or spirits a zillion times about one of the two going to get me!!. Out of that numerous "fellows of the Way

    went to hospitals, jails, and some i don't know if anyone every went to help them. But i did make a clear statement that their Way justice system was not going to stand with me, by faithfull man or by spirits.

    i also met numerous persons that thay had done this mess to in the past, and the spirit part is real, they like I was for a time were plagued by it. Many ran away from but some fought it, and them, and are doing


    I had a lot of other things to go throuhgh but now i am getting back into major construction.

    thank- for your time.


  7. Hello

    I remember some other good ones like the one where if the Man Of od is challenged by someone with scripture that he has broken , then the instant defense was to be " how will you ever suffer that for the Man Of God then , for his glory is to high , and you must suffer for his name's sake these things , he might have to "break some eggs to make the omlet" , but he will never suffer evil for it , he is a glory too high"

    Or the on about believers not being able to get HIV , so they went out with whoever and had sex, and # 1

    had no doubt that speaking in tongues was all it took if they were unbelief, and if a believer then that was just "blessing a friend",( we were just friends, meant sex but no attachments), so there was absolutely no sin in that. Or by doin it , teaching some way woman to be shared with leadership, or traded for the night;

    or #2 that someone could be out having group sex or enforced swapping the night before, or i guess even gay sex, and serve communion the next day.

    Or all the revelations to "see visions , and hear voices, and you dern well better speak in tongues to the

    blessing of it as your prayer , and their will be done"

    There is a list of things like this that goes on for days.

    I'd tell you about it all but it's going to be hard enought to suffer this for them.



  8. Hello

    TWI is all but purposely behavior controling anyone into a mess , that if you're there long, you've done so many rotten things you can't even begin to explain it to "normal" people, and they twist your head into a trait that you really can't live any other way. I have thought for years they designed it, but the trith be known the spiritual corruption probably designed it, and they just fornd out that it worked. TWI takes and addicted person and makes them worse, not only do they no solve the addiction but they capitalize on every addiction and opening, to get into a control situation.

    One congressperson's aide was talking to me about them, and was agast , calling them a manipulating

    corruption using Pavalov's experiments in behavior control, and the Stockholm Syndrom to the max, along with just good ole religion.

    I would have to say injured past coping if you let them. I was there the night Martindale bragged about the rose girl killing herself, after she refused her lifetime commitment. See what God did to her for walking out on the man of God!!! He just did'nt tell anyone that for several months they carried out a war against her and her family for her backing out. Ruined her father's business , dis charged him as a country leader, hounded her day and night , " die by the hand of the adversary then , ( and dare you disobey us).

    After all that and every one turn away from her like Craig said , then she killed her self . Think about the fact that she had been working with the Way Dr. about problems like addictions etc. , and they too slammen her, and they did'nt know what they were doing?????

    There is also their attorney Mr. Swift, calling the city I live in , and trying to good ole boy the police to help them get me for all the abominable things like offending the Man of God, and refusing to keep my silence about the ministry , then proceeded to chastise the police for denying his devine authority, and pushed them till they called and warned me, and almost arrested him.

    They are evil, and essentially know what they are doing. Remember that crap of "clay for the hand of man of God , and girl for his bed , you refuse one of them and find out what they are.



  9. Hello

    An apolgy!!?? from who?? I don't know Ms. Rivenbarch , but many of the rest i do! There is not one you can dare turn you back on. Every time you tried to trust one of them, you found out just how bad , bad could get. One senior minister told me to my face , " I never have and never will pass up a free ...............

    .................. with any woman including , .............................. (my fiance), if it's even kind'a offered, and you are'nt gonna do anything about it" ; her an others if he could get them. One who was a cleaned , redeemed, leader, with just the best references, and on,on, yea , also great at group sex with witnesses, party sex with unbelievers, trade strip and oral for bar tab , and the other leaders covered up , because they were next in line, and she recruited so well. And always made shuch good money, worked so hard, and just staunched to way in all, and her, with the 38dd , and the rest, the black hair, and the great face, and if

    she had just finished with one guy 15 min ago, she could/would lie staight faced to you , that she was the

    best littl girl in town , and turn it all on you as overbearing, and the dreaded jealous of GOD'S man working with her. Others knew every bit of this and their $44,000,000.00 in the checking account was too important to tell the truth that they thought that "believers" were safe from hiv, so why not go with that guy who had been around it??? , ya just in unbelief!!

    It goes too deep, and too sick, and with so many they will just say whatever it takes to get away with whatever, for even one more day.

    Thanks for your time,

    connerron :nono5:

  10. Hello:

    I wanted to briefly comment on the lord/apostleship of ole Dr. Wierwille.

    I think he started out as a spitful man, who the devil offered something to and he essialy just said, yes, "I'm tired of being a failure", and went with it. Then when Satan saw he play along and even get into it, he just took over. Apostle yes, but for who?

  11. Hello:

    I guess my long version was not acceptable? But the whole thing boils down to the fact that it was like an asyllum with the worst in charge. Or a cross between a sci- fi horror film, and like the mafia. Their crimes,

    sins, and spirit operation qualify them in almost to many catagories to list. And, now one of the worst of them is almost in charge , which is no surprise. V*** Mc*** is one of the worst of the mindless obedient, and the whatever it takes to get his way, and he'll get you any way he thinks he can , so their legacy goes on.

    anolgy ????? zoo with all the cages open?

    thanks for your time,


  12. Hello:

    I am very much like you in that i have a hard time with persons , and maintaining friends, but i had to remind my self of oter scriptures like bearing others burdens, if one in the body hurts we all do, and how many times to forgive a real brother that truely makes a mistake. I thank Yehovah god all the time that i can be good with people , and still not comprimise his word, He has helped a million times.

  13. Hello:

    I have doubted to truth about speaking in tongues for some time, and researched it in depth on several occassions. Every time it comes back to the fact that it is described in the book of Acts as being able to speak to anyone and be understood , reguardlless of their language. I always thought this might be tied to the old language that everyone spoke at one time before the tower of Babel.

    My opinion is that tongues have ceased as it says they will, and that the deamons have counterfited tongues, to either ridicule God through how utterly stupid some people get with it ; or to communicate between themselves , and with persons to some degree as a trick, or outright lie and "witchcraft" to "confess spirits to their intent" . Has Yehovah God ever said vision yourself "having ...................."s wife , and i'll grant it for you ; but, it's common in some places i know!! God will never go against anything he says , no matter who says so. The so called reverend Robert Moynihan is enraged at the sight of me , one because i stood right on the Word and denied his making me bow down to him , time after time, then with he and v*** Mc*** , and that he had to finally admit that God did his Word and refused M**** in all he was campagining, and he lost the fight. So i think , he spoke in tongues a lot, and others for him , but the word was done, because i replyed with it , thus the overturn. I also think that the stone headed , and stone wall

    to baptisim , has it's rational in the satan can manipulate his own , but once they are baptised , he has no more authority, like he had. Thereby tongues can be a great ploy , and the receiving of the "annointment of tongues", just gets you started into the crap of accepting spirits on you, as though something good or necessary.

  14. Hello;

    My period of time around TWI was like the two faced people, and spiritul operated that i think they really are. At first you're the best thing in the world, and every thing you can think of starts coing to you. I was recruited by an incredible looking woman , who i almost married; then when up through the system of TWI

    to be friends with Donald , and the older Ms Wierwille. Strangely enough she was one of the few that talked straight. Lori Wierwille ran the WOW group, and my first class, and Ms. Wierwille came to vist , at that point it was the dead point in the class that goes on forever, and I was about to quit. She talked to me for a while and said how is tha class going? I said the first part was great butnow i'm about to quit. She said look dr. was a preacher, and when they get on the soap box , they are all the same, just grit your teeth through this and he gets better. So i did, and all the other classes all the way to the first New Advanced Class.

    But things started getting wierd, and people started taking me aside and talking to me about things that sounded really wierd, like sci-fi , or satanist, or the mafia i grew up with.

    I met Craig and his wife , and most of all the leaders, and the wierd kept getting worse. There was i public side, and then a secret , and sick side , that nothing mattered about anything but TWI getting it's way, and getting away with it ; even to the point of conversation about the legalitys of forming their own atonamy like tha Catholic Church property, in that it's not a part of the us and not altogether subject to their laws.

    A i listened and watched, then went throught the grief that my then fiance was putting me through . Things got to be clearer, and clearer ; TWI would get their way , or there was going to be a bad problem.

    When this extended to my fiance , as one of their best recruiters, being urged to get going with her Way work again , and me being told straight out i would not have anything to say about this, or her time with other men!, reguardless of how many , or to what extent ; I was told "you will not ask" , it's ministry business, and what she's doing is not your concern. My answer was less than agreement to put it mildly,

    so Martindale advised her to do what ever she had to , TWI was her first concern, and he'd back anything she did, the V*** Mc*** got involved, and he and my fiance hit it off much too well.

    After alcohol, some druges, and her sneaking out anytime she could to party sex, i made it through three

    times but at a party she was out with someone else and got caught by several people , and there was a scene. I told her i wanted to know what was going on and she said ,"you can't stand what you did see , let alone what you haven't shut-up". Shortly after I end our relationship, and she went on with V***, and from what i know of the people , some thirty others , in about a year.

    This whole disertation has a point though! TWI s a secret group, dead set against many bible principals like baptisim , and W*** C*** will get in your face in a second if you get into the book of IS , and start on

    it. There are other parts like money and power, and secret ways to enforce things to people , right or wrong,

    that become evident. Later i went after TWI when i found out the truth that my fiance had all sorts of sex partners as WOW, and they all enjoyed her well before me, even by groups. All with her concent, but always

    what ever got TWI it's way of getting new people, new money, and getting them into situations that they would not like publicly known. Even the regional director of the FBI , who's son was a member, was dating a great looking TWI girl for a while.

    This kind of corruption, wife swapping, the leaders better neve be denied anything even your wife if they chose it , and the secret mafia style dealings, like threats to my life, and waring against everything they could with me for 15 yr. ; and all the sick spirit mess that becomes evident, it WREAKS of serious

    devilish operation , or out right criminal operation. My anolagy is like an asyllum with the sickest ones in charge, or an extreemly well built criminal organization , with no interests except TWI , and that's demonic.

    A zoo with the cage doors open works too , but that almost too mild.

    I won't tak up any mor time, but the real extent of this is sickening. I was arrested in a small town , just to gewt back at me and "warn me once and for all , and when they were putting me in the car, i was told

    remember Craig? , TWI , they said hi. There was a judge that after three days got me out and was not very complimentry of what had gone on, but advised me , '' SIR GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM , JOB HERE OR NOT I CAN NOT ASSURE YOUR SAFETY , EVEN IF I ORDER THE POLICE TO".

    Criminal , spirit pit of hell , or "best" parts of both, I think they are a dangerous , sick , trap.



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