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Posts posted by coolchef

  1. ok picture this if you wish

    when i am no longer here i will have no wake,no funeral{i am sick of them,and don't want to subject friends and family to attend another}and no obit.

    this is the pre paid ad that will be in my local paper upon my death.

    DENNIS ARSENAULT..10/03/4.....??????

    Dennis has left this planet.

    He has sang his last song and danced his last dance.

    he had a dammed good time journing threw this wonderful place called earth and this wonderful thing we call life.

    see you soon, i'll keep the light on for you!

    My, what a long strange trip it's been......from woodstock to social secrurity.


    well that's it what do you think? am i nuts!!!!????"

    this is for real

  2. as mark will tell you,many,many things have changed over the years and imo to the good

    i can't remember who posted about church members going to midnite mass a little buzzed but how about ole barnyard vic teaching the word totally buzzed!!

    and as i said the wine is good!


  3. ex i agree

    but i don't think it was done as much as the media carries,i.e.

    "a priest fondled me 20 yrs ago ,i forgot ,now i am 55 and want 50 million.

    sure it happened but alot of these charletans are just that


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