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Everything posted by watersedge

  1. who defines the "color" or path of any conversation? to speak freely is a gift............it yields no fear when someone is afraid to speak openly they are afraid to be themself and that will always cause conflict, deserved or not ps the "twit brain" picture is cool
  2. Ive never been a part of the way (witnessed or recruited, whatever word you may choose) was as far as my involvment goes. i was totally turned off by my one time shot at joining in 1987. my girlfriend at the time went head and heals over the spiel and left me because of my refusals.............so much for "meaningful relationship" since then i have tried a few different religions, a few sects, a few churches and my general conclusion is that most, if not all of man's religion sucks. at least my parents taught me to be mindful of other's feelings and how to be tolerant of others life. i won't give you a list of every indescretion or screw-ups commited by me, but if you allow me i will give you an "i like" list 1. honesty 2. beer 3. good music (all flavors) 4. walks on the beach 5. sunsets and sunrises (up for both most times) 6. good cookouts 7. good beer 8. real heart (as opposed to false care) 9. life........i take it as it comes 10. ice cold beer that reminds me of something i was told a long time ago, if the beer* and food are good and tastey you got nothing to complain about *substitute soda or wine if desired
  3. we have "bike lanes" for the bikers (bicyclists) to travel on, yet they insist on using the main road for the method of travel. personally i think the cyclists want everyone to see the bright and colorful garb they wear, the protective headgear, etc. if you give tack strips to them in coffee cups, and toss out hot coffee thru your car window in a general spray pattern they tend to move out of your way they really do begin to lear that your car is bigger than the the helmit they wear
  4. mama said life would be like a box of chocolates you never what you're gonna get to condemn someone to hell, thats harsh mistakes can be made by anyone, that's a daily occurence to condemn anyone is an act of vengeance vengeance is not for "free" for it does carry a price before i mete it out i do value the cost and most times the cost falls back my philosophy on vengeance...............leave it to those whom have not commited any sin or "that" sin that is charged, the "stone" that is thrown may be a boomerang when that stone returns it hits harder and with far more accuracy
  5. thanks all of you, the pie and cake was yummy the coffee fresh brewed and tasty the beer beverages were AWESOME ecspecially with the fresh shrimp never been TWI, but went to a few fellowships many a moon ago and did't like the taste of the plate served. after reading many of the posts made here i can say that i made the right choice in NOT getting involved yet i had to find out what happened with twi, a google search later and the info flowed so sorry for the pain some have suffered, yet i see (and read of the gains) keep gaining on cause life will never pass you by
  6. Here where i live, they (the lance armstrong wannabees) take up every lane they "own" the traffic pattern come hell or high water Do i hit 'em as they rudely block the road? wish i could my method of proper punishment is to give them bikers some coffee on the fly with a few tack nails in their path of travel
  7. thanks for the welcomes the beach was alive with colors from the sky, the fireworks, and the people who showed up for the display SLOW is good for me............i've already talked too much for now
  8. on the water's edge, feeling the tide and watching the sky change colors. seeing so many people forget their problems, leaving their hurts behind being awed at the miles upon miles of the fireworks going off - north and south as far as the eye can see the amazement of people really connecting, even if for but a moment that's the 4th i had tonight
  9. Thanks Wayfer Not and Happy Birthday Its off to the beach for awhile....catch a few of the last rays of the day and feel the splash of the tide
  10. I chose my name because i live next to the gulf.............get to watch alot of sunsets and touch the waters edge with my feet most every night
  11. little afraid to post, but thought i'd say hi
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