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Posts posted by Siouxzahn

  1. Combination, carbohydrates are fruits, starches, starchy vegetables (peas, corn) and anything with sugar basically.

    Atkins is a fabulous diet and it seems to work best for men. Women too, don't get me wrong, but men seem to lose weight so easily, don't they?? It's all that muscle mass and those heavy skeletons they walk around with!

    On Atkins you eat to your heart's content on beef, fish, eggs, chicken, pork, cheese, nuts, green (mostly leafy) vegetables, tomatoes, butter - things like that.

    And plenty of water and enzymes and fish oils.



  2. I'm not sure when doing something like this would be appropriate. Ever.

    I'm not gentle at all. I've said horrible things - because I too - am very rough around the edges. But I never made excuses (much less biblical ones) for it and appologized.


    When someone gets on here and is like: OMG! They are slandering my good name! What good name? John? Or some weird screen name? John1232822lolomfg for example. Oh no! All of the Johns will be able to pick this John, Jon, Johhnnneeeee wtf his name is out of the rest of them in this giant world.


    Oh Nero, I do like your style.

    I just read this entire thread and enjoyed it immensely. But this post was the topper.

  3. Hello Roy, and thanks for your heartfelt, somewhat poetic account of how many, many little treasures come to be on this earth for us to love.

    So many of your stories practically break my heart to read but I always read them.

    Love back at you Roy - I know it's a-comin' from you!


  4. I am completely against second-hand smoke. I really don't understand why smokers feel their right to smoke is more important than my right not to smoke. In certain public places, it should be banned. However, I wouldn't say that it should be banned in bars or in certain areas outside and such. I used to not care, until a friend introduced me to his mom who has bad asthma that gets triggered by cigarette smoke even outside. She can't even go to a park without the risk of someone smoking while walking by triggering an attack. We really need to balance the perceived right to smoke with everyone else's right to breathe.

    However, the second-hand smoking statistics are generally only for people who are in close proximity with smokers. E.g. the children of smokers, people that work at bars, etc. They are the ones most at risk. It's also laughable to complain about cigarette smoke coming into your car from another car while sitting in traffic since cars emit so much more pollution, including carcinogens, than cigarettes do.

    The reality is that there are a lot of things that cause cancer, including cigarettes. Cancer rates are through the roof for a variety of reasons. I haven't looked at the statistics lately, but I'd bet that colon cancer rates are through the roof as a result of our diets while lung cancer rates are high due to primarily air pollution. Smoking is certainly a part of it, but we have to put everything in the proper balance and try to tackle the biggest issues first. Smoking bans are a good thing, when done correctly. However, it doesn't help if we blow the impact of second hand smoke out of proportion with reality and discredit the facts that indicate smoking is dangerous.

    Mister P-Mosh I realize I entitled this thread "Secondhand smoke kills so many people" then referred to heart and lung disease; so you have every right to assume that all of my complaints about having to smell or breathe cigarette smoke are about being concerned about getting some disease.

    But that is not the case; I apparently ran two thoughts together - I just don't like the smell, and I was saying it's everywhere I go. So in that case, it's not laughable that I would mind smelling the smoke even if I am in traffic where odorless toxic emissions are present.

    Different things bother different people. Does anything in your environment bother you? Maybe noise pollution?

  5. Ha ha.... :biglaugh:

    You guys are great on this board. This is the best board I've personally ever seen. Love the responses! The kind ones, the angry ones, the appeal-to-reason ones, the comparisons.

    I know smoking is a very touchy issue and I'm really not the controlling type. Any addiction feels close to impossible to control, let alone give up, whether it's food, alcohol, or drugs; in this case, nicotine. They're all about the same to my way of thinking.

    But I agree with those who have commented on the horrors of certain chemicals and colognes. I'm really grateful that people seem to wear so much less cologne and perfume these days, at least in the places I go. I'm far less sensitive to chemicals and specifically colognes than I used to be but when you're sensitive to them it really makes you feel sick to be around them.

  6. Oh, sure Jim, coming right up.


    Here's one for starters

    American Lung Association

    Here's an excerpt from above link:

    August 2006

    Secondhand smoke, also know as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is a mixture of the smoke given off by the burning end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar and the smoke exhaled from the lungs of smokers. It is involuntarily inhaled by nonsmokers, lingers in the air hours after cigarettes have been extinguished and can cause or exacerbate a wide range of adverse health effects, including cancer, respiratory infections, and asthma.1

    Secondhand smoke has been classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a known cause of cancer in humans (Group A carcinogen).2

    Secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in children and adults who do not smoke. Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic, including formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, arsenic ammonia and hydrogen cyanide.3

    Secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 22,700-69,600 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year.4

    A study found that nonsmokers exposed to environmental smoke were 25 percent more likely to have coronary heart diseases compared to nonsmokers not exposed to smoke.5

  7. I was trying to compare the statistics between drunk driving related deaths/injuries and secondhand smoke related deaths and illnesses.

    Sadly the statistics are very high for both.

    I feel very strongly about secondhand smoke being forced on nonsmokers everywhere you go, from early morning till into the night sometimes. Not continuous, but the nasty stuff is everywhere I go.

    I leave the house in the morning early to the stench of someone's smoke coming over the back wall while they smoke on their back patio, evidently to avoid having the poisonous stuff in their own homes. So they share it with me instead.

    I come home in the evening and as I walk up the walk I have to breathe the same neighbor's secondhand smoke in the front yard, while she stands in her driveway, again so as not to pollute her own home.

    I sit in traffic and have to close my windows and turn off my vent because the cigarette smoke from the driver in front of me comes right in my car.

    Many tens of thousands of nonsmokers die annually from heart and/or lung disease from breathing secondhand smoke.

    I was just wondering if more die from this or more from drunk drivers. I think it might be from the drunk drivers. Couldn't manage the statistics in my search as I would have liked.

  8. My first (and ONLY time 15 years ago) cost me about a grand,

    but I was able to keep my driver's license because I drove for work then.

    I WAS restricted to non-driving status when I was *off the clock*.

    The judge made it very clear when I could and could not drive.

    That *woke* me up, but obviously Nephilum hasn't learned his lesson.

    While testing .09 with .08 as the limit is somewhat minor -- to me --

    It's still the law. Cabs are cheaper than DWI's.

    And to answer your question Siouxzahn -- No. Two weeks of jail time won't cure him.

    But he should still serve (regardless of his medical condition).

    I guess I don't understand how the jail would be responsible for his medical bills.

    But you asked how I feel about this subject -- and there you have it.


    No problem at all dmiller. I agree, for people's own good when they're in dangerous destructive behavior, they need to be hit where they feel it the most, whatever will really sink in, and make them stop.

  9. mstar1

    I know people like this and I like them, but for their own welfare as well as the welfare of others I still think they should do some serious time and possibly never be allowed to drive again. They've had plenty of warnings and only through luck(if they are so lucky) havent killed or maimed anyone.

    I agree 100%.

    In too many places the jails are simply overfull, overburdened, and underfunded.

    It shows that these types of social ills need to be addressed in other ways, before or even after it gets to the point of being sentenced to jail.

    As in rehab, counseling, therapy, nutrition, community, etc.

    LOVE, and money, properly directed, can be very powerful for good I think.

  10. God first

    Beloved Siouxzahn

    God loves you my dear friend

    this makes me sad that things like this still happen today

    the way they Torture has changed today we call it "mark and avoid" or name calling which the Way did to us

    it read - from your link


    These punishments ranged from public shame to burning at the stake - dead for those who repented, alive for those who didn´t.


    they tried to puvlic shame us and they would of burn us if they could of so they got our friends to "mark and avoid" us

    next I read from your link


    There was also a strong financial motive


    Some of us were teaching against tithing which would of destroy there financial income

    I also read - from your link


    He wanted the Jewish and Muslim religions wiped out in his domains and - for him - the Purpose Of Spanish Inquisition was a means of achieving that aim.


    they wanted people who could not be controled or that looked for truth in Grease Spot Cafe to be wiped out of the household of God

    next I read - from your link


    every Jew in the King´s states had been either baptized or expelled.


    while we are not Jews our crime was thinking differ than they wanted us to think - so we either became robots or were expelled from the Way

    I just had to put this in a today life happen because its sad but it still happens today

    thank you

    with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

    Thank you Roy...it is sad to be treated that way, especially revolting that it be done in the name of the Savior Christ.

    templelady, that is amazing:

    This is the canon-- If you don't agree with the canon you have several options:

    you can attend LDS services, parties etc and enjoy the fellowship without ever becoming a member.

    You can renounce your membership, and still attend LDS Services, parties , etc and enjoy the fellowship.

    BUt what the church will not sanction, nor should it be expected to, is you retaining your membership in the church, while declaring or behaving in such a manner that suggests that all or part of the Articles of Faith are not true or preaching doctrine contrary or undermining to the Articles of Faith all the while declaring yourself to be LDS thus giving the impression that this is what the LDS Church represents.

    Wonderfully mature and loving! Yet LDS are also considered a cult by many.

    Very interesting.

  11. On another board, a member informed the board that he had been sentenced to 2 weeks in jail for driving 105 on an open highway at 3 in the morning, under the influence.

    He's also confided that he's had 2 previous DUI's, but because his first DUI conviction was 4 years and 9 months ago, it's no longer on his record and so this 3rd violation is legally considered his 2nd at this time. He has also reported to us that on his very first DUI nearly 5 years ago he blew a .09, with .08 the legal limit.

    So we were somewhat counting down the days, some with malice, some with ambivalence, some with empathy. So when the day arrived that he was to go in, possibly the next day, he posted that it turned out he didn't have to go to jail. No reason was supplied to the board.

    No one knows him well on the board, just a slight acquaintance; we only know what he has told us of himself. He's pretty open about his vices if you will, that he drinks heavily and often, and he is admittedly a very coarse young guy. The board itself is pretty coarse as a rule, so it's not so unusual that he's a member, and it's a censorship free board.

    So now here come all the responses. Some rejoice with him, or on their own as it turns out, as his post didn't really have any sound of rejoicing in it. Certainly no gloating or boasting. Just very matter of factly stated.

    Some attack him for being a drunk driver and express that he deserved to go to jail for endangering the lives of others the way he does. Valid point, no question there.

    Others question whether going to jail for 2 weeks would cure him of his alcoholism or cure him of driving drunk again.

    Others say that anyone who isn't angry (that the court changed its mind about sending him to jail) is deserving of losing everyone and everything they love and should die horribly in an auto wreck with a drunk driver. You're also supposedly a person who doesn't believe people should ever receive punishment for crimes.

    Personally I've always detested alcoholism and drunk driving, as well as those who drive drunk. And I absolutely believe that proper punishment should be endured for crimes committed. Yet somehow, when he said the court had changed its mind and he didn't have to go to jail, my knee-jerk reaction was to be glad for him. Maybe it was a form of coddling.

    Odd, isn't it.

    So how do you feel about this subject?

    I'll tell you later why they decided not to send him to jail.

  12. Purpose Of Spanish Inquisition - What Was It?

    Basically, it was the Spanish counterpart of the Medieval Inquisition.

    It was established, with papal approval, in Spain in 1478 at the request of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I of Spain.

    Centrally directed by the Supreme Council of the Inquisition, it was a religious court operated by Church authorities but under the control of the Spanish monarchy.

    Torture was often used to gain repentance and, if a person was found to be heretical, s/he was turned over to the secular authorities for punishment.

    These punishments ranged from public shame to burning at the stake - dead for those who repented, alive for those who didn´t.

    They were conducted in public ceremonies which could last all day - the infamous autos da fe.

    Originally, the Purpose Of Spanish Inquisition was to deal with the problem of Jews and Muslims who - through strong coercion - had insincerely converted to Christianity.

    Later, during the 1520s, it also turned its attentions to persons suspected of Protestantism.

    edited to include quotes and original url:



    Supposedly only about 3000-5000 were actually put to death through the Spanish Inquisition specifically, and for that relatively small number Spain and the Spanish (Catholic) Church want to be better thought of than they have been, since during the same time period, some 150,000 were put to death across Europe for heresy and witchcraft....

    It's also been pointed out that greed was also involved in many of the deaths, since the Inquisitors were encouraged to find heretics and witches by offering the Inquisitors the spoils from the victims.

    Ahhhh, religion.... Christianity, Catholicism over the centuries. So loving and sweet, kind and forgiving. At least those who were repentant were allowed to be burned only after they killed them.

    What's your take on all this?

  13. God first

    Is God a Emotion?


    Beloved all

    God loves us all

    I just have one small question

    Is God a Emotion?

    God is Love and they say Love is a emotion

    thank you

    with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

    Hello Roy

    Good question in view of the Bible's statement that "God is Love."

    The Personification of Love. Or so it's been said of God and/or his Son.

    I do feel that the God concept is based in emotion - the emotion of desire. Desire perhaps for goodness to prevail. The desire for Power to be exercised on behalf of believers, in a 'godly' or good, benevolent, manner.

    Desire for justice to prevail over mankind. Desire for a better future, a long lasting future free of pain.

    Yes, to me, God is an emotion in many ways.

  14. I believe Paris is supposed to report for jail in June. And I heard what Sudo heard, that due to overcrowding she would probably only serve about half.

    It surprised me that she won't be able to buy a private cell. I thought wealthy prisoners could get special arrangements and private cells, because the system could use the money.

    Maybe only in federal prison.

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