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Posts posted by masterherbalist

  1. Raf:

    Never my intention for the book I mentioned being the all in all truth. I felt it might be a tool that can be used. I have been really debating whether I should post again, because I don't want to minimize in any way the disease nor your sister. But the more I thought about it, and looking at the posts, it appeared that this book or author may be held up for admiration and ridicule, which, it appears has happened.

    All I think I do know is this-we are wonderfully and awesomely made.

    The human body is designed by the Creator to sustain life. It needs food, water, air and open channels of elimination.

    Whenever the body appears to be "turning against" its owner, the question must be raised-what happened? Has God changed all the principles upon which this life is based? Or do the eyes of our understanding need enlightening so that we may know?

    Will God talk to us like He proportedly did as recorded in the Bible?

    My quick reference to the book was simply because this individual states that he took "steps" to fight the disease. Things that are foreign to the body and immune system such as metals in the body have ramifications that our modern science still doesn't know about. An effort to make his food "count" nutritionally. Things of that nature in order to rebel against the historic knowledge of this disease.

    There are lots of ideas out there and I apologize if, in my hurry to attempt to help, I, in any way represented this book or the author to be something or someone that they may or may not measure up to being. Not my heart at all.

    I want to fight the fight with you. I would love to help if possible.

  2. Thirty plus years later and I still miss him.

    Went to see an old friend play the other night, with his band, Billy Gibbons and the Little Ol' Band from Texas, and momentarily wondered how different it would be if Duane were still here and jamming with his ole friend. Now THERE was a pair of characters in one room.

    Sigh. Just wanted to say it.

    the Masterherbalist

  3. Dearest Dot;

    More hugs {} {}.

    You are the wo-man! Allow me to remind you how awesome you are. You have a depth of heart and compassion that is uniquely yours. Just your presence is health and healing to those who know you, whether it is personally or through these threads. You are inspiring. You are uplifting. You stir joy in our hearts. You are strong and intelligent. Our lives are enriched because of you.

    These qualities of yours make those without such qualities jealous. They wish they had your energy. They wish they could live like you, risen above all the mundane. They are scared and lash out in anger and pain. They want you to come to their level or below so that they had someone they could point to and say "I'm better than you". Love is like the panama canal locks which raises ships in order to get them from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Your love will raise any ship and its cargo to get it where it wants to go. You already have that love, that ability. Don't listen to the idle babble. It isn't true and it isn't worth your

    time or the pain it inflicts upon you. Don't let the poison near your heart. The truth is that you were chosen by God to be His forever and forever. Where you live and breath, the presence of God is. There is a definite effect upon the universe because you are here.

    My sister: I can truly state that I

    Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

    Eph 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

    Eph 1:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

    Eph 1:19 And what [is] the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

    Eph 1:20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set [him] at his own right hand in the heavenly [places],

    Eph 1:21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

    Eph 1:22 And hath put all [things] under his feet, and gave him [to be] the head over all [things] to the church,

    Eph 1:23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

    This is my prayer for you. You deserve the reminder. If you need knowledge, ask Daddy. He will show you; He will whisper in your ear. Your understanding will be enlightened. You will know. Your exercising of the mightly power at your disposal will strengthen you and reaffirm what you already know you have. You will get a glimpse each day how awesome that power is, which is within you and available for your use. The light will be bright and warming. The peace will wash over you like warm sunshine. You will remember that He provided for you a family who prays for you and stands with you

    and who endeavors, like you, to live in the maximus moment. Some days we forget and temporarily get hit with the crap pies and our hearts get hurt, and our minds get discouraged. But the amount of time that we allow the hurt and discouragement can lessen and lessen as we remind ourselves of the blessings we have been given and reclaim that power and truth of who and what we are in the mind of the entity who actually means the most. He is El Shaddai. Every knee shall bow.

    I love you.

    the Masterherbalist

  4. Raf;

    Just came upon your post here. Found a book that I thought I would pass your way. I have not read it, however, it looks like some good ideas are here.

    Eric is Winning:

    Beating a Terminal Illness with Nutrition, Avoiding Toxins, and Common Senseby Eric Edney

    If you or a loved one has ALS/MND, we highly recommend the book “Eric is Winning” by Eric Edney. Written by an ALS survivor, it offers a highly detailed account of how he "beat the system" through nutrition, special supplements and detoxification. According to Eric's personal physician, Eric has managed to stop ALL progression of the disease, as well as dramatically improve his residual function, which as far as we know, has never been done by an ALS patient before. How did he do it? He took steps to avoid all toxins, reverse the toxic overload in his body, and he added proper targeted supplements to help regenerate his nervous system.

    View Details and

    Order Now >>

    Eric was first diagnosed with ALS in 1993, although his first symptoms occurred in 1990. The progress of his disease was slow at first and then speeded up later.

    Fortunately, Eric has lived long enough to gather a great deal of information about ALS and develop a program to beat it. He soon realized that he had more information about ALS than was available from any other single source.

    Eric is Winning

    Beating a Terminal Illness with Nutrition,

    Avoiding Toxins and Common Sense

    By Eric Edney

    What do you do when your Medical Doctor tells you that you have a terminal illness for which there is no treatment and no cure?

    "Eric is Winning" chronicles Eric's reaction and his successful fourteen year survival with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease).

    Eric Edney was an extremely active outdoorsman when he was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) at age fifty-nine. He was a hunter, fisherman, dirt bike rider, water-skier, dune buggy racer, golfer and raquetball player for many years prior to his illness. He was an insurance company executive and in the last few years owned his own insurance agency. Eric and Glenna lived in their custom-built home on two acres complete with fruit trees, a vegetable garden, chickens, geese, ducks and one peacock. They thought this was their retirement home. Then the diagnosis of ALS forced retirement and the sale of their home.

    Price: $19.95

    The purpose of this book is to provide information, hope and inspiration to anyone suffering with ALS. Although it was written primarily for ALS patients and their caregivers, the ideas and protocols are applicable to anyone with a neurological disorder, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's.

    What is important to note is that Eric has managed to completely stop the progression of ALS, and to reverse many of his symptoms. He also knows at least seven other People with ALS who have also managed to stop the progression of the illness.

    What are these People with ALS doing that is helping them to achieve this previously unheard of outcome? They are all following a program similar to the one which Eric devised for himself, which includes avoiding all toxins, detoxifying the body, and regenerating the nervous system.

    An Excerpt from the Introduction by Neal Rouzier, MD

    "When I first read Eric Edney's account of how he halted the progresion of ALS, I was impressed that a layperson could have so much insight into health. At the same time I was disappointed that it was not a healthcare professional that was telling us what to do and what not to do. Although I sincerely commend Eric for his excellent commentary, I cannot help feeling disappointed in the obvious deficit in the way conventional medicine treats those with difficult diagnoses as well as age-related health problems. Despite the incredible wonder drugs and sophisticated technology to save lives, most medicine isn't practiced with an eye to longevity or optimal health. Instead, most conventional medicine remains occupied with prescribing drugs to treat established diseases as opposed to preventing them.

    I am a conventional physician, yet there is no conventional treatment that helped Eric. I too am an alternative physician because that's all that has worked for Eric. One could also call it preventative medicine. The various treatments and regimens that Eric recommends are not specific for ALS or any other disease. He practices simple, basic preventive medicine, which should be practiced by all humans and taught by all physicians. Most simply, put back in the body those things that are missing. Take out those elements that are harmful, avoid anything toxic, eat the correct diet, take the correct supplements, exercise, love and respect one another. Unfortunately this simple solution is not found in any medical textbook.

    Perhaps you would have had pity on Eric when he could not feed himself, hold a fishing pole or do one pushup. That's the old Eric. Even though he still has the stigmata of ALS, the new Eric will out-fish you, do 20 push-ups, 100 leg presses, and crush your hand in a handshake. If you could have seen him then and see him now, you would be impressed. He has managed to stop the progression of his disease as well as dramatically improve his residual function, which, up until now, has not been possible. And to give credit where credit is due, everything Eric does is not from my recommendation but through his own research and knowledge. Kudos to Eric!"

    "The challenge for practitioners with a holistic/functional/integrative approach is to step back and look at the big picture: What are the ways to fine tune an aging body formed by bad habits, environmental factors, genetics, diet and laziness? To me Eric has been a teacher from whom I will learn and pass on to others. This global view of healthy aging or preventative medicine takes us far beyond conventional medicine and becomes a challenge for we physicians who have witnessed successes like Eric. The ravaging effects of chronic inflammation and toxins in the body will continue to wreck havoc and result in degenerative illness for millions in spite of simple therapies which can prevent this. It is my hope that his book will enlighten many so that they may not suffer the consequences of degenerative illness. Don't just treat the disease, build up the body so it can put up a good fight."

    "As a physician I look for learning opportunities in unforseen detours of life. It may seem bizarre to look at a life-threatening disease as an opportunity for growth and learning, but that is exactly what has taken place here. ALS was an unplanned obstacle in the adventure of life for Eric. Imagine that a wise teacher has set up your life. Each obstacle was placed to teach you a needed lesson. This wise teacher provides these hurdles so that you and others may learn."

    "I have learned to value the lessons taught to me by the precious and fragile adventure of life. So has Eric. Now my greatest challenge is to evaluate patients from what I've learned from Eric before life takes them on an unplanned detour. This will make my medical practice distinctly satisfying. And for Eric, directing and helping others has made life more satisfying. That's why he wrote this book. Thank you, Eric."

    "And PS - Never stop learning."

    A Look at the Table of Contents:



    Chapter 1: The Bad News

    Chapter 2: ALS Basics & My Program Basics

    Chapter 3: Foundation For My Program

    Chapter 4: Pre-established Beliefs

    Chapter 5: Toxins - Possible Cause of ALS & Other Chronic Illnesses

    Chapter 6: The Beginning of ALS - 1990 Thru 1996

    Chapter 7: Avoid All Toxins

    Chapter 8: Detoxify the Body

    Chapter 9: Diet & Dietary Supplements

    Chapter 10: Starting a New Program

    Chapter 11: Driving a Car

    Chapter 12: MY ALS Symptoms

    Chapter 13: The ALS Comeback

    Chapter 14: Doing It Over

    Chapter 15: Motivation

    Chapter 16: Summary

    ALS Regimen Outline (Revised 11-01-04)

    An Excerpt From the Summary:

    "It has been eleven years since my first diagnosis and fourteen years since my first symptoms. I would like to encourage you to follow a program similar to mine and here's why. There are many others who have survived ALS for 10 years or more. I am not the Lone Ranger. Let me tell you about a few whom I have had direct contact with by e-mail. I don't know their entire history, but I'll tell you the little bit that I do know. Here they are:

    First Person: Heavy supplement program including Vitamin E and Grape Seed Extract. Number of amalgams unknown.

    Second Person: Supplement and diet program similar to mine. Number of amalgams unknown.

    Third Person: Supplement and diet program similar to mine. All amalgams removed.

    Fourth Person: Supplement Program. All amalgams removed plus removal of one root canal tooth and Periodontal Ligament.

    Fifth Person: Supplement program. Never had any amalgams. He is a retired dentist and has only gold fillings.

    Sixth Person: Strict diet and massive supplements. Still has two or three amalgams.

    If you include me, I make number seven. I'm on a strict diet and massive supplements. I only had two amalgams and they were removed.

    All these people are long-term survivors of ALS of nine years or more without any breathing apparatus or peg tube inserted directly into the stomach for feeding. That's pretty remarkable. Make note of the fact that every one of them is on some kind of diet and supplement program. Also, most of them have no amalgam fillings. A common thread with all of them is that they are all following the same general idea. That is detox, diet and supplements."

    The critics can say what they want, but I know my program, at the very least, has already extended my life. My improvement simply cannot be coincidental. No other People with ALS that I know has ever improved from ALS by accident. The improvement always coincides with some specific program that they have followed.

    I am really certain that I have overcome ALS and I will probably live another 20 years or more (unless I'm hit by a truck).

    When I was on the Sanofi Drug Trials, the doctor at Scripps would examine me every month. After seeing my improvement, month after month, he finally remarked one day: "Eric, you will have to get something else to kill you, because ALS isn't going to do it".

    -Eric Edney

    Letter Written to Eric Edney on June 11, 2005

    "I just wanted to tell you that your book is outstanding. My husband was just diagnosed with ALS in March. He wasn't even able to walk. Now he walks with no problems. I'm following your book strictly, it is improving his health.

    I just wanted to say "THANK YOU" for taking the time to write this book. It's helped our family tremendously."

    God Bless You,

    Brenda & James Lisinski

    Ashley, Nathan, Jamee

    My prayers are with you and yours.

    the Masterherbalist

  5. Dot, darling.....

    Here I was looking for you and found you in this thread.

    First, big hug. {}. Awwww.... It's ok. I love you, remember? Please lean on my shoulder. Let me help.

    I see you have been reading Ephesians and working on understanding in practical application this section. I instantly recognized from my Bullinger's studies that it is a figure of speech. In in my "literal according to usage" this section means

    "don't leave home without it."

    Without what?

    What you ALREADY have in the new birth. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We already are strong and to the degree of being strong in the power of His might. This is a reminder. Because we forget. We attempt to be strong in other things and leave this behind. Put on the whole armour..... when we compromise in our beliefs and in our standing, we are like a soldier with only part of his equipment. The wrestling verse contains things that we allow ourselves to let our guard down and leave some equipment behind. So it is restated-wherefore (what's the wherefore there for? ) because of this, don't leave home without it.

    Kind of like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz with the shoes. She always had the way back to Kansas.

    You've been given all things pertaining to life and godliness. Jesus gave his disciples power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. This was before the new birth was available. But even with this, a man brought his son to Jesus, stating that I besought your disciples to cast him out and they could not. And the same power and authority within Jesus, is in you.

    As for the "evil" day. Made me go back to my keys to research and my trustly Bullingers. The first use of the word "evil" is Genesis 2:17- The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Lamsa stated this was an aramaic idiom. Ok. Evil being defined as opposite of good. Good being God's principles and guidance. Evil being a perversion (change a word, add a word, omit a word) of good. I've seen some rabbinical research where they believe the tree in the garden is only a symbol and not an actual tree. That it was simply a physical example or illustration of God explaining freedom of will- "ok, over here, look there is knowledge that is good. Or, over here, look you have knowledge that takes basic Creator principles and has a different spin on them. You pick which knowledge you want to use. You choose. Kind of like The Price is Right. Which door? Living is simply making choices. The ramifications or results follow.

    The next "evil" I found was Genesis 6:5 where "man's wickedness, every inclination of the thoughts of his heard was only evil all the time". Everyone but Noah wanted to do it their own way. No one wanted the Creator's guidance or hand in their lives. They chose to do it their own way.

    So one might conclude that the evil day is the day where people chose their own way and don't want God's guidance or His influence in their lives. And isn't the world increasing in accepting man's thinking decisions?

    But greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world. So, in my humble, Bible researching, sifted through as much you-know-what-brain, opinion, you have the tools in you-you are genetically engineered to overcome any adversity. You have the exceeding greatness of His power. Just don't leave home without it.

    I was thinking about an example of this thinking which recently came up in the news. The use of steroids in baseball. See, the idea here is more has got to be better. So we will look at what makes certain muscle groups and genetics work and find something to make it big, better. Wow. Look what we found: chemicals! Mix 'em up and now we have what we will call a drug. Performance enhancement. That's a nice term. Sounds good. Looks good. Feels good. Tastes good. Smells good. Ok, then, let's use it. Oh-oh, someone might tattle if they see only one or two players using the juice. Let's come up with a story to enlist more players. Now there's the ticket. Good. Now, no one will tattle because they all would be impeaching themselves. Honor among thieves. Oh-oh the government is getting involved. M-m-m, not me, no, never used steriods. No. That is what you were asking about, right? Steriods? Nope. Not me.

    Spin doctors. No one is actually looking for the truth of the matter. They want to hear your spin.

    Sorry, got off the subject. Momentarily.

    Dot, hope this helps a little. If you need anything, let me know.

    the Masterherbalist

  6. Watered Garden;

    Just a couple of foundational scriptures:

    Psalm 139:14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully (awesomely) and wonderfully made;

    II Peter 1:3 "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness."

    I Corinthians 12:12-26 For as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body, being many are one body......For the body is not one member but many; If the foot shall say......

    and my personal credo scripture:

    Deuteronomy 34:7 "And Moses was an hundred and twenty yeras old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated."

    The human body is awesomely and wonderfully made. It is designed to house the soul and spirit. It's main job is to sustain life, at any cost.

    History tells us that the Father of Medicine, Hyppocrates saw symptoms or dis-ease as "Ah, that's the body working. Let's help it". Hyppocrates looked to help the body in its effort to heal and restore itself. Modern medicine changed that philosophy to seeing the body being "sick" and a need to be acted upon to the exclusion of lifestyle and dietary changes. Thus a whole pharmaceutical industry is born and taught to today's future doctors.

    So why did I quote the above scriptures?

    The first scripture is to remind me that our physical form is awesome. There is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing in its design or function that was not calculated by a greater intellect than mine. The Moses reference is to remind me that everything that I have been told about aging and things you just have to accept as a part of the process cannot be true. Many of what is called age-related illnesses are actually created by lifestyle and diet. Peter states we have been given everything pertaining to life and godliness. Then the only thing lacking is my understanding. (I then claim Ephesians 1:18). Lastly I referenced Corinthians. When I was "in" the ministry learning all those keys to interpretation and the like, I read this verse and while some leadership was teaching me about the body of Christ, I was daydreaming about the analysis to the human body. When one part is in distress, it affects all parts.

    So is the case with "sickness" or dis-ease. Though the diagnosis of Diabetes refers to the failing of the pancreas, the dis-ease, as you stated, correlates to the immune system.

    The question then is, if the body is designed to sustain life, then why is the guardian system of the body, the immune system attacking "self"? M-m-m. There has to be something amiss. Medical experts have expressed the possibility that it is the result of an immune response after a viral infection or something related to nutrition.

    It took time to "build" this response by the body. It will take time to restore the balance. Though I, by my moniker, am the herbalist, it will take a complete program. Not just herbs. Not some pills. Dr. Christopher taught me better. The moniker, by the way is my recognition of the Jehovah Rapha-THE Masterherbalist.

    So the foundation that I am attempting to lay here is that your diagnosis is a symptom and it would be my desire to offer you tools to empower you to effect the healing that is yours. Every person is an individual and there is no one-size fits all program. There is some basic similarities between us humans, but each of us also carry a genetic code which brings with it the generations of weaknesses and illnesses which folks refer to as "it runs in my family". Even these issues can be worked back out of a family's lineage through care and feeding of the human body.

    I saw in my Bible studies and fellowship and ministering to people the Native American Medicine Man, the Shaman, the Holy Man, Luke the Physician, etc. It takes the humbleness to ask for guidance from the Great Spirit and utilize every tool that you have been given- try and try again until you get what is rightfully yours.

    I can resume this post with some of those tools and ideas or you could PM me and we could work on some ideas specifically for you. I would need a little information. As I do when doing some one on one teaching, I need the following information:



    Prescription medications taken (with dosage):

    Vitamins or other supplements:

    Amount of exercise: Type of exercise:

    Amount of water consumed daily:

    Type of employment:

    Average diet plan (a week is preferred):


    Current complaints:


    The Masterherbalist

  7. The ole Masterherbalist was intriqued, WG, by your post.

    Personally health and healing was my major study for years and years and years. Researched the Bible on health, herbs, tender grasses, food, etc.

    Still practicing today. Still claiming the promises.

    However, I am abundantly aware that our society teaches differently. Sickness and disease just happen. You get it when you get old. Etc. The Creator built the universe and all that is in it on principle. If you work the principle, the benefits abound. If the principle is violated, the results follow. Sometimes we can't help violating the principles because we are taught all the wrong things.

    Having studied under Dr. John R. Christopher, studied Dr. Walker, Bernard Jensen, Jethro Kloss, Hyppocrates, I am more convinced than ever that teaching the correct principles regarding the care and feeding of this human form helps folks to regain what they lost to sickness and disease.

    Diabetes is a disease not found in underdeveloped countries. Diet appears to be the common element. The pancreas is overworked or shut down by the diet and is unable to produce the insulin needed. Dr. Christopher taught us that he found with the guidance of God, a formula which cleansed and fed the pancreas and enabled the organ to return to functionality. This, coupled with a change in diet produced optimum results.

    Just a few thoughts for you. Hopefully these words will help you in some way. I would be honored to offer you more assistance, should you want to contact me.

    the Masterherbalist

  8. Paw-

    We've got to talk. First you post Traffic's Mr. Fantasy as what you're listening to and then Steve Miller? You're obviously a man of good taste. I wore out my Sailor album back in the way. I am now working on wearing out the CD. Traffic is always good, but Mr. Fantasy holds some special memories. John Barleycorn Must Die also is on my "wear out" list.

    Interesting listening here. The Monkees. He-he-he. Who would listen to that group? Oops, looks like I listened to "Listen to the Band" an ole Mike Nesmith song.

    While on the road, I listened to Gregg Allman's Searching for Simplicity (the pre-master version.). Right now, listening to a little Hot Tuna.

    The Masterherbalist

  9. Cancer is quite a topic to discuss. And each individual is different.

    Dr. Christopher (my teacher) taught that every "cancer patient" is a "liver patient".

    Without cleansing the liver, the bowels, the kidneys and the bloodstream, the job is only half done. Dr. Christopher taught us the symptom is the body's way of working. Just fine, thank you.

    I have reviewed at some length Dr. Tunsky's work and philosophy. In many areas, he is of the same opinion as Dr. Christopher was.

    My personal issue with alkaline/acid is that by and large, it is confusing, difficult to adhere to and therefore hard to maintain. With some genetic exceptions, we are physiologically like the gorilla. Could you see telling a gorilla about the alkaline/acid balance? If you eat correctly and pay particular attention to the vitamins and mineral contents, the "balance" will take care of itself.

    I am also concerned about running a low-grade fever of 101. Dr. Christopher taught us that a little fire warms the house; too much and you will burn the house down. As Tunsky observed, the cells we call cancer are actually our own cells which formed out of poor nutrition. The immune system recognizes self and non-self. These cells are self. A low grade fever will not burn up "self" cells. Your tonsils are the first line of the immune system from the head to the feet. The cells which developed in this area were thriving in a weakened immune system. So taxing a weakened immune system without building up the nutrition and the immune system is counter productive. Need to build and cleanse. The body will do the rest.

    These are general comments and a personal evaluation of the total person is necessary in order to make more specific recommendations.

    We make our own diseases and we can make our own health.

    For more information on Dr. Christopher and the formulas to cleanse and feed the liver, bowels, kidneys and bloodstream, please look at herbsfirst.com

  10. Looks like a good treatment plan.

    I will be very interested to hear how things are progressing.

    If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

    Working with the body to heal is the best solution.

    After all, "we are awesomely and wonderfully made".

    Keep your eyes on the promises.

    Positive thoughts are "heard" by the immune system.

    Lots of love, and hugs to you both.

  11. Hi Kids!

    The Masterherbalist here.

    I saw where Paw was stricken by a kidney stone. So I thought I would give you my experience in treating this affliction.

    A man that I worked with was overcome by the pain. He went to the doctor who gave him drugs to kill the pain and told him that if it didn't pass in a few days, that he should return to the doctor who would stick an instrument up the *** and this instrument would send electro-shock waves to smash the stone into pieces. The patient of course would still have to eliminate the fragments. I recommended that he find a health food store and find a formula which contained gravel root, marshamallow root, juniper berries.

    Our neighbor recently was too overcome by the pain. She went to the doctor who gave her drugs to kill the pain and told her the same thing as above. I prepared for her a tea made of the above herbs (and a few others). I warned her that it tasted terrible, but to drink as much of the tea as she could stand. The next morning I prepared a second quart of the tea. Her husband came to the door in the am and said no more tea was necessary. She had passed the stone.

    From my notes:

    The Herbs in the Kidney/Bladder Formula and the Kidney/Bladder Tea have three major actions: Diuretic, Disinfectant and Dissolving. Herbs such as Uva Ursi Leaves, Juniper Berries, Corn Silk, Horsetail Herb, Parsley Leaf and Root, Carrot Tops, and others in the formula have been used for centuries as Diuretics (herbs that make you urinate more).

    Even today, most of these herbs are listed in medical and chemistry books for this action. Some of these herbs, like Juniper Berries and Uva Ursi Leaves, contain phytochemicals like volatile oils that are also powerfully disinfectant and destroy bacteria that live in your Kidneys and Bladder and therefore are healing for Kidney and Bladder Infections.

    Herbs like Hydrangea root and Gravel Root are famous for their ability to dissolve Kidney stones. So the Kidney and Bladder Flush, Kidney/Bladder Formula and idney/Bladder Tea make you urinate more, disinfect the Kidneys and Bladder and dissolve and flush out any sediment before it turns into rocks. And if you already have rocks, it starts breaking them down and dissolving them.

    Kidney stones are on the increase (occurences are ten times as common today as were in the turn of the century) are becoming more common in men over 35. Most of the stones are calcium oxalate. Other stones are uric acid. What has changed over the turn of the century?

    Diet, exercise, hydration drinks.

    Hydrangea and gravel root are superb dissolvants. They "smooth" the rough edges of the stone. Marshmallow is soothing because it is mucilaginous.

    The best water to drink is distilled water. It is plain H2O. It is a dissolvant. Our neighbors have lived on this ranch for generations and the common thread amungst them before the appearance of the Masterherbalist is that they drank the well water and all had kidney problems. Once I taught them about distilled water, they converted and have reversed their kidney issues.

    Now, what else contributes? Dehydration. Soft drinks. Lack of vitamin A which is beneficial to the urinary tract and discourages the formation of stones. Sources vitamin A include alfalfa, cantaloupes, carrots, pumkin, sweet potatoes.

    The medical books say that once you have "had" a kidney stone, you are likely to "have" more. The key here is to change the circumstances that caused this to begin with. Then, you can change the "odds".

    Hope this information helps.

    The Masterherbalist

  12. I'm checking in! Thanks for the birthday love and PMs. Recently worked on and successfully resolved a case of shingles with natural methods and herbs. Ain't God something?

    The "ageless: Masterherbalist

  13. Act2:

    Love the guitars!

    I disagree that one can have TOO MANY guitars. Just no such thing. Ever.

    Bigger than the dollar value of guitars is the sentimental value to the owner. They are like children.

    There was a story about Ed King who had a 1959 Les Paul that was stolen when he was on the road.

    Fortunately, there was insurance on it, and it was a stated value policy and the insurance company paid the loss. However, Ed was never happy. That guitar meant an awful lot to him. So over the years he continued to look for his wayward 59. After a few years, he found a collector in England and made an inquiry about whether the gentleman had a 59 in his collection. He received an affirmative response. He asked further and found that low and behold his guitar came into the collection of this Englishman, who collected for collection's sake not because he could play any of them. Ed pursued his ownership right and was told that the actual owner would be the insurance company since they paid on the loss. He called the insurance company and they told him that they had no interest. Ed got his guitar back. His "baby" no longer travels.

  14. We are not alone.

    Our Creator Father is whispering encouragement in our ears everyday. Like a proud parent watching his child walk towards him for the first time. "C'mon, my son. I am so proud of you. Keep coming, keep looking at me. I won't let you fail. Though you may fall, my everlasting arms are there to support you. I love you. You are the apple of my eye. Keep walking towards me. Almost there. Yeahhhh!!!!

    Keep it simple.

    The Masterherbalist

  15. I found the Color Concordance interesting. I spent a little time during the Advanced Class talking to Beth Lauder about music and colors.

    I am still an artist- a musician and a healing arts teacher.

    Best book I read on the subject was the Artist's Way. Really unlocked the block in my life.

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