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Posts posted by copenhagen

  1. And this is leadership training? Is the title of the topic? What is it really?

    I will start by saying my little son is afraid there are monsters in his closet. Every

    night before bed we have to check just to make sure. Then an all-powerful night light must be turned on. We all know this powerful weapon can scare any monster, goblin or bogeyman away.

    His older sibling thinks he is a baby. But this child is convinced that their teacher is on a mission

    to cause this child to fail. This child thinks the teacher is out to get my child, with extra work and being pushed in class. I sat down with this teacher to find out the deal. Well this child reads 4 grades higher then their present grade and has scored off the charts on all the state testing and this teacher is just pushing and changeling my child. I am ok with that.

    My point is, in someone’s mind perception is reality. The teacher is not out to get my child just like there are no monsters in the closet. BUT,BUT, if we are talking about perception and reality we were told, taught and beaten down with in the Way, a way corp. person has energized gift ministries. This is the trick and catch. Every a-hole corp. grad is revered as a revelation machine and walking with God. While lowly wayfers need to submit to leadership. No disrespect to the Corp program or grads of days gone past. Now days ALL CORP GRADS ARE ROBTS FOR ROSIE AND THE WAY. God caught the last train to the coast and any revelation is gone from the way.

    Is being a way corp. grad leadership training? No it just gives you a title to keep the wayfers in line.


    • Upvote 2
  2. JJ

    I have heard the same tales over the years. In fact word for word of what you said. People who told these stories stayed after the fog years and supported L.C.M. and the people who changed in to V.P. were the cop outs. Thus further proof if you leave the way the boogie man gets you. I do not put much stock in wayfer stories. That being said your not alone I heard the tall ones to....


  3. Things I would say, can I have the floor and ramble?

    1. Why have you given your free will to think for your self-over to Twi? Not God but the way international.

    2. Why do you as an adult let leadership get involved in your life and influence where you live, where you work all so you can be close to a fellowship?

    3. Why is there no growth in the fellowships? Are they still shrinking?

    4. Do the Sts tapes put you to sleep? Can you name the last one that really got you excited about God, not the way int.? Is that person still standing?

    5. Do the same people rehash the sts tapes and way mag? Is fellowship boring? Is it like it used to be where you were excited to go has it turned in to church?

    6. If fellowship is so great why do you shrink in fear when its time to witness? When was the last time you went out and witnessed? Are you scared to witness?

    7. When was the last time you have been to H.Q.? You will see the lifers on staff are getting older and the young people cannot wait to leave. Too much legalism.

    8. When you hear Rosie speak, do you cringe? Is she so sappy and can only spout catch phrases and no depth to the word.

    9. Is cancer and brain tumors still a devil spirit? Why did Donna have a brain tumor? Why does she have a job at hq? Why is she the prez asst when she has never done anything.? If she is so spiritual why could she not see he husband bopping everything that moved?

    10. When was the last time you saw a miracle?

    More later.


  4. If we can vote? I vote for me Copenhagen..

    I will run on the promise of a can in every hand.. A can of copenhagen of course..

    I will require the entire board + Donna and Linder out Way D. Make that everyone on at H.Q. out Way D.

    These people need to come out of the corn field and live life. If they dont run at least 2 class's they

    get dropped from Way Corp. If they are not corp then they will never want to be.Also no one can return

    to H.Q. ever. It's time to grow up and get a life.

    Ok if I am elected president I vow to hold one S.T.S and announce the way is an evil empire and a lie..

    I will shut it down, send back all the abs. You can fill out a form for a portion of the 53 million.

    I will let H.Q. stand for 1 month and anyone can come visit. Then I will hold a vote of what to do with it.

    vote copenhagen

    • Upvote 1
  5. Waysider

    Everyone in the know was in the hush-hush mode. You see if it was me a long standing believer in the way

    I would be raked over the coals for lack of believing. I would be grilled for a secret sin I had. My good

    name would be tarnished or perhaps I would be leveled under the influence of the adv..I would be kicked out.

    Never blame the miniestry is one of the spoken rules. Any thing that cant be fixed easy or something big like a Brain Tumor makes the way look like any other church with no power.

    You see the way has no power. God does but he left New Knoxville for the coast a long long time ago.

    She could not be healed. She was left alone with no guilt to heal. The way it should be done..Then there were problams and more sugery. Still hush-hush and she is better now.

    Moral of the story if you are little you are fair game. If you sleep with the last threee presidents of the way

    they leave you alone..


  6. I personally think this will be great for young Brian. He was raised better then the other kids at H.Q.. Didn’t he go to private school? Didn’t he eat different and better food then what was served at H.Q.? He was put up on the pedestal of being a perfect kid. He never experienced real life.

    Brian I hope Mr. Linder pass’s this on to you because you need real world experience and learn how to life outside that wacky little cult. You have a wife and a few kids, learn to take care of them and not be consumed with the way. Get a real job , buy a home and start a Real 401k.

    Brian your daddy has always been a backbiter. Wanted power before Craig got the nod as king. Kissed all the butt he could and sent your innocent sisters in Christ to the slaughterhouse covering for Craig. For his reward, the Fox sent him to England. He was hurt but obeyed as he always did so he could protect you. He wants you to be king. Your dad is a sob who looks down at people and never serves but demands to be served. What a great example of a minister….

    Do not turn in to him…

    Run son, run away .. Take your freedom from the way. Do not turn in to your dad.


  7. I caught a drift of that also. Will be in Toledo end of the year. Seems that

    he is sending out lots of resume's but that prev work experience sucks.

    You can not work for a cult on staff for 15 yrs and get a job in a high paying

    field to support a family of six...Better believe big..The economy sucks.welcome

    to the real world.

    You can put a lot of lipstick on a pig but its still a pig. You can say what you want

    on a resume but working for a cult leaves a lot of holes to fill. Boot licking does not count.

    Good thing your daddy is rich..


    • Upvote 1
  8. I never had the pleasure of having my face melted by Donna but have seen her unlash rabid attacks on people for very little offences. She sat in her ivory tower with a nanny and house cleaner, while treating regular moms like crap. You know the moms who had to work a real job then come home and cook and clean for a family. She was so judgmental in that bull.... family class with L.C.M. You know the class after C.F. &S. Her and L.CM. Could not even say adultery was wrong……

    She also sat at the big top at the R.OA. And was so sweet and seemed like she had it all together in her teaching on parenting. She is such a fraud. She could not even get it down with the Way international raising her kids. It is well documented here at the café that one is a little wild and one has nothing to do with the way.

    I never knew the nice Donna just the Donna that looked down on people and blamed bad things

    on people for leaving the way. I am sure someone here can find that rant.

    Blaming people for bad things that happen and saying they have a secret sin. Or leaving the Way opens the door for the devil..

    This is all pure bs.

    I will not and do not blame God for bad things. I will play her logic and ask her (please pass this on to her JOHN L.). What was your secret sin that allowed the DEVIL to attack you and cause the brain tumor? Why were there problems after to cause you to have more operations and then a slow healing process last November? Why could your girlfriend the president of the Way not

    Ask God to heal you? Is she not the anointed one who has Gods ear? Is this not Gods ministry?


  9. 7 What a joke. I can remember 7+ from our area going in the corp in one year.

    There is no way to put a spin on this number. The past 15 yrs have been worn out

    with the faithful. Small in numbers but the best of the best. These 7 are not faithful

    they are stupid. This is like buying something and thinking you got a great deal. You tell

    everyone how great it is and you are so excited. Then in the paper you see it on sale and

    find out you paid way to much.

    These 7 will have buyers remorse and be beating their heads against a wall in 1-2 months when,

    1. They hate there new assigment working on staff.

    2. They get back on the field only to find themselves in a fellowship that is dead and stale. No

    new people for the last 10 years. People afraid of leadership.

    3. Lots of pressure to put together a class together that no one wants to take,even the grads.

    4. Feeling the pressure to find a real job while having to have nights, weekends and 3+ weeks of vacation

    to make all the functions.

    The ship is sinking..


  10. Another bit of info about the Way International and the class for anyone being hounded to take the class.

    Ask these questions.

    1.How many class's are there? How many does the Way international offer?

    2.How much does each cost?

    3.If I wanted to take them all what is the total cost?

    4.How long are the class's?

    5.Did you take all these class's? How long did it take you to take them all ?

    They will get all excited you are intrested. Then ask just a few more questions.

    6. Ok one last question or two. Then in a nice way ask, so you took

    Wap class $100, Intermediate class $100, Defeating the adv class $100, Witnessing class $50,

    Christian family class$100,Biblical keys class $50 all for the privlage to take the Adv class$500+ travel

    expenses to Ohio. Then you told me it took about 2-3 yrs to take all the class's and spent over $1000 and you can not tell me what you learned and show me what you learned to bring deliverence to my life. All you can do

    is take my money say you will learn it all in the class. WTF you took it and spent all this money and wasted 3 years of your life and you can not manifest the power of God. You have to push a class.

    Is it a multi level marketing scheme?


  11. I do not post much so I can stay under the radar of the way gb.I will come out and say this much, in the area

    I am in they are pushing for a class and WILL DO OR SAY ANYTHING TO GET YOU IN IT.

    They use lots of love-bombing to be your friend only to get you in the class. You do not need friends like these.

    If you have a gut feeling and feel pressure to run, listen to your self. Run,don't walk out the door and

    do not return their calls just disapear. They are not your answer from GOD.

    If you are on the fence and a spouse or friend say they just don't seem for real or they are to nice.

    Listen to the people who love you and have your best intrests at heart not some people you just met wanting money and time from you.

    If you find your self talking to these new church people and telling them your life secrets and they bring it back up and say the class will heal you from this run.

    If they can not open the bible and help you then and there and tell you you need a class for deliverence, ask

    if the class is so great why can't you help me? If you have all the answers from this class share them with me.

    Jesus did not charge people for a class, he feed them and went to the peoples home. He did not require you to sign a commitment and pay money.

    If none of this works they will get other people (people you barley know) to call, stop by your home or work place. How ackward is that? This is like buying a car and you say no, so they bring the closer in.RUN fast.

    If your spouse or family or friends are talking you out of taking the class, they will want a meeting. They wont come alone they will bring a closer. Do not go to the meeting. Run.

    If you are single and you have a romantic intrest in a person but they wont date till you take the class. RUN..

    I am in the way international only because I have a spouse who loves it. If I leave they will try and break up my wife and I. I have seen it done before. All this is so hard to believe. But is true, many people will swear to it.

    The way has no value on marriage just alligence to them..

    If you have been talking to a member of the way and they want you to take a class RUN..


    • Upvote 2
  12. I hear more then one person was rejected from the Way, to give blood.

    I know that they ask you a bunch of questions including sexual partners.

    Also about military service and where you have been.

    I also know they prick your finger and take a sample of your blood. If you

    give the wrong answer on the 30+ questions or your blood has a disease the

    Red Cross will not take your donation.

    I have been giving blood since 9/11/2001. They encourage everyone to give

    but only take the good blood.

    Kind of makes you wonder if the lock box is alive and well......


  13. If this is who I think it is, why no mention of his years of service to the prez as a lapdog in a crazy

    little cult. He also can add that he packs a gun and is not afraid to flash it. Will do anything to get the sale because he has done many things in his past to help Craig cover up. Why no mention of a no debt policy.

    If I am wrong and have the wrong person, I am sorry.

    having trouble with the link a little help if this is him... anyone


  14. You know you are in a cult when you want to leave and leave with a scene, kicking,

    screaming, cussing and giving leadership the one finger salute. I mean going out on your own

    terms telling all that you feel and and where they can go. :realmad::realmad::evildenk:

    You would even settle to just fade away. But deep down you know they would tear your family

    apart just for fun..


  15. Jeff,

    Your question “What does it take to realize the MOG is really scum? “

    For me it was when the limb cord called the meeting that LCM had a one-time affair..

    I cannot believe I even considered him too be a MOG. LCM put the way household thru hell,

    Crazy rants, devils spirits under every rock, genuine spiritual suspicion and lets not forget

    his obsession with the old testament that put everyone under bondage and grace was gone.

    A one-time affair was all it took for me, time after time, he slandered people and expected everyone to walk a perfect walk like him. I then realized I put him in a place he never should have been. Then I found waydale and the scales fell from my eyes..

    From what I have seen, most people who saw LCM fall, still have faith in the way int 100%.

    The Fox did a great spin on putting all the blame on LCM and promoting twi as the only place to be tapped in with God. I find it funny because it the court doc’s the Fox knew of LCM’s extra affairs as early as 1996. People in the way want to be blind, they claim to think and be so spiritual but they are blindly following an old lesbian..

    Jeff the MOG can be scum, the new leader of the cornfield cult has taken his wife to be her own, and the people cheer. Stupid is as stupid does. Most will never see them for what they are. :asdf::asdf::doh:


  16. Trust me I am not here to pick a fight on the law of believing, just reporting the facts.

    I have been in the Way many years and never saw anything but LCM and the terror he spit out.

    Now it is the Chinese new decade of the Fox, and it still sucks.

    I was around during Waydale and the birth of the Café. That being said, I have held opinions

    According to the way and opinions of the real world since my mind left Wayland.

    When I first got involved, I was taught the law of believing but it seems to have evolved. I was in a meeting this summer and the region cord stated we are where we are right now, because of our believing. The context was a faithful follower of the Way was in a car accident coming home from a class. It was her fault, her believing; she was shunned and felt less then the best.

    It went further that if her believing was big enough, she should have believed for a better newer car with airbags to protect her. The quote,

    “”””””””” You are where you are right now because of your believing, that includes fiancés, your home, your car, your job, your physical health and your spiritual growth. If you have lack in any of these areas it is your believing. If you are not where you want to be spiritually or have lack in any area especially health it is you’re believing. God created the devil and knows all his tricks; do you think God can’t help you? Do you think that God wants to show you what it takes to over come the adv? Well he can and wants to but if you have lack, you’re believing sucks. You need to get your believing up and abs more so God can help you. God wants to help don’t blame him or the ministry”””””

    Well I grew up poor and lived in a home with a dirt floor for a few years. Never had the grades or money to go past high school. I have worked hard and am proud of my middle class home and decent job. I will never be rich money wise but I have provided a nice home for my family. Yes, I want more but come on if I was believing for the big home or nice new 70k BMW where would my spiritual goals be. Thank God the wife and kids never have had any health issues but hey, bad hearts and cancer runs in the family.

    My point is .... happens, life sucks some times, it says in the bible you won’t be tempted more then you are able to stand.

    This same @-hole blasted me because I was sick one time with the flu, while his wife was needing surgery and he had medical issues. However, he was so spiritual, it was an attack on him because he was standing in the gap..

    .... happens, life sucks some times and you are not promised life being a sweet bowl of cherries and no worries. The Way Int is a cult and blames you so there little house of cards will not fall.

    Copenhagen :evildenk:

  17. YES, not a dime then the threats to get the money..What does that tell you about a group. Your

    love just died and they see a a way to get paid.. THATS taking care of people. :realmad:

    I admire your courage to share and look foward to more. :eusa_clap:

    I know you adressed early on no names but I wish I knew who this P.O.S. limb @sshole was

    and I also wish I had 5 mintues alone with him. I also have daughters growing up in the way

    and believe me I have thought about this crap..

    Please keep going..


  18. twi == time, money and control..

    I am getting mad, life ins money and child support should not go to twi..

    Shellon your story is very is breaking my heart...

    I will not derail you have engaged please go on.


  19. Shell,

    I don't have words to express my feelings of how I feel for you and your story..

    I will say that your life is close to mine of how once your in twi the control is deep.

    I do not wish to derail your post. Please share more..


  20. Bigger question is, does the mighty queen need a bodyguard?

    I would assume no. Since she looks like Medusa..

    In Greek mythology, Medusa (Greek: Μέδουσα (Médousa), "guardian, protectress"[1]) was a gorgon, a chthonic female monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto; gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone. She was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head as a weapon[2] until giving it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion. She also has two gorgon sisters.

    Just my opnion


  21. Shellon

    All I can say is thanks for sharing.. I am sorry for your loss.

    I really enjoyed the story and I knew the ending from your previous posts

    but my heart is still sad. I hope in some way by sharing all that you have

    here at the cafe it will some how help you grow or whatever you need..

    You put a lot of heart and emotion here and only you know why, I just want

    you to be better from it...


    • Upvote 1
  22. Can’t catch me I am the Copenhagen man..

    He Linder watch your daughter not me...

    Rosie, I am sure you have heard you can't manage what you can’t measure. Then again if

    squeeze to tight you will choke the life out of people. Oh well I guess you are a control freak.

    Donna you sure can pick your mates, that’s strike two in my book.


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