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Posts posted by copenhagen

  1. believersnonbeliever,

    I do not want to come off harsh or mean. That being said I do tell it like it is.

    I have followed this post and bit my tounge. I will try and use tact and not come off as a jerk..

    My story is I am in the way and want out. My wife is in and she is there to stay. She knows

    that twi is not perfect and stays because of family and friends. she thinks there is no other place

    and the way is the only true place to find God and be in his favor. Yea there were bad times.

    She blames it all on the past and Lcm. She thinks it was all lcm's fault and its ok now.

    Truth is, the evil posion they call doctrine has not changed. There has been no policy changes in twi.

    Everything you have posted about the way is true. It goes a lot deeper and the amout of people hurt

    is a tradgey.

    If you want a chance at a happy life, walk away now. I know this is harsh and cutting but I speak

    from experience of a lonley life, trying to compete with an orginzation that spouts God but works for the devil.

    If she has friends and family in its 100 times harder for a break. If she treats you bad after fellowship or

    a get together with waybots your in trouble. People in the way DO NOT THINK LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE.

    They can hurt, harm, abuse or toss you out like trash all in the name of God and justify it in there minds.

    Untill she can wash her hands of the way international and all its mind controling doctrine, you will lose.

    Untill she ventures outside the bondage of the way and sees it for what it is, posion,you will lose.

    I do not wish to crush your heart for the woman you love but she has tasted freedom and broke the chains of

    twi opression and started a life with you only to freely go back.

    I have seen many young people leave sow some wild oats only to come back with a greater zeal for

    the twi, not God or his word but the twi. It is a cult plain and simple. Many times when the young belivers

    left, it was for a man/woman. Only to come back.. People by nature want to conform. They way

    love bombs you and slowly takes away your freedom and its all in the name of God. Then the legalism and opression start as your own desires and normal thought process leave you. Your gut feeling is that something

    is wrong and normal instincts of though ,that God gave you are replaced by a Sunday teaching service or Waymag article. Or what so and so said. They suck you back in and give you the chance to teach or lead or serve

    only to fill up your time with the twi crapso you cant think. Soon the twi koolaid tastes good again and your a twi


    I have been around the cafe for years and was there at Waydale under a diffrent name. I have

    looked over just about every post about the way. I have made a few good friends here.

    That being said I have never met them face to face or talked on the phone with anyof them.

    I have nothing to say bad about the cafe it has helped me heel and see the truth about the way.

    It is a place to share and grow and express opnions, but it will never take the place of your

    girlfriend. You come to the cafe for help and advice because you love her.

    If she is going back she loves twi more then you. God would not make her chose the twi does.

    Please cuss me out or pm if you would like to, but do not turn in to me. Do not waste your life

    at the cafe because you are with someone that choses an evil concept of Gods love and relgion

    over someone that loves them. I love my wife and kids and would never leave them, my burden

    to carry is being stuck in twi and not living life the way I want because of the twi...


  2. Who ever they are they suck!

    I have insulted Linder and stated he needs to watch his daughter a little more then the cafe.

    I also have state The fox is in donna's hen house so who else do I need to insult?

    Get a life or better yet get a new God and quit serving yourselves...


  3. I knew of one branch leader 15 yrs ago giving out his own pocket ( he had a real job) to a lady

    who was sick to go to the doctor. She was laid off and had no savings but was faithful to the way

    for years. This leader who was a corp grad, had a heart of gold and loved people.

    He knew she had a need and paid for everything.

    My thinking now is, back then she was a faithful beliver who believed in ABS and always did.

    She had thrown in the pot for 10+ years, plus time and man power to set up, do cards ect.

    Has anyone ever seen twi giving back to people in time of need ?

    I know of people in the way ministy that have,

    a. illness and need medical attention or sugery

    b. losss of job and will lose a rented home or apartment

    c. kids that need some new clothes or a trip to the dentist

    d. parents that work but having hard times, that could use a gift card for food or clothes.

    e. grants or aide for school.

    f. I paid for shots for someones kids for school and another believer paid for school items.

    The list goes on and on but the need is out there and believe bigger is not working.

    The way demands time, money and free labour not to mention you ABS.

    With all they take has anyone seen them give back?


  4. I have been a way disicilpe and lived in a way home hated them both.

    The sell is the family gig and who better to live with belivers, you can save money

    live less and serve more. You will be surounded by love and the word.

    Oh yea you good credit will you sign the lease.

    Next thing I know people are trying to run my life and tell

    me what to do.

    The truth you get people with bad hygene bad habbits and sticky fingers.

    They want to use your car or get a ride and never kick in for gas.

    The truth is it turns in to a messed up family where people take advantage

    of each other and have no respect for others or there stuff.

    I was in a hell home left for a few months,went way dis to come back,

    my tv, vcr and surround sound were set up in the new way home. My couch and tables and

    dining room set were in a fellowship cords home. Washer and dryer were in the new way corp

    home. My truck had a bad water pump a dent and bald tires. All things were placed in

    a safe home with a wonderful gal who got the boot because she would not make her son take the

    wonder class.She got tossed and my stuff got stolen. Not to mention the personal effects that were missing.

    It was an act of congress to get my stuff back from these people. It was my stuff.

    The way is and always was a scam. you are a theif or being stolen from.

    Just hide it in the name of God.


  5. outandabout,

    Could be a number of things. Like me there could be a spouse they are afraid they will lose to the way.

    My case she wont leave and thinks twi is a true place to find God. I would run screaming if she would

    follow. Fear of losing kids or parents.

    Have lost all contact with friends and will be alone.

    If I was single with no kids or family, I would be a thorn in the flesh to twi in biblical porportions.


  6. Twinky

    If you were stuck in the way like I am, a 6-pack is your best and only friend.

    It is better to live life numb, then live in the way.

    P.S. my liver has not failed me yet. How about I come vist you in England and you show me what

    real beer tastes like?

    copenhagen :dance::dance:

  7. That is the same dribble I heard at fellowship from the people that went.

    They put a postive spin on it but the people were talking more about who they saw

    not what was taught.

    1500 bucks to be put to sleep, I will pass, a six-pack and talk radio are better and cheaper.


  8. RumRunner said,

    Harv3y Pl@tig was a piece of pig manure. He endeavored to destroy several marriages by "the usual way." May he rot.

    I agree, he spews the swine flu with his way doctrine. He will do what it takes to promote the way, even if

    it breaks up a family.


  9. HAM said,

    So where DOES one get a job watching cornfields and "taking care of" unwanted cats?

    who knows.. maybe it's a hobby..

    If you are speaking of Mr. l#nder

    I would say corn will grow with out you watching it and the puddycatts can be left alone.

    If you want to pay attention to something and watch it with your whole hart and do the will of God.

    Try looking at your daughter more instead of cornfields.

    She has a rep of spending alot of time with alot of diffrent guys.

    This is what is being said.

    I would be more concerned about my daughter then a cat in a cornfield.

    Then again when your brain washed in a little cult, things like that don't matter.


  10. The hope that today will be the day wife no longer wants to be apart of the way.

    The kids and the sports they play. Love to watch them play.

    Friends and beer drinking bbq's.


  11. In our fellowship we have a great young lady. She has been coming for a few months and

    does the typical things a new person does. She comes in late, sometimes at the end of a teaching.

    She never calls to to say if she is coming or not.

    Then she took the class, and it was funny to see the people working with her. Calling her in the morning

    to make sure she was up. Showing up at her work so she would not get lost on the way to class.

    They kissed her behind to take it then get her to the last session.

    Then it came the talk"it's time to grow up and stand on your own".

    One magic class and all your problams and stupid little quirks should go away.

    She did not take it well she liked being the center of attention now she is one of the grads.

    She now is part of the people machine and does not like it.

    I fondly recall my talk, I loved God and the people at fellowship. I liked how they helped me

    and cared about my problams and offered advice and solutions with the word. Then I took the class

    and was suddenly a grad and should know it all.wtf!!!

    Anyone else rember this coming of age in the way?


  12. "The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one."

    This is a quote from a famous person.

    It reminds me of The Way and its leaders. With some of the things they said and did.

    I am thinking of V.P. to LCM and a few region or state leaders of the past and presant.

    Anyone else look back now and say how did I believe that crap.


    answer later, want to see who gets it first .

  13. This is why I do not post that much and have limited contact with people here.

    I think this place is great to learn and discuss stuff and have no problam with it,

    it's the WAY INTERNATIONAL I have a problam with.

    What kind of Christian org has it's own people spy around the clock

    on a web page in the name of God and the household protection.

    They are so pathetic doing this. If they have so much to hide and cover

    how can they proclaim to be Christian and acting godly. Its time to come clean

    and say we messed up and we are sorry. Let the chips fall and pick up with

    your little cult. By doing this it would be a self purge and you would only have

    the (stupid) faithfull left.

    If this was a national security matter with secrets and other nations were trying to get info

    I could understand the backdoor antics.

    No, this a so called christian group that acts like a church and talks about

    God and the bible are the ones who have to spy.

    Where is 20/20 or Dateline when you need them.

    I can see the headlines now "Cult spying in the name of God"

    The show starts with Donna sitting in Rosie's lap as camara crew busts in

    her office. Rosie says turn off the camaras, this is private and I need a release

    in life I run a ministry that isnt even a blip on the radar in christinanty. I keep the devil

    from taking over th USA and global warming from destroying the earth so we can have STS

    every week.

    The show host asks Rosie why is the economy in the crapper, the big 3 are in trouble

    and close to home, your area of Ohio has 20% unemployment. Even Al Gore

    has backed of the global warming crap with record temp lows and Antartica freezing more.

    Where is your spiritual protectin and how are you making a diffrence??

    Donna jumps out of Rosie's lap. Rosie says you can't handle the truth.

    I am doing what I have been taught by VP and LCM, you must understand this is

    spiritual battle and I am getting spiritual with woman if they can handle it, this is

    my burden and I chose to bare it all with Donna.

    Rosie calls Mr Linder aka the pimp in, and has the host see how he talks people

    in to a job that no one in their wright mind would do.

    Camaras are rolling while Linder the pimp finds a fresh way corp grap right after graduation,

    he approaches him and asks if as a little boy, did he want to be a spy? He tells him of

    how the devil is after the Way and Rosie and he can be a James Bond for God.

    They only condition is he can only repot to him and never tell anyone what he does at hq.

    If he is caught he will be mark and avoided and labled as seed of the devil then banished

    to be LCM's house boy.

    Sorry to bore everyone with my tasteless humor. I am bored today.

    That being said WayGB come and get me and toss my entire family out.


  14. How is the twi different???

    Good question I will answer from the view from an insider.

    They do not get too involved in your personal business so much.

    No more schedules for every day of the week. They do inquire

    about abs and want to make sure, you have Gods protection.

    No in your face yelling and screaming. Not in a fellowship or sts.

    In fact, all Sts will put you to sleep, very boring.

    There are no more let’s go to the back room after fellowship and have a chat.

    I have not seen that in years. There have been meetings of reputation

    Bashing when someone left.

    Biggest changes are leaders do not expected to be served. They get

    out and try to be seen so the folks that have been around forever can

    talk of the old days while the new people can see a leader in person at there

    own fellowship.

    My personal favorite is the out reach program or lack of.

    Always big pushes to go way disciple, but the numbers are pathetic.

    They now have stay at home programs don’t leave the area and witness

    10hrs a week. For your faithfulness, you get nothing,but praise.

    They are shrinking and they know it. They just want your money.


  15. A friend of mine is doing research on cults and found this list on the internet.

    How many can you relate from your twi experience???

    25 Signs of Cult Behavior

    * 1. The Guru is always right.

    * 2. You are always wrong.

    * 3. No Humor.

    * 4. The End Justifies The Means.

    * 5. Cult-speak.

    * 6. Group-think, Suppression of Dissent, and Enforced Conformity in Thinking

    * 7. Irrationality.

    * 8. Suspension of disbelief.

    * 9. Denigration of competing sects, cults, religions...

    * 10. Personal attacks on critics.

    * 11. Insistence that the cult is THE ONLY WAY.

    * 12. The cult and its members are special.

    * 13. Induction of guilt, and the use of guilt to manipulate cult members.

    * 14. Unquestionable Dogma, Sacred Science, and Infallible Ideology.

    * 15. Indoctrination of members.

    * 16. Appeals to "holy" or "wise" authorities.

    * 17. Instant Community.

    * 18. Instant Intimacy.

    * 19. Surrender To The Cult.

    * 20. Create a sense of powerlessness, covert fear, guilt, and dependency.

    * 21. Ideology Over Experience, Observation, and Logic

    * 22. Grandiose existence. Bombastic, Grandiose Claims.

    * 23. Enemy-making and Devaluing the Outsider

    * 24. True Believers

    * 25. We Have The Panacea.


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  16. I think that it success should be measured in number of classes, number of new disciples and number of places were the Word get established. New twigs, limbs, branches. quote by themex

    I ran 3 classes in one year, thats the year the wow program was axed.

    Had great vision going out way disciple and ran in to a lady in here 3rd year

    of training and ran no classes. Every person that came she ran off. After

    one fellowship she expected way corp standards out of them.

    In my case they were the smart ones they ran.

    It was all a scam from the 1st class to corp.

    Its the ever chasing dream.

    1st take the class then another.

    2nd go wow or wd

    3rd go corp.

    They keep you chasing a dream of enlightenment but beat you down

    the entire way.

    They always want your time and money but give nothing in return..

    I would measure sucess in a man or womans walk and life by their

    fruit. Not to a cult but to God and their family then others.


  17. Not wanting to derail the christain family and sex thread I am starting a new one.

    Sorry if this has been covered before.


    Has anyone got good advice from leaders on it?

    I have been happily with my wife for many years.

    I know that my wife was my sister in christ before we tied the knot.

    That being said, who am I to have the only say about our life and dicisions?

    She got revelation before we got hitched am I now to believe God cut her

    off because I am the head?

    In several catagories she is smarter then me. Why would I pull the I am the head

    card and make her submit. I think marriage is an equal partnership where

    you play off each others strgenths not I am the boss.

    I cant remember any sort of councling.

    It was you guys are adv class grads ok I can do it in November

    next month or do you want a longer engagment till spring thats my next opening.

    That was it.

    Since then I have gotten plenty of (bad) advice.

    Thats another topic.

    One of the things i liked about the way was people seem to stay together

    and divorce rate was not high.

    Then I saw plenty of singles who were once hitched but chose the twi over their spouse.

    That is plenty of babble for now any opnions??


  18. Hope this does not derail.

    I was at a adv class grad meeting with the region cord teaching.

    The topic was witnessing and we were warned "the ministry is a nut magnet"

    and these nuts are not what we are looking for. Jobs and not peolple with

    problams is the push.(Bring in the money not problams)

    This was a few months ago and I was thinking wtf if someone has a need and you have

    the word give it.


  19. Rascal said

    When I see people actually living the love of God, instead of finding scriptural support, excuse and even justify viscious cruel behavior, I might actually be able to consider whether twi doctrine, and it`s off shoots are even compatible with a genuine Christian life style.

    What else needs to be said.

    Show me the fruit..


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