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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Dude! For my first post of 2004!

    The Blue Dan-Dude

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.

    Du du du du dude, dude-dude, dude-dude.


    "Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"

  2. Hi this is the first time I made a prayer request here and for the first time in many years.

    I have two friends one named Jim one named John. They both are straight men who have Hepatitus C and are HIV positive, They both start Interferon treatment this month one on friday 2nd the other on the 5th or 9th.

    Interferon is a very strong protein that help our body fight certain attacks, but taking it interveinously causes heavy side-effects.

    I wish that these two friends are able to tolerate the drugs easier then they expected and that most important, it cures the Hep-C.



    "Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"

  3. Here is what I think of PFAL, in a nutshell.

    It was VPW's "Ha, I told you so!" to his old teachers and church leaders.

    It was VPW's excuse to drink and smoke and be un-faithful to his wife, to lie and cheat and steal from faithful followers; and still call him self Christian. Why? Because it's only your body that is sinning not your Spirit.

    It was a waste of 36 hours of my life every time I took it. (More when I was on the class crew)

    It was a source of pain and confusion for many years.

    It is probly the best recording of mind-control and cult-indoctrination ever developed and it should be studied by universities around the world.

    It was my introduction to Christian superstition.


    "Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?"

  4. Hi folks,

    Looking for my wow family and team members:

    Mark Scognamillo

    Tom Coleman

    Theresa Johnson

    T***** B*****

    Also other team members:

    Roberta Simberg

    Sam Selden

    if I forgot your name I'm sorry!


    **This post protected by: Thornton's Anti-Thread-Derail v4.7**

  5. Hi Vicky, I know we talked about this in chat, but I thought I should post it here.

    I knew Dan from his time in New Jersey prior to his going into the WC. Of course we all know about the fog-years, and all the junk going on. Well Dan was booted from the corps over some doctrinal debate he started with the BOT. This was in the middle of all the GC gartmore crap and such. So I think Dan was out around '88 or something. I talked to his sister at a ROA in '91 and she said he was going to church with a girl friend he met, and health wise he seemed to be getting the MS symtoms back. I heard nothing about him since 1992. I think he might be in NJ because that's where his folks lived.


    **This post protected by: Thornton's Anti-Thread-Derail v4.7**

  6. Thanks Lorna your post prompted me to look at TWI's site. One thing I've come to love about TWI is their lies, I mean they say TWI has been around for 61 years. Considering the founder was such a stickler for details and accuracy for the "word", but when it comes to TWI history they bend the rules. I think TWI was incorporated (that is they filed papers and secured a trade name) in 1955, my math may be off but I think this is TWI's 48th year "in business".

    Now if I'm wrong please let me know, I think a 13 year variance is a bit of a stretch. However the number 13 is fitting.


    **This post protected by: Thornton's Anti-Thread-Derail v4.7**

  7. There is something called Asperger's Syndrome it is in the Autism spectrum. I believe I might have a mild form of Asperger's Syndrome.

    I have been having trouble finding anyone who could help me with a diagnosis, but I'm still hopeful.

    One of my biggest pet peaves is one person I know and I trust is a real a$$ hole about it, he thinks I can just learn to be normal. Well I hold many of my symptoms back, it takes alot of energy to do this, it's hard to read facial expressions, and body language.

    My symptoms come and go, but when is bad I have real trouble.

    More info: http://www.asperger.org/


    **This post protected by: Thornton's Anti-Thread-Derail v4.7**

  8. This is a treatment for a pilot show on the Lifetime channel.

    Premise: 5 guys in TWI filled with righteousness give the "lucky" Ex-TWI (or any cult-like group) a life make-over. New hair-doo, new clothes, new language, new very thing.

    The fun starts when the opening shot rolls, from the stage of the VPW:Prevailing Word Auditorium. Rosalie hands the guys a bunch of TWI paraphernalia photos of the BOD and stuff. Then they rush off to some poor souls house to "bless" them.

    Please feel free to add the other details.


    **This post protected by: Thornton's Anti-Thread-Derail v4.7**

  9. I just rented and watched "Dream Catcher" was surprisingly scarey and good. With Morgan Freeman and Jason Lee how can you go wrong?


    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~~~ Herbert Spencer

  10. Hey that was great, best writing I've seen from Harve in years. His letter didn't contain one pious platitude or quote of scripture. Do it again!


    P.S. Off-topic: Hey Excathedra I know it's early but, what are your plans for post 5000?

    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~~~ Herbert Spencer

  11. I'm throwing in the towel. I'm not even close to being able to come to this blessed event. I'll shoot for next year when I can come in style, reservations and everything.


    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~~~ Herbert Spencer

  12. If y'all don't mind I'd like to join you, but money is tight right at this moment so there's not a chance for me to make any reservations. If I get my cash situation cleared up by say the 10th of sept I'll know better if I can do it. The way things are going is good, but timing is everything when it comes down to it.

    Those cabins look great!

    See ya... maybe?


    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~~~ Herbert Spencer

  13. I agree w/ chwester Ultimate Cleanse is great.


    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~~~ Herbert Spencer

  14. I'm into reading H.H. The Dalai Lama, many Buddhist texts and books. Robert T. Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad).

    I used to be a voracious reader but now I read what I can. I have a bookcase full and half of the books I haven't read yet, or finished, titles like.

    Toxic Parents, Feeling Good handbook, Conversations with God, Blooming lotus, Path to bliss, Retire Young Retire Rich, The TAO of Adundance... and many others.


    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~~~ Herbert Spencer

  15. I agree with chwester, and would add we should all take Flax seed oil, I use Barleen's it's nutty tasting and adds great flavor to morning oats and as the oil in salad dressing. One thing flaxoil is very unstable and goes bad faster at room temp then refined oils. It's the phytonutrients that make it unstable, it's also expensive, so you only want to use exactly what you are going to take otherwise it's a waste. Now to address one concern flax seed oil is not like the whole seed or the meal, it doesn't make your bowels move like crazy.

    Flax seed oil when taken internally is great for these things:

    Lower cholesterol

    mood support

    joint mobility

    lubricates heart valves

    and as mentioned;




    Originally posted by chwester:

    Your sister should take flax oil. As should all other humans. Flax oil has phytochemicals shown to prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer.

    I always take at least 2 tablespoons everyday.

    It also moisturizes your skin from the inside out, lubricates the joints, and many menopausal women get wonderful relief from symptoms by using it. It is harmless in ALL cases. There are many types of flax oil combinations at health food stores that are designed for menopausal women. None of them contain black cohosh. But check the labels anyway just in case.




    "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--- that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~~~ Herbert Spencer

  16. Dot,

    I'm losing 1-2 lbs a week without dieting, but I'm taking a suppliment that increases my metabolic rate enough to raise my body temp by 1 degree. My sister keeps telling me how much thinner I look.

    BTW, losing weight is not a true sign of body fat reduction, because muscle may be burned for fuel before fat is, so be carefull. Starvation and quick weight lose is NOT the answer. 2 lbs per week is the MOST you want to lose, otherwise you are hurting yourself.

    These diets that promise 5, 10, a week or I've seen ads for 20 lbs in 3 days, only do these things.

    1) dehydrate you

    2) burn muscle

    3) stress liver and kidneys

    Not to mention slow your metabolism.

    If you want my friend sells this suppliment, she can send you a free sample, which is good for a week. I lost 2 lbs using the free sample!

    I still eat donuts every weekday.



    "Oh, look! My vinky is a key!" ~~~ Gold Member

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