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Everything posted by wasway

  1. Mrs. wasway says Bobby Sherman was so dreamy Heres a line from a pretty good sitcom "You know what? You've got spunk!...I hate spunk!"
  2. You on the right track WS The song was "unconsious Power" IB's first single.. There are no more verses except '...Its the unconcious power" between the 2 verses and at the end
  3. Looks like I got a tough one... So here's another verse Removing all your inhibitions Releasing complete freedom of thought Sensations of ev'ry sense will prepare With this you will see ev'ry thing. Andd the album its from was titled "HEAVY"
  4. OK I still have to read back and make sure of whats been used but for now how about this: "Yes, sir. That's whatcha call a first-class, double-naught spy car."
  5. I remember this one....I have never played here before but,if I may, that would be 86, 99, and the chief from "Get Smart"
  6. Thank you for THE post DM.. its aways good to re-read THE Genesis of THE.. ALL HAIS THE
  7. I have to leave for work butr before I go I wanted to leave ya'll with this We all want to prepare you The unbelievable is going to happen It will linger in your mind forever Let this carry you wherever - wherever
  8. boy WS you sure tend to lean to the obscure..Luckily (or maybe not so luckily) I was obsessed by music as a teen. anyway, I think that I can find this horse.. Chestnut Mare (tweet tweet) the Byrds
  9. Ask Rose... bet she'll know if you should make a friendly wager
  10. Ca Dreaming knows her evil rock-n-roll... Your turn
  11. This ought to rile somebody up.... No stop signs, speed limit Nobody's gonna slow me down Like a wheel, gonna spin it Nobody's gonna mess me round Hey Satan, payed my dues Playing in a rocking band Hey Momma, look at me I'm on my way to the promised land
  12. Yer right Def Leopard did it too Bringin" on the heartache... Mrs Wasway has it by Mariah Carey and plays it ad infinitum
  13. sorry can't bring myself to identify a song by her
  14. If you wanna be a rock-n-roll star you need to know this one Caught up in a whirlwind, can't catch my breath. Knee deep in hot water, broke out in cold sweat. Can't catch a turtle, in this rat race. Feels like I'm losing ground, at a breakneck pace.
  15. been long enough... So you wanna be a rock-n-roll star the Byrds..
  16. That's a song about the Bluzeman tweet tweet
  17. I just watched the "wizard of oz" while playng "Dark Side of the moon" it is just toooooooooo coooool you gotta do this........ just once
  18. Oh Confidence.. what a concept... Here is one we've all gone through...I think Every whisper Of every waking hour I'm Choosing my confessions Trying to keep an eye on you Like a hurt lost and blinded fool Oh no I've said too much I set it up
  19. Smooth move Carlos!!! Smooth by Santana
  20. I'll not speak his name... but Bernie wrote it..Bernie wrote em all... gotta go to the water closet now...
  21. The MC5 album show was on Halloween night in '68 after the show we all went out on Grand River and "played with matches" so to speak in the MC tradition, of course ....Iggy...remember Iggy & the stooges, and Lou Reed actually doin' Heroin on stage, instead of just singing about it.... these arena shows today don't hold a candle Go ahead waysider your turn
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