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Posts posted by wasway

  1. Looks like I got a tough one...

    So here's another verse

    Removing all your inhibitions

    Releasing complete freedom of thought

    Sensations of ev'ry sense will prepare

    With this you will see ev'ry thing.

    Andd the album its from was titled "HEAVY"

  2. This ought to rile somebody up....

    :evildenk: No stop signs, speed limit

    Nobody's gonna slow me down

    Like a wheel, gonna spin it

    Nobody's gonna mess me round

    Hey Satan, payed my dues

    Playing in a rocking band

    Hey Momma, look at me

    I'm on my way to the promised land :evildenk:

  3. If you wanna be a rock-n-roll star you need to know this one

    Caught up in a whirlwind, can't catch my breath.

    Knee deep in hot water, broke out in cold sweat.

    Can't catch a turtle, in this rat race.

    Feels like I'm losing ground, at a breakneck pace.

  4. Oh Confidence.. what a concept...

    Here is one we've all gone through...I think

    Every whisper

    Of every waking hour I'm

    Choosing my confessions

    Trying to keep an eye on you

    Like a hurt lost and blinded fool

    Oh no I've said too much

    I set it up

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