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Posts posted by bfh

  1. It is Dante Alighieri, author of The Divine Comedy.

    The quote I used was translated by Nathanel Hawthorne and is from Purgatorio, Canto 1.

    Most well-known quote:

    "All hope abandon ye who enter here".

    Written on the sign above the entrance to Hell.

    - from

    GSG, you're up.

  2. I love being reminded of great songs...it's such a great song I had to post it in song of the moment. Thanks!

    New Tune:

    After two days in the desert sun

    My skin began to turn red

    After three days in the desert fun

    I was looking at a river bed

  3. "Leaving on a Jet Plane" is the name of the song.

    I was thinking of Peter, Paul, and Mary as the artist.

    But, through a bit of research, I found out John Denver wrote it and it appears on 17 of his albums.

    Other artists who have recorded it: Jewel, Eve 6, Janis Joplin, Chantal Kreviazuk, Aerosmith (who knew),

    Jefferson Airplane, Justin Timberlake, Frank Sinatra, Fiona Apple, Slightly Stoopid...and on, and on..

    Which is a long way of saying:

    Dooj, Your turn....

    and thank you for letting me indulge myself. :)

    Oops, didn't see George's post

  4. I spent hours playing a pong football game on a handheld, not much bigger than

    a calculator at that time. I found this was a great way to while away the day when

    I was hung over and didn't have the energy to do anything else.

    A couple years later it was on to Centipede...

    Although not being the Woz, or an engineer for that matter, I didn't decide to build one for myself!

    I like these interviews with Woz, not only for the history, but because I like the Woz.

    He strikes as a warm, friendly, open kind of guy, someone you could have a beer with, unlike Steve Jobs.

    I think Woz would sit there and tell all kinds of stories about his adventures in the early days.

    How fun would that be?

    Beer and stories with The Woz :)

  5. I always seem to forget that others have covered this song.

    In my mind, "All Along the Watchtower" will always be indelibly linked with Hendrix.

    New Tune:

    There's so many times I've let you down

    So many times I've played around

    I tell you now, they don't mean a thing

  6. I really think you're groovy.

    Let's go out to a movie.

    Whatta ya say now?

    All I hear when I look at these lyrics is:

    Just tripping down the cobblestones

    Looking for love and feeling groovy

    lalalalalala...feeling groovy.....lalala...

    I don't have a clue - but feeling groovy is sure stuck in my head! :biglaugh:

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