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Everything posted by walking

  1. walking

    Guitar Talk

    Hello waysider. "Just wondering if your handle is a hint that you play bass. Ya know, like"Play me a 1/4 note "walking bass".?" No that is just coincedence. Funny I did try to learn bass as my first instrument in the 70's so I did remember the term when you mentioned it. I just pulled that name out of the hat. I have done a lot of walking. Oh I probably will pick up a bass guitar again. Right now I am learning Classical style applied with a pick to a steel string and sight reading. messed around with guitar for a long time but can't say I can play it though I dabbled with open tunings, dropped D. Travis picking kept me going all through the years. I favor blues but haved touched a little bit on many different styles which I hope will come out when I am comfortable with my ability. Socks. I am a vinyl person, tough I also have Cd's. I use a stand alone recorder for Lp to Cd recording. I have a second hard drive for storing music. I do store all the Cd's on computer also. Some times people give me their records so I record the ones they want to have on CD for them and those I copy to computer. I might get a software to slpit tracks one day but right now it's not a priorty. Thank you also, RainbowsGirl, ChattyKathy, dmiller. Got to practice. My lessons are today. My left hand has entered a whole new world, plus years of slop playing bad habits. I will check back Thanks all Joe
  2. walking

    Guitar Talk

    Hello all. Joe here. Guitars! Music! Did I see mention of Lp's? I just walked in don't mind me I would just like to sit back and listen for awhile.
  3. walking


    Thanks for the coffee. I think I'll sit right here for a bit and enjoy it. Hazelnut, my favorite blend. Thanks. I think the group I was with could no longer get the PAFL tapes because of a tithing issue. I think the way no longer reconized them as part of the Way for that reason. I do not really remember. I am glad I had the opportunity to take the classes I took. I think it was two seperate classes at two different times or we crammed two back to back and another a few months later. Been a while so memory isn't that clear. In my moves I lost all the books the papers and such. I think I'll get another cup, Would anyone else like me to get them one?
  4. walking


    Thank You FreeAtLast + coolchef. Glad I found this place. Nice grouping of topics from Spirtual to things in normal every day life. I thought it was pretty cool, a guitar spot. I was researching Speaking in tounges. That is how I found this site. Though I have met other believers along my path, none familiar with the Way, Speaking in tounges was a topic that few could speak on. Anyway I see alot of dead threads with topics I could speak on but I guess I will soon post a new one which deals with speaking in tounges. Situations where you just feel a strange feeling like something evil is present and you are left just thinking am I alright in the brain department. If it's alright to carry on a conversation right here I guess it would be part of me still introducing my self. It's been awhile since I spoken to anyone about God as in a real conversation though I do mention things as doors open for it and sometimes it is a short but not in depth conversation.
  5. walking


    Hello all: My name is Joe. Around 1986 I met a member of the Way.They turned me on to their fellowship. I felt comfortable I was searching around this site and I see a member quite possibly might have attended the same twig group, fellowship. This was in Mystic, CT. with a John and Marge. I also attended maybe a few in Norwich, Ct. Yes I took the PAFL classes. Yes I spoke in tounges and still do. Yes I belive with out a doubt in my mind in God and Jesus Christ. The way I lived and the things that have happend. Things changed in my life and I drifted. Went to Ca. Yes there is a big time gap between then and now and I experinced a lot. I am back On the east coast in Ma.. I have not been to a fellowship since I left Ct. but was always looking for one. No I got that wrong I found one in torrance Ca.. No connection to the Way. Matter of fact the few I talked to never heard of it. I went a few times and then drifted. A few years ago I finally got a computer something I said I would not do. Yes I ate my words but they tasted pretty good. Poked around looking for info on the Way and maybe find a fellowship in my surrounding area. Seems Like the way fell apart. Well I was looking around again and here I am. Yes God And Jesus had something to do with it. I felt compelled. In my prayer's at night and my prayer is simple, I thank God for every thing He has done for me for all I have and and all I will, To Bless my family and everyone. All I ask of God, as I know he knows my needs and wants, Is for what ever help he is willing to give. I ask in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, Amen. My need and my want are the same at this time. Not all, but this particular one. To be among other believers. Yes I am far from perfect. Yes I ask for forgiveness every night. Not necessarily for my actions but more for my thoughts. I read well. I listen well. A little rough around the edges. I'm 52 now and like the sheep that wanders I need to return to the flock. If this is a little much for some feel free to email me. I am actually a pretty lively person. who lived a pretty wild sort of life. All are welcome to email me with questions. I could use some help in getting comfortable and becoming an active member of this site. Any topic will do. Well that's all for now as I am starting to remember things I have long fogotten. God is good Joe
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