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George Aar

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Posts posted by George Aar

  1. Oh, and I meant to mention,

    Up until 1973 when Northern State Hospital was closed due to budget cuts, Sedro-Woolley was synonymous "Mental Illness". The town itself relying on the Mental Hospital for about 25% of it's income. The common insult when I was a kid was to claim somebody should be moved to Sedro-Woolley, insinuating that they had some sort of mental malady. Uh, yeah, politcal correctness was never a failing for me or mine.

    Not sure how that relates to anything, but being a history fan, I had to mention it...

  2. Sedro Woolley is just up the road from me 30 or 40 miles. It's basically just a wide spot in the road. A few farms, a little bit of logging, and a few inbred hillbillies. The remnants of the "Love" family are close by as well (another cultish group of hippie/spiritualists that's seen it's star rise and fall already).

    It doesn't strike me as the kinda place where there's going to be fertile ground for garnering a large group. Seems more likely the plan is to hunker down with a small group of the faithful and await some terrifying fate.

    Really, do any of these splinters ever grow enough to do anything more than provide a comfortable income for their chosen MOG? Doesn't seem like it.

    What a dreary farking existence...

  3. I wasn't at that meeting, but I was friends with someone who was. I remember him telling of the incident, and being all "Wow, this is so like 'Doctor' to do this". I THINK the point was to show how detailed the maker of that eye was in his work, and how we should be like that "working the WURD", yeah,yeah, sure, sure.

    Still, pretty farking creepy. Would he do the same for a girlfriend who had breast implants? Come to think of it, he probably did."Looky how nice THESE babies came out, huh?"...

  4. I second what Rocky said, avoid it or wallow in it? Rupert is long on sleeze, short on anything approaching journalism, take a look at the Wall Street Journal since his takeover for example.

    I occasionally catch one of the promos for the "entertainment" news shows, and I can't get over what they're pitching. Gawd, five nights a week of that crap, who's humping who (or is it "whom"), who found out their S/O is bedding down with Zsa Zsa's German Shephard, who's in rehab, who's punched out a paparazzi, who's driving around without underwear, and other incredibly important stuff. It troubles me no end that there's evidently a large segment of society who actually cares about any of that crap. Jeezus...

  5. That is one of the few foods I consider truly vile - fish jello. Surprised they didn't make us eat that for some kind of disciplinary action in rez.

    Yah, you bet...

    Ever consider the kind of intellect that would think that soaking food in LYE was a good idea? Yah, vell, dere ya go...

    (actually, according to my late father, "good" lutefisk was light and flakey - never gooey. But in the fifteen or so Christmases that I had to endure that yearly treat, I never once saw the fish in that consistency. "It's just not GOOD anymore!" was my father's constant lament)

    Sorry, I digress...

  6. Besides vp being one of the best con artists to walk the earth, he had a way of "inspiring" others to put a lot of stock in his intellectual abilities [also known as pulling the wool over their eyes]. And in turn those so "inspired" would go forth with a lofty mission to teach others based on this tremendous false-confidence. Pseudo-intellectualism breeds pseudo-intellectualism.

    Speaking of which, where's "The Heckler" these days? Just another drive-by?

  7. Oh Jeezus, another one with the magic decoder ring and all the answers.

    BTW, I find it more than a little ironic that you cleave to a supposed "Wurd" as some sort of cohesive, all encompassing, all explaining, all truth (IF you have the magic decoder ring), and yet invoke "logic" as your guiding principle. Sure...

  8. Nah. I no longer search for lots of stuff:


    The "other" shooter at the Kennedy assassination


    The perfect combination of "natural" foods that will make me healthy

    The stinky "brand new" Corvette for $75. (with the "dead man" smell in it)

    The perfect "work from home" MLM to make my fortune with

    True love

    Such is the cost of growing up, I guess...

  9. Well, I cooked a turkey again, as per usual. But I'm damned if I know why. The kids are all elsewhere, I don't HAVE a S/O, and I can't eat anything anymore (type II B.S.). So I just put the whole turkey, with all the trimmings right from the oven and into the fridge, where it'll stay probably until it turns green.


  10. I've got the usual, a wilted stalk of celery and a bottle of ketchup. A couple of the drawers are stuck shut and I haven't been able to open them for a year or so. I don't know what's in them, but I'm in no hurry to find out...

  11. I'm sure Bullinger put a lot of effort into his work. That's pretty much self-evident. What's also pretty obvious is that he worked overtime trying to make sense of stuff that doesn't necessarily make any sense. "Numbers in Scripture" comes to mind...

  12. I like doing little things for people too. Like sending them inappropriate personal gifts, keeping an eye on them when they're out alone, and just sorta hanging around their homes whenever I feel like it. You know, just watching out for 'em and stuff...

    Restraining orders can be such a downer though...

  13. hey wait.....those are MY drinks, not Dad's


    I remember a few years ago, in one of my rare excursions into a cocktail lounge, I ordered a Harvey Wallbanger and the bartender had no clue what I was talking about. It was around that time when I realized that I was no longer part of the "happening" generation...

  14. They don't even list a phone number.

    Just "P.O.Box 328"

    Further evidence (as if anymore were needed) that they're simply playing the "non-profit corporation" game while they slowly spend down that pile of cash. Everybody keeps talking about how they're losing numbers and there's nothing new to attract new members. Gee, you think that's all accidental? I think not...

  15. I have no problem with trying to inject a little more compassion into the mix. There's certainly no oversupply at present.

    The issue I had with that particular clip was that it seemed to be trying to counteract the negatives of religious influence by simply promoting another religion. And the whole morality tale of the guy who just doesn't get it (and ultimately he ends up licking the maggots off a sick dog's foot - oh sweet Jeezus, deliver me) I found REALLY over-the-top, farking annoying. But such tripe is common in Eastern Religions. There's a million of 'em.

    Most of them at least as annoying as that one.

    I just don't see how invoking more unsupported obeisance to nonsensical blather is going to help in the long run. I'd be far more impressed if we promoted basic rules of logic and taught rudimentary reasoning. I think it's our only real tool...

  16. One of the toughest things I had to wrestle with whilst still a Wayfer, was the fact that most everything from the Bible had been used before. Creation stories abound in every culture. Noah's Ark was written about at least as far back as Sumer (and in cuneiform no less).

    Virgin births were common attributes given to any number of famous men (I think even Aesop was awarded that honor). Human sacrifice, supermen-heros, God-men, evil spirits, devils, blood-rituals, burnt offerings, all sorts of holy sacriments, cannibalism, giants, bickering amongst the gods, and of course - blissful rewards for all eternity to the faithful - it's ALL been done before. Lots of it MANY times.

    It's just superstition. Yeah, that's harsh to deal with after a lifetime of mindless servile obeisance, but I think that's the only logical conclusion.


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