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Posts posted by nyunknown

  1. Sounds pretty logical to me..

    Me too! Boy that bacardi hits the spot! Its all over the internet. The end of the world. Nostradamus predictions, Alien invasion, The north and south pole will shift. Th e maya calender predicts this too. A great comic event (hicup) I mean cosmic event will take place. Hey waysider and hammmy (hicup) we better buy cases of bacardi and nuts. When the world ends let go out happy!biglaugh.gif

  2. Not sure about AREA 51 but I'm familiar with 151.

    I'll drink to that! Come on has anyone ever seen the X-Files or The fringe tv series? Come on opps I am getting dizzy! (hicup)Its a conspiracy I am telling you! the government hiding the truth! come on people ROSWELL, ROSWELL, ROSWELL! LOL! Some one had to say it!

  3. Another anagram for J.(littleman) This happen almost 6 years ago on the east coast of the united states when a love one was lost. On page 306-307 of the I-ching, Hexgram 60 Chien (Limitation). The authors of the book of changes knew what robbers were like. It is said if a man carries a burden on his back he becomes a target and nonetheless rides in a carriage he thereby encorages robbers to come near. Carrying a burden on the back is the bussiness of a common man. A carriage is the appurtence of a man of rank. Now when a common man uses the appurtance of a man of rank robber plot to take it away from him. If a man insolent towards those above him and those below him. Robbers plan to attack him. Carelessness in guarding things tempts thieves to steal. For that is an invation for robbers. What do you think of that?

  4. Welcome to the Cult. The first rule of the Cult is: you do not talk about the Cult. The second rule of the Cult is: you DO NOT talk about the Cult.

    You are also brillant like yoda. Opps pardon me Gandlaf. Excuse me I had a rought regeretion with my last avaitar. I have memories of my last incarnation. Tell me T-bone if I am not getting off topic too much. what would happen if a way member was in the TWI cult for oh say like 20 years or more but the rest of his/her large family did not know about it then one day someone "Outed" him or her to the whole family what would that member reaction would be?

  5. Oompa Oompa doompadee is you are wise you will listen to me. Page 510 I-ching of the book of changes. Hexagram 24 Innocence (the unexpected). The frim comes without and becomes the ruler within. Movement and strenght the frim is in the middle, finds correspondence. "great success throughr correctiveness". That is the will of heaven. "If someone is not as he should be, he has misfortune and is does not further him to undertake anything". When will the will of heaven does not protect one, can one do anything?

  6. You know you are in a cult when One cult supports another cult. Like scientology uses a front group like C.A.N and the TWI pays off the Cult awareness network and tells people is just just another christian group with a diffrent point of view.


    Humm! Kind of reminds me of what Obi-Wan Kenobi said to Luke when he asked why he was not told that Darth Vader was his father.

  7. Oompa Loompa doompadee doo. I've got another puzzle for you! (whose last name will not be spoken). The book of changes Hexagram, 1 Ch'ien

    The Creative, page 383 D)12. "Arrogance means that one knows how to press foward, but not how to draw back. That one knows Existence but not annihlation, knows someting about winning, but nothing about losing. It is the holy man who understands how to press foward and how to draw back, who knows existence and annihlation as well without losing his true nature. The holy man alone can do this. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  8. I have an anagram for the man whos last name I will not mention (reminds of of Lord Valdemort). The Book of the I-ching by translated by Richard Wilhelm Page 393 Hexagram 2-K'un- the receptive. This happened over 57 years ago 40 miles of the coast of Italy and still happens today. A house that heaps good upon good is sure to have an abundance of blessings. A house that heaps evil upon evil is sure to have an abundance of ills. Where a servant murders his master, where a son murders his father. The causes do not lie bettween the morniing and the evening of one day. It took long time for things to go so far. It came about because things that should have been stopped. Where not stopped soon enough. It is said "where there is horafrost underfoot ice is not far off, this shows how far things go when things are allowed to run on"

    By the way how is alexis? smile.gif!

  9. Hi as many of you know I was never was and never will be a member of the TWI. I am speaking to John (not the leader of the CES/STFI) you know who you are! How did you like the gifts I gave last year? You know the one that keeps on giving :). The truth will set you free! How does it feel to accompany or follow someone. often when your presence is unwanted? Don't think you can outsmart me in cyberspace.

  10. That was a great day. A day a lot of people did not think was ever going to happen. At least hillary Clinton showed up. By the way why did not whats his name the obama show up. What up with that?

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