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Posts posted by bowtwi

  1. You may FEEL like an old worn out lady, but I bet to that boy, you LOOK MAHVELOUS, DAHLING!!!

    I just read your last couple posts and the 3-time foster kid in me is screaming out!


    I'm so tickled to see how well things are coming along. You knew it wouldn't be a cake walk, yet you toughed it out and now the boy is seeing what happens when a real mom takes a stand. You may have saved that boy's life. I don't say that lightly.

    Does the boy need clothes? When I was a foster kid, there was something around a $20 monthly clothing allowance per kid, but when we first arrived at a foster home, they would have a $200 placement budget - man - I had never seen so many new clothes all for me before in my life. I got my first "lady's" winter coat from a placement allottment - wore that sucker for at least 10 years!

    I'm so delighted!!!

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  2. watered - my wonderful son was 13 when we were m&a'd. oh, the vicious lies spread about my son from lcm all the way down the rotten way tree - at the time my son asked how this could be happening, considering twi leadership was supposedly tuned in to God all the time...

    bow jr. was so angry with twi, God, anything that reminded him of either.

    BUT, when I had a cancer scare, I literally put that boy up against a wall and asked if he would just once tell me if he did or did not believe God, as I needed a prayer partner and he really was my only choice (having been recently m&a'd).

    He admitted to believing God and prayed with me. He even went to the hospital and waited while I had the tumor removed. It was benign.

    Reminds me of that verse in psalms - train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Today, 10 yrs. later, my son enjoys church once n awhile. I know he still loves God.

    And yes, I felt toward the end of twi for me (1994), that to stand approved before lcm one could find themselves being told that killing someone that was gay would be the loving thing to do.

    lcm said on a sunday night service that my son should have been "fried" - I know he wasn't referring to "extremely tired."

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  3. Shell, nah - I wondered if I communicated it clearly enough. It wasn't at all slimey like it might sound. He was just a very direct man from Long Island, NY. There was lots of giggling on both our parts in that conversation.

    His latest relationship preceding hooking up with me had been unsatisfactory in that department, so he was stating what he wanted in order to move ours to that level...

    Zix - actually, I took the car to a shop for the clutch job - I never did feel comfortable asking him to tend to my car - he was super busy growing a new business and all...

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  4. Once when I was at that place in a relationship where we were discussing the possibility of sex between myself and a boyfriend, he actually came right out and said that if I had sex with him he would take care of my car for me (he was a mechanic and I needed something major for it at the time). He stumbled through what sounded like a proposition to me.

    I asked him real calmly just exactly how much sex would a new clutch "cost" me and he got all flustered and said he'd take care of the car even if I wouldn't have sex with him.

    I told him I'd have sex with him even if he didn't take care of my car, so we were even.

    hmmmm, maybe it was one of those deals that were funny only if you were there at the time...

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  5. quote:
    DFACs "conveniently" brought him when it was my shift to work. I went out to the lobby to hug him and when I opened the door he was standing there with a goofy grin on his face and his arms outstretched like "what took ya so long? Ya, ya ya, here's your hug".

    WOW WOW WOW!!!

    Praying for the best at the hearing in two weeks.

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  6. That reminds me of one I heard him tell -

    Two lawyers standing on a streetcorner eyeing up a beautiful woman. The first lawyer says, "I'd sure like to screw her..."

    The second lawyer says, "Out of what?"

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  7. One day when bow jr. was in kindergarten, he settled into his seat for an afterschool snack and while I was putting his artwork on the refrigerator door he asked me just as tho he were asking what flavor pudding he was about to eat, "Momma, when you want to sex a girl, how do you get her excited?"

    Thankfully, my back was to him and I was able to pick my chin up off the floor before responding in my Waybrain manner, "Well honey, God designed sex for after you get married and HE tells you all you need to know to get started." (Yes, I really said something like that)

    This led to his question, "Momma, did YOU ever have sex?"

    I tenderly answered, "Yes, darlin' - that's how I got you!"

    He then asked, "With who?"

    I answered, "With your daddy.""

    He didn't skip a beat - his reply? "Aww, gross!!!!"

    I swear it's true.

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  8. We saw it last night - it was cute. We enjoyed it.

    There was one line that especially reminded me of rascal. The mom is an author and is on a book tour - on the Regis and Kelly Show. Kelly asks the mom if she had all those (12) babies the conventional way and she replies something to the effect of, "Nah, after the 6th one they just walked right out!"

    We'll be buying that one when it comes out on DVD, no doubt.

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  9. Does anyone remember the Alice Cooper song Cold Ethel? I tried to find the lyrics, but no such luck.

    I won free tickets to see him a few years ago and bought a couple of his tapes as I had none of his stuff - I couldn't believe this song.

    (I worked at the County Morgue at the time - how fitting!)

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  10. Oh and one time, we were at the beach, making out when a cop car approached us. I had my glasses off, but other than that we were totally dressed.

    The cop seemed disappointed to find us so dressed. We were so glad they didn't come a few minutes later - who knows what charges would be on our records!!!

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  11. When my exhusband and I returned from our honeymoon a day early, we found our house had been messed with by our friends. Among the many things they did was put saran wrap over the toilet bowl and jello in the tub. The tub was actually full of red jello!!!

    Thankfully, we returned home early so the jello hadn't set yet. We were able to wash that down the drain in liquid form. Too bad we didn't use our imaginations and let the stuff set til the next day. Could have been fun...

    Pesky one bathroom house!

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  12. Dot - We saw the Nutcracker in Clearwater, FL. The Miami Ballet and The Florida Orchestra. I'm so impressed with the discipline of those kids!!! We went to an 8 pm show - what WAS I thinking? Next time we'll go to the matinee. (My 7-year-old fell asleep a half hour before it ended, so she missed a lot of spectacular dances.)

    Hope - tee hee

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  13. What a tough spot, soggie - but it appears to me that you're right on top of things. Bless your heart. I continue praying for you all.

    Dot - Thanks! I think you're pretty terrific too! icon_smile.gif:)-->

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