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Posts posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Hey Chockfull!

    Right on! As we used to say, back whenever. LOL! It was Steve and Sandi Heefner in March, 1972, during the Rye,NY advanced class! I was in that class, and was also a "branch coordinator" in Queens/Brooklyn at the time. That was Boob and Doody's first hit. Boob officiated at my wedding in 1973, right before we went into the corpse. We fought in NY just about every branch Coordinators' meeting, which were on Wednesdays at the Rye Limb home. My disdain for Boob and Doody goes all the way back to our first "leaders" meeting after the coups which put them in charge of the new Way of NY replacing the Way East. The Way East (Heefner) and the Way West were INDEPENDENT 501(c)3 corporations, completely and legally separate from wierwille and new Knoxville. When Wierwille threw them out under the cover of his AC show, moneyhands, coward allen and dictor paul formed a new corporation The Way of NY, which was "owned" by new knoxville now. The Way East also included the states of New England, NJ, DE, & PA. All those states were also "incorporated under "the Way international" as subsidiaries in their own right, thus accomplishing the corporate takeover of The Way East with the "M&A-ing" of the Heefner's and consolidating all control to dictor paul and the BOT, which at that time was Ermal and Harry. Remember, those three were the ONLY official members of TWI at that time. Boob and Doody participated and executed all that for dic and the boyz and went on to become the Eastern Region Coordinator for the Way international. Hmmmm.......what a serendipitous coincidence.

    Boob and Doody have been accomplished backstabbers and hitmen since I've known them, starting in 1972. Do not think they have "changed" for any other reason than their own hubris.

  2. Thanks Rocky. To quote Jimi:                 "Have you ever been experienced? Well, I have!"

    I can smell their hypocrisy and their death-dealing doctrines a mile away, as can you and must of us greasespotters. Thanks for all the info you've provided for us here at the 17 year old best cafe on the internet!

  3. The happiest thought I had driving out of NK on 12/14/1986, was that none of my children would ever again be exposed to, or imposed upon by a mindless, fundamentalist, destructive cult of personality like TWIt. And, in addition, they'd never become cult bait in their lives. Their normal early childhood development, the positive benefits and fun from socialization with a diverse community of fellow humans, and their PUBLIC EDUCATION sparked the curiosity and necessary determination to make their lives meaningful in reality, and to develope an acute social conscience and awareness of the good helping others brings to community and themselves.

    None of these legends in their own mind, like moneyhands er al, ever escaped the forced adolescence shoved upon them by Wierwille's Nazi style indoctrination/"training". The normal process of human development according to Piaget, is an 8 course cycle. Adolescence is phase 4, and averages between ages 12-20. The next phase, 5, is Identity Formation, one of the most critical of the phases, since what you are and determine to be as an individual human being is developed during this phase. Average ages for this stage are 21-32. The reason it is crucial to force "volunteers" to stay in extended adolescence is that it prevents volunteers from developing their own individual, unique identity, and thereby a purpose for their being. Wierwille kept "his keeds" in extended adolescence until his "teaching and training" coerced the volunteers to adopt an identity wholly beneficial to WEIRWILLE'S needs and wants above all others, including themselves. People like Moneyhands, Snorky and Patty Fay Roberts, the Fredericks, or the Horneys never made it out of that prolonged adolescence, so they never developed an authentic individual identity of self. Rather, they were taught that "self" was not Christian. Self is ego, pride, entitlement, and WRONG. Losing yourself in "the ministry" or "giving yourself to God", or devoting yourself to "living the corpse principles" forever, is RIGHT. So, wierwille kept his keeds "stoopeed" until their identity was "you're my corps, damnit!". Perfect for "a lifetime of service" to dictor Paul and his minus-try. But, not very healthy for those who accept it and strive to keep it until they die!

    So, in effect, what you have in this R'n'R cult is a bunch of 20 year olds figuring out that "the man" has been ripping them off for 40 years and NOW they're pissed! Well honey boo boo......too bad! It's too late! You all are in that stage of finding meaning and purpose to your life now that you're retired or getting close. No more sucking off mama TWI's teats anymore either! If you're not retired you will be fired and promptly M&A'd. A 65 year old adolescent trying to figure out the meaning of life after having wasted most of their own. 

    So? What to do? Start your own business.......excuse me......church so you can do the work you've been trained to do. Manufacture "spiritual needs" in peoples' lives that only you and your "Word" can meet. Manufacture false questions, alternative facts, and truthful hyperbole that only YOU and "the Word"can answer and explain. Manufacture a spayshull new nuclear family of "likeminded believers", and make it even more spayshull and holy by calling it "the real household of Gawd". Maintain the exclusivity and exceptionalism of this "household" through complete, direct control of thinking AND behavior. Keep the "household" away from other sources, media, education, and most importantly other "Christians" and all churches! Make them fear da Debbil and debbil spurts, our invisible enemies which seem to be more omnipresent than God himself!! LOL! Again, the only way you can deal with da Debbil is by taking the ADVANCED CLASS! The one for "adult Christians" only! Again, learned helplessness, which makes life outside the "household" unbearable and impossible! Any one see some recognizable patterns here??

    i have no sympathy for moneyhands or any of the self-serving frauds who signed that wayspeak much ado about nothing. It's just another tempest in their ever-shrinking TWIt teacup. They don't like not being able to tell everybody they're possessed or how to live their lives, raise their kids, and spend their precious time. Their way Corpse ministers after all. The cream of the crap, accepting "the charge of their faddah in da woid" to protect da woid, da woid, and nothing but da woid until they die! How very noble. How completely misguided and insane.

    My final word to these turds? Too effing bad! You're too late, too stupid, too dumb, and too immature to change anything. You invited 1400 people to your dog and pony show yesterday morning. That's like one snowflake in a blinding 4' blizzard. Nobody outside that 1400 gives a rat's ass about your minus-try, or your sudden enlightenment. Nobody who has been abused by you Nazis will ever care until YOU fuckers repent, apologize, and make restitution to those you have despitefully used through your years of "serving gawd and the household"! It's been 40 years so far. No one's holding their breath. Crawl back under your slimy rocks and STFU. Bless you!


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  4. It's interesting to me to note, that the smarmiest, sickening Wierwille worship sites are run by ECU vets. Many of them continue to have their "spirituality" based on the BS they picked up in the corpses they were in. I'll just mention a couple. 

    "rev" Gerry Wrenn, john lynn, earl burton, george hendley. Though not from ECU, bo reahard sends out smarmy garbage in the form of these long, king James English prayers on FB. Randy Anderson was hooked up with Michael Rood in the 90s until the end of the world they "prophesied" would happen on 1/1/2000, never did. Randy publicly admitted he was wrong, apoligized, and moved on. Rood still runs his Hebrew Roots "ministry" which many ex-wayfers follow (Hebrew Roots movement) follow in one cult or another. And now.....Boob and Doody Moneyhands themselves! The way home and limp coordinators of NC '71-'72, until they carried out their first TWI hit on Steve Heefner and The Way East in March, 1972. They've been the TWIt "cleaners", like Mr. Wolf in Pulp Fiction, ever since! Counseling people who committed suicide because of sexual abuse by some MOGGIE, then lied to everyone publicly to cover for whomever needed it, from dictor paul, to da forehead, to Rosie and Donna, and even themselves! Remember "the rod of correction" that they kept screaming about so Way corpse would engage in child abuse and even physical abuse of their own children?! Everywhere there was a major disaster Boob and Doody and their smarmy BS went in and covered up and paid off who ever needed to be. And, they ALL kissed geer's ass while he was their profit and their gawd! The Moneyhands are pimps and whores. They are liars. They are adulterers. They helped drive women to suicide with their "lockbox" counseling. They ran the corpse at Rome City just like the Nazi prison camp it was, and they did so gleefully from a balcony of pathological privilege. They are among the worst of the anti-Christ slime that Wierwille ever produced. They are worth no prayer or pity imo. They have proven themselves "throughly reprobate" with consciences "seared with a hot iron". Why else would they still be promoting dictor paul's anti-Christian doctrines and ministry??? Must need a bigger cash flow now that they're retired! Time to start an offshoot to keep that ECU way home goin' strong, and the $$ rolling in. TWI is dead! So are the wierwilleites. They are starting to really stink.  

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  5. Too little too late imo!

    I am supposed to believe that these asswipe third rate Corpse grads, most of whose names I still know, along with a lot of the lies, misdeeds, and actual "working of evil" their resumes contain,  have been INNOCENTLY STUCK ON STUPID FOR 40 FREAKING YEARS??? C'mon man! That's simply the same old sob stories and failed excuses they've been living in and with for 3 decades. That does not speak to anything close to being "Way Corpse ministers". Rather it reveals the insanity of their beliefs and "thinking", in that they have repeatedly tried the same bullshit over and over again for 30 years, and expecting different results.

    Lying, adultery, deceit, serial sexual abuse and "indiscretions", corrupt, self-serving "counseling", stealing, misuse, and non-disclosure of TWIt finances, spurious, false, and anti(against)-Christ doctrine, practice, and thinking, the spiritual abuse of innocent Christians, the covering up of numerous suicides, mental breakdowns and severe mental illnesses left untreated and then given the "devil spirit possession" label, which led to the cruel, heartless, and UN-Christ-like expulsion from the "household of believers", libel, slander, and falsehoods spread viciously through the spitting, vengeful, lying lips  of "top leadership" from coast to coast and around the world. Rejoicing in iniquity and the destruction of others just for spite became the "leadership" norm for 30 years. Now, you who committed the same crimes and abuses against Jesus Christ's Church, and carried out and executed evil unbiblical acts and behavior, expect to be followed because you're gonna do it right this time?? I THINK NOT!

    YOU ALL MUST FIRST REPENT BEFORE JESUS CHRIST, and then seek forgiveness from those you have injured and abused. READ AND CARRY OUT MATTHEW chapter 8! Then I'll think about wasting my precious time once more on your man-made religious bigotry and hatred.

    WE KNOW YOU BY YOUR FRUIT! It has been grossly rotten for over 40 years now. Guess that old tree must be rotten to its roots, along with those who supposedly "plant and water".

    The mental terrorism you perpetrated against those who honestly gave everything they had only to be dropped like a bag of dirt at the whims and fancies of corrupt, pathological, tyrants, who enjoyed ruling with fascist fists of iron rather than velvet gloves of Christian love, is not taken lightly by Jesus Christ. The rampant sexual promiscuity and serial adultery and physical abuse also destroyed or humiliated hundreds of young women. The misogyny, racism, Naziism, Aryanism, fascism, emotional and psychological terrorism only worsened during the last 30 years you morons have presumed to be in charge. You have raped and plundered God's most precious "property".....His children. Your time at your delusional "bema" will be short! Rewards? LOL! I think it will be more like, "I never knew you!"

    So.......repent first, then, come clean with the true facts and misdeeds you have committed against the Church BEFORE THE CHURCH, then apologize, and ask for forgiveness from those you directly and personally injured, and then ask for forgiveness from the Church. THEN AND ONLY THEN will I consider listening to anything you have to say. HYPOCRITES AND WHITED SEPULCHERS. PHARISEES AND SCRIBES. LIARS AND THIEVES. Let's see if once in these last 40 years you can DO the right thing!

    We'll see!

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  6. I just posted about 16 questions. If ANY of them are addressed honestly, or even at all, I will shit my pants all over the fountain at the founder's waterlogged mausoleum! Joyfully!

    P.S........I was polite!

    • Upvote 2
  7. Boob and Doodie Moneyhands got kicked out??? Bwaaaaahahahaha! Couldn't happen to two nicer serial adulterers, pathological sociopathic liars, and manipulative "Counsellors"! Q&A?? Here's some "A":

    "unbiblical behavior"?.....you mean like covering up suicides of wierwille concubines? "Counseling" scores of rape and sexual abuse victims on the "biblical accuracy" of the "Lockbox" to cover up for dictor paul, themselves, and every other lowlife Aryan lecher that needed "a favor" from the Nazi hierarchy. Their own serial adultery? Their own financial stream to keep them aloof and "powerful"? They need to simply STFU and buy some funeral plots for themselves and baby Brian, wannabe TWIt prez. Tell em that I'll be happy to answer any and all questions with THE REAL FACTS, at their Q&A, going all the way back to 1972, about these two whited sepulchers. They NEVER will! I know the FACTS about the horny Horneys too, and the lying Magnellis. And I'm only one person who KNOWS the FACTS. Skyrider, Waysuder, Oldskool and many others know plenty too and WE ALL have the documentation to prove it! "Reforming" TWIt is an oxymoron. It needs to be razed and buried in NK, and Gunnison belongs to us!

    I say fuck em all! Lying, thieving, Nazi impostors and Aryan Theology sycophants. The Lord will say to them, "I never knew you!". That's the "Bema" they're headed for! Rewards??? LMAO!


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  8. OKAY all you Music lovers out there! Feast your eyes and ears on this kid! And, scroll down for some more fabulous vids of very talented musicians! Thank God we have technology to pass these things on to posterity.


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  9. Thanks for witnessing to us.....over and over and over again. Some things never change. Thankfully, the GSC provides a place where you can espouse whatever floats your boat. These folks you're ceaselessly promoting and praising do not do ANYTHING for my Christianity other than insult it. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. One man's man-o-gawd is another's messenger from hell. C'est lavie.

    Enjoy your new Dominionist Cult Jim. Not many "hungry" converts here. I've thrown up and out this worn-out, greedy, self-aggrandizing form of "Christianity". As The Who sang...."We won't be fooled again!" Thanks for all the time you put in for your White-Curry team. They should hire you. Do they have a WOW program you can join?............peace.

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  10. The TOP is definitely still around. Two of the original members are family Corpse grads.

    The drummer Dave Garibaldi and sit-in bass player, Marc, were both hit by a commuter train and seriously injured and hospitalized a few days ago on the way to a gig in Oakland. Fortunately, both survived and will be able to fully recover. One of the funkiest, tightest bands evah!

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