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Posts posted by justloafing

  1. We were told not to worship them (MOG's). Look what we had to do though and what was said about them. The MOG said this or that. The MOG did this or that. We were supposed to look at their lives and follow what they did as an example. At twigs there were pictures of the BOT to look at. Never did see a picture of Jesus at a twig, did you? We were supposed to follow the MOG's instructions to the letter. If not we were out of fellowship. Free to do our own research and send it to HQ for consideration and for them to look at and atleast consider even if it was contrary to what they said? Nope you were more than likley kicked out for thinking for yourself.

    So yes the MOG's said not to worship them but look how they were treated and demanded to be treated and how we were to hang on to their word. So yes I really think it was and still is a state or worship.

    So yes Mickey, I think 2 out of the three things you said happened. I think he was worshipped and praised. He probaly would have perferred to be prayed to if he thought he could get away with it.

  2. My main recurring dream is a lot like Engine Rob's....

    I'm back at Ole Miss having to re-take classes. The reason isn't clear. But it's the same class schedule as when I was there before.... only..... I can't exactly remember what all is on the schedule. Then I remember a class I haven't been attending AT ALL and it's close to the end of the semester!! Panic time!

    I've heard several folks tell me (like Engine) that they have this same recurring dream with a few different details. But the significance of all this? No significance at all, IMNSHO. It's just the mind day dreaming at night. Freud himself said that in dreams, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar :redface2:


    Sudo, I have had dreams exactly like that a lot.

  3. No offense, but that is so classic (and so believable). He comes up with some flakey interpretation of a verse of scripture that supports what he wants to push off on us. Then he does all sorts of backflips and jumps through all sorts of hoops in order to justify it. Meanwhile, if there are any verses that disagree with what he says, he works to nullify those verses that disagree with the one (ahem) clear verse. Classic VPW.

    No offense taken Mark. I was not saying that was true. I have seen enough debate about this subject to have changed my mind. I was (I think) just trying to point out what twi taught.

  4. "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman."

    The priest asks, "Is that you, little Timmy Shaughnessy?"

    Yes, Father, it is."

    "And, who was the woman you were with?"

    "I can't be tellin' you, Father. I don't want

    to ruin her reputation."

    "Well, Timmy, I'm sure to find out sooner or

    later, so you may as well tell me now.

    Was it Brenda O'Malley?"

    "I cannot say," Timmy replied.

    "Was it Patricia Kelly?"

    "I'll never tell."

    "Was it Sheilah O'Brien?"

    "I'm sorry, but I cannot name her."

    "Was it Kathleen Morgan?"

    "My lips are sealed."

    "Was it Fiona Grogan, then?"

    "Please, Father, I cannot tell you."

    The priest sighs in frustration. "You're a steadfast lad, Timmy

    Shaughnessy, and I admire that. But you've sinned, and you

    must atone. You cannot attend church Mass for three months. Be off with

    you now."

    Timmy walks back to his pew. His friend, Sean,slides over and whispers,

    "What'd you get?"

    "Three month's vacation and five good leads."

  5. If I remember the teaching correctly. It was either corps or the AC. Vic said that God showed him(Jesus Christ) revelation while he was hanging on the cross as why his life was spared.

    This is my own interpitation. God must have shown Jesus something that had not been written in the scriptures. Jesus Christ as we were taught knew what his ending was going to be. This all acording to vp's teaching.

  6. quote: individual local leadership is allowed to continue by the top level leadership, no?

    That doesn't mean they can be held responsible for every decision every one of their leaders makes. How absurd. But of course, if top level leadership's feces didn't give off an odor like your's doesn't and if top level leadership was perfect like you are, then who knows?

    Uncalled for. :offtopic:

  7. Well we had a limb meeting to go to after the first session. V*&&e Fin*&%^&n was the limb cord of NY. While watching the teaching he sounded really strange. This was right after he came back from HQ. He reemed my arse out about starting a class with 6 people in it. We had gotten along pretty well before this. Ohh and I should mention that my grandmother had died shortly before and I had to go to her funeral. Well that was not a fun subject with them. They almost made me feel like I was breaking my Wow commitment for going. Well the next day after the reamming out about the Class I left twi for good. Later I found out that the limb cords. were read POP. No wonder V*(ce was on a short rope.

    I went from 1986 - 2000 thinking that twi was Gods ministry still :blink: . I found WayDale one night and went right to the chat. I was reading in the chat room how bad twi was. I chimed in saying something to the effect of "get over it". Well that stirred up the group :redface2: . I was called everything from an innie to a waygb. :spy: Pa*l A!!en called me into a private chat. He asked me to read the forums. I did exactly what he asked. I was shocked by what I read. To many storys there almost exacty the same for them not to be true. I had to decide what was true. I remembered what I was told while still in and remembered my doubts while I was going through the in res. program. I made my choice to never ever believe a word that they taught me. I can read the bible and believe what it teaches me to this day but I will never trust another word that comes out of twi's mouth, before I went in nor after. That is why I hate twi. Yes I hold a grudge and wont forget and why to this day on these forums or my every day life will not say they did me or any one else right.

  8. Justloafing -- Maybe it's none of my biz - blow this off if you want - but how long were you in? Why did you get involved? Were you a wayfer brat who had no choice but to go along with the parental units on staff, in the WC, or whatever? In otherwords, were you involved outside of your own freewill choice? Just honestly curious, as I don't recall your story...

    This maybe a little long Chas but you asked :)

    As a kid I went to sunday school and church with my mom as did my brother and sister. My father was agnostic so he did not go but never said anything bad about us going.

    Well when my mom got divorsed and then remarried 2 years later. She married another agnostic person and church and sunday school stopped. I was 12 when she re-married. My Sundays were filled with sailboat racing during the summer and skiing in the winter. At this point in time I did believe in God but never knew what to make out of the whole deal.

    Then came my high school years when the alcohol and drugs crept into my life. They became mine and my friends god. We lived for them. Anything we could get we did.

    Push foward a few years.................thru college and post grad college my life style did not change.

    One day on a job (construction) and after a bad car accident(I was drunk and high. I should have died and would have if I was wearing a seatbelt). I walked away with 2 stiches over my eye and bumps and bruises. Did not even get a DWI. I think the cop felt sorry for me. That happened in 1979. The first time I really started thinking about God again. Then the spring of 1980 I was wittnessed to. I went to twig.

    I absolutley loved it. It (twig) was fun and their were people that came from all walks of life. The people in the twig seemed to really enjoy life and I wanted that. I wanted to go as far as I could as fast as I could in twi. I wanted to seve God with all of my heart. There was no way anyone was going to stop me. I took all the classes and went 15th corps.

    While in res. I was seeing things I really did not think were of God. I also had been told that there my have been things going on in the top leadership that was so far "off the Word". I forged ahead blindly and believed everything that was taught. Even though I did not understand some things. I thought I would see those things the more I grew.

    I went WOW my interm year. Things just seemed bad in the late spring of my WOW year. We were running a PFAL Class and the first session we only had 6 people show up (min. those days were 7). The person that could not make the first session assured me she would would make it up and take the rest of the class.


  9. Maybe a little off topic since I don't know if it starts from a dream or not. Up untill this past year. I have always had atleast 2 days a year that I think of nothing but twi. I mean every second of that day. It was so draining. Well I let out my feeling here one time and have talked about it to a great person. Ever since then I have not had one of those days. I don't know if it was just expressing it but I have not had one of those days since.

    May I remind you I have been out since 1986. I did not not have any contact with twi or extwi when I left untill I found Waydale in early 2000. It happened every year from the year I left. Knock on wood it has not happened since last March.

  10. Ditto to what Chas, Oldies, JohnIam said...

    This thread is about what pi$$es off the wierwilltwits. And you allan are trying to make it the other way around. You may want to start your own thread. IMO there is nothing that wiewlle did to make a half shabby cult so he could get laid. Look at the history of twi and say it is not true. To many people telling the same thing for it not to be true. NOTHING GOOD ABOUT IT. ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING

  11. I still love reading Proverbs and do respect it greatly, even tho' the author murdered raped and pillaged in the name of God.

    Thank God the author is dead.

  12. It amazes me still that the husband was supposed to love his wife like the way Jesus Christ loved the church. I never understood that whole power trip thing over another person no matter what their so called "rank and file" was. Being brothers and sisters in Christ was just another way twi twisted the scripture. They taught that but did not in any way live it.

    Chas that had to be awful and I am so glad you are free now to go do anything you need to do it and do it in your own way. :dance:

  13. Cross-posted from OAOSRQ2 Yahoo group...

    > If you belong to ANY Yahoo Groups be aware that Yahoo is now

    > using "Web Beacons" to track every Yahoo Group user.

    > It's similar to cookies, but allows Yahoo to record every website

    > and every group you visit, even when you're not connected to Yahoo.

    > Look at their updated privacy statement at

    > http://privacy.yahoo.com/privacy (no www.)


    > About half-way down the page, in the section on

    > cookies, you will see a link that says WEB BEACONS.


    > Click on the phrase "Web Beacons."


    > On the page that opens, find a paragraph entitled "Outside the

    > Yahoo Network."


    > In that section find a little "Click Here to Opt Out"

    > a link that will let you "opt-out" of their snooping.


    > That's it!


    > When you are done, don't click the "Opt Back In" button that will

    > UNDO the

    > opt-out.


    > Note that Yahoo's invasion of your privacy - and your

    > ability to opt-out of it - is not user-specific. It is MACHINE

    > specific. That means you will have to opt-out on every computer

    > (and browser) you use.


    > Please forward this to your other groups. You might

    > complain, too, but I'm not sure if anyone is listening..."

  14. Ex-

    You should always bother, whenever it counts. If it hadn't been for you, I never would have been able to see the truth about the fundamental foundations of the man I had put on a pedestal all those years.

    Exactly the same for me topoftheworld. It is people like exi that opened my eyes to the evils of twi and to this day why I speak so negitive of the top leadership and what they taught. I do not think with all the devilish things they did for people in the name of God should be trusted in what they taught one iota. If anything that they taught was true I will find out by myself by my own life experiences. Take pfal and throw it in the trash. I hate everything it stands for.

  15. No..I think 'disturbing' is a more honest term !

    What I think is 'sad' is posters like Belle denigrating things to a 'personal level'.

    Quote from Belle.." I don't like you, I don't respect you, I don't trust you"

    As if I care what someone who has never met me nor knows me thinks of me..geeesh !!

    Well I can stand with Belle on this. Anyone that would stand with a person that would Rape and pillage in the name of God. I can't like, respect or trust that person. Real simple dude. If you like what Hitler did or any aspect of what he did, You can expect the same responce. Bottom line he did not care who he hurt in the name of God. Just as long as his wallet was lined and his pleasures where met.

  16. Awww, shucks....thanks, FFC. :)

    you said:

    I was never as good at throwing around adjectives, flowery language and bombastic speech as I was while involved with TWI. That's one thing I RECKON I can say about my involvement

    What are you saying? I think that "Reckon" really shows your flowery language. :D

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