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Posts posted by ChasUFarley

  1. It's hit our little town pretty hard and our family.

    On Wednesday, only 5 out of the 18 students in Kris' third grade class showed up for school.

    On Thursday, Andreas started with the symptoms - fever, vomiting, etc. He's made three loads of laundry before 7 a.m. that morning. He keeps spiking a fever, getting sick, then we dose him with Tylenol and he fine for a long time but the cycle starts again. Lather, rinse, repeat. He went trick-or-treating tonight but didn't have a lot of stamina. Both boys have cold-like symptoms and both have little energy...

  2. He must have learned that from LoyM. I saw him throw many temper tantrums over minor issues such as this. If someone didn't meet his car to direct him where to park, (that was a 25 minute rant) coffee cups turned the wrong way, his car seat not being put back to the right position after being cleaned for him...it went on and on. Makes me wonder how he has survived the real working world.

    The Rev. McDouchenberg I'm referring to has the initials of GB and was the biggest LCM-wannabe you ever saw!

    If GreasyTech is lurking around he can confirm this...

  3. Had a TC who wondered out loud how fax machines worked and wondered how the paper ended up at the receiver's end of the transmission. She honestly thought that the paper went thru the phone lines.

    Same said TC asked for help moving. Was I ....ed when I found one of the many items we were moving was a @#$# rock collection. Several boxes of rocks. None of them were of any value or did they even know what they were - just thought they were "pretty".

    Helped one TC move and happened across his old record collection. Opened up "The Wall" double album to have a load of pot seeds, stems, and detritus fall to the floor. Um, yeah. Pass the Twinkies and Doritos.

    Was told on the WOW field to stop witnessing to people and work more so we could pay the bills that people had run up prior to leaving the field or being kicked off.

    Asked by the LC/RC of my area if I got any money from my mother when my dad died - "Didn't he leave you anything?" and when I replied no and that I really didn't care about that, I was told, "That's too bad he didn't love you enough to leave you something." (Incidentally, my parents' house was paid off and they were debt free but my mother couldn't earn enough to pay the taxes on the house so she sold it.)

    That same LC/RC had a major hissy fit because no one met him in the driveway to greet him when he came to twig to teach. He wasn't bringing in anything but his own fat @$$ and a briefcase. Meanwhile, we had 2 handicapped twig members who'd just walked in the door and a young child screaming for something (milk or juice I think it was...) so our attention was elsewhere - we didn't hear Rev. McDouchenberg pull in.... Oh well.

    Oh and there's more.... these are just the top of the pile of TWI excrement over the years....

    • Upvote 1
  4. The girls used the medium that they thought would be best at the time. There's nothing to read into here - it's a cultural thing with the next generation. They are living life in tweets or short sentences of information about daily life events.

    "Home from college for the weekend and enjoying warm brownies in bed."

    "Gotta go out to eat with the parents. Text me."

    "Another busy week. Rush Phi Cappa Tau."

    Those are the tweets last week that my nieces and nephew posted on their FB accounts. Micro-glimpses into their lives. Information shared with a collective of friends/family.

    I 'get it' why the girls used FB - it's what they use for everything else.

    Perhaps the emergency departments should consider how to use FB to reach that generation.

  5. I grew big brass ones. I don't let people intimidate me anymore and I've become very very good at covering my arse. I've gotten very good at looking people in the eye and telling them exactly what I'm thinking - whether they want to hear it or not. (Don't take this that I'm nasty - just know myself now, I guess, and won't go thru that again!)

    Maybe I owe them a thank you note...

  6. The general population of a prison won't be as kind to them as any judge and jury would be, regardless of the sentence. The fact they committee these horrible crimes against a mother and son will mark them in a prison. My brother-in-law worked at a prison in Iowa. He told me that because inmates are missing their families, especially their wives and kids, that they are less than kind to anyone who had committed a crime against a woman or kid. I'm sure he's right - he's worked there long enough to see it.

    Let them suffer the same and then let them dangle. They don't deserve mercy and are less than animals themselves.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I work as the desktop support now for a small town's government. Let me tell you some stories from the other side of the phone line....


    Me: Hello, Jane. What can I do for you?

    Jane: I can't access the network.

    Me: (checks who's logged in - Jane is there...) You seem to be logged in. Have you just rebooted your machine?

    Jane: No.

    Me: Have you received any emails today or been able to access the internet?

    Jane: Yes. But I have this window that says "Server Error"

    Me: Do you have Internet Explorer open right now? Is that where this error window is located?

    Jane: Yes.

    Me: (checks internet connections - of course, it's on.) Hmmm... you seem to be connected. What site are you trying to access? Maybe it's down?

    Jane: Facebook. I can't get back on Facebook and I was just in FarmVille!

    Me: I'm sorry but we don't support Facebook - town policy, I'm afraid.


    Fred: My computer's actin' funny...

    Me: What's going on?

    Fred: It's beeping like crazy. Won't stop. Can you come look at it?

    Me: I'll be right there....

    A close inspection showed that he had two keyboards hooked up to the thing - one was on a sliding tray, the other was above it on the desktop. The keyboard on the sliding tray had a box of staples sitting on it. The box was pressing on the keyboard and causing the beeping.

    Fred: Promise me you won't tell anyone.

    Me: You bet cha'. ;)


    My least favorite type of call - the one that makes my face red in an instant because my blood pressure just went through the roof is this.

    Mary: (in a panic-stricken voice) I just got a virus!

    Me: What makes you think that?

    Mary: I got this email and clicked on a link and something downloaded. My computer just rebooted by itself.

    Me: (mentally groans) I'll be right there but please don't click on anything more until I see what it's doing okay? By the way, who sent the email?

    Mary: I dunno.

    Me: What did it say?

    Mary: Something about resetting my Outlook password - I didn't pay attention.

    Me: (thinking: NO KIDDING!) Okay... I'll be right there. Did you enter your passwords or anything of the sort?

    Mary: I don't remember.

    Me: When did this happen?

    Mary: Just now - just a moment ago.

    Me: I'll be right there... hang on. (And wondered if Mary would remember who I was and why I was coming to her office....)

    It was an email from a spammer with a link to a site with malware. The email addy was something like spike@hotmail.pl - gotta love it.

    • Upvote 1
  8. A collage is turning 20 next year and has asked me to do a photo montage/slideshow (with music) for them for a big event they're having.

    The college certifies and accredits clinical chaplains, pastors, and psychotherapists. They are multi-denominational and very diverse (understatement). (Truth be told they are a joy to work with - I really love my job!)


    Finding a song that will work for this could be difficult...

    I have the following, so far:

    Remembrance - George Winston (instrumental)

    In My Life - Phil Keggy (yes, this is the same song written by The Beatles but Keggy nails it!)

    These are "okay"... but I'm looking for the song that hits a sweet spot.

    Suggestions welcome!


  9. I was going to say that George signed a green card, took a class, went WOW, and then moved back home after he decided the damn cult wasn't worth the trouble. Then he had to pay off some debts, save some money, and then he was free to travel. :anim-smile:

  10. Thanks for the response.... some of them didn't pan out because of size limits or content (smut)...

    But I found www.schooltube.com that works perfectly for my needs. It's well moderated and free - perfect fit!

  11. I shoot video for my local town government and schools. The videos air on the web and on public access channels in our area.

    Problem: I have been using Veoh for free hosting of videos but found they are now showing smutty ads. Since my audience is "the community" I need something more PC for hosting. It has to be free.

    (Note: YouTube is NOT an option because of the same reason - the firewalls at the school won't allow it.)

    So, can anyone please recommend a free, smut-free, video hosting site on the web that I could consider?


  12. The collaterals were exciting to read - a true adventure in biblical research...

    The Way Mags are spell-bindings - the sorta of thing that would make Leonard Maltin cream his elastifit old man pants over if they were ever put into a movie...

    And those little $1.00 bookettes that you could get at The Way Bookstore - literary gems...

    ...all of them...

    in comparison to that Rise & Expansion book by LCM....

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