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Posts posted by JeffSjo

  1. Hi eyesoopen,

    I don't know you well yet, but I'm kind of prefering to think of you as a leapordess. It's not that a leapord can't be fierce enough, or as fierce as a shark. After all, five of six ends are sharp and dangerous.

    It's just that a leapord is also kind to it's young and fiercely protective. A leapord can even be as cute and cuddly as a kitten too, although I'd personally never be quick to forget it's not a kitten and could in fact tear me up.

    Hey, if you want to stick with shark, O.K. :)

  2. I was a Marine and I lived through events just like that in training. I think there was an element of Marine style training intended if I recall what I've heard correctly.

    I'm starting to think that instead of the marine type training, what happened was that the yelling fed the egos of the yellers and crushed the hearts of the yelled at.

    I mean really, don't treat kids like Marines. Looking back; it seems obvious.

    gotta go y'all. GOD BLESS

  3. Hi Rachel,

    Of all the people that I can think of in the book of acts Paul obviously heads the list of people who could have written Hebrews. If for no other reason than he wrote so many epistles.

    Timothy would be next most obvious for me if he wasn't mentioned in ch 13, vs 23

    It wouldn't bother me at all if Paul wrote to the Hebrews too, after all in Rom 11 he makes it very clear they were on his heart in a big way.

    In spite of all that, Paul's still not my first choice, but let me think some more about what you said.

    P.s. Do you have any feedback on any of the other perspectives here?

    P.p.s. No kicking allowed here.

  4. Hey Bumpster,

    That's a lot to say all at once. Care to try plain english.

    I can make out the put downs in your text, but the sarcastic manner, what's that add. Does it serve to give you the cover of humor bumpster? Like the man who's in the habit of doing the put down and then saying "JUST KIDDING" even though they meant the put downs.

    Should I consider you a deliberate insulter, one who can't help himself, or someone who thinks they're smarter than they really are. Maybe something else altogether, perhaps a provaceture ( just go ahead and correct my french there bumpster)

    Do you enjoy the put downs? Do you enjoy causing strife? Or is it that you can't help yourself?


  5. Potato,

    Haven't you ever met someone that did that all the time, but still somehow meant well. They just weren't capable of dealing with the heavy stuff.

    That's my gut here with the bumpster. I could be wrong, but I'd rather be right on this one.

    P.s. Band name? Care to share.

  6. Dear potato,

    I've appreciated your posts and your testimony from day one. Thank you for sharing.

    I'm begining to wonder if the Bumpster here can respond in any manner other than sarcasm to the heartwrenching issues you bring up. They're not easy things to consider, so as far as the bumpster here goes I'm leaning towards patience on our parts.

  7. I can work with you from that perspective.

    I wouldn't call it compromise on your part though, maybe just giving other folks the freedom to decide for themselves what is or isn't good.

    I certainly don't know you well enough to even be aware of what's at your core, let alone pretend to judge it.

    But one thing we all have in common is that in spite of our opinions, from time to time we may need to change them.

  8. Truth, something I always seem to be looking for.

    " It won't work here either", that's your opinion WD.

    Is your opinion true?

    It may be

    Will I willingly allow anyone to stop a good thing because of their opinion?

    Not bloody likely!

  9. Bumpy,

    I have to say that in theory it's possible that saying "get over it" to someone may help them, maybe that even depends on intentions.

    For the most part when its done without love it falls somewhere between spiteful and brutal.

    When someone adds a healthy dose of sarcasm and words like "complainer and whiner" they are pegged as the ones who are attacking someone.

    Right now you seem to be doing that. When I'm convinced someone is intent on attacking someone I usually try to stop that.

    So what is it bumpy, just your charming poersonality or is something else going on.

  10. I've shared with WD very plainly that I haven't liked what WD's done, and I have been even more riled by Pond yesterday. But when I think about them on my own time I feel differently than my posts show.

    I wonder if WD was very close to the events of years past, if so then how much could WD help a person who's all wounded by events in the past or present. What I'm saying is that even though I've confronted very specific behavior I'm still looking for WD's best.

    I'd rather go to bat on WD's behalf than against WD. That goes for pretty much anyone as far as I can think right off hand.

    I don't think "giving it right back" to WD will help anyone here at all.

  11. Yeah T-Bone, that kind of thing happens with horses, they're herd animals and tend to have a competitive impulse at feeding time. That horse was just telling you in it's little horsey way that it was the boss.

    Usually, once they're used to you that's not as much of a problem. But in the mean time I've discovered they have a pretty hard chomp.

  12. No pond, what I'm saying is that your heartless attitude is very harmful.

    Your biblical thuggery speaks even better for itself than I can be effective by mocking it.

    p.s. Well said chockfull

  13. I think about Hannah sometimes, Samuel's mom.

    Her nasty, unloving rival provoked her daily. At the time of her prayer she was "bitter souled."

    Just work it if you don't believe me.

    God gave her a child.

    My patience can be streched a little thin by cold hearted, over analytical, Scripture quoters who think saying " put away bitterness" is a good answer.

    As far as taking shot's at the wounded goes, POND, maybe just open your ears and nothing else for right now.

    After all I can't imagine why anyone could take a lesson from the O.T. on shepherding and dare think it could apply to pastors.

    After all, the word pastor is only another translation of shepherd. Since J.C. himself is the good shepherd, of course it's o.k. to rebuke the wounded now. J.C. himself surely wouldn't want us to learn from his own example. What good could come from that. (that was sarcasm)

    Good biblical workmanship pond, and what a heart.(sarcasm here intended)

  14. I was visiting my then step sister's house in Wyoming in the summer of 1982. They ran a little business on the side of selling pony rides to children and had a stable full of Shetlands. The day I arrived for my visit they had a proffesional horse breaker there to break in a new pony that had never been ridden.

    The horse breaker was on the pony for what I remeber as less than an 8 second rodeo ride before landing on his keister. When he got up he said he was finished, then he left.

    I quickly looked at my step sister and her husband and said,"I'll do it!"

    After less than one minute into my ride the pony stopped suddenly. I'm talking full gallope to standing still here. I FLEW (or so it felt) face first onto the ground. It was quite a ride, those little ponies have such a low center of gravity that I felt like an upside down weeble trying to stay upright.

    I did manage to get back on and ride until the pony was too exhausted to run or buck anymore. I thought it was over. Then the little pony turned around and tried to bite a big chunk of flesh out of my knee. After I avoided the nasty bite, the pony managed to just stand there with me on her back: both of us were panting with exhaustion: and give me one dirty look that lasted at least a full 5 seconds. Everyone was greatly amused who witnessed these events, and I still remember it to this day.

  15. If I do understand potato's comments correctly they refered to her being able to overcome your negative influence white dove.

    I'm glad that she's able to deal with that kind of thing here, whether the offending comments come from you, me, or anyone else.

    My advice to you white dove is to aim for remarks that potato doesn't have to overcome like that. At this point, my reaction to you white dove, when you do that, will stay consistent.

    Dear What the Hey,

    Thank you for clarifying your intentions with this topic.

  16. Personally, the thing that irks me the most along these lines is that the one who was abused and needs loving support the most, is most likely the one to be put off seeking loving support by unreasonable and mean-spirited comments like WHITE DOVE is prone to make.

    Another thing that irks me is that if we keep having to go over the same ground we may never be able to help anyone. The worst possibility I can think of as far as possible motives for the bullying we're discussing is that some would be content to leave it all contentious.

    MAYBE WE COULD SIMPLY SAY "BE QUIET", And then keep moving on. We'd have to be heavy on the encouragment for those who need help, but haven't learned to dismiss the white dove style bullying.

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