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Wacky Funster

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Posts posted by Wacky Funster

  1. Yes. I am still going to San Fransisco to take my tour guide training. It is only 2 weeks...will probably start tour guiding February, 2003.

    Tour guiding is like being a stewardess...you go all over, but then return to home port. Right now my home port is Cape Cod...but, I will be transitioning to a new area in the interm of all this going on. I'll probably rent out my house here, which is very teeny, only 18 x 24 feet, but absolutely darling for some city folk to wanna live in and commute to Boston...or I'll use it for a summer rental and make big $$$...Regardless, the rent will be my social security income when I retire, seeing as I haven't a pension...

    I have thrown all my confetti up in the air, and, dabba, it's in the process and coming down in a new, and hopefully, more fulfilling pattern.

    I miss the mountains, I miss the rolling hills...

    I've been here way too long. It's the place I when leaving twi. It's time to go.

    I think an affordable co-housing community is what is needed for the future of the boomers. Anyways...I love communal living, and plan on developing one...I'm sure there's info on the net about them.


  2. I've already written a little blurb here, but, it didn't come out ...so, I'll try and do it again

    An old Waydaler, listening to me talk about my travels, and things that I do called me "wacky"...and a "funster"...so I put them together. Creative huh?

    My icon is Percy the Penguin. I have been trying to get on the Woods Hole Research vessel to Antarctica all year, so, that was my attempt to remind myself about it. Needless to say, the ship just left last week, and I am here. I couldn't have gone this time of year anyways...I wanted Nov. til February.

    I guess it's time to change the icon.

    I do travel alot, but, not as much as other GSers in here. I dream and plan on travelling. It keeps me going, I think. My next trip is to North Carolina to find someone who wants to just about give me 100 acres of land to start an affordable co-housing community.

    Sounds a tad wacky, doesn't it?

    Live simple, with simple people. I'm getting tired of the rudeness and greed I'm seeing everywhere...I wanna live my days peacefully, not in this rat race.

  3. Hopeful...you crack me up.

    One of the first things I asked the woman when I called was, if it was ok that I walked barefoot most the time. She laughed and said "yes"...that's when I knew I'd just fit in fine

    Yeah, the tourist problemo. I'm not sure how I'm gonna deal with that, seeing as that I have grand "opportunities" with them : both here, and overseas...

    Ted, the interviewer said, I'd be doing New England tours first, then go over to the international ones, probably in 2004...the year I was planning my van drive cross country. Thing is...I can take a tourbus of tourists cross the country...and get paid for it!!! So, perhaps I might do that instead, altho my heart aches to go to New Zealand and Australia again.

    Last night I went to an al-anon meeting and the topic was "detachment"...I spoke, of course, and ended up crying in front of 20+ people...because, not only am I scared, but, it is going into a new era...and it is saying "good-bye" to a dream and way of life.

    What's happening in the US has me very concerned. The overpopulation and the incredible $$$ (no one really knows where people half our age are getting it) is making things crowded, noisier, and there is no peace anymore. The "rich" have taken over the desirable spots, and the singles and elderly are being forced out of neighborhoods...It's not only happening here on Cape Cod, but, everywhere, I'm afraid. I'm glad I'll be travelling alot, hopefully until my death, so I don't have to deal too heavily with this situation. I am very grieved by it.

    No birk boots...but, I have Merrill's which are the best there are. Not sure if hiking boots are what I need...I think "casual" shoes may be appropo, and, I have NO CLUE what those are , or how to judge how to buy them

    A new adventure for sure.

    Thanks for all your well wishes...I'm petrified. I'm grieving. I'm blessed. Very strange feeling to have a myraid of feelings all contradicting each other...guess I don't quite fit like a hand in a glove

  4. Well, it's 3pm...and I've had my phone interview to get into this school in San Fransisco.

    It was a blast of an interview...it lasted 70 min. (they told me 30)...but, we were comparing travelling stories, and it became alot of fun.

    He just called me back with a list of grads from this area that I can call, and get info about the business...

    The pay looks very good...even it I'm not successful...and, if I am...my pension, and loss of wages due to skipping and hopping around in twi for years, will be more than made up.

    I am so excited!!!! I could spit.

    I am actually still very scared. Called mstar today to make sure this revelation from god was legit I even cried a little.

    I'm not sure why I'm so scared. I'm NEVER scared. : (I miss this icon too)

    Well, looks like I'm going to tour guide school in December.

    Can we all say "eek"

  5. Italy doesn't really appeal to me. But, there are other places I've yet to see...

    New Zealand











    French Riviera


    I hope this just isn't a pipe dream...and I can really stay on track and go after this.

    It'll be the first big change, since the twi exodus...and, before, it was easy to move every year...

    It doesn't seem so easy this time.

    Thanks ahat, ex, krys for your well wishes. I'll let you know how things unfold as they unfold.

    I filled out an application via the internet 2 days ago, and already have a phone interview this Friday at noon. If I get accepted, I can apply for the 2 week intensive training...they only chose 25 students. I think I am well rounded enough to be accepted...not sure how I'm gonna handle any dress code, tho, as I rarely wear shoes

    In Jan. and Feb. months they have many students on these tours. Being a past teacher, they said, is an asset to me for these flights. I'm pretty excited...pretty scared.

  6. Well, it's time to move on, folks.

    I have lived here for 15 years since twi. My first therapist dying last week was like the end of an era.

    The synchronicity has been astounding.

    Since leaving twi in '87 I have had massive therapy, changed my profession, started a successful business, bought a house...My life has been graced, there's no doubt about it.

    But, it is time to uproot again.

    As the years advance, and I am approaching 50 (a few years yet, but on the horizon, nevertheless)...I am going back to a profession I've always wanted to do, but didn't, because I thought I would be married and having children, which obviously has not happened.

    With the help of the wise counsel of mstar I have broken through to new dimensions.

    In December, I am going to San Fransisco to tour guide school. After training, they will actually PAY ME to travel around the world taking care of people...!!!

    I'm pretty psyched about it!

    I'm also just as scared.:(

    I have become so stable, and a pillar in the community here...and, I'm ready to uproot...it's scarey.

    In January, I'll be going to a tour symposium and already have a birthday date with a gs'er there!!! At the symposium I will set up my schedule to the times and places I'm available to travel...and...THEY'LL PAY ME...TO TRAVEL...could life get any better than this?

    Is this not exciting or what?????

    So, I could use your prayers and support. Since being at GS, I have gained many pounds during ice cream fests and pie fights in the chatroom...gotta get me back on a schedule, and exercise...I may even have to unplug my puter sometime in the near future, if I find I can't do it on my own.

  7. Bowtwi...

    I rarely read such long posts, but I did read yours this am...and it has me in tears.

    I hope you are well now, and getting the support you need even still.

    I can't even imagine the torment you must have felt, but, as I was reading, my skin was crawling and my eyes were tearing.

    I had a relatively fun time in twi, so rarely speak bad of it...but...

    This situation you speak is really making me see how EVIL and VILE twi is...CRUEL...MEAN...

    My god is a gentle god...my god is a god of love...Can this truly be the same twi that I thought was teaching me the goodness of god? Holy Moly...how blind was I?

    If there's anything I can do for you, and, I don't have much, please let me know.

  8. ...here's one for you, I think you'll appreciate.

    About...oh....40 years ago...I gave my dad a rose bush for Father's Day, which he planted right outside the kitchen bay window. I was daddy's "little girl"...so, when I went off to college and left the house for good, every Father's Day, when I'd call, or visit...the rose was in bloom. One big pink rose...and he would ALWAYS make mention of it...very proud of that rose.

    Unknowingly, when I bought my house and started planting my gardens, I planted a pink rose outside my back door.

    This morning, when I arose, and went out to feed the bunnies...I saw, consciously for the first time, that I had a rose bush there...and that today, of all days...there is ONE PINK SINGLE ROSE on it.

    Perhaps I was thinking progeny today...dunno why I thought about being childless today...

    It all started with my dad...and the pink rose he bloomed in my back yard.

    Blame him.

    There are no coincidences

  9. Your post made me cry.

    (long pause)

    Perhaps my timing was in bad taste...but, then again...perhaps not.

    I think your post made me feel like...not only is it ok for you and I not to have kids...but...it's even ok to feel it, and voice it on father's day...or mother's day...it doesn't matter. Feelings are feelings, and this is what came up for me today. Feelings have no boundaries, and no direction, and usually are always in poor timing

    For those of you offended by this thread, it wasn't my intention...and if you feel the "Father's Day" thread should be pronounced, by all means...start posting in it, and bring it to the top. Let this one fall off the end of the page into oblivion...

  10. "They probably already have a day for that!

    Someone could check a calender, like Hallmark, who'll make a card for any occasion...

    I'm sure it isn't celebrated on Mother's Day or Father's Day ~ what would be the sense of it?????"

    I'm curious to know why you even came into this thread?

    What's the point?

    It was to be a nice thread acknowledging people who made other choices.

    You attitude doesn't shock me, but...why bother with it here?

  11. Geez...interesting responses.

    I was "creating" a day for the rest of us, and somehow, it seems, a few of you feel attacked.

    You know, Adios...it's almost like we can never be "good" enough. If you don't have any, why? If you "only" have one...that's not enough...If you have 4 people think you're crazy...yada yada yada

    Seems to me, people just like looking for excuses to put other people down.

    Never satisfied...never enough...or too much...or not good enough...

    We want it bigger, brighter, better...and we want it NOW.

    Live and let live is what I say ...we are such critics and judgers, aren't we?

  12. I was up early this morning...started thinking of my deceased dad, being Father's Day and all.

    My parents were not the greatest examples or marriage in the least!!!...and...they had their own unique ideas to what parenting meant.

    Even when I was married, I never really wanted to have kids.

    I've taught children from ages 2 1/2 to 21...normal kids, retarded kids, autustic kids...in public schools, in private schools.(moving in twi every year, get my drift? ) I've been teacher, mentor and "mommy" (when parent's had abandoned their kids)...

    But, I've never really wanted my own.

    It's funny when mom's are all worn out and paniced...and look at me and say "You just don't understand!!!"...I always reply..."Oh, yes I do..why do you think I don't have any!"

    Sometimes I feel judged by others for not having any.

    I know I am coveted because I don't have any.

    I speak to hundreds of people a year, on a very deep level, and true confessions is (by the majority of them): "If I were to do it all over again, I wouldn't have any."

    That comes from both men and women.

    I understand that comment.

    I see folks using their children to supply their own needs...that they just "couldn't" live without them.

    I will ask mom friends of mine "How are you?" and they proceed to tell me all about THEIR KIDS...I finally make them stop, and repeat..."Yes, but...HOW ARE YOU?" Many are clueless.

    People with kids think that those of us without them should in some way be responsible for their kids in some way or fashion...look out for them somehow, I don't quite get it.

    I count it a blessing I don't have children now. I can always have foster kids, and chances are I'll re-marry someone with them...be a mentor or friend to them.

    So, to all you single folk out there or married with no kids:...Pawtucket, mstar, Garth, Zshot, Jimextwi, Hopeful, Pamsandiego, Radar, Extwi, etc....

    Happy UnParent's Day!!!!!

    I am so Happy to Be among you this Day

    [This message was edited by Wacky Funster on June 16, 2002 at 9:03.]

  13. I remember when I first got to Waydale 2+ years ago. I was very confused by the whole set up.

    But, in addition to that...there was a woman named Victoria who apparently edited and deleted posts all over the place.

    I was extremely confused at that...and actually left waydale for a few months in total confusion, until a poster explained to me what had happened. It was not until then that I ventured back.

    The threads made absolutely NO SENSE...and responses to her posts made no sense...and, to someone coming for help-it sure did the exact opposite for me.

    I think one day is plenty enough.

    I'm sure if there is "poster remorse", Pawtucket could fidget with the controls to remedy the situation if it must be.

    [This message was edited by Wacky Funster on June 15, 2002 at 19:04.]

  14. Great topic, Hope...just one I was thinking about recently.

    When I left twi, I started out alone. When the masses weren't there anymore, and I was left to my own devices, it was very obvious that there was something wrong.

    A few guys from AA noticed me, and thought I was high on cocaine...but in actuality>

    I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day, and at least 10 cups of coffee. (necessary witnessing items, ya know )...and was flying...

    They suggested I had an addiction problem...I immediately entered ACOA meetings where I found out I had "renewed my mind" into absolute complacency...I had no feelings.

    So, I went cold turkey on the smokes...and, it was a few more months before the coffee went...That's when I really cracked...my "cover-ups" were no longer there. It's easy to suck on a smoke, and down coffee...people expect you to be anxious and high...but, it's not natural...not if you are looking for "self-actualization" (a term I picked up and strived for as a psych major in college).

    I spent every day at an ACOA meeting...I entered individual therapy and group therapy. Every penny I made went to my "recovery".

    I learned many things...and have gone many places...

    Fact is...I NEEDED the group and like-minded people to validate my feelings...hundreds of them...I needed their support and shoulders.

    The difference with this group of people was...Noone, not one, told me how to think, or what to believe, or tell me I was wrong for any choices I made.

    Perhaps I'll re-write that in bold type:


    People need people (that's what makes us the luckiest people in the world, doncha know?)...and groups are not bad, they are necessary...and like-minded groups give us a sense of esteem and validation for our choices. I don't think criticizing or judging another group is ever justified...because each group has it's own merits...each is necessary, even if for nothing else, but for a good fight.


    When and if a group gets to the point where members are controlled or manipulated in any way....when a person feels betraying because they don't attend the group...

    When the group becomes more important than caring for yourself, your family or your environment...

    Then, I deem it unhealthy.

    Get out.

    Get help.

    ...We've slipped back into codependency...and, unless we wanna live unhappy, unfulfilled lives,..then codependency is NOT the place we want to be.

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