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Posts posted by fellowshipper

  1. Niki, It isn't "Danger Will Robinson", it is "Danger, Danger Will Robinson". This is how Eve changed a Vord and left out the Vord added a Vord and went down the road that took Adam with him because he loved the little woman.

  2. Niki, thanks! My kids are going to one of the local idolatrous local churches tonight and I aint going. I asked my son if he wanted an ice cold beer so he could walk up to an old lady and say hiiiiiiiii. He refused. I think I have lost control as a parent. Please advise.

  3. yes Johnny Lingering that is the town I live near. I have even seen Carrie on stage during our Okrafest in town but I could touch her biblically speaking cuz I hadn't ascended to the Vader. Everywhere and in most stores is we love you Carrie, we're voting for you carrie. I guess if she wins we will have a town roadside sign saying "HOME OF CARRIE UNDERWOOD AMERICAN IDOL"

  4. I would have rather looked at a picture of baby meagan than a ship. I am happy for her. Seems she is walking in her daddys footsteps. Good on her.

  5. Johnny Lingo, you can always call me Rondo. The snakes I have not seen out yet but the lizards are, but hey, they even come out in winter on warm days. Oh the joys of the east side of the Great Plains. My Dam job is great and with this recent new promotion I don't have to give any more Dam tours. Okie kids are brats. Say hi to the wife from a fellow Okie.

  6. Simone I think it was the stinking Germans who demanded the blondes. Just on the History where all 21st century information comes from and sets the precedence on what really. Question. Are these people liberals associated with the media.

    I just want to know.

  7. Tom Strange I gave the recliner to my brother Simone Zelotes as a love offering for him to take his afternoon power naps in. What are brothers for?

  8. Niki, it is always cheaper and less effort to just down and get a can of green beans or any other veggies. Most of all it is USDA approved. Yea Right!

  9. Niki, I went to the old part disneyland and stayed out of the California Adventure to reclaim my childhood.

    Simone I got home last night at 11:30 pm and in bed at 1:30, driving all the way from Winslow Arizona ( I hear a song from the past) only to got to work at 5:30. Although I wanted to stay longer I thought of myself like a fish that goes stale after the third day. Hence, "by now he stinketh". Thanks Simone for all of the generous hospitality to the Fellowshipper tribe.

  10. Here we are in sunny Phoenix at Simones house with the fellowshipper tribe going on a hike up a peak just down the road wishing you were here.

  11. Tom are you sure your aint smoking that left handed cigarette again? Just kidding. I was wanting to do something yesterday with my kids but they had their own thang to do with their friends. Gotta love em.

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