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Posts posted by mj412

  1. ex they will not keep her in the hospital for a broken wrist!

    rushed?? I mean it may need to be set but really it isnt a serious emergency here we just take them to the doctors for x rays and then they set it.

    she can sommunicate her husbands needs is he insane or something and unable to help himself?

  2. As far as safe food a diabetic can eat any food. they just have to watch the levels of sugar and take the insulin if needed.

    a calorie rich food such as a cookie or brownie would cause his sugar levels to rise fast leaving him hungry for more food.

    less sugar laden items, soup sandwhichs, pretzels, fruit natural or in natural syrup. He probably know how much he is allowed with his insulin amount . do not worry. it can be controled with his insulin, but stress such as having your wife in the hospital can also play havoc with your system and is much more difficult to control and may disturb his "levels' as well.

    If he forgets to check his sugar or eat while trying to cope he can run into trouble. Remind him if he is under stress if you realize it has been a number of hours since he has ate if possible to keep his sugar levels normal and in range.

  3. I think alot of what they considered spiritual pressure was Honest to God GUILT that was deserved for deeds done or not done. denial and dismissing personal responsibility was often considered from the adversary,without any due cause from the individual .

    In real life the only way we learn oftens times is mistakes and the sorrow that results from them.. In real life we are suppose to be sorry and sad and afraid sometimes the Lord was but in twi it was not allowed to be human and learn how life works in reality .

  4. Ex

    I think people are able to learn and God is into us having lessons in life. YES twi taught me some huge lessons in life in very practical terms!

    But it wasnt really twi where I gained insight or wisdom it was life in and of itself that brings wisdom,, Jesus christ says He brings life.

    It is the words in the bible that make sense and the players we meet in life that teaches me the practical application of what Life is.

    I do not think it is needed to learn the bible to learn lessons in life God is the God of ALL.

    He doesnt ignore unbelievers, He may be getting them ready for a ministry that know nothing of or He may be directing scenes that avail His own to safety or something good. It is written all over in the bible.

    God has many titles He is THE creator of this whole thing so it seems very reasonable to think He can and does as He wills. The players in our life are just that PLAYERS that meet HIS WILL for each of our life. We all meet in the path for sure. sometimes for a moment sometimes longer. I do believe God knows what my needs happen to be am I willing to be responsible to the authority?

    God ways are a mysterious. I also believe God works through animals who have no "spirit" at all in theory from what twi taught. How do they know that hmm? It says in the bible the whole world could be filled with books yet not the whole story can NOT be told doesnt it?

  5. I admit it I sometimes hide in the bible pages of self righteousness still.

    How many times can I watch someone use the words from the book as a bullet to hurt another?

    it happens. It happens in twi and in the off shoots. People get prideful and forget God is a HOLY God and the creator of His people for a reason and I do not think it is all about how intellectual you can get about the bible.

    Research has been fun for me since I got involved in twi.

    I have seen research used to persuade others , to cause division and to hate.

    I really do not think Im any better because of the bible verses I know, in fact I have never stopped learning. I think I can get stuck and have in people worship because only they have "the truth" of the bible.

    I think that is dangerous.

    One of the most difficult areas of y life is being around christians who do not teach the bible as it is written and in fact play a make believe story of what works for them.. it bothers me, and I do not like the fact it does bother me.

    any solutions?

    I cant go back in time and pretend I do not believe different and be an honest christian.

    it is a problem.

    Im impressed with the truth and tradition website (see the link for CES above if interested) because they do go to various references for their research BUT they likemany from these cults seek what we agree with as the answer . Ya know? At least I recognize that .

    I do not know how to make it stop but I recognize it and will always tell someone Im speaking to about the bible that this is what I believe and why but it may be dead wrong for them! I sell nothing.

    If it makes sense to me it does, when all this started so long ago I was sucked into a vacum and bought it, now at times I feel trapped .

    do I wish I could just go to church hear a couple verses of what they claim God says and be content IM ok ? YES!!!

    sometimes I really do. but I cant.

    I have intellectualized the bible to the point a "true sharing of what it says is very dificutlt to find without the freaks like me..

    sad isnt it?

    I know it is. The stuff is so exciting adn interesting I desire more and moe like a junkie on crack...

    But as I said I do not think it means much to God or how much He loves me or another, never did, it is just something I got involved in a LOOONG time ago and do not know the way back to "normal" anymore.

  6. Oh man Yes I admit it I have people in my life I dislike I will even say hate.

    Vickles post helped me think of this topic.

    What do I do? I will be honest if I have disliked them for more than twenty years (family members that will not go away) I am not nice in fact I am rude to them and let them clearly know their opinion or talk means little or nothing to me.

    If it is someone at work I try to work around them and carry on , at times it is difficult but I have a hopeless attitude when it comes to some folks,(not saying this is right but I believe I can not change people) I do not always try to give them "honey" to turn the situation around , maybe I should.

    We all have people that rub us wrong Im talking about relationships that SUCK, that trouble me and put a burr in in my life everytimne I try to deal with them.

    I get frustrated and sometimes lose my temper as well.

    I am a christian but I will admit my relationships are not always smooth and loving and full of the glory of God almighty.

    It seems the older I get the less tolerance I have for back biting bastards who claim to love me or I have to just be around. I do not think Im alone giving the level of anxiety meds and happy anitdepressants taken by our culture.

    any comments or practical solutions?

    I do [pray for my enemys I really do to help me control my own self mostly.

  7. Their motives, their reputations, what people claim on an internet thread on an anti-way site are not factors I have considered . I read the link vickle posted.

    the fact that they have been in law suits ( which has little or nothing to do with anything really) before would be wise to consider before knocking on their door.

    If they were such "bad" people then why did they mess with them? again immature bad judgement.

    As I stated in my town we have curfew parents are responsible to know what and where their children are doing and to whom by law. So in a sense they are my neighbors.

    I am not making judgement on who is who in a neighborhood what the girls did was bad judgement and the woman felt she was violated, she won money for it.

    the big picure is the girls did learn a lesson . That was the womans point. did she want money? maybe who knows and some would say that is bad judgement , that is an opinion. The article states the victim felt the apologies where insincere when they wouldnt speak to her face to face. They may have been afraid of future law suits sounds like they are learning how to respect their neighbors now. That was the womans point.

    As far as using our courts , well , hey now she bad the fee's for small claims and it our right . who is to say who get to and who does not?

  8. wow

    ya know the royals can get away with anything .

    He has always loved her and she him. How insane of a cult they are in to have spent all these years and the drama and truama of the royal life, to find out in the end we all must be true to our own self . the price some pay is just to much.

  9. I know some can relate to the girls, and understand where they were coming from. I get that .

    I do not think this was about the money at all. i really donot think the woman did it for the money, or she would have taken the money for her bills. I think for her it was principle, she felt violated and wanted the girls to understand that.

    She wanted the girls to say they were sorry to her face and they refused that is when she took it to court. Maybe if they realized what they did wrong or in the least speak to her face to face and be sorry for bad judgement by knocking and running, she would not have. THEY chose not to speak to her.

    Like many on this post they judged her rather harshy and refused to consider maybe she was concerned about what they did for a reason. That was her only request and yet they couldnt do it they could face her, well to me , that speaks volumes about how grown up or concerned about this neighbor (cookies made or not) they really felt.

    they claim it was a good deed yet did not have enough integrity to face her in person again how immature is that?

    just consider it for a moment.

    It was not untill they refused to speak to her about the incident and completly disregarded what she had to say about how it affected her life that she decided to use the court to make them listen . I do not think it was about the money for her I really think she needed the girls to understand what they did and how it hurt her. They refused, conisdered her a callous bitch as many here have and gained sympathy for their cause of making cookies and knocking and runnig in the night under the guise of innocence. Well, the neighbor they so loved didnt feel that way.

    This is not to say they were or are not nice children, they very well may be but at 18 and 17 I would also think they would be grown up enough to stop hiding their actions under their parents, or the town pity trip for cute little girls and at least speak to her . These are not children these are grown up really and maybe they need to begin acting like it and take some responsibility for their actions.

  10. this thread is good for me.

    I was a single mom single mom have to be tough and not always becuase it is good for the kids sometimes for me it was survival of all of us.

    but I have this family and I have relative who never had children of their own.. they "do not get it" like shellon said or they act out of guilt for not ever getting their own like Linda said and they often one in particular would get involved and as you say rescue my kids from consequences they had brought on their self.

    I have one child who still uses this person but the person feels this is love/ I cant tolerate alot of the taxi stuff either I just do not want to make the time for people who do not wnat the hassle of owning a car and paying for it but have no issue with me driving in a snowstorm an hour there and back because it is to cold to take the bus in the weather.

    Linda those type of people are difficult to deal with so how do we remain without problems when one has such in a family? I do and she does always has done for the certain ones she feels she wants to. It makes me angry because it is only her "choice ones she will give money or rides or whatever or let them live with her not all. It has often made me look like a cruel task master without a heart when she does that. I know her motive the kids just used her issue because they could.

    I kind of feel sorry for her myself and I do not take the pressure Shellon spoke of whe she threw her daughter out. I know it and it can hurt but I got busy doing my own life more and more when the kids grew up and when they call now Im the one with something better to do.. mostly if its trouble or money. See I do not know if they ever do stop and become gratful my youngest is very thankful and her friends are great.

    But I still have one child her her mid twenties who I could make the moon and star for and she would still claim I was not good enough. I give up and just do the best I can and try to stay happy in my own life.

  11. My friends boys stole her car one day one was six the other eight the six year old sat down where the gas pedal was and pushed it while the other one drove.

    it was her car but the boys got charged and the older one got taken away for about a year to detention home for that and the fact she asked the judge how was she suppose to find them when they took the car, and admited she couldnt control them.

    man 4 she is going to have her hands full.

  12. Parents shouldnt have to tell an eighteen year old not to knock on strangers doors and run away esp. at 1030. they should have more common sense of their own. But this girls didnt and that is why they got sued.

    the article says she saw "shawdows in the night" and then asked them to identify and say who they were and they ran away. so she saw them but they ran away without answering her. This behaviour sound s really immature for such good hearted(?) woman doing good deeeds in the middle of the night? I BET she was firghtened, how much and to what cost would be up to the courts to decide she said she didnt do it for the money she did it to teach those girls a lesson about their resposnsiblility to be a good neighborhood and consider what they were doing as much .

    I can imagine a large city or the country having effective curfews. The police would have to use nearly all of their resources to enforce it wouldnt they? Maybe her husband works night or was out of town when it happened.

  13. These are the rap sheets from the police department with the picture and the crimes he was convicted of and current address. We have three of them now. What I do not get is the landlords who rent to them.

    Well as far as being dangerous to them well I think that is the point in doing it really. sorry if that disappoints you. I do feel for one guys mom who took him in after jail , but hey I guess it is true about a mothers love, she has owned a home here for a long time and does catch trouble for allowing him to live with her again. Im not certain it is such a bad thing.

    This is a town ya know with plenty of children roaming and playing about in the streets and in the park and at the public pools.

    they are not suppose to be within a certain distance of children I thought but in a town this small I do not understand how they can avoid being around a child if they even walk to the corner store.

  14. I run into problems with my boy to, My girls claim I do more for him. sometimes they even get jealous. my kids areall adults now. But I will be honest, here I like the guy, in fact I adore him. He isnt my favorite, and at times I have made the girls do more than him. But they were capable when I really know he was not so I helped him. Each child is an individual and what each person deals with is individual and as a mom I have had to make calls that on the surface may need have been 100% equal for all of them. My children have never fought, ever. We do not have the whole sibling fighting thing in our family in fact I do not get that how children can be fighting their own brother or sister. I think that speaks volumes about something wrong in a household.

    Linda Z.

    I agree I would rather be thought of as "used" or stupid than allow one of mine to be hurt or in trouble that is the reason I have a family and I am certain they feel the same way. IM glad to.

  15. it is his humble childhood in poland and his rise to to the pope hood that people are attracted to.

    This man loves the church no doubt, and he loves the sancity of life. to an extreme when he is sick and refuses medical help to perform the blessing etc.

    I have been listening to the priests and how they feel about setting term limits for a pope.. he is 85 and very frail often suffering . He will be the pope till he dies.. but they may but term limits on the position after he is gone.

    I mean what if he lives to be ninety and gets demented or something? he alone is responsible for the churches doctrine ya know , no one can refute or deny his wishes or say so.

    That can be kind of scary, in an interview the priests were asked why the church are not forthcoming about issues in the church or the POPES health.. the reason said was because the catholic church was established like a monarchy and the public need not feel frightened when the king was ill , for the safety of the kingdom... ok. That is why the followers may not know the grave condition , although they do admit it has gotten better in the last few decades with disclosure and reporting due to mass media. The position is still one of protecting the church from the truth be told. One priest did say the Pope is believing God to answer the many prayers for him.

    kin of scary if you ask me.

  16. yes. HCW and rascal.

    I think that is why I read greasespot. My situation was very bad as well. very bad and life long. But I wonder if that never happen would I know what I know about God and His complete LOVE for me and everyone? Would I be able to stand up for christ and His ways? would I not be bothered with what others think when I truly believe I am am right regardless of who disagree? would I be a strong?

    somhow I really really think not.. but I wonder why e way it was nearly everyday.

    HCW after I was marked I had IDIOTS say to me how my story really went ya know they knew what happened better than I did although they did not know me or the situation butsomehow they had it all figured out and felt they need to inform me. I would say excuse me HELLO this was my life my situation , HELLO who do you think your talking to? it is ME and Im telling you your worng. Unbelievable as it may sound they still insisted they were right and Iwas wrong. then I knew I knew I was involved in insanity. I knew God saw and knew all what had happened and His loving arms became so loving to me His alone.

    for that I wouldnt trade a thing... maybe some do not get it but it doesnt matter to me anymore. Run with the goodness in life .

  17. I just read the article, the woman is in trouble for not paying the bill. Her CHILD (under age) incurred. that is her problem and she should have to pay it a parent is responsible for their children bills financialy till they are 21 in New York , some states it is still 18. -

    So she went to detention with her daughter? why? was she lonely?

    nothing better to do? or maybe she is trying to make the child tow the line better than she did with her son. Most teens would have a second thought about not going to school if MOM is going to show up in the detention wouldnt they? hehehe

    These are still children and it sounds like mom is trying to make them behave better. being a parent is difficult, kids have zero concept of what can happen with money or being thrown out of school.. that is why they need parents.

    shellon what exactly do you think she isnt getting? She should have paid the fines before.

  18. I just have to say something here.

    The normal progression of growing up is independence, BUT, the world is a harsh place and I have decide to be a soft place to fall in this insane mean world for my children.

    When my first child was born I moved back in with my parents for a few weeks and then we bought a house next door.

    We all still live within a fifty mile radius. I had 7 brothers and sister, they had many children as well. We now have grands and we all live amoung each other. It is a community and we do help one another alot in fact it is always family that is considered .

    the only one who move one state away has a room for her in a sister house for whenever she vists . We are very close the other day I locked my keys in my car, my dad came and helped me took me home to get the other set... this is family to us.

    My son got stitches , I picked him up from the hospital. My sister in law( a widow) has her twins in their 40's live with her they both work full time and one has a child living with him, she is not well and can not do all the work that needs to be done around the house.. she watches the child while he works.. to me this is family. This is the greatest support and love a person can know from life long friendships and relationships.

    I can not imagine life any other way none of us can and we number far more than a hundred by now. I think the key word is respect and love within the family.

    The number one thing my daughter asked her husband when they spoke of getting married was if he was willing to live here with us and leave his family before she even considered saying yes. Im glad. now with the grands I get to be there and the children can have years of experience and love to grow up with.

    I give my children money, I give my children my time, my parents bought me a car a few years ago. I do not see a problem. In fact I believe it is very christian way of living.

    WE are accountable to FIVE generations people who know you and love you I think it keeps behaviours and dysfunction in check, when my son went through a thing when he was always short of cash because he went to the bars to much and spent all his money, it was just me telling him to change it was ALL of us in his face saying I do not think this lifestyle is going to work, I believe that is what changed his thinking because he siad to me in a very aghast vioce in his twenties If I move away I will be alone no one in my family knows how to do that we were raised in a community and we will live within it for life. Some have gone into the military, gone awy to college etc.. gotten divorced and moved out of state but we all end up back here together for the children.

    It is a good thing, when one gets sick or has an emergency, we rally together. WE vacation together, brothers and sisters and kids and grands.. even in the divorced families the grown children go away with both parents. In death which we have seen more than our fair share of we are their for one another...Who can live without this? Abuse can not happen with this much love involved if one of the teens get selfish plenty more a few years older in their face for respect of the way we raised them . "WE were raised better than that" is a common phrase in our family. None of us take welfare most own their own business, most are college educated. Many own their own homes. My children help my parents with the heavy work around the house, I help them with their children. this is family , this is a lifestyleI think it is great.

  19. yeah my kids are perfect to. lol perfect is when they no longer need adults to tell them what they can and can not do anymore, they are then considered adults untill then they are children and minors under the say so of ADULTS.

    I see adults all over the place wanting to be a teen again or still wishing to be part of the cool group, to bad because this is the time the most discipline and guidance is needed. We learn to be adults by making choices that is good for a community outside of our own protective families. That is what these girls learned, simply enough, if these girls where shot or hurt in some way I wonder if you would scream the home owner was wrong for defending her property, esp. if they were there for less than honorable reasons.

    I do not assume teens as 'bad" nor do I assume somone traveling around in the night knocking on the door and running away as a safe or a nice situation.

    Curfew is controversal , but I like it , if the kid has a valid reason for running the streets in a car or on foot, then it is considered, but many do not , they are just looking for something to do, and when butched together bad ideas can form . It is the dead beat parents who this law is geared at, why are these kids not being supervised etc. A very large college town nearby also has a curfew. One of my kids did get caught after curfew she was two months shy of 18 and had worked till 11 and walked home, the town gave her a conditional discharge.. Before the curfew I saw children as young as five or six playing at the park at ten at night in the summer . I am not ok with that , I think parents who do right by their children and ask where they are going and what time etc. it wouldnt be needed but the problem is many parents DO not know what their kids are doing and asume everything is safe and fine until somone gets hurt.

  20. .

    10:30 in July, in Colorado is NOT late for kids this age. It is barely dark. We often just finished dinner at that time. Curfew here in the city is a more realistic, midnight, but there is none where these girls live. Curfew is never enforced unless you are caught doing something illegal. (Leaving cookies for a neighbor is not illegal., but maybe now we can pass a law to that effect so MJ can be sure to have them arrested.)

    The girls did not reply to the lady because they were no longer there. The put the cookies on the porch, rang the bell, and left. They wanted to do an anonymous good deed.

    Trespassing? it is not like they were scurrying around in the back yard. it was an open front porch.

    Then why did they consider them shadow figures ? From the post it can be assumed it was dark out.

    MJ said the girls are lucky they are not dead. This was not some innercity crack house neighborhood. We are talking rural here, the girls were not in any great danger. Oh well. I guess our life out here just needs to catch up with the east urban jungle.

    I do not live in a city I live in a small town with a curfew.

    Most of my family is extreme rural tho and I have to say every single one of them owns a gun and most of them get up at sun rise , anyone showing up down the drive way at that time would be considered a stranger and treated as such.


  21. Well in my town they would have been in jail by 1030 at night if they were out without a valid reason, ei: work or school function.

    maybe your not surprised because you do not want folks to be responsible for what their teens are doing like a large amount of troubled areas in America today.

  22. This is why we put their Pictures and addresses up all over town when they move in our nieghborhood.

    The civil liberities have a freaking fit over the fact, they have a "right" to live in our communities after doing their time!

    yep they do, and we have a right to make them as well known and popular as every public place available with a huge picture and current address!!

    Just do it .

  23. I know Im going to be in trouble for this as well.

    I agree with the court and the woman.

    I wouldnt have sued but I would have called the police and had them arrested for trespassing.

    We do not live in a kind and gentle America. We have a great deal of crime and teens can be out of control.

    they did not respond to her when she asked who was at the door and kept knocking.

    Excuse me she lived alone. HELLO late at night.. THAT is FRIGHTENING>

    We have curfews in my town , after 10 o clock anyone under eighteen on the streets is arrested and given tickets for violation with HEAVY duty fines. If the parent Refuse to comply with the fines or the minor has more than three the parents Go to jail . We have sent four this year alone. Minor children need to be supervised and adults need to know what and where they are doing.

    Making cookies is fine , whatever, for complete stranger in the middle of night is a little BAZZARE. 1030 is late for me I get up at 4:30 in the morning as do alot of people she may have been woke up and frightened I get it.

    Teens sllep till noon oftentimes and drive and party all night, the lesson needs to be set that they are not allowed to assume their LIFESTYLE on every person. Because they think it is good thing does not mean they didnt make a very scary night for their neighbor for their own selfish gain . What an immature game not answereing her when she asked who was there.

    I will also say if she was in some neck of the woods I know they are very lucky they are not lying on the sidewalk bleeding from a shotgun wound right now, my red neck relatives KNOW who is coming a knockin on their door at 10:30 at night and if you aint suppose to be there you might be very sorry you showed up playing a knock and run game. THAT IS THE LESSON they need to learn in this feel good love ya bro town. they could have been hurt far worse than we are being nice your not attitude.

    who is to say the cookies didnt have poison in them ? COME ON! If it was all about loving your neighbor then why in the middle of night and knock and RUN hmm? they sound very very immature to me and very very unsupervised and very disrespectful. They do need some lesson in how to be a good neighbor.

    The woman was RIGHT!!!!

  24. This is a great post!!!

    I love the study of how people and things and situations happen in real life!!

    how very very cool!

    it is storys like these that help me know we are all in the same ship of being together in this thing called LIFE!

    Who is going to complain about the Lion exactly? HMM? the worst nightmare any community(much less major city) would want happen is a trash removal strike. We had the hospital sanitation workers threaten a strike here CAN YOU IMAGINE what that would look like in just a few hours ??? they got every thing the union demanded before it was time to walk. heee haa power in insifnificat places much?

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