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Posts posted by smurfette

  1. I would agree with WayferNot on the $$ thing. But I do agree she has a message that can be very healing and she is straight to the point about stuff.

    I was so blown away when a local church gave me (for free!) 3 different teaching series without asking for anything. All 3 were nicely packaged, even came with some discussion/workbook type handouts as well.

    Oh and one of the guys that wrote "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" also has written one called "Tired of Measuring Up" which has been an interesting read. That goes along with the approval addiction.

  2. Hi and welcome!

    Well, one angle that could help with some of the fear is to start looking at local churches. You may find that there is something else out there and that God blesses people in "oh My!" CHURCHES too!! Some churches probably meet at times that are different than regular fellowship times. I found being a part of a real worship service was oh so healing and showed me what I had been missing for so long. Hang in there!

  3. I don't know much about home-schooling, but I would find out if Kindergarden is a half-day or full-day program where your son will go next year. Then you can also find out what type of things they would like him to know at the start of the school year. I would think some type of structured time would be good to get ready for when he is 5. But what you try to teach him would depend on what your school district expects and then go from there to see how interested he is in the different subjects.

    I would think making sure he knows his alphabet, colors, shapes,and numbers up to 10 would be wise. I think they also worked with cutting things out with scissors. Oh and see if your school district teaches modern manuscript or regular block letters for writing if you want him to get used to holding his pencil and trying to write his name. (Which is something else they covered at age 4.)

  4. Maybe that is why God had to make things simple for us. Why being saved is by grace and by believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior etc. God knew we could/would mess up anything else.

    Of course, it's still so sad the state of most churches/denominations is where its at.

  5. Worship = TWI definition: speak in tongues

    What is your definition now that you are out?

    I have even seen churches "dancing" during worship, I guess they say it's like what the Old Testament believers did. Has anyone seen that and what do you think?

  6. Hey all. In the doctrinal section there is a thread that brings up that twit, even by their very own definition, is not "prevailing" Some could see it and would not question it. I would say most see it and then deny it.

    This holds true in many categories of teaching. For instance, the all 9 all the time...If that was true, they should be seeing miracles left and right and actually get word of knowledge to help restore twit's "prevailing" position.

    Why do you think they either see it and deny it or don't see it at all. ANYONE should be able to see how dead and dull things are by now, right? Or have twits restored a fake image of excitement?

  7. How chilling Catcup Too bad those words weren't on the Corpse application. Then everyone would have known what they were getting themselves in to. How cold hearted.

    Goey those verses with ministry in them describe and fit twit world to a "t".

    Goey that would mean that we learn the integrity of the ministry--not the Word-- in twit world's classes.

  8. I like Third Day and Anointed myself. We have a good radio station that mixes the songs up pretty good. I started listening the this Christian radio station after 9/11 because they were the only station that wasnt giving around the clock news.

  9. Well the new position for Donna is rather amusing. Wasn't she the one that had plenty of nannies and housekeepers? She may not really know how to use the toilet brush. But I guess she has had plenty of time to tell others how or at least what to clean

  10. My one comment at this point:

    If "believers" are supposed to have lives that glorify God....they must proudly have a "Don't laugh it's paid for" bumper sticker next to their twit bumper sticker on their junky car. I know of several people who almost lost their jobs due to junker cars that kept breaking down. (So they were late or unable to make it to work.) That makes for a great example too.

  11. Great ideas so far. LOL Zshot--though I don't think that'll work for me. I was in twi while in college and all those courses didn't help me (with way brain that is.) Loy and the lawsuits woke me up.

  12. Hi all!

    I am going to order some books that have been mentioned here in the cafe. I was wondering which ones were most helpful to you and/or what I should read first. I am considering getting the Subtle Power of Spriritual Abuse, Twisted Scriptures and Tired of Measuring Up. Any other books you have read that helped eliminate Way Brain would also be helpful.

    Thanks and have a "smurfy" day

  13. I like that article. We have already experienced some of this in twit world. So called great teachings and whatever while leader.... were doing so many awful things. Look at what hurt and destruction it brought. TWI might be a different organization today if they had truly focused on trying to be Christ- Like and not gotten into the "look at me and what I can do" mindset.

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