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Posts posted by Kay1952

  1. Thanks all who did the lifting!

    Melissa had a bad kidney infection and spent two days in the hospital. She is home now and doing fine, as well as the baby!

    Yeah God!

    Love, Kay


  2. We are thankful that there are people that care enough to zap a letter back now and again. We are exceedingly fortunate that we have a support system second to none.

    My son and daughter in law are there for us, and even tho Melissa is feeling punk because she is having a rough pregnancy, she and Matt are a comfort and solace to us both.

    Matt has a good job, and has made friends that are not former guests of the Wisconsin Penal System, and it is nice that they feel comfy here. Tim enjoys their visits and they like talking to him. It takes his mind off his troubles and it is healthy for him!

    Thanks again guys!

    Love Kay


  3. This song is one I serenade Tim with daily, oft more than once!

    I am probably the oldest N'Sync fan...except for those 5 fellows grandmas!

    Read the words--

    God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You

    Can this be true, tell me can this be real

    How can I put into words what I feel

    My life was complete, I thought I was whole

    Why do I feel like I'm losing control

    I never thought that love could feel like this

    Then you changed my world with just one kiss

    How can it be that right here with me

    there's an angel, it's a miracle

    Your love is like a river

    Peaceful and deep

    Your soul is like a secret I never could keep

    When I look into your eyes

    I know that it's true

    God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You

    Oh a little more time, yes he did baby

    In all of creation, all things great and small

    You are the one that surpasses them all

    More precious than any diamond or pearl

    They broke the mold when you came into this world

    And I'm trying hard to figure out

    The warmth of your smile, the heart of a child

    Thats deep inside and leaves me purified

    Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep

    Your soul is like a secret I never could keep

    When I look into your eyes

    I know that it's true

    God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You

    I never thought that love could feel like this

    then you changed my world with just one kiss

    How can it be that right here with me

    There's an Angel, it's a miracle

    Your love is like a river

    peaceful and deep

    Your soul is like a secret I never could keep

    Whe I look into your eyes

    I know that it's true

    God Must have Spent a Little More time on You

    For Tim...

    Love, Kay


  4. Hi Guys--

    This has been a rough time lately--I have been feeling the effects of autumn in Wisconsin. The leaves start to turn and I drop out of remission of CFIDS and FMS. I get up in the morning feeling like a rusty door hinge! Life continues to go on however, even though I feel like a 45 record playing at 33 1/3!

    (Boy! That dates me, huh! )

    Tim second treatment went without a hitch. Now we are on a 3 week cycle so all the both of us have to do is recover from the 7 hour day spent at the clinic. The chemo has taken it's toll, but the most difficult thing for him to deal with is the massive amounts of prednisone he must take for 5 days after the treatment.

    Nothing tastes good except chocolate and while that may sound wonderful to a chocoholic, if it is the ONLY thing that tastes good, the wonderfulness wears off in a hurry.

    I have seen the cycle--he is feeling really crappy for about 6 days and then he starts feeling better and better. But OH those 6 days!

    Thanks for the prayers!

    Love, Kay and Tim



    Tim says thanks as well, he likes to listen to me read posts, (and I don't just read mine!)

    Wants all to know that he is praying for you all too!

    (What a guy, hey?)

    Love Kay


  6. Had to go to the doctor on an emergency--Tim had a very sore throat and so we called the oncologist. They said go to see the reg doctor, and Tim has thrush, (a yeast infection that blooms when the white cell count is down) and he is on more antibiotic, a antibiotic gargle for the thrush, and a new dose of Elavil. I am just pooped!

    Love, Kay


  7. Ginger-Tim says ack, blecch, ptooey, gack, bluck, rice pudding! Ahhhh Lasagne! That is comfort food for him! (He had some tonight!)

    It does more to have me read your emails to him than I can say.

    You guys are great!

    Love, Kay


  8. I understand your thought and advice for getting 'quality' menfolk to notice you.

    Going to the gym to find the tummy, tushie, arms, etc is an idea--but as you say, not the only one. I happen to be a QUEEN sized woman, and have been all my life. I have been married 3 times and divorced twice. While that may seem to be less than successful, my weight was never an issue. I am the best-have always been but didn't necessarily believe that now and again in my life. I am presently married to a wonderful man, who likes his women well upholstered! All my husbands did!

    You are right when you say that the whole thing here is mental attitude. If you feel comfortable with yourself, and know that you are all that you want and need to be--then the fellows will flock around you. I have never had that problem in my life and it has been more than 25 years since I weighed less than 200 pounds.

    The other tip--

    Place yourself in situations where the kind of man you want hangs out. A friend was bemoaning the fact that she picked out fellows who were all alcoholics--they were found at the local watering hole! (Not that good men don't hang out in bars, but?)

    The best thing you can do with yourself is to love who you are. If that entails going to the gym and getting in shape, more power to you...but it isn't necessarily necessary!



  9. Have been so busy helping tim recover from Thursday's treatment that posting is the last thing on my mind.

    Tim got his first Rituxan (an immune system booster among other things)treatment. Took 6 hours to drip it in.

    Tim is beginning to feel the chemo's affect on him. He isn't feeling nauseated, just punk.

    Says he feels vulnerable.

    He knows everyone is still lifting him up, says that it is one of the few positives he can muster up.

    Everyone in the world says the chemo is the worst because it makes you feel physically sick. Tim says that the physical symptoms are not as difficult to deal with as the effect the chemo is having on his brain. He has to take more of his anti-depressant.

    Keep on keepin on is the watchword.

    Thanks all for keeping us lifted up!

    Love, Kay


  10. I was sleeping in my recliner, and suddenly music entered my ears, rolled around my head, and I awoke with 'WHO IS THAT!' My husband said-'I have no idea!'

    It was Dave Matthews Band on Letterman!


    Asked my son if he heard of them, and he said 'Yes, they SUCK!' (Why did I ask HIM--he's 25 and thinks he knows everything!)

    I am downloading and burning music as we speak!

    I think I have been in a vacuum!



  11. I asked my cat Turtle what he would recommend--

    He says that Friskies is good, but what he prefers is Purina One which is pricey.

    I give him Friskies most of the time, and for his coat about once a week I buy a can of sardines and give it to him about half at a time including the oil it comes in. Our vet said that it's great for their coat, (Turtle is black patent leather black, very shiny coat)and the oil is good to keep hairballs at bay.

    Cats are the best pets!

    Although I like dogs, cats cuddle best!



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