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Posts posted by tcat5

  1. Seth, I will be praying for you and your friends. I was a nurse for AIDS patient for quite a while. And the medications are sure no walk in the park. And the same goes for the Hep C meds. I am glad they have a good friend like you to care for them. love tcat.

  2. Well the best thing was being able to spend the day with my hubby and my kidlet. Considering that this past summer I almost died, this was a cool thing.

    Makes me truely thankful to be alive and able to be with these two peoples that I love more than anybody.

    Beyond that the kidlet got me chocolate and candles. Hubby got me some purty earings and cash for books. And now I need more bookshelves again.

    Oh yeah my big orange tabby made me a hairball. I just love home made gifts!

  3. We tend to name our furry children human names. Let's see there is Lucy , a red chow, Isabella the black lab, Maggie the Yorkie, Otis the orange tabby, Emma a gray tabby, and Annie another gray tabby.

    In the past there have been others who are no longer around. The only two that I can recall that did not have human names were, Babycakes and Kittykins, both of them felines.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot our newest member, Bob Brownleg a guinea pig. (I was told that was his elvish name.) He is black with one brown leg and very spoiled.

    And now the kidlet is working on me for an iguana. But you have to have four legs and fur for mom to adopt you. icon_wink.gif;)-->

  4. The kidlet and I went yesterday to see this movie. We waited in line for about an hour. Then went in and got our favorite seats and waited an hour and a half for the movie to start.

    And I'd do it again to see this amazing flick. It's was everything Rafael, Zixar, 2life, Dizzydog said and more!! We absolutely loved this movie!!

    My only words of advice are don't drink all your soda while waiting for the movie to start!

  5. Sheesh, I don't know what it takes to get through to people. Bonk them on the head or something.

    And something that I have noticed is that sometimes people treat other people just as badly as they treat animals. Like they just don't care.

    And now I've opened another can of worms. But sometimes just a little bit of kindness can do a lot.

    Huumm, must be the season....love tcat

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