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Posts posted by tcat5

  1. LOLOLOL Zixar! Aint it the truth! And it's supposed to rainy here for the next three days! icon_frown.gif:(-->

    My telescope is an reflector orbitor 4.5 altazimuth. And has the monitor so everybody can look.

    It can do 45x to 675x power. Not the very best, but we will have fun with it. Am still trying to figure out how to hook up the camera.

    But me and the kidlet will have fun with figuring it all out. We may have join the astronomy club now.

  2. Oh yes Jardinero the kidlet and I are out every year....clear years that is a nd counting meteors. Last year we were just in our back yard and still counted 100+.

    Little Hawk I am hoping to see Saturan and it's rings and Jupiter's moons. And of course the moon!

    Kit what an amazing picture. I am hoping to be able to take some also.

    Thanks you all for the kind wishes! love tcat

  3. I think we have all been in that sucky place. Dot you sounded just like me a couple of years ago, when I cried over everything and nothing. My bed was my good friend, and I stayed there. I got on Prozac and it made a huge difference.

    I guess the start of my healing came when I was up watching TV at 3am and found the PTL network playing the Matthew film. Made me cry all over again but this time cause I finally remembered God and stuff.

    So really Hope hang in there it does get better. I am off of Prozac now and only cry at movies. love tcat

  4. Ohhhh (((((((((((((Hope)))))))))))))))!!! I am also praying for you and am hoping you are feeling better.

    Please take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to get through this time in your life.

    And yes, I know God and his son hear you and are right next to you. Their arms holding you up. Love tcat

  5. Hello all my friends! Thank you all so very much for the prayers. I am home as Shell says with my beloved peoples and animals. Have a icky belly wound now but am on good drugs icon_biggrin.gif:D-->.

    Ya'll take care and I can hopefully stay awake soon to get into chat, cause I miss you guys! Thanks again for all the prayers. Love tcat

  6. Aaahhh reading, my favorite thing to do! I'll read just about anything, fiction, non-fiction,sci-fi, true crimes, smut, etc.

    But I do have my favorites, Steven King, Dean Koontz, Sue Grafton, Andre Norton, and Fannie Flagg. And am reading all the Little House books with my kidlet, and enjoying them all over again.

    And I was never a good wayfer. I never did stop or change my reading habits while I was an innie. icon_wink.gif;)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> love tcat

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