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Posts posted by igotout

  1. Ok. I'll let you know my experinece with it. I am also getting one of these I think. LIS LCD

    Again, a perfect match for my silver box:

    Zixar - I may need to call you sometime about advice on wireless and wired stuff on the same network. I want a wireless laptop and yet I do not want to go with a totally wireless network because I like the stability of hard wiring.

    Oh, what the heck, lets talk about it here:

    Hey Zixar.. I want a wireless laptop and yet I do not want to go with a totally wireless network because I like the stability of hard wiring.

    Having never owned a laptop, I would enjoy hearing some recommendations on a computer. It appears Dell has a good choice but I Am not sure I like their generic and sometimes weak components. Are there custom laptop makers? I do not have time to build my own.

    Do I need a wireless lan card for the laptop? Are there good routers out there which handle wired and wireless combined and provide firewall protection?

    I would enjoy being able to use this laptop on two different networks in two locations, home and work and that it connects automatically as I approach.

    Anyone please contribute your opinion or experience. Send a couple of links when you have some time.

  2. This just in! Everybody sing....

    "Oh,we loooove you,loooove you,loooove you, we'll sing it once again,

    Oh, we loooove you, loooove you, loooove you, comes back the glad refrain.

    From the mooouuuuntains to the prairie, the iiislands of the sea,

    You can heeeear the whole world singing, our joyous meeelody."


  3. Oh,we loooove you,loooove you,loooove you, we'll sing it once again,

    Oh, we loooove you, loooove you, loooove you, comes back the glad refrain.

    From the mooouuuuntains to the prairie, the iiislands of the sea,

    You can heeeear the whole world singing, our joyous meeelody.

  4. Excathedra, I wish I knew the whereabouts of a lot of our friends from the past. I figure we will all be together in heaven some day and will catch up then.

    He was unique and always had a way to make people smile or laugh, something we did a lot of back then. Heck, he might be rich and famous somewhere or just an everyday schmuck like me. I wish him well and hope he posts here someday.

    (If you are mad at me for posting your picture, John (or anybody), contact me and I will have it removed.)

  5. Test - this whole thread was deleted due to an unknown error with this site!

    By chance we recovered it from my browser history. (Thank you Hope).

    I hope someone is backing these threads up.

    [This message was edited by igotout on February 04, 2003 at 9:01.]

  6. He was my best friend our first year and was the best man at my wedding. What a funny guy! Most people didn't know how smart he was. He slept through most classes and NEVER studied but he always got A's.

    He took me to Da Bronx on Xmas vacation. We were opposites, me being from KY and he from NYC. It was my first ever visit to NYC. His parents lived in an upstairs apartment like in one of those old buildings you see on TV in New York shots. They had lived there for years. His dad was a retired NYC cab driver. Frank was an only child.

    When we arrived all the neighbors from all over came running out and hugged him greeted him. They were all speaking Italian. I didn't understand a word. Culturally, it was just like in that movie "MY Big Fat Greek Wedding"

    We went upstairs and drank funny coffee in little cups and had interesting desserts. I am sure he is still there to this day today.

    The reason he didn't return???? He fell in love with a nice girl and got married and had a son on his interim year, of course.

    He named his son Rocky because he was born during the Rock of Ages. If I had to guess, I would bet his grown son Rocky, adores his dad.

    Here's to you Frankie! Wherever you are.


    John R

    Tampa, FL

    [This message was edited by igotout on February 15, 2003 at 18:10.]

  7. Here is another example of a guys' opininion on a service found on yet another site. I disagree with his view:


    "Error Reporting Service

    Microsoft Description - Allows error reporting for services and applictions running in non-standard environments.

    Human Description - When something crashes (quite frequently) and Windows pops up and advises you to tell Microsoft all about it, that is the fruit of this service's loins

    One of my pet hates, If something crashes I will scream at the monitor and stamp my feet as I please; I don't need to tell Microsoft that I'm doing it.

    Recommended for home PC - Disabled"


    Though I do not ever report the error, I like to see that message pop up if something crashes. If it happens very frequently it is a reminder that something is seriously wrong and needs to be corrected. Things shouldn't crash "quite frequently" as he states. Otherwise there is a problem somewhere in your system that needs to be investigated.

  8. Bluzeman - nice link about services. I especially like their detailed explanations.

    For those who may not know how the heck to find Services:

    1. Right click My Computer / click on Manage/ Expand Services & Applications / Click on Services

    2. Go to Start / Settings / Administrative Tools / click on Services or right click on it and Send to Desktop as a convenient shortcut.

    Back to that article. I am no expert but I do not like the idea of disabling unneeded Services rather than to stop the services and set them to Manual.

    I have been told that setting a service to manual is safer because if it is really needed by a process on your computer then it is available. Meanwhile, the Sevice is still stopped and unused. Setting a service to Disabled turns it off permanently. Am I wrong?

    I think it is a good idea to compare and read other such sites as the one you listed and get multiple opinions about which services to turn off and on. Here is one I kinda liked. (But he also says to disable which I tend to disagree with).


    After all, it is just these guys opinions and experience. Not always correct. For example, the guy in your article says

    "So you have had Windows XP for a few months now.. but you have found that it has became slower and slower by the passing weeks" ..... "If you want a quick way to speed up your computer, continue reading!"

    IMHO stopping or disabling services will not necessarily give your computer more speed if it has begun to slow.

    In my limited experience, slower and slower usually means the user has lots of things going wrong ranging from installing old outdated programs (meant for Windows 95) to improper network configurations to having tons of stuff running in MSCONGIG as well as possible hardware related issues.

    That being said, I have turned of quite a few of these unnecessary services. It can only do good if not needed.

    [This message was edited by igotout on January 31, 2003 at 22:16.]

  9. Hi act2

    Go to this thread and I believe there are some simple instructions on how to do that.

    Thread about Avatars

    You ned to have to have your desired picture posted on an internet site. Then you have to link it according to the basic instructions using the path where that picture is located. For further questions I would post on that thread. Maybe other want to learn how to do this as well and someone can be more specific there.


    Though I grew up in KY, my ministry time there was only two years, 1974 - 1976. I have fond memories of Doug McMullan and Randy Anderson, Limb coors back then. They were pretty cool. I was in Fellow Laborers back then with the Right Rev., righteous, stubborn Mr. Bill Green who (for some ungodly reason) is still in.

  10. I have been working entirely too much lately. Can only check in once in a while for now. Self employment can be brutal but fun.

    Sunesis, Hope is a saint, while I am adept at being an **shole at times.

    Tuttle, do you still live in the hills of Florida? Maybe you are getting a little too lonely there. I would like to visit you sometime but I am afraid you will try to sodomize me. Remember that's still against the law in some of these southern states. (You are the funniest guy on Greasesspot.)

    Sunesis, David is still kind of like the same old David from back then, a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other, and that thick English accent. The one difference is his hair is almost white.

    I'll mail him a letter one of these days (damn, that boy needs to get a PC and a modem) and tell him about ya. He told me I can give his phone number to friends who may ask for it. It was a real treat for him to get a visit from Ted Ferrel last year.

    Sunesis, do you remember Frank Piluso from da Bronx?

  11. Ever had problems with your computer not shutting down properly or hanging on shutdown or taking forever to shut down? I have.

    I thought with XP this problem would go away completely but apparently it still happens, though not as bad as with Windows 98 or 95.

    Unfortunately, this is not an easy thing to trace down. It could be a number of things ranging from hardware to software. You can find more info about it on the internet.

    Here are two things I have found and proved beyond doubt that caused slowdowns on my system which is XP Professional.

    1. A service that was running called NVIDIA Driver Helper service. Go to "services" and stop it from running and put it on disable or manual. It is not needed. It may be there if you have a graphics card that has the NVIDIA chipset and have NVIDIA's recent drivers.

    2. Incredibly, the latest drivers from Logitech for their nice looking "Elite Keyboard" caused a complete hang on shutdown. When uninstalled all problems disappeared. I reinstalled and uninstalled them several times to test this. Needless to say I am returning this keyboard. I alerted Logitech but they will probably hide the truth from the general public as is the manner of most big tech companies. Either that or they will blame it on Microsoft.

    Now I am back to an almost immediate shutdown again. Why should we all be bothered with this at all??!! Why can't they make it like an automobile complete with ignition and key?

    Imagine having to wait 2 minutes for your car to turn off or that it wouldn't shut off at all unless you unhooked the battery?

    [This message was edited by igotout on January 28, 2003 at 19:50.]

  12. Sunesis,

    Now I'm old (49) as my kids (11 & 15) tease me.

    You were a cutie too. I was always afraid to ask you out because I thought you were too cool for lowly me. Self image thing I guess.

    I hooked up with D. Bailey in Ohio last summer at the CFF reunion. It was good to see him after all those years. He lives in the hills of TN with no internet or computer. But I am trying to change that.

  13. USB 2

    By now I would think everyoe must know what USB is. We have all plugged something into our USB port such as a keyboard or mouse or printer.

    After years of USB 1 there is a big improvement; USB 2 which is 40 times faster than USB 1 and faster than firewire. It is here to stay. Say goodbye and good riddance to USB1 and possibly firewire.

    I installed a USB 2 card and it is really fast (when you are using a USB 2 device of course.)

    Read all about it here;

    USB 2 explanation

  14. Thanks, Zixar. I knew there had to be a logical explanation for it. That helps me understand.

    Damn! For as much as those suckers cost you would think that they could at least convert the signal from the computer to make it look better somehow.

    I bet they will some day. I'll bet within 5 years. Can you imagine playing UT 2003 on one of those 60" ones with full surround sound!!

    Hey, what it the largest comoputer monitor out now?

  15. Garth - those are not pictures of my monitors. (I wish). I only have two. I showed these to illustrate what I posted above about how you are better off with three instead of two.

    But yes, I have an Intellimouse like that one but a sleeker model that came out recently. (not as bulky).

    Yes, the huge plasma screens would be great and you can use them for a monitor. But aside from their high price tag, I have heard that their resolutions are not as good as a high quality computer monitor, nor a high quality flat panel monitor.

    I am not sure why and I do not claim to be an expert on these plasma TV's and their use in computing. It's just something I read...... basically that it looks bad compared to a regular monitor. Not the TV part but the computing part.

    Here are a few excerpts from a recent article written by a guy who used his brand new 42" plasma as a computer monitor:


    "Plasma screens look a lot like large LCD screens, although they use a different technology. Electrodes between the glass panels change the state of the plasma, controlling how the red, green and blue elements of each pixel emit light. "

    "As a computer monitor, the screen was mediocre. It was quite fuzzy when I used my laptop's full 1024-by-768 resolution, but it got better at 800 by 600. This monitor is fine for presentations, but while it's possible to use as a PC monitor for regular use, it really isn't optimal."

    Also see this: Plasma resolutions when used as a monitor


    It would be fantastic to do, Garth, but apparently plasma TV's suck as monitors.

    On the other hand, you should see the awesome TV picture I get on my 21" computer monitor via TV tuner card. Crystal clear at 3200 x 1200 resolution !

    [This message was edited by igotout on January 20, 2003 at 22:55.]

  16. It's gotta be something simple. I have the same advice as Hap said. Just try and work with it. Do you mean "Show Desktop" icon is there or something called Desktop?

    This must be one of the reasons XP gives us a feature that you can turn on or off called "lock the taskbar". I am certain it was invented because the dumb taskbar can go all over the place sometimes, as you may have experienced.

    But I do not like the feature so I turned mine off.

    Are you using Windows 98, 2000, or XP? XP seems to give us the best taskbar management of all. Pretty nice and easy to fix.

    More details needed.

  17. Shannon reminded me yet another funny incident I forgot about. It was when Linda Kluge led all of us in "It took a Miracle". She used a long stick with a red ball attached to the end in the style of follow the bouncing ball.

    I think many of us didn't quite know what to make of Linda but she always kept us entertained in some way. For that I will always be grateful. I hear Linda is in Idaho today and has a passle of kids and horses and some dogs. I am sure they all love her immensly.

  18. Yeah, I gotta try that. I hope Spammers are doomed.

    I am sick of hearing about "penis size" and "working from home" and "come see my


    We can send a "smart missle" through an open window from miles away. Can't we figure out a way to kill spam?

    Then again, it took almost 100 years for us to figure out a way to quit losing our gas caps at the gas station. Those simple dangling gas cap attachments we all use. I drove an old car the other day that didn't have one. It was strange.

  19. RB - the 64 MB Gforce 3 cards are pretty good and pretty stable. They were a big breakthrough, I remember. The Ti200's and Ti500's are great, still for most gaming.

    I have one of the top graphics cards available a 128 MB GForce 4 Ti4800 (not 4600). It is comparable to the Radeon but I do not like ATI's products.

    You know what.... I don't notice too much difference in the day to day (except for Unreal Tournament 2003). But I'm damn sure ready for anything that comes along, I suppose.

    The main reason I got it was because it was the first GForce to support dual monitors on one card.

    I would say that unless you have at least a 32 MB graphics card or above it is time to replace it. Again, a cheap but effective upgrade that is easy to do yourself.

    Nvidia's drivers are a one size fits all download right from their site. A real breeze to install compared to older times.

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