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Posts posted by leafytwiglet

  1. :eusa_clap:


    You are bringing back memories! No sleep better than TWI-induced. :rolleyes: We used to do the same thing as roommates. Until we got this corpse guy. Ugh. Then it was like being at headquarters. But in our basement. Really weird. The guy was nice but way too wayfer for me. The really bad part was the couch we had was SOOOO comfortable. It was leather and overstuffed. Wow, great place to watch sports, movies, anything! Except listen to SNS tapes. ZZZzzz.....

    So you went WOW and had never been to twig before? I bet your family had a heart attack?!


    LOL Yes they did .. I was out of the house living on my own and paying my own way and had been for a while but I think if they had had the money they would have deprogrammed me. We had a big fight as I was leaving for the WOW field, so Yeah it was a mess.

    I suppose I should write the whole story here some time it is actually pretty interesting but has not a thing to do with the evilness of TWI and a lot more to do with my own stubbornness, and belief i was taking a year to serve God.

    Stupid little idiot i was...... I believed that I was serving God. :wacko:

    Edited to add ... I suspect if I had actually attended a few Twigs i would not have gone out WOW. And I am ratting out my beloved Hubby here and now.. when I married him and we ran our twig far from the Limb.. we only listened three times to SNS tapes. HE is my hero just for that alone. Those things were so horribly boring.

    • Upvote 1
  2. So a friend is running this class(I know another class lol)

    anyway she invited me to come and I said okay-- IT is called "life's healing choices" and it is set up by the person/people who wrote "the purpose driven life".

    I went to the first class last night . IT was interesting... pretty touchy feely all about exploring your emotions etc...

    I found it interesting .. it is light on scripture-- probably a good thing since being an ex wayfer I am... well you all know..too hyper critical of anyone's delving into scripture ...

    any way I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with the purpose driven life.. I find it very much a buy my book.. at least for this first session which I find a bit off putting... but I wondered if I got past that would I find the book of value or is it just more of the same old thing...

    I have not read the book. But wondered if anyone here had .

    Also and this is just me .. I know I am not a fan of the delve into and examine every inch of what is wrong with you school of thought... I have a load of dang in my past, not even the ministry stuff but I had a very ugly childhood so I try to deal with that kind of stuff when it comes up and not stir it up .. like a muuddy lake bottom once stirred it can take a while to settle back down.. also I often wonder how much of the self examination thing is just making trouble where there was none before.

    Self examination can be a good thing but when your life is full of ick before a certain time it is easy to sink your ship by wading into it too deep.

    Anyway .. I would appreciate any thoughts of opinions you have.

    having escaped one cult set up by the skin of my teeth I would hate to wade into another just because everyone thinks it is the bees knees. And just because it uses the bible no longer guarantees it's safety for me.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Okay this is my memory of SNS tapes..

    Totally unrelated to the actual topic of this discussion but there it is something I think is funny now.. not so much at the time

    Okay my first encounter with SNS tapes was on the WOW field NO big surprise there, I did not attend twig before becoming a wow I took the class and then a bit later went WOW I had attended a couple things but I was attending Business college full time and working full time no extra time for TWI

    LOL any way back to the tapes so we of course would get a new one every week and we were supposed to listen to them

    so our two WOW families would get together on a prescribed day and time to listen to the tapes and I swear to God there was three times in a row when we would be listening to it and everyone of us would be asleep... SNERK

    any way our Resident Coprs Guy decided we had to sit up no more Lying on the floor to listen to the tapes, this presented a problem as we did not have enough chairs or such for all of us..o I am not sure how they were procured but folding chairs were found and we had one couch between the two families. ... and of course there we were nodding off all sitting in folding chairs all 7 of us... IT still cracks me up to this day. I am not sure if the teachings were that boring or if we were just that tired LOLOLOL I suspect a bit of both.

    BTW 79-80 and some of those were VP... Of course I could remember it all wrong and they were way corps tapes but I am sure they were SNS tapes

    • Upvote 1
  4. I'm going to be performing a wedding on October 31st in Lawrence Kansas at 1:30PM. If any Kansas GSers want to meet before I head back to Nebraska, email me at oakspear@neb.rr.com

    NOT that you are looking for replies but I wish it was to California. any way have a wonderful trip.

  5. He needs to believe for a better web designer. A dartboard? And text that can't be read? And so much javascript running that it slows my machine to a crawl? Sigh.

    LOL Jim that was my first thought... I wish more people paid attention to the final product of their web page.

    My second thought was Why can't these people STOP Spreading the TWI LIES!!!!! (((Hugs Krys)))

  6. OMG I love pecans

    They are so yummy.

    Summer garden winding down.. Peppers galore and Tomaters tomaters Home grown tomaters.



    I have not put in anything for winter as we are having our summer heat all rolled into two weeks and I want to do the LIME thing as advised by someone maybe Kimberly or Watered Garden I can not remember who now... to help release some of the minerals in our clay soil for my veggies.

  7. Bolshie I have a question for you because you probably understand the difficulty more than most here and feel free to ignore the question if it is too personal...

    How did you come to leave?

    I have never read your whole story but that is not a surprise I have barely scratched the surface of the posts in GSC.

    But were you already married and did your parents leave or just your In laws.

    Sorry but was it difficult? or what triggered it all? I know you have not been out for very long and you grew up in TWI so I feel like you have a real unique view of it all.

    I know from my own self the decision to leave was difficult and we worried the entire time we were leaving even for the first few months we were out... We of course left before the proverbial dang hit the fan.

    But we certainly worried that God would be angry that we had walked away from him when we were walking away from TWI.

    We hadn't but we were so mired in the tWI think that it made a difficult situation 100 times more difficult.

  8. ya, you have a point. still though, this group's the exception. most group leaders don't earn any money.

    So what! .. most of us here and probably you too... have been twig coordinators, branch coordinators or area coordinators with no pay in fact we payed(Abundant Sharing ) so to speak for the so called privilege... because we thought we were serving God.....

    Not receiving pay is no indication of truth or honesty for that matter. And receiving pay is no indication they are bad.

    what is at the heart of it all is the stealing money from the believers and using it for nefarious reasons, all the while telling them it is to spread God's word.

    The SOWERS Group may or may not be wicked but since they continue to teach the lies that VP taught and are using the backs of the young people to do manual labor just as TWI did... it brings their whole "Ministry" into question.(In my mind)

    I would wonder what they use their peoples Abundant Sharing for... Who is ultimately helped?

    what charitable acts do they perform? VP used to make fun of churches doing charitable acts... to me I should have seen that for the truly RED FLAG it was.

    Sorry Bishop NO offense intended just some thoughts I had while reading everyone's posts

    and Ham I am finally understanding your outrage with the SOWERS. It seems it has taken me a bit to catch up. I sometimes get lost in the lies of What I was told TWI was versus the reality of what it was.

    Sometimes when I learn a new aspect of the deceit of TWI it makes my heart ache.. because what so many of us thought we were doing was in actuality not what we really were doing.

    • Upvote 2
  9. I'm really impressed with the process of elimination skills you utilize. You're right, it was Ringo. I always thought it was because Ringo (no offense to Ringo) had the least amount of talent and had the least amount to say. But I think you've probably nailed it (no pun intended) on the head with the "Sweet Sixteen" song.

    OMG Chocking here.. the least talented of them???not sure about that but definitely the quietest vocally. LOL.

    I believe in Drumming circles he is quite renowned for his unique drumming style(not sure if that is the proper way to term it) and I perhaps am mistaken on this but isn't he also the most musically versatile of the crew.

    Yes I am defending Ringo.

    I have no idea why except maybe because I came to appreciate his talents as an adult.

    Any way some notes on him and his career

    yes it is Wikipedia

    All about Ringo

    Okay and Reason Craig Liked him LOL Waysider Still cracking up over that one.

    Edited to Add.. I love the Beatles and find them all incredibly talented So don't bust my chops. LOL

    • Upvote 1
  10. Well said Shellon,

    I know for us when we left it was easier because our only ties to the ministry were friends. Neither of us had other family members involved.

    I also know My Dear sweetie was very worried I would not go with him if he left. Fortunately I was beginning to start to really question the Way and was more than happy to part company.

    But I wonder when I read this where i would be if he had not wanted to leave or if he had left and I had stayed. Would I have endured POP and the Martindale crap??? I am not sure.

    Also another thought and I am not directing this at anyone but posing it as something to consider... If you were kicked out have you ever wondered if you would have left if they hadn't kicked you out?

    I am pretty sure we would have been kicked out eventually because I was a non Corps spouse.. but If we had stayed and were not pushed to leave I wonder if I would have left on my own.

    IT is infinitely easier to sit on this side of the fence and judge when you only know the barest of details. IT is quite another to be saddled with all the considerations a person must have as they try to make their way in the world. Leaving family and friends or any combination there of is at the best of times difficult but just for a moment imagine how difficult it must be in certain situations.

    Remember, quite a large percentage of people who left went into splinters.. this to me speaks volumes about how truly difficult it is to leave the lifstyle(such as it is) of TWI.

  11. I thought I would add one more thought

    I believe that many times we as Christians fall into a trap of thinking forgiveness equals acting like the sin never happened. but really that is not what forgiveness is, and in this case they have given a predator the privilege of harming their own children.

    • Upvote 1
  12. I would welcome suggestions on this problem:

    Tuxy seems to have a urinary problem. She has always been a cat that drinks a lot and wees a lot.

    Recently I got some supermarket generic cat biscuits which the cats ate for a few days but soon declined and refused to eat. However, since then, Tuxy seems to have a bit of a wee-ing problem. She goes to the litter box and sits on it, but seems to discharge very little. Most unusually, she will go to the box, often when I'm sitting on the loo myself (the cat box is in the bathroom) - not the sort of thing she likes to do. She visits the tray frequently but there is little to show for it.

    Some checks on the web have suggested that cheaper cat biscuits cause crystals to form in their bladders.

    I've tried offering wet food (tinned). Won't touch supermarket generic; won't touch tinned Felix though will nibble at sachet Felix. With wet food, actually she just licks up the gravy or jelly and leaves the chunks (daren't really call it "meat").

    All she likes (will) eat is Go-Cat. She didn't have any problem when I had her eating just Go-Cat but after a week back on that she is still apparently having trouble.

    She is still a difficult cat to catch so regular dosing is likely to be difficult. I have never tried medicating either of them; except when I first had them I used some of the Bach remedies which were just drops in the drinking water.

    Crypto doesn't seem to have a problem though the diet is the same. She likes and seems to prefer wet food if a choice is offered.

    Suggestions as to what I can do to help Tuxy?

    Take her to the vet do not pass go do not collect 200 $ she has a urinary infection.

    They will give her antibiotics and she will get better

    (((Hugs)) to you and her poor little poppet..

    Regarding the wet food. I have spent a lot of time getting Little One to switch to wet food with the eventual goal of getting them onto a raw diet if possible

    Little one is my "I will only eat dry" she is quite overweight and risks diabetes. so

    here is what I did to start with I mixed wet and dry for a while .. go slowly. more and more wet.. when she is eating this regularly remove the dry food completely from the house.

    then gradually add the raw meat in., if you should choose to go raw.

    Listen do not wait to take kitty to the vet for the pee issue it can kill your kitty.

    and stop feeding the dry food as soon as possible.

    Here is an excellent site with info on switching to fully wet food and why

    Cat Info Web site

    By the way the site is written by a Veterinarian.

    Edited to add it took a little over two weeks to get Little one to eat just canned.. she is doing well and has lost almost a lb so far and her hair balls are less. I hope to see that eventually go down as we move on to a partial raw diet.

    • Upvote 1
  13. A church in Louisville Kentucky just ordained a convicted sex offender.

    They want to "give him the chance he's deserved".

    And yes, of course celibacy isn't necessary applicable but I think that monogamy certainly is assumed because the man is a minister.

    And then who will heal the broken lives of the people he will ruin?

    My heart aches... WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??????

    Speaking from my own life experiences it is not a matter of the person who was abused not wanting to get healing... it is more a case of expecting to 1.not be believed, 2.to be blamed for what happened and 3. to be carrying around a huge load of guilt for being molested as a child and 4.having the molester and society pound it into your head that it is your fault that this adult molested you.

    They marry the clergy man because they hope he will be understanding and they have some thought that they will find acceptance there.

    Unfortunately he is a human and may have trouble helping her. Usually though I would think more often than not they find their way through this all.

    Most people who were molested don't work it all out until at least their 30's if ever.

    and sometimes if they are lucky one day they look a their own sweet innocent babies and realize there is no way in HELL they could have stopped what happened or been responsible for it.

    But even with that realization they still do not find their way to total healing for years.

    And a person who is going to cheat doesn't do it for love it is a selfish act and they justify it in their own head. it has absolutely nothing to do with not getting it at home.

    I think the reason people in positions of power cheat is they have people running around telling them they are perfect and wonderful and can do no wrong. No one is immune from that. They start to believe it all and think they have the right to cheat or lie or steal.

    We rarely hear of the pastors who live the upstanding virtuous life because it is not news.

  14. Yeah, it takes more than a library but ya gotta have one if you want to be a college. Looking at from a broader view. IMO Wierwill was trying to compete, at least in his mind, with Oral Roberts. I mean look at it. Oral has a college in Tulsa, Wierwille wanted a college and Emporia wasn't all that far from Tulsa. Oral JR. was president of ORU, VP brought his son on board to run WCOE. You can actually get a bonified degree from ORU, Wierwille wanted the same thing but he didn't have the resources so he went with that "adjunct faculty" thing. There wasn't a chance it was going to be accredited but maybe VP and DE thought they could "believe" for it to come to pass. I'm just speculating here.

    Yes but they teach Real College courses at ORU like math science there is a business program, a nursing program. etc...

    Not what you were taught in the Corps. But I see what you mean .. How he was competing.

    I guess mostly I find it annoying this false arrogance that I too had because we knew the word and how to study.

    in reality we knew squat. .

    Sorry I know you all have been there but the longer I am at GSC the more I realize how much we were duped.

    And mostly on the say so of some one with out checking into it or really getting a full over view of what we were doing.. all because it had the God label on it.. or Biblical research .. IT gave it a cache of respectability.

    VP may have wanted a college but really he never set it up like a real college in the first place and shame on Don W for even lending his degree to it all.

  15. It takes more than just a library to become accredited...


    The shame of it all is that there was all that knowledge and people ignored it for .. well you know what I mean and since I am taking College classes now I can honestly say the ability to read the works of some of the all time literary greats and analyze it and understand what they were saying is probably one of the lessons that will do more for my life than any other skill set I learn there.

    Certainly more than what I learned thru TWI!

    I am still kicking my self ... how stupid was I????

    Here is a very very brief over view of what exactly College accreditation is.


  16. Really, the discrepancies in PFAL could have been caused by errors that crept into the texts, or into the lexicons. Perhaps even the laws of logic have been corrupted. I bet a catholic discovered them . . . . .

    Giggles at Bishop's joke!

  17. In Emporia Kansas Wierwille Library was used quite extensively even though there weren't any books in it. I spent many days and nights listening to the droning from the Bully Pulpit from "Top Floor Wierwille". Conversely the building that actually had books, Owens Library, was never used. The books were never even categorized. Anyone else ever wonder about the ghost of the building called "Owens Library?"

    Never ??? no one went there? why did they have it? What a waste!

    Waysider excellent link.

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