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Posts posted by leafytwiglet

  1. Okay, I'm just picking up on complaints about portaloos. Field Corps were usually assigned to clean portaloos - "to keep them meek" (yeah right). I got this task several years running (but then, I was always being told I wasn't meek enough). And I have to say that I kept the banks of portas for which I was responsible spotlessly clean, smell free and a pleasure to use.

    I can't speak for whoever cleaned the men's toilets. Maybe they didn't do such a good job.

    Or maybe some of you men should have stopped using the bushes. Nobody cleaned them.

    LOL Twinky were you perhaps cleaning in 79 if you were then you and I may have been cleaning toilets together.

    I was the non Corps idiot who signed up without knowing what I was getting into .. Actually I enjoyed the detail. The Corps were nice to me.. appreciative of my help and funny.. and really made an effort to make the loo's sparkle in an effort to bless those of you who were in need.

    Okay my worst ROA was my last one and it really was not bad.. I as I said before loved ROA but the last one was my first year as Married Corps and Hubby and I slept in the Corps tents... Big army tents with cots set up for Corps who were there working... and attending ROA... I spent most of my time at ROA working that year and there was a lot of unhappiness going around..

    I may remember this wrong but that was the year they announced I think that LCM was going to be taking over for VPW... at least they announced it at one of the Corps meetings... I remember some folks were grumbling about it.. but if you asked specifics I couldn't tell you it was long ago and when we left I tried to not think about TWI anymore.

    anyway.. I remember the music being awesome from the get go but like some of the others on here we left while things were still very laid back.

  2. I am the same I think of these groups and they were so amazing..

    I don't know how you compare them to groups of today because they were groups of their day! And they were all excellent musicians. with or without the ministry.

  3. I think Bolshie and Brainfixed bring up an interesting point, that we who joined as adults did not see.

    The children in TWI were terrorized by this stuff..

    Children see things very differently than we do as adults, and don't forget they got to see the physical abuse that we may not have seen ourselves.

    and even though they are both now adults and out of the way they still see or feel that they were in eminent danger of death.

    Now those of us on GS are the ones who walked away.. stood up to the powers that be in some fashion and walked away so we think "I would never do something like that because so and so told me to do it" be it Craigers or VP but I would guess that there are people there who would have done something like this if told to do it.

    And dont forget people in crowd situations go along with stuff that on their own they would never ever do.

    Raise your hand if you ever sat through some one getting reamed out for no good reason and never stepped in to stop it.

    I bet every one here is guilty of at least one of these I know i am and I left early on.

    Think of how frightening to see your parents just stand by while some one gets treated like that. OR worse stand by Mute while being told that you (their child was devil possessed)and that you needed to get rid of your child.. to grow up being taught that you as a child were a receptacle for devil spirits and could by your mere presence corrupt your parents or te adult you were with... and the adults believed this stuff.

    I shake my head but I remember when they were first coming out with the whole objects possessed by devil spirits crap...and people just bought it with out question and that was in 82..

    Bolshie and Brainfixed.. I myself send my deepest apologies... I wish I had never been a part of TWI.. the evilness it wrought in peoples lives is astonishing and for you who were children and completely at the mercy of TWI I am appalled for you. and my heart goes out to you.

  4. The Corps at my class discouraged note taking.. but that was just at my class.. The ones I ran later with different people we did not discourage it but I remember it was always recommended you just listen so as not to miss anything... being a tactile person I actually retain stuff better if I hand write it. typing does not seem to have the same impact as hand writting for me.... i am not sure why but there it is.

    • Upvote 1
  5. LOL at Kimberly...

    Well I am ashamed to admit it but I loved ROA.. I loved the camping and the music and seeing people I hadn't seen for a year... that I only saw there... Yes I was a total TWI hippie.

    I loved the adventure of traveling to get there and boy did I have some adventures every journey.. but I only went to 4 of them 79-82.

    2 of them revolved around my WOW year. and one around our way home and we were bringing most of the folks that took the class and we had a blast...

    Of course for me the water tasted like Michigan water (I grew up with that water flavor as a kid) so yeah I loved it,, I am originally from Michigan, a hop skip and jump away from Ohio and a similar climate so I loved it... IF I had known what I know now I wouldn't have been there but at the time I was just a young innocent having fun!

    I really probably ought to tell about these in my blog .. LOL they were totally epic journeys... Ahh to be young and stupid again. Well maybe not .. but the idea of it is always better than the realities.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I am back .. the compost turner works really well.

    IT took 3 minutes to turn my pile versus 30 minutes .. I love it. I hope it works as good on a fresh new pile as it did ona half cooked one.

    IT is a yard Butler for any interested party.

    and we have two compost piles one of leaves and grass clippings and garden scraps

    and the second is shredded paper and chicken manure and garden scraps.

  7. Wooo HOOO I got my compost turner in the mail... this should make things considerably easier now. I just finished making my second compost pile... this one out of manure and paper shreds. and the 1st pile is only about half done.. so this toy could not have come at a better time. I wish I had had it sooner so I could be starting my third pile instead of only my second.

    Tomatoes every where and just now turning Red.... I think I have three I can pick for dinner tonight.


    I love gardening.

    Edited for my silly spelling errors

  8. For me at least while I was in you never heard that stuff except from Corps and advanced class grads.. so I think you are correct it was voiced and only to the (More Committed) :wacko: I do believe it was changing though in early 80's as the Homosexual rants were just starting.

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  9. I didn't know Mrs. VPW she was very behind the scenes when I showed up in 79.. but I do know the type of person VP was and you can bet your bottom dollar he had complete control of her. I think he cowed her early on.. and she had no way to extract herself.. I don't know if I would give her a free pass but I grew up in an alcoholic family and watched my step dad control and manipulate my Mom so I understand the mechanics of it. Don't get me wrong.. she chose that life but sometimes people get in over their head and do not have the wherewith all to extract themselves.. so I wouldn't give her a full free pass but I would certainly give her a partial one.

  10. Later on in Roa 79,Wierwillie shouted out that there were fbi agents in the crowd.

    How did he know or were they even there?We will never know...

    Given what I have read here,about his theories,He(wierwillie)really did want us seperated

    out.I really hated it when roa went to "internationale)in 78.

    More control more micromanaging...........

    I remember that .. IT was at my first ROA;... and I remember being a little frightened. Trying to figure out what was going on.

    • Upvote 1
  11. This is why I can never solve those word problems in Math class.... I have them off having a picnic on their way to the destination... although Jail is way more exciting to add into the mix... LOL

  12. Well we married in '81, VP still very much in charge and I know husband was told by LC(who married us)that if he married me we had better plan on me going into the corps within the next couple of years... . I was considered I guess less than desirable as I was not a corps grad.... This after going WOW and living in two fully functioning way homes...running Children's fellowship in our town not to mention twigs, classes, organizing a Thanksgiving Limb Party. and helping with the household holiday Limb party. I was offended.. but I suppose I really did encourage hubby to make the final move away.I certainly didn't discourage it. So maybe if he had married Corps he would still be in today..

    Even at that time things were starting to get overbearing.... to put it mildly.

    I think at that time the marriage manipulation was really just getting started.

    although I am certain that at the Corps level it was in full swing already. I doubt I was the only person being told I better plan on going into the Corps if I was marring a Corps person.

    • Upvote 1
  13. New Pressure cookers are safe .. you can not open them until the pressure is down as they have a special locking mechanism... I suppose if you left it it might over pressure and explode but I don't leavce mine un attended. the trick is to get it up to pressure and then turn the heat down to keep it at that pressure.

    I like to cook my beans in them chili is especially delicious that way... you use less seasoning as the preasure seems to intensify it.

    your cooker should have come with a booklet with instructions and recipies.

    I also do pressure canning with my big one.. I have two a small one and a large one.

    I haven't tried meat in mine yet but have toyed with the idea of cooking a chicken in my little one.

    I can go get mine and post them but you can also find pressure amounts and times posted in most good cook books.

  14. Way back in the early 80's ... Summer of 82... a corps man and his wife left???(he was booted out for alcaholism supposedly.. I find it Ironic now that I know how much of an alki VP was) .. I have written about it before I think they may have been one of the first couples who were mark and avoided. Corps was told not to be in contact with them at all. That the hubby was entertaining devil spirits


    the other thing that I was disturbed about was how people were trashing the wife because she left with her husband.... They all thought she should stay with TWI...

    IT was the oddest thing I had ever heard.... I kept saying she loves him of course she will stay with him... they got married why wouldn't she stay with him... at that time I was a lone voice in the wilderness so to speak..

    When my husband who was Corps decided he needed to leave he was afraid I would stay with TWI... Hunh... as if. I will say we were frightened when we left for a bit(we thought we might end up as greasspots) but I was and am glad I left with him. I did not marry the way though I did get married while in the way.

    Anyway that was back in 82 I can imagine how much worse it was after Craig took over.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Okay so we left way before that... and apparently still not soon enough=...

    they were just starting the Gay witch hunts when we left. and VP was still in Charge only Martindale had been named as successor. Nobody was touting posters yet but I can see it was only a mater of time.


    I can not believe they made a statue. After all that teaching about Idolatry.

    Even in PFAL...


  16. NO Twinky is in England I am in California... I was in Colorado when I took PFAL and then wow and way home in Montana and then Idaho as a way home.. Yes I did drink the cool Aide.. It only slightly warped my brain power. :wacko: But I am in the Northern part of California in the Bay Area and we are cooler temperature wise I think it is similar to England only with out all the rain.

  17. OMG they need to tell you stats.. give me a break did you not bother to figure out what your degree would go for when you graduated.... take away her degree for non ability to think and act for herself...

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