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Posts posted by jetc57

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by Dozer:

    Was in San Antonio 1976-77 as a WOW. Names have faded. But I remember Fern, Nan Neil, Mary Dogherty, Pat Patterson. Um it hurts to think... but there were a lot of real decent people. Thats when I first got "in" - and Way World was calm.

    Dozer, do you remember Gregg Burnisdini (sp) He was a leader the year you were there in San Antonio. I was in Houston at that time. Do you remember folks like Lee, John and Shelly Turner? Rev. Burton, Mike and Mickey Richardson? Rob Gant? Gregg loved Children and started a children's fellowship last I was there. Love to hear from ya. jbossard@sbcglobal.net Jeannette (Jean Clevenger)

  2. Hey Goey and others made Valid Points.

    I'd like however to think differently, but ya'll make good sense. There are people in this world who LOOK UP TO LEADERS for their answers and to Give them direction, even to THINK FOR THEM. I was not one, however.

    I was one of the few rebellious Believers. I always felt I ought to walk with GOD, not Wierwille. Until I met Greaspots, I had no earthly idea of the horrific stunts that VPW and other Leaders were guilty of.

    I invested my time differently, not to be a FOLLOWER of the WAY, but a Learner With.

    I apologize if my First Post on here ever sounded FOOLISH and overlooked the logical reasons why you folks are speaking outloud about what happened.

    I find one thing odd, I recall when the leader of the Assembly of Gods sinned, they scolded him and he publically confessed and repented, and so he is now back in the Faith's good graces. I only knew of one thing I didn't approve that VPW did, and that was SMOKE.

    I had NO IDEA he felt that Grace was a license for him to SIN, and do whatever he pleased at the expense of others. That saddens me.

    But I never looked up to him or worshiped him in anyway. Same with Rev. Lynn. I respect what he taught. It saddens me that many people didn't live what they taught, or used the Bible to manipulate others. It didn't happen to me or anyone I knew so I am sorry.

    I had NO IDEA... I was hoping that Love could heal all wounds. I have a few friends still caught up in the Way, and I can't get them to Greasespots, they are being told NOT to look at that letter or listen to others who left. Fear Motivation --- NEVER GOOD. They ought to get a clue as to how they have the right to Think for Themselves. I always took a stand for my freedome of thought, I had no idea how easy it was for others to be manipulated. Geeze.

    Thanks for the awakening.... I'll try not to be SO Nieve in the future.

    Love Jeannette icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  3. Oh, in regard to the person who said I seem sincere. Lots of people do. Sincerity is no guarantee for Truth, tho.

    I am a Truth Seeker, constantly striving to learn new stuff. I know there are answers out there to tons of questions I have. It didn't end for me with the Way. I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church, then my father forced us to study with his Cult, the JWs, those folks run peoples lives and 'fear motivate'. I left that, knowing full well JC was NOT Michael the Archangel. Since the Way I've read lots of Biblical Scholar's works to see if there is More to God and his word than I learned in 'preschool'. The Way being a good starting point for me, anyhow. Yeah my opinion. Sorry for those who have deep rooted regrets and they can't get past the pain and bitterness to see the positives in every experience they have in life. We weren't promised a thornless garden?

    God is Not to Blame. Satan is the culpret. I blame him more than I do humankind of which I'm one. Folks like John Lynn, I choose to love him, and feel God loves him too. My decision.

    LOVE!!! Jeannette

  4. I wish to CORRECT err Clarify my first POST. The Facts should of been listed with 1, 2 3. They all started with "We Learned", there should of only been Three. The rest was a general opinionated letter, expressing my feelings, not what I felt were FACTS.

    We Did Learn Lots of Things. Useful stuff. Like the Power of positive thinking. God n Christ n You. Its a matter of what we do with what we learned and that we should keep on learning. We got keys and principles and pretty good education on how to study the bible., right? The rest is up to us. What we do with what we get, its our Free Will Choices.

    Anyway, One day all this will seem so insignificant? I am looking forward to the Return of Christ.

    Love Jeannette anim-smile-blue.gif

  5. Unholy Cow, folks. icon_eek.gif I sure recon I outta check my writing before sending it? And the spelling. Touche'.

    I think ya'll missed my points. I didn't intend for all I said to be FACTS, oh contrare.

    We ex-wayers DID learn something useful, didn't we? No, it is not good that there are Organizations out there that PROFIT from Love starved people who want to be loved and learn about God. There WAS and perhaps still IS alot of wrong things, and we can say this about OTHER GROUPS out there, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the like. The list goes on and on. So many run people's lives and use fear tactics to Mind Control them into submission.

    They are all guilty of much, the way is guilty as well, BUT I rather focus on the Positive things and move on with my life and stay focused on God and his unconditional love.

    Certainly I did not express properly what my heart intended.

    The world is full of schism, conflict, tourmoil, negativity. We would all do well to practice what we preach and not try to nick pick at things others say and try to CORRECT everyone. Those people who battle using God's word, are perhaps bitter inside and I say to that, get your hearts right with your God. Leave anger and bitterness where it belongs in the pit of hell. Life is too short to fight.

    We can't change what all those groups are doing. The Bible tells us to speak to those who Ask us a reason of the hope that is in us, and to do it with meekness and love. Some of these posts are not loving at all.

    Some of you folks just want to point a finger and accuse others, right or wrong, doesn't matter. Just get your venom out, does it make you feel better? Sorry if I do not believe in cutting and pasting all those statements I don't like that ya'll say. Will not lower myself to foolish standards. I just want to see others get past - the past.

    For whatever reasons God led us all in different directions since the Way. I was forced out in a bad marriage, and chose not to return cause I was threatened my daughter would be taken away from me. Now I know it was the best thing for me, not to return.

    I miss so many things tho. The Rock of Ages, in that it was FUN, musically inspiring, camping with other lovely folks, and I had FRIENDS abundantly. The pros outweigh the cons. It was the best thing for my life at the time. No one brain washed me, I was there on my own free will. Were any of ya'll forced there against your will?

    I still stand on my previous statement that they are doing good things IF they are teaching Christ and Salvation. God will work in a person once they get started with their walk with God. That's one thing about God. Who can judge others, we do not have the right. What works for one person may not for another.


    My Free Will was Never in Jeopardy.

    I am in control of ME and my mind. Anyone out there who is not in control? We can only be accountable to God for our own actions, not the actions of another. God will hold them accountable. I want to leave the judgement to God. My job is to be a good example. yeah, guarding the mystery. I feel it means to Love Unconditionally. To Love God with all our hearts, souls and mind. To love our neighbor as ourselves. Love the key.

    Please don't get caught in the trees, you'll miss the beauty of the forrest. Forgive me for not being a Scholar or a College Educated Word-smith. I'm a simple minded Saint and of the Household of God. I claim no religion... I'm just doing the best I can with what I have.

    God Bless you all. Don't worry about offending me with your fancy words of reproach or correction. I'll read through it and take the insults with a grain of sand. At least I know the position I hold in God's eyes.

    This sure is an interesting place. Lots of bitterness, and many people trying to one-up someone else in the knowledge department.

    Love does not behave itself like this. Knowledge gets puffed up. I can tell there are lots of puffy folks out there who want to BE RIGHT, and they forget what is all so important. Blessings to you and yours.

    Thanks for replies such as they are. Great ones and Puffy ones.

    Love you, tho.

    Jeannette anim-smile.gif

  6. Thanking John Lynn for his post and I appeciated hearing your points of view. I also enjoyed your teaching in Seattle WA several years ago. I also appreciate that you cared enough for years to keep in touch with me.

    I offer some points myself about what I learned in the WAY, through PFAL and through other literature such as "Life is Tremendous". Here are some no-nonsense, Common sense from myself. Facts:

    We learned keys and principles to better cope with a godless world.

    We learned the power of positive thinking.

    We learned that 'ALL have SINNED, and come short of God's Glory'.

    I do not believe VPW ever wanted others to Worship HIM, or think of HIM as the GREAT PROFIT. We all have minds and hearts of our own, what we do with what we learn is Our Problem or our Blessing. I for one am thankful for the TRUTH, and I have been able to separate for myself the 'Garbage'. If you people don't know this, there is GARBAGE and HUMAN SIN run amuck in ALL Man-Made Religion. We are all sinners, only difference is OUR decisions, Our Choices we make. For every decision we make, we have consequences. If we were in the WAY to watch its leaders and judge the actions of other 'sinners' and make THEM take the fall for your Decision making processes, then we are FOOLISH., and HAVE NOT LEARNED to Live God's Love. God is LOVE, Unconditional Love.

    We are all sinners, but we choose Christ and we are Saved by Grace and not of ourselves, that being a GIFT OF GOD.

    Why don't we all continue to 'guard the mystery'? Be especially Kind to the Household of Faith. Love others Unconditionally? Why pick apart other's faults. We pick out the Mote from one's eye, when we have a camel in our own?

    I think we all got involved for different reasons in the Way Ministry. Mine was to learn how to Study the Bible, no one else was offering that. It was my version of 'Bible College'. I never gave a thought to all the human faults within it, why? Cause we are all from the same Mold. Sinners. Yet there is the great truth to which we all need to adhere to.

    The world is full of darkness and division, it DESPERATELY NEEDS the lights of the world to SHINE -- to dispell the darkness.

    It is literally TIME to stop pointing fingers, living in the PAST, and start LIVING in the FUTURE, and Looking forward to the Return of Christ. Sharing this Unconditional Love with those who CRAVE it, no matter WHERE we chose to 'fellowship' since the Way, let our lights shine, and let us Love one another.

    John, I love you, my brother, and I am SO proud of you that you didn't fall by the wayside and do nothing with your Godliness, and your Love and your TALENTS, like I did. I hid from self and others afraid to go outside the Way Box or return to it.

    Through the years I have wanted desperately to find old friends from the way ministry, why? To get back to my zeal, my positive energy, to HEAL my spirit and my mind and my body.

    I like Greaspots, but the only things I don't like is the 'verbal cruelty', the blame games, and the 'bitterness'. Folks, regardless of our PASTS, lets press on to the higher calling in Christ? Let us forget the past, live in it no more. Do not let negativity consume us? It will destroy your soul and your mental and physical health. Get our heads and hearts back in the Bible and Living that Love. OK.

    That's all I have to say. If GOD can forgive me, I can Forgive all those who have harmed me in my lifetime. I forgive all those who sinned. If I can accept God's Grace for myself, I can forgive others. We may not be able to forget some things, but lets forsake the past for a future of a Life of Abundant Blessings? God wants us to Prosper and Be In Health. We can't hate the messenger, God uses all kinds of people to bring his children to himself. That is what I am most thankful to the Way Ministry. The Beloved friendships I made, the love I learned about. The Hope.

    Unconditional Love. We all got involved in the Ministry mostly because we were looking for LOVE. Lets focus on the good times, not the bad ones. Don't let issues cloud our perspectives. OK.

    God Bless Everyone. We all have a story to tell to the nation, that shall turn their hearts to the Right. I no longer care what the Way Ministry is doing, as long as they are telling others about the Good News of God's Unconditional Love and how we can all inherit the Kingdom.

    Love to all

    Jeannette (Clevenger)

    WOW, Fellow Laborer, ex-Way Visionary.

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