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Posts posted by CoolWaters

  1. As you can see from the new topics I've started today, I'm having a lot of fun with new websites I've Stumbled Upon. They are sites I would never have looked for and would not have known about unless somebody else told me about them.

    Well, that 'somebody else' is a browser tool called Stumble Upon. I love it!!!!

    Hope others will enjoy it, too.

  2. Write an email today and have it sent to your future self.

    The subject of the email I sent to my future self is "Remember you're OK" and I referenced the post I did this morning on the "Fat" thread. I'm having it sent to Future Me in one year.

    Anyway, you can do this at Future Me.

    Won't this be very interesting to talk about in a year or so? :)

  3. Taken from Evil Bible.com:

    10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

    9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

    8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

    7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

    6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

    5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

    4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."

    3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.

    2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

    1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.

  4. :nono5: WOW!!!!

    I really made you all mad. It brings me back to the day I was kicked out and being in Craigs office hearing him screaming and spitting in my face for exposeing him and his hideous ways back in 91.

    You all are like VIPERS!!!!! I hope you feel better that you still have the Way International way about yourselves. I know I didn't deserve that!!!! Just like I didn't deserve Craig in my face for something HE did to me.

    I hope others in hear will see you all for who you really are and not the sugar coated Greasespoters you pretend to be! :realmad:

    And by the way... I wasn't a newbe. I just didn't post in hear often, mainly because of what just happened . I hope your all PROUD of yourselves :nono5:

    I just posted in the Open forum about spew like this.

    I'm very thankful and very proud that I lived long enough to get past letting things get to my heart.

    Otherwise somebody saying something like this would have thrown me into a deep depression.

    :wave: 'Sunnyfla'. I've figured it out.


    I am not just fat...I am the Momma in the 'yo Momma so fat she...' jokes (found down in the "Just Plain Silly" forum).

    You know what? WTF do I care what people say/think about me?

    There was a time when I did (as is evidenced by the crude 'comeback' I posted above). My whole life was about being ashamed of who I am. But that wasn't just about being obese...which is something I didn't realize for too long.

    I was so tied up in knots over how people thought about me that I let an exway 'pastor' get away with telling me that all of the problems in my life was because, and I quote, "anybody can see that your life is s*it". Not only did I let him get away with saying it, I took it to heart so deeply that I went into a 5 year depression that nearly ended in my death. (Believe me...I use the term 'pastor' to describe this person very, very lightly. He himself admits he's no pastor and never will be and doesn't want to be...but doesn't know what else to call himself since he's ordained and got a church and all that.)

    Even before this self-appointed 'lord' of people's lives said this to me, for 4 years I let he and his wife dictate to me how I should do things to 'help' myself. I was so given over to the concept that I was lacking in ability to do anything right or good in life that when she--an anorexic, mind you--'suggested' (read 'demanded') that I start drinking soy protein drinks instead of eating, I did. Not something an obese person should do...it causes weight gain.

    It has only been about 3 weeks since I've been freed from that shame mentality.

    And my life is so much the better!

    Being OK with who I am just the way I am is healing.

    Getting to this place has been a long, painful journey. It's not been easy...or fun.

    At some point I had to realize that what others think, say, do, etc. is not about me, but about them. I was just the sap that took it to heart when others blamed me for their problems.

    And that's exactly what is happening when people push their judgments, their 'solutions', their lack of self control off onto others.

    Somebody makes snide remarks about my weight...that's about their own self-image insecurities.

    Somebody tells me how I should be eating and exercising...that's about their own inability to do what's right in their own lives.

    My husband screws around with less obese women (he's never liked thin women)...that's about his own inability to grow up and mature out of the mentality of a 13yo.


    We all get it that the frothing at the mouth BS spewed from many 'leadership' mouths in twi was not about those who were being spewed upon, but about the mental problems of those doing the spewing.

    How come we don't get it when the same type of BS spews forth from others?

    I dunno. It certainly took me all of my life to finally get it.

  5. And verses 2 & 3 (as I learned them from a cook at a Salvation Army soup kitchen...no offense meant to anybody...just fun):

    I don't care if it's dark and scarey

    Long as I got Magnetic Mary

    Stickin' to the dashboard of my car.

    I'm just a dumb catholic

    I believe in the pope.

    I drink a lot of whiskey

    And smoke a lot of dope.

    D O P E

    (Back to verse 1)

    ROFLMAO this thread! :D


    You don't see many people on hunger strikes dying of high colestrol.

    No...but you do see anorexics dying from a whole bunch of destructive problems caused by not eating.

    Please tell me you're anorexic.

    Ooops!!! Ducking!!!!


  6. Have you read any of my posts? I mean actually read them...not just skimmed through them and decided, "it's that angry and bitter, crazy ol' CoolWaters again" and then ignored them.

    My life and the life of my daughter have been permanently damaged by twi.

    There's no un-raping someone.

    There's no un-killing someone.

    There's no un-pillaging someone.

    There's no un-scarring someone.

    There's no un-breaking someone.

    Yes, there is healing.

    Healing does not imply restoration. It simply means that the bleeding, the pain, the horror, the sickness stops at some point.

    You heal at your rate and I'll heal at mine. OK?


    Belle...you really are more genteel and southernly in your ways than I am!!! Of course...you're a Belle...and I'm just a dam*ed Yankee. Sigh.

    My perfect comeback?

    "Wow. I'm am so very flattered that you are so drawn to looking at my body. But, really honey, you ain't ever gonna *uck me, so step back and pop those nasty lusting eyes right back in your head."


  7. Very kewl, SafariVista! TYVM.

    But I have a difficult time comprehending things without specific examples. (Honest! In my 3rd year of college I was sent to the Tutoring Lab because I was failing miserably in Chemistry...when I had been passing with 'A's and 'A+'s. Come to find out, I have a severe learning disability.)

    So, if you (or anybody else) wouldn't mind, take apart one (or two...or so) of my posts and show me where I was fighting fair and clean...and where I was fighting dirty. I'm pretty sure I can take the scrutiny. If not...there are people on this board who know where I live and can come beat me senseless. LOL

    Again, TYVM.

  8. Nice points, templelady and Linda Z. Very nicely said, imo.

    So I say, go ahead and fight, but fight clean. Fight fair.

    As I read this I thought, "I didn't know how to do that for a long, long time...and I'm not sure I know how to do that now." Frankly I often think, "If ya gotta fight fair, what's the point of fighting?" :wink2::who_me:

    Anyway, maybe it would be...interesting (if nothing else hehe)...to have a discussion about what 'fighting fair and clean' looks like and feels like, how it is accomplished...and what purpose it serves...?

    I certainly wouldn't know where to begin or how to determine such things, but surely there's somebody here at the Cafe who does...

    Anybody have any suggestions?

  9. But, there comes a time in our lives when we need to just simply put it behind us and live a life that's worth living. Carrying grudges, and resentments are just going to slow the healing process down. The ones that just got out need time to heal. I know that, but there are some of you that have been out for many, many, years. You should be the ones comforting, loving, and sharing your lives in a positive way to those seeking comfort, love and maybe for some...direction. Isn't that the reason we are really here in GS? Or is it here for us to continually tare down that which we were ALL involved with in one way or another.

    I am posting the following with all of the love, care and support in my heart for those of us who are suffering LIFELONG consequences from being involved with The Way International.

    It is good to read the heartwarming threads like this one. And there are many of them...if one wants to see them.

    However, there would be no GreaseSpot Cafe if twi was about heartwarming 'family' experiences, would there? I mean, the very name "GreaseSpot" isn't about heartwarming 'family' experiences, now is it?

    And those of us who start painful threads are still dealing with the pain because it is ongoing pain.

    What happened to my daughter, Mo's children, some people's marriages, and such is NEVER-ENDING pain. If you believe that I am exaggerating, holding a grudge, carrying resentments, etc...if you believe this is all in my head and I should 'just get over it', then I will be happy to forward to you the medical bills, the therapy bills, the 2am calls, and all of the VERY REAL consequences of the evil of twi that plagues many of us TO THIS VERY DAY.

    Needing to talk about these things, especially after so many years in twi of not being allowed to talk about these things, is exactly one of the very purposes of the GSC message boards. If that gets too 'messy' for some people...then don't read those threads.

    But please don't :nono5: those of us who need such threads. And please don't 'should' all over us, either.

    If one doesn't get that healing comes in one's own time, and that scrubbing out the festering ooze is part of the healing process, and that doing so in the company of those who are patient, understanding and supportive of the process is very healing in and of itself, then one understands 'family' and 'healing' only from a very limited, very twi perspective.

    I, for one, am very thankful for the opportunity to get it all out and get input, comfort, encouragement, laughter, etc. from those who know what I've been through...and who care enough to let me heal how and when I need to heal...instead of deciding for me how and when I should be healing...according to somebody else's timetable and standards.

    That's family. That's what makes GSC so very special.



    EXPOSING twi is the very purpose of GSC's existence. How in the he11 does one EXPOSE twi if one does not talk about the evil of twi?

  10. In August of 2001 my husband was in a head-on collision...a bad one.

    He survived the immediate collision only to have his spleen rupture 3 days later. He blanked out twice in the 3 block trip to the ER...and was 'flatline' when he got to the ER. They revived him. X-rays revealed the exploded spleen. The surgeon told me to get my family together and say goodbye because he wasn't sure, a)if he could stop the bleeding, and, b)if my hubs would survive afterwards.

    Although the surgery went as well as could be expected, the surgeon wasn't holding out any hope. The exploded spleen resulted in more than an gallon of blood being dumped into hub's gut. That's almost every drop of blood a person has at any one time.

    Hubs was taken to ICU and left there naked and in a room kept at about 42°F. His bp hovered just above dead. His pallor was almost a perfect match with the hospital white sheets.

    Death was expected.

    I stayed by my husband's side day and night. I was allowed to do this because death was expected.

    I cried out to God for help...and for a way to help my husband.

    It just came to me to start reading the Psalms to him. I read night and day. When my voice gave out and I could no longer read out loud, I read to myself and pantomimed tearing out the very pages of the bible and covering hubs with the words.

    I had never read the Psalms like that before...just starting at the beginning and reading straight through.

    By the time my hubs recovered enough to be moved from ICU, I was a different person with a whole different understanding of Jesus' heart just before and during his crucifixion.

    I knew then that what was taught about this in pfal was WRONG.

  11. Yup -- bring LOTS of dollar bills, Belle!

    Us pickers have ALWAYS been partial to *folding money*, instead of coins.

    (air-borne coins tend to *ding* the instruments -- don't cha know!) :biglaugh:

    Now see how you're getting into things in the 'proper' way, David? Can ya teach White Dove a thing or two? Please? :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

  12. This sounds wonderful! I'd like to come!!!!

    Way kewl!!! You are most certainly welcome! :D :D :D

    Just keep an eye on this thread, PM me, suda or bowtwi for details if you need them, keep us informed of your plans (are you going to fly in, if so what is your ETA, are you going to stay in the suite, you gonna be staying both nights, stuff like that), and plan on having a whole lot of fun! :D


    So now the count is...

    1)me, 2)suda, 3)bowtwi, 4)belle, 5)PFD, and 6)(hopefully)2life.

    Have I forgotten anybody?

  13. Well, I shushed Katy real quick! And then I apologized over and over and over again. The officers just looked at us for several minutes. Finally our food came and they looked away. We sat there until every last one of them had left the parking lot, though. Yikes!

    Micah...what's he doing now? If I told you they'd have to do something to you you. Hehehehe. Actually, he's being a little booger. He's going to be 20yo at the end of the month...and thinks he's got all the time in the world to get his life together...so he's not bothering with such stuff right now. :realmad: Makes me crazy!!!

    Another story about Micah...

    Same age, same friend, same place we were living...

    In CA there's something called 'tall grass'. It's a protected grass that people aren't allowed to mow down unless there is a danger in leaving it tall. Anyway, next to where we lived was a little cafe. Along one side of the parking lot of this cafe was a privacy fence with a wide row of 'tall grass' growing in it...on purpose...decorative doncha know. Well, one day there were some hobos in the grass enjoying the relative coolness and having some lunch. Micah and his buddy hear these guys in the tall grass and go investigate. Of course the hobos are thinking about having some fun with these kids...so they teach the boys how to flick book matches across the striking area in such a way that lit matches will be flicked out about 3 or 4 feet. Then the hobos decide to move on for the day...and leave the boys in the tall grass with a couple of books of matches to 'practice' with.

    In the meantime, I am about 50' away at a neighbor's place. This neighbor has a scanner. I hear the cafe's address go out over the scanner as a fire call. Immediately I'm up outta my chair in a panic saying, "Where're Micah and Omar????" I take off back to my place. Just as I get there, here comes little 3yo Micah walking hurriedly up to our place, hands in his pockets, head down. He looks up to see me standing there. Just as I'm about to grab him and hug him (since he's safe), he looks at me and says, "Mom, go back inside right now. I'll take care of this. You just go on back inside. Nothing here for you to see." And he herds be back inside. The whole time he's in this stance with his feet spread apart and firmly planted, one hand in a pocket, the other held up and being used like a traffic director. It was odd and funny and disconcerting and too grownup all at the same time.

    Well I'm hearing the sirens coming down the hill...and so's Micah. "Hurry up, Mom. Do as you're told to do. I'll take care of this. Now!" I'm thinking, "OK, buddy. You just go ahead and 'take care' of this. But I'm gonna be watching out the window...and I think I'm gonna find out something you've done...."

    Once I'm inside, Micah turns around and heads back to the cafe's parking lot. I follow him. Hehe. I stay behind the privacy fence where I can hear what's going on, but nobody can see me.

    The fire chief starts talking to the boys. Seems Omar (who is 8yo...while Micah is 3yo) is trying to pawn everything off on Micah. Micah goes off at him!!! "You dirty rotten little liar! You'd better tell the truth or I'm going to do something real bad to you!"

    Well, I come out from behind the privacy fence and talk with the fire chief. The boys get split up while the chief talks to each one separately. I tell the chief to go for it with however he wants to put the fear of gawd into Micah.

    Once all is said and done, and the fire chief and Omar have left, Micah says, "C'mon Mom. We'll take care of this another day. Let's not tell Dad, OK?"

    I'm thinking, "This kid is too much!"

    Well, at supper that evening I keep giving Micah the eye...and Bill notices...and he starts giving Micah the eye. Finally Micah can't take it any longer and says, "Dad, we need to talk. In private."

    I don't know what they talked about...neither would tell me.

    I do know that Micah is still a firebug...and boy do I have stories!!!!


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