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Posts posted by Zshot

  1. Good things about my Dad.... uhh....

    He did pay child support till I turned 18. Didn't see him after my 6th Birthday (not sure if that is/was good or bad).

    However, when he died, I read his obituary and found out I have a half brother.

    I corresponed with my newly found brother, and we eventually met. I really like him and his wife. We recently spent a weekend together at the Grand Canyon and had a great time. (Of course, I didn't tell him that I was involved in a cult for too long.)

  2. For where I work...

    We would be given the options of:

    1. Go on leave with out pay.

    2. You may use your sick leave.

    3. You may use your regular leave.

    4. Any combination of the above.

    Not trying to sound unsympathitic... The baby's father had a little time to find out what the company leave policy is for such events.

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  3. I even knew a guy who did not ask his best friend (who was a believer) to be his best man at his wedding.

    He chose a local way corp fellowship cord who he hardley knew. The reason was because he felt his friend

    was not as commited as he was and did not want his best friend in the pictures if he copped out..



    I find what you said sad and disturbing. What is sad and troubling is that I think what you are saying is true. What you said also speaks very loudly on how little value on friendships.

  4. Can anyone shed some light on if anything is taught as far as who/what is important at TWI? Are children taught to disassociate with kids in their schools who aren't members? I was at a fellowship last summer and a young senior gave a "heartfelt speech" about her two weeks at the advanced class and she said that "the best part of the trip was realizing who my real friends are. I mean all the girls I have been hanging around with my life, who I laughed and cried with, are not my real friends. The people I met at the class are my new best friends!" That's not word for word, but it's close. That really struck me as odd and a slap in the face to the people she laughed and cried. You know, her actual real friends.

    twi believes that it must be the most important thing in someones life. Of course they may not say it as blatently to a "new person". twi will want to run every aspect of your life. this includes (but not limited to), where to live, who you should live with, how you spend your money, who your friends are, what you should do with your "free time" etc... Obviously this dosen't happen all at once, but it happens over time and it is done subtly. At some point in time this mentality become ingrained.

    One of the hardest things for some who have left twi is the coming to the realization that they were conned, believed lies, acted, devoted your time money, talent and lives to those who have been lieing to you. In short, it is admitting that you were wrong in your thinking.

    It sounds like your gf is in denial about twi. What it was and what it is. The cold hard truth is, untill she is ready to leave twi and never return, you may be better off without her. In the short term that sucks. But, in the long run it may be the best thing. (If she does decide to leave, obviously this changes things)

    Good luck!

  5. I have suggested that she visit this site...but she say's that it is just full of malicious people. She seems to respond best to people that she knows that have left cause "then she knows it comes from a credible source." I will look into small groups at church and suggest some form of counseling, either together or not. Thanks again and Please keep us in your prayers!!!!

    Oh and thanks for the moon pie! :)

    A few things about the people who come to this site...

    There are different political views

    There are different spiritual views

    There is a variery different income levels

    There are people with many different types of Jobs

    There are people here who have honorably served and/or retired from the military

    There are Government workers here

    There are people who have seen and/or experienced various types of abuse from twi and it's "leadership"

    In some cases the only thing we might have in common is being associated with twi. We post in this forum based upon our experiences, exposure and life lessons learned while in twi and upon leaving twi.

    This place can be like a warning bouy for people thinking about joining twi and as a lighthouse for those who are trying to leave twi.

  6. Greetings and welcome to Greasespot.

    One important issue concerning your girlfriend and her "friends". From what you said, it sounds more like that her friends turned there backs on her more that she turned her back on them. Also, the questions must be asked, what kind of friends are they really?

  7. Below is a link to pictures that cartoonists drew for Memorial Day. Some of these pictures are very powerful and my responce to some were emotional.


    As many of you know, I have retired from the Army Reserves and work on an Army installation. Memorial Day has a special significance to all who have worn the uniform of our Nations military.

    We must learn that there is a cost for things worth having. Many have paid that price with their lives and their limbs. The mere words of "Thank you" are not enough to those who have honorably served in the Military, and yet it is more than what is asked for by them.

    May God bless all that have served in the military and their families.


  8. I think I still have my wow pin somewhere (not planning on looking for it).

    I remember the jacket, never got one.

    My wow year sucked. My "wow family" tolerated each other :nono5: . After the year was over I only heard from one of my wow sisters when she wanted money because she was in the corps :realmad: .

    If I found that old pin would I get rid of it.... Most likely not. It would serve as a reminder of a place I was at (figuratively and literally) that I never want to go back to. The funny thing is, I was tempted to throw it on the ground and stomp on it right after I received it. But I was a good little wafer back then :asdf:

    Good, bad or indifferent, I am what I am because of all the decisions I made and experiences that I have had, and that includes twi. Currently, I am happy with myself :dance: , I have a decent job :) , and a never been twi girlfriend :love3:, a half brother that I just found out about 1 year ago that I am building a relationship with :) .

    We keep different things that represent different things in our lives. Most often our accomplishments and/or happy times, but sometimes we keep items that represent a time that could be a starting point in our lives. For example a wow pin. After my wow year, I joind the Army, and that was the start to where I am today.


    Obviously, a bill to tax the bonuses at 90 percent, even if it passes and the Prez signs it, will likely only be symbolic. Because there are at least two reasons such a bill will not pass constitutional muster and would easily be struck down in court (if challenged).

    It's an Ex Post Facto bill. Not constitutional. Congress cannot enact laws to address a prior situation.

    It's also a Bill of Attainder. Also not constitutional. Congress cannot enact laws aimed at specific individuals.


    You are exactly right.

  9. * The approximately correct answer range for this question was defined as anything between 65% and 75%. Only 15% of respondents answered this question with the exactly correct answer of 70%.

  10. Sadly, I am not surprised.

    It seems that our education system have not enough emphsis on Math and the Sciences.

    I was fortunate to have good science teachers. I am still interested in geology and mechanics. And I make a living at crunching numbers for the government.

    Maybe I am wierd, but I like to watch the discovery channel :rolleyes:

  11. About 3 years ago I met my current girlfriend on match.com. We have been dating since then :love3: . She has brought up the "M" word a few times :doh:

    Before we do that "M" thing, there are a few things that must be done first (this includes her getting out of debt and her dog being house broken) :nono5: .

    Granted I know that I am far from perfect, before doing different things, you must think with your head (the one between your shoulders :who_me: ) as well as your heart. The person that you love can make you misrable by some of the things that either they do or don't do.

    Also, can you say, "prenubtuial agreement"? :wink2:

  12. Just to add a couple of things...

    Active duty military stationed here in Arizona, have been ordered not to go to Mexico and Department of Defense civillians have been advised not to go down to Mexico.

  13. I got to know VF and the rest of his family between 89-93 (I was friends with his secretary at that time Georgia M. I used to visit her about once a month from FT. Devens, MA).

    I admit that I liked Vince and the rest of his family and enjoyed going to some of his functions. I also became friends with some of the other people that were associated with VF at that time. When I moved to AZ, I lost track of many of the things going on in NY (it was around this time that VF was changing doctrine that he was teaching). I am still friends with someone who is still associated with VF.

    For myself, I don't care much of what different twi people are doing (maybe a little curious). I have other, more pressing issues going on with my life right now.

  14. Just to give a little more perspective...

    It is fair to say that Sheriff Joe's approach to different issues is, "over the top". On some of the issues, specifically illegal immigration, we have not seen an effective approach being implemented yet.

    Illegal immigration is still a very big problem down here in Southern Arizona. Among other things, illegal immigrants contribute to public safety hazards down here. http://www.svherald.com/articles/2009/03/0...2c267588253.txt (this article is not an isolated report, just the most recent. A couple years ago were convicted in the deaths of the parents of my supervisor at work).

    If the Federal Government would do a better job of enforcing illegal immigration laws and Arizona would do a better job of enforcing the laws concerning the hiring of illegal immigrants, then we would not be giving a "soap box" and a blowhorn to Sheriff Joe.

  15. If there were anybody here that could come close to challange Rocky concerning what is going on in Arizona, it would be someone else from Arizona.

    As someone else from Arizona (Southern Arizona, about 200 miles south of Rocky), Rocky has been right on point on this thread.

  16. I know the pain that you are feeling. If there is comfort to be found, it could be in the knowledge that Twinkletoes knew he is/was loved. And I am sure the love you feel for him will not fade.

    No pet (who is part of the family) will ever replace the ones that we have lost. It may help you if you adopted another cat to love and be loved in return.

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