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Posts posted by tagalong

  1. There aremany things that affect small groups of people, yet are important nonetheless

    I hope that people realize I just felt the need to vent. I realize there is a lot of past hurt to overcome much like Vietnam war vets. I think there is a definite time parallel with the Vietnam War and the glory days of the "groovy Christians" of Rye, NY. But this was all more than 30 years ago or 40 years ago.

    I was never in the upper Echelon of the Way Ministry. I just went to church there (in homes) and liked it for a while. My first ROA (1976) was awesome. but as the years went by I did not want to do all that driving and arrive there tired as hell.

  2. I hardly ever talk about or reference TWI outside of this site and one other.

    Why are you so concerned about people who discuss and yes, b*tch about, TWI on this site?

    I'm interested in your response

    Very simple. Just me venting. I was very intensely involved with helping (then) Senator Barack Obama win the Democratic nomination against Hillary and then equally or more involved in helping with the general election. I never see anything in the newspapers, or hear on the radio, or see on TV about TWI anymore. Back in the late 70s it was the "fastest growing cult in America". I think it's time has come and gone. It is just my opinion not necessarily the gospel truth. I like the term "cornfield" cult. That was good. It is just a little freaking cornfield in New Knoxville, (where??) OH. (You mean Knoxville, TN? NASHVILLE, TN?) New what? Where? Reminds me of a bumper sticker asking "where in the hell is somewhere, SD?"

    Everybody knew about the "campaign" last year. If I said I was an Obama volunteer it needed no explaining. But if you say to someone I was involved with TWI they have no idea what in the world you are talking about. TWI is not heard of by most Americans.

  3. As the title suggests, I wonder who we should be more concerned about: Muslim Extremists? or a very small insignificent group of people Headquartered in a little German Hickville, OH USA town. Let me ask you this to help make my point: You would agree with me (I'm sure) that President Obama knows who Pope John Paul is right? Now, do you think Barack Obama knows who Rozahlee Rivenbark is??? Are you seeing the light yet? Ok, I will keep on going....

    Question number 2 (here it is you ready?): What group of votes are more important to the Republican and Democratic parties? Followers of the Way International of New Knoxville,OH (yes in all 50 states and whatever territories and blah blah blah) orrrrrr the Roman Catholic block of voters? Are you with me yet? So now I ask plainly: should we be more concerned about the growth of Islam? or the growth (if you can call it that) of some group headquartered in Poe Dunk (not sure how to spell that) New Knoxville,OH. Has anyone in New York City,NY ;Los Angeles or Hollywood California or in Washington ,DC (besides us "old" wayfers) ever even heard of New Knoxville OH?

    People here in GSC are so engrossed with twi. I think we as a country (here in the good ol USA) have much bigger things to worry (or "trust" God to help us overcome) about than twi. Just my opinion. I am interested to read your responses.

  4. I guess I have trouble with this question because I never worked for twi or signed any contract to attend meetings for the rest of my life. I never took any oath of office or anything like that. I did enjoy the Rock of Ages 1976 as a Roman Catholic who was blown away by the experience. (Never saw or heard of "sex orgys" sorry to dissappoint some of you). Just the food,fun, fellowship was a great thrill to me. They were almost all strangers to me but it was like being with my high school class or something. (Maybe I'll think of a better way to say it later). I was thrilled to learn what I learned in PFAL ( I never made it to the "advontced closs"-like he said with that german accent or whatever accent it was). I was just a beginner. I was never a "wild eyed Way Corps: fanatic (using Martindale's words the best I can remember). I went to college in the early 80s and just stopped coming. It started to remind me more of football (I quit football) after a while but I never had any bad confrontation or any fights or anything like a lot of people here seem to have had.

    With football you actually "joined" a team and were a member. I never "joined" the Way International.

    I guess I have trouble with this question because I never worked for twi or signed any contract to attend meetings for the rest of my life. I never took any oath of office or anything like that. I did enjoy the Rock of Ages 1976 as a Roman Catholic who was blown away by the experience. (Never saw or heard of "sex orgys" sorry to dissappoint some of you). Just the food,fun, fellowship was a great thrill to me. They were almost all strangers to me but it was like being with my high school class or something. (Maybe I'll think of a better way to say it later). I was thrilled to learn what I learned in PFAL ( I never made it to the "advontced closs"-like he said with that german accent or whatever accent it was). I was just a beginner. I was never a "wild eyed Way Corps: fanatic (using Martindale's words the best I can remember). I went to college in the early 80s and just stopped coming. It started to remind me more of football (I quit football) after a while but I never had any bad confrontation or any fights or anything like a lot of people here seem to have had.

    With football you actually "joined" a team and were a member. I never "joined" the Way International.

    I do feel ripped off that they never told me about the sex orgys though :evildenk::asdf:

  5. you rock, tag !!!!

    that was really funny about new knoxville


    i don't do church and i never will again, but i agree with you about love and support -- not sure about the word stuff :)


    oh, the temp to perm was hysterical

    and i too am a "believer" although i really don't like that term, i'll have to think of what i like

    ps. i think there's a political forum near the bottom where you can really rock ;)

    You seem really cool too excathedra. :)

  6. I was in some chat room somewhere and they told me about Waydale where I lived almost 24/7 after I left twi in 1998. When Greasespot Cafe opened up, I was part of the moving van over here.

    For me, I wanted to hopefully find my late husband's family, hang with folks that understood what I was talking about, laugh about the silliness of life and it's pain and it's joys. From all that has been built a few amazing friendships, experiences I treasure, memories I'd probably never have made with some hysterical, wonderful, kind, generous people.

    I came here because I belonged here I fit here. I've been able to relax and share as little or as much as I choose. I've raised one daughter around these folks and she's doing great ! :) The other daughter; these people have put up with me figuring out what the heck to do about her and she's doing great too ! I've fnished a College Degree with the help of people here. We've celebrated births of babies, marriages, deaths of loved ones job gains and losses, aches and pains of daily making it work every day.

    It's life here.

    It's not always fun, it's not always easy; one has to pick their battles and understand that one fight or one battle doesn't define the war. We are a bunch of people that have an organization in common; good and not so much. But, to me, that is only the frame; what lives inside is the real stuff.

    For me, it's the approach. If I come in here every day looking to bite the a$$ of whoever said something I don't agree with or don't like or didn't write it just like I wish they had, I'm going to be in for a painful and often lonely ride. If I wander around with the lens of hanging with differant opinions, backgrounds, needs, lifestyles and as many ways of saying it, I'll be fine.

    Greasespot Cafe serves an incredible purpose, we've discussed that probably too many times, but perhaps it needs to be said again. I, maybe like you, tagalong, am straight up, often to my detriment, and it's not always pretty. That really isn't the point, in my opinion. The point is that we can be who we are and so long as we frame that with rememberance of our fellow men and women and take the time to hear them as much as we expect them to hear us, the purpose of our little corner here will be accomplished for most of us.

    Welcome to a wonderful, nutty, interesting, diverse, necessary place, tagalong.

    Thank you Shellon, When I first came here I was shocked at how negative all the comments were. I have always been very thankful for the Word of God I learned , so it was a huge culture shock for me. Now I am realizing that people are hurting really bad. So I guess they are here to vent. I am a very open minded individual. I've done almost a 180 degree turn politically (with the way I vote). I guess a website like this can be a test for how openminded I really am. :unsure: :blink: <_< :unsure: :spy:

  7. None of the answers fit me. I took a vacation (temp to Perm, I guess). I never really "left". I do not think I would fit if I did come back. I am very liberal in my political views and very libertarian in my attitude. I believe in freedom. I believe there is a lot of freedom in Christ Jesus. The question is when does freedom become an "occasion to the flesh". That is the tough question that each of us must decide. I am still a believer. It is just hard to find a "church". I think there are very loving people in a lot of churches and countless many genuine believers many of whom have never even heard of the Way International. I mean really! How well known is New Knoxville, OH??? Do they have an NFL football team? Any major NASCAR or Indy racing league events? Do I need to go on? I trust you get my point.

    Give me Romans 10:9 and as much truth of God's Word as I can get and a loving environment with supportive believers (who edify me and help me) give me that and I can really rock!!!

  8. I was looking for a replacement for my lost PLAF book and stumbbled in the door.

    I like that waysider. Your comment put a smile on my face.

    God first

    Beloved tagalong

    God loves you in the Way Ministry or outside

    that I now outside the Way Ministry

    no more money to give a cause that not real

    God teaches me love take my money God was never about money

    God is about Love my brother no matters my brother doses

    do you love me

    I love you

    thank you

    with love and a holy kiss Roy

    Yes I love you.

    I was looking for some old friends from my TWI days, and Google brought me here.

    Personally, I'm not here to vent about what was wrong in the past. At least for me, some of it was good. A lot was not. I (frequently) was the one who just didn't quite get the program. That's probably a good thing, because I was usually thinking for myself. Even today, I just don't blindly follow 'leadership'.

    There are many folks I'd like to hear from, so I spend most of my time here 'lurking'. I read the posts about what has happened over the past 20 years or so that I have been 'out'. Sometimes I wonder if I had stayed 'in', would I have been a victim too? Maybe I would have been on the other end? I'll never know.

    In the mean time, I thank God that He has brought me to where I am.

    My heart breaks as I read the accounts of how some of the posters have been hurt. I am especially touched when I read the stories of how the children were treated and taught. As an adult, I can take responsibility for my actions because I chose to believe and follow the doctrines I did. The kids are an entirely different story.

    I still have a passion for God - maybe even more so then I did 'then'. I want to see more people really come to know Him. However, I am also more cautious. I am keenly aware of how charismatic leadership can easily cause some to stumble.

    There is a saying: 'Hurting people hurt people'. I don't say much here because it might come from a hurt - and that would only hurt someone else. I would rather read the posts and pray for those who are hurting. When the time comes that I have something to say that can heal someone's heart, I will.

    In the mean time - I'll just lurk.

    You have a great heart to pray for people. Thank you for sharing this. I need to give by praying for people more. You helped me to see that. Thank you.

    Was looking for some broken glass to crawl over on my way back to TWI.

    Crawled in the door of the Cafe.

    Liked the taste of the coffee and stayed.

    I only drink coffee with lots of sweetener in it. In other words it has to be pretty much a Latte for me to drink it and enjoy it. (as one of those "Latte sipping Obama supporters" of last year) I long for "sweet" fellowship.

    I've supposedly graduated too. They put my name in the program, and in real life I passed the last three classes..

    but they haven't shipped the final diploma yet. It's been about a month and a half..

    at least once, I've waken in a sweat, from a rather lucid, vivid dream, where the instructor has explained to me why I am failing the last (needed) class..


    ok? :unsure:

  9. "Sometimes something you want "just happens" for you.

    Sometimes you read just the thing you need to read, or hear just the thing you need to hear.

    Sometimes doors open where they seemed to be shut; opportunities arise where there seemed to be none.

    Sometimes it's walking out with a thankful heart and suddenly a patch of sunshine falls right on you.

    Sometimes it's the very thing you need to meet a need.

    Sometimes a hug, or a kind word, from a friend.

    Sometimes it's a "just knowing" something.

    Why limit God to words? Words are only a way of expressing thoughts or heart-desires anyway.

    I don't have a problem with God communicating with me or any other believer."

    Nice sharing. Thank you Twinky. I mean that sincerely.

  10. I guess I can start. I remember the sweet fellowship from my past assoc. w/the Way. So I thought: What the hell? What have I to fear? Why not give it a try? So here I am. The good , the bad and the ugly. :blink: :asdf::biglaugh: :) <_< :spy:

    I do not tell people what they want to hear. I tell them what I really believe and think. If you get a compliment from me, it is real! I'm not fake but I am human. I WILL disappoint you. But Jesus Christ and God's Word will never disappoint you. People will disappoint you. A verse I've been thinking of lately is Romans 10: 11 No one who believes in him (Jesus Christ) will ever be disappointed in his expectations.

  11. I loved that song from the America Awakes concert tour "We are sons of God with power , raise your head and say it loud. The righteousness of God is our of our sonship we are proud........"

    I never knew if I was going to heaven or hell (or purgatory for some unspecified time). But when someone lovingly showed me Romans 10:9 I of course started "running in the race" and never looked back. I was a physical athlete runner at one time, so I know what it is like to win a race. It is exhilerating. :dance: :)

  12. I tried to get a password for their site but apparently "genuflect" was already taken.

    Were you (or are you) a Roman Catholic too? "hail Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners...." I wonder which one of us said the most hail Marys. :unsure:

  13. Thank you so much for all of your advice, prayers and support...and for your patience with me as I try to make sense of all this. I know she see's that this is a dangerous organization or dare I say cult. She tends to downplay everything, which I understand. It's really hard for me because she does not support what I am going through, because I am an "innocent bystander" and she is the "victim." She is very angry with me and tells me that the issues I've experiences are "all in my head." I don't think she will go back to fellowship, but she may go visit members or group functions which I will attempt to attend at your advice.

    I have suggested that she visit this site...but she say's that it is just full of malicious people. She seems to respond best to people that she knows that have left cause "then she knows it comes from a credible source." I will look into small groups at church and suggest some form of counseling, either together or not. Thanks again and Please keep us in your prayers!!!!

    Oh and thanks for the moon pie! :)

    Hi, Believersnonbeliever, I am new to this site and still trying to figure it out. So far I have seen very little edification here. As I see it, the Way, attempts to stick to God's Word and to its motto "the Word of God is the Will of God". Does anyone do that perfectly or even near perfectly? Of course not! But at least somebody is trying to speak God's Word to people and teach them what is available from God. Your girlfriend could be right! God want us to go to His Word. Not just talk about "people" and "the past". The Word of God has healed my heart. Talking about people has never healed me. There is great power to believers in this our day and time to believers who confess Romans 10:9 and then claim their power that is available in the name of Jesus Christ. Somebody has to teach it! Somebody has to hold it forth! I do not see "grease spot cafe" teaching people the power that is available to believers in this day and time and or how to utilize it in daily living. What you do is up to you. God has given each of us the ability to decide for ourselves.


  14. I am not only new to this site but am also very new to computers in general and am only muddling through even now. Such terms as "post","e-mail", & "chat room" are very challenging to me, especially as far as using these things. My net access may be limited to weekly or even less often so I'll give this a try. I am very thankful to be a PFAL grad, and I am thankful for Dr. Wierwille. My perspective is as a person who did not see the darker things that obviously went on perhaps farther inside the workings of the ministry than I ever saw.

    A lot of what I learned in the classes has stood the test of time as far as I'm concerned. As far as the hard times go, speculating on what went on back then, for me, seems foolish and dangerous. However,I don't think any situation as it may relate to anyone I know, or get to know can't be dealt with. It just has to be very personal in order to not speak about things I really don't know anything about.

    My most recent experiences have been very hard on me, but I do think I've come out of them with a clear conscience. It did cost me a lot though. In many respects my life is broken. But the experiential knowledge I've gained from being on the recieving end of some very bad treatment has me thinking that perhaps I have something to give. I don't seem like "very much" by any objective angle I can think of, but my experiences haven't ruined my love for God's word. And I believe that that's enough for God to work with, even yet.

    My observation is a simple one, God's word is painfully honest about his peoples shortcomings, I think that is very easy to read but hard to handle when the faults belong to self, leadership, or anyone that is closer to me than words in a book.

    I hope my first ever posting anywhere on anything isn't blatantly offensive to anyone, I'm really just looking for good fellowship.

    Hi Jeff, I like your honesty. I am new to this as of now. Today is May28,2009. Please message me here or something, maybe add me as a friend. God Bless you.

  15. Heh - my stuff went into a landfill 23 years ago... What am I doing with "what we were taught?" Ignoring most of it. It is far far easier to simply be an honest and decent person than to toddle down the road of TWI and it's various uppity little offshoots.

    Do you think I learned anything about eternal life, how to get born again, speaking in tongues or how to overcome fear from the Roman Catholic Church?

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