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Posts posted by vickles

  1. I guess now they are thinking about prosecuting my ex for giving my son meds that wasn't prescribed to him. Also, I think they might also get him for abandonment.

    You know I was starting to believe that prayer didn't work but thought what the heck I will try and put this on the prayer list and withing two weeks time I have him living with me. Praise God!!! Isn't it wonderful?

  2. I'm icon_razz.gif:P--> icon_razz.gif:P-->ill around. I still havent' figured out half the stuff you guys are doing but I was waiting for it to end so I could kill it.....lol This thread has to just die, and I'm still going to be the last one....... icon_eek.gif

  3. Thanks so much for your prayers. I have my son now. Hopefully we go to court next week and change the custody. If my ex comes and gets him the state of iowa will take my son into foster care until I get to court. Hopefully that won't happen. We are not completely out of the woods yet but its getting there.

  4. Hello all!!! I used to be in the 11th corpse. I made it to almost the end of the first year and got kicked out. I was devestated to say the least. But now looking back all I can think of is how thankful I am that I did leave.

    I had a hate/love relationship with the corpse. I loved it in relationship of me being committed to God and had heart for it. But I didn't like the control and being put down all the time. I didn't like the fact that the only information we had from the outside was through what twi wanted us to have. But I really didn't realize that until recently.

    I have fond feelings of the friendships I developed and I think that is what I like to remember.

    Dot, I've been meaning to ask you if I know you. I've noticed that in some of the forums you know the same people as I. Do I know you?

  5. I just heard from kimm. She says that her doc knew she had some problems...I forget what they were but her female organs are diseased. The doc knew a year ago and didn't even tell her. Gave her birth control pills is all the doc did. So yesterday she went to a different doc and that is what he told her. She had no idea. So now she is going to a specialist next week. I told her that I put her on this prayer list and she is greatly thankful. It makes her feel mentally better that she is having people pray. Thanks all thats praying for her!!!!

  6. oh gosh you guys, please, please pray for my son. I got a call from one of his friends mother. She told me that my son had spent the night over at her house last night. He spent all day over there and never a phone call from his dad. She sent him home around 7pm and got a call back about 7:30pm from my son asking if he could spend the night over there another night. So she asked him what was going on. Apparently he went home to an empty house. A neighbor approached him and told him his dad was in the hospital with a tooth infection. That he needed to go to a friend of his dad. So he went over there and his friend told him that he needed to ask his friends mother if he could spend the night again. She let him but told me that she was very furious because if he really cared about my son he would have called from the very beginning letting him know he was going to the doctor.

    My son is also on meds so he picked up clothes at his place and got his medications. My son's friend's mom knew what meds he was on and asked him where the clonodine was. He said he was on a new med and they were going to pick it up on monday. Later he changed his story and she found out that his dad has been giving him his medication, trinsipam or (spelling?) or something like that, because he was out. He has been cutting them into fourths because he says that its an anti depressant also. My ex uses it because he has insomnia all the time and is on a very high dosage. My son says he has had a headache but didn't associate the med. My son is very very small for his age. He is 12 but could pass as a 7 or 8 year old. And I have never heard of giving a child that kind of medication before. I have been med certified and have only known adults taking it.

    This woman that called me said she is going to report it to human services. She feels (as do I) that this is definitely child abuse!!! He was charged a couple of years ago with neglect but they have consistently had him go back to his dad. The last time around they did tell me that they felt he needed to live with me but couldn't find at this time a legal way to do it.

    I appreciate all of your prayers as this little guy needs them whether he realizes it or not.

  7. Please pray for my friend kimm. She has had female problems for years. Her pain now is so unbearable that she is having a hard time walking. She has a doctors appt to see if she can have a hysterecomy. She wants that done once and for all so she can live a happy healthy life. Thanks.

  8. I went to iowa today. I just had to go to find out how my son is doing. I didn't see him but talked to a neighbor. She said that she is concerned but he spends a lot of time at her house and if he is hungry she told me she would make sure to feed him. I gave her a phone card so that if he wants to call me he can call from her house. She told me that my son thinks that I am a liar and that he believes in his dad no matter what because his dad would never lie to him. Ha!!! I called his school to see if I could stop by for a little visit and he wasn't at school today. Just thought I would update.

  9. My daughter was a vegetarian for a couple of years. She was the most healthy during this time. Because she was a teen she felt that she was missing out when we were having barbecues and such so quit. I have also thought about this and I know someone that has a website that she made her own diet from if anyone is interested. You can private post me and I will let you know where to find it. This lady lost over I think it is 300 pounds. I met her in a chat room with overeaters.

  10. Well, I have a habit of saying sorry too much. I went to the other extreme. Someone said to me when they got tired of it that my whole life was sorry. I'm learning to stop that. Also, learning to tell people how I feel is very hard for me. I get my feelings hurt and instead of saying something I go into a bathroom and cry it out. I haven't quite learned how to deal with confrontation yet. It hurt me so much in twi that I am like jello with it.

  11. Does anyone know where Dan and Mary Cross is? The last I heard they were in Kansas. I would like to get in contact with them. They are not Dan Cross in the 15th wc. They were wow in the same branch as I. Thanks for any info you may have.

  12. wow this is fun, I promise this is the last....lol....well maybe

    I am going to be the last one, I will kill this thread!!!

    I am going to be the last one, I will kill this thread!!!

    I am going to be the last one, I will kill this thread!!!

    I am going to be the lst one, I will kill this thread!!!

    I am going to be the last one I will kill this thread!!!

    yes I will!!!

    yes I will!!!

  13. Is it something like this?

    ö how is this is it working well? I will be the last one, the last one, the last one!!!!!!

    I hope this works. I am being very bold on this you know. If it doesn't work....sorry you guys..... icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

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