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Everything posted by Composer

  1. I didn't write the story book. Other men did and that is the poison they planted long ago. Because YOU people claim to believe the story book so I use it to legitimately demonstrate how it is poisoned and should not be taken as the basis that it is the Words of a God given to men. Something you so called christians have failed to legitimately demonstrate for my 50 years of trying. I have already tried that approach at other Forums recently so I approached here from a different angle. It doesn't matter which was i approach it, self acclaimed christians are still decimated by it and it gives me variety. You and others here have had every opportunity to demonstrate it isn't fiction but alas all I received were personal attacks, name calling, what are you doing here and other typical pretend christian pitiful none sense. Because there is no better way than me confronting you with the reality of your story book being just a story book and showing you why in several ways - 1. You can't provide legitimate evidence it is the Words of a God given to men? 2. The ideology based upon that story book is flawed and not based upon what the story book text actually says. (trinity formulation is a big example) 3. In fifty years not one genuine claimed story book Jesus believer has ever legitimately manifested the story book promises already given to a genuine Jesus believer and instead that abject failure is replaced by pathetic and illegitimate pitiful excuses from almost every single so called christian? Can I prove the ID I believe exists Nope! other than the facts of my existence and the things around me are beyond my abilities and I obviously didn't create them or myself. The Sacred writings of the Hindus have existed before the bible text, so if longevity is you reason then you need to become a Hindu immediately and study the wisdom that existed before the wisdom you believe exists in your later available story book. My past classes were full of people once like you are now. I stick to what legitimately and successfully works.
  2. Indeed many story books are useful to examine the human psyche. Gulliver's Travels bible story book Animal Farm Trouble is with the bible story book, not only is it not the Words of a God, but it is a book riddled with errors, anomalies and self-contradictions. e.g. - In brief self acclaimed christians claim their story book Jesus ' died for our sins ' inherited from Adam? (cf. Rom. 5:8, 1 Thess. 5:10, Rom. 5:12) KJV story book Oops! Story book Jesus isn't dead but raised and rewarded? (apparently?) Story book Jesus can't die for us? (Ezek. 18:20) KJV story book No one can inherit sins from father (Deut. 24:16, Ezek. 18:20) KJV story book Being dependent from Day 1 on the Tree of Life to make one Immortal, death didn't come by way of Adam's alleged sins? The story book is great as recycled paper or a paper weight.
  3. The irony for those who (wrongly) believe that "Lucifer" refers to Satan, is that the same title ('morning star' or 'light-bearer') is used to refer to story book Jesus, in 2 Peter 1:19, where the Greek text has exactly the same term: 'phos-phoros' 'light-bearer.' This is also the term used for story book Jesus in story book Revelation 22:16.
  4. That's the point you are still missing! The well you draw from is poisoned already. I just try to point your attention to that and stop you drinking from it and making yourselves even sicker with self delusion and story book promises.
  5. I'm modest about my achievements and put those with big / small websites seeking glory to shame. From 50 years experience people like you are only interested in themselves and dismiss the claims of others that dare to disagree with your current propaganda. I am not interested in seeking glory or spreading my name. The fact i have been queitly decimating other religions successfully for 50 years is sufficient for me. Are you impressed with academic qualifications? Actually people like you prove it is a failure because you always resort to personal attacks and ridicule and asking silly questions as you have instead of stepping up and manifest the legitimate promises already given to a genuine story book Jesus believer and your abject failure also in presenting a scrap of legitimate evidence that your story book is the Words of a God given to men? Already answered above! The fact that you can't legitimately refute what I said and teach is all the proofs you need. Your ' deny, deny, deny ' won't save you from that eventual accpetance of that reality. Better luck next time!
  6. Okay, so the total sum of legitimate evidence that your story book is the Words of a God/gods given to men remains at zero! I have had fifty years of nothing but empty words and fraudulent claims always the same from you self acclaimed story book believers. You fail on all counts!
  7. I am not trying to read any ones mind, I am just ascertaining what is going on in their mind and asking them to write it down in our discussions so we can all see what each of our minds is thinking and why and upon what basis and is that basis legitimate or deluded?
  8. What fairer way is there than my using the same book as those who claim to believe in it? What I do with that same book, is point out that they invariably don't believe what it really says, but base their multitudenous religions that disagree with each other on what ' they wished it said, but invariably doesn't ' . In order for me to do that I have to set aside the facts that it is a story book and they have zero evidence to legitimately suggest it is anything more than that? So I just go with what the story book does say. Cheers!
  9. It's story book religions I detest not the poor duped dopes that fall for them? That's why I spend a lot of time helping them emerge as unscathed as possible from their various current pits of darkness and delusion. IF I hated the people I would sit back and leave you wallowing in your delusion. I do the opposite and have had quite a deal of success over the past 50 years and that's why I stick to my tried, tested and quite successful methods. By my saving even 1 more I am only continuing to do them a great service! Glad to help! And your alleged evidence to support your belief is? Cheers!
  10. The story book Jesus person was a liar and a fraud. e.g. The Christian understanding is that the messiah, Jesus, died for the sins of the people. The messiah is supposed to be a human sacrifice that is the blood sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of sin. But we are taught in this proven self contradicting bible that no one can die for the sins of another. - In Deuteronomy 24:16 (KJV) it specifically says this: The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the father. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin. (Online Source: http://whatjewsbelieve.org/) - What Jews believe Point 1.) cf. Fathers must not be put to death for what their children24 do, nor children for what their fathers do; each must be put to death for his own sin. (Deut. 24:16) NET This was later confirmed by - Ezekiel 18:20 RSV "THE SON SHALL NOT SUFFER FOR THE INIQUITY OF THE FATHER. NOR THE FATHER SUFFER FOR THE INIQUITY OF THE SON; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself." Ezekiel 18:20 also "pulls the rug out from under" Christianity's main premise, that all generations of mankind are burdened with sin and death stemming from Adam's act of disobedience. Only Christ's redeeming shed blood can end this never-ending cycle of sin and death. Quite clearly Ezekiel refutes this notion. "The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father." (Online Source: http://www.bibleorigins.net/MoabiteBloodMessiah.html) More so - Jews correctly also, do not believe in original sin. IN SHORT... Jews do not believe in the existence of Original Sin. The concept of Original Sin simply states that because Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they brought Death into the world. Every human being dies because Adam and Eve committed a sin, and for their sin, all humans are punished with death. However, the Bible describes something entirely different. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden because if they remained, they could eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, which would make them IMmortal. If Adam and Eve had to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life to become IMmortal, then they were created mortal to begin with. They did not bring Death into the world, and we don't die because they sinned. As a matter of Biblical fact, the answer to Question One shows that one person cannot die as the punishment for the sins committed by another. We die because Death is a natural part of existence, and has been since from the moment the first human beings were created. That is why God told the animals, before Adam and Eve ate the fruit from The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil, to be fruitful and to multiply, since they needed to replace themselves. God also told the same thing to Adam and Eve before they ate that fruit as well. (Online Source: http://whatjewsbelieve.org/) - What Jews believe Point 5.) I am a long time experienced debater and set high standards, however I welcome all reasonable responses and please try to focus on the text and what you think it says or have been taught to believe and why, rather than the typical so called christian barrage of insults, name calling, troll accusations, why are you here?, you hate us garbage etc. etc. so typical of self acclaimed christians. Thank you
  11. The notion that I hate people is frankly ludicrous by the fact that I am here assisting story book believers out of their pit of darkness and strong delusion. IF I truly hated them I would just sit back and do nothing and allow them to wallow in their delusion and errors. This I do not do and instead spend a great deal of my time and vast experiences and studies and research in assisting them learn the Real Truth. What they then do with that Truth is up to them, but at least I have done my part by not keeping it to myself. I refer to the story book as a reference because they are supposed to believe it and so I use it to show why they actually do not and also hypothetically speaking, IF there were a Story book Jesus person, it doesn't believe any so called christian that has ever come along outside of the story book is credible or genuine. (As determined by the absolute failure of every single so called christian to legitimately manifest the promises already given to a genuine story book Jesus believer as a test of their faith)
  12. Hello Tom, Apart from your story book who told you there was such a thing as a Holy Spirit? Is your alleged Holy Spirit any different to the Holy Spirit J.w's claim? Is your alleged Holy Spirit any different to the Holy Spirit Mormons claim? Is your alleged Holy Spirit any different to the Holy Spirit SDA's (7th Day Adventists) claim? Is your alleged Holy Spirit any different to the Holy Spirit Moslems claim? Is your alleged Holy Spirit any different to the Holy Spirit Hindu's claim? Is your alleged Holy Spirit any different to the Holy Spirit Buddhists claim? Hypothetically assuming you have one and assuming another denomination beat you to them, how do you convince an illiterate person that your particular Holy Spirit is the correct one and they have been duped by those that came before? Cheers!
  13. I enjoyed the comments of a Dominican Priest last night on Dateline Australia - George Negus. The priest was so disgusted by the Pope and the catholic church and its incestuous attitudes and paedophilial cover ups that he suggested the entire Vatican city be sold to Mormons or to Disneyland and the catholic church torn down and start afresh. http://www.sbs.com.au/dateline/story/transcript/id/600432/n/Interview-with-Father-Tom-Doyle NB: catholic spokesperson claims divine help from above (does that mean to assist catholic cover ups?)
  14. I can't speak for any one else but my heart/mind is certainly bursting with compassion and caring for my fellow man. More so than this Intelligent Designer that sends death, destruction. disease, pestilence, earthquakes etc. and permits evil corrupt men to flourish. It disgusts me and those who claim it ' loves us ' make me vomit!
  15. For the record here, I DO believe in an Intelligent Designer/ID (I call God for want of a better word) however it is not worthy of my worship (especially not the alleged trinitarian story book one) The biblical text itself or any other alleged Holy Book ' are nothing more than a story book of fantasy fabricated by mortal men. There is NO legitimate evidence to conclude it is the Words of a God given to man. Cheers!
  16. The following is most pertinent to those that claim to believe the story book text - There is no operation of Divine wisdom that has been so completely misapprehended and misrepresented as the shedding of the blood of Christ. Popular preaching brings it down to a level with the sacrifices of idolatrous superstition, by which wrathful deities are supposed to be placated by the blood of a substitutionary victim. Christ is represented as having paid our debts—as having died instead of us—as having stood in our room like a substitute in military service, or like a man rushing to the scaffold where a criminal is about to be executed, and offering to die instead of him (a favourite illustration in the evangelical pulpit). Such views are contradicted by even the most superficial facts of the case; for if Christ died instead of us, then we ought not to die (which we do); and if he paid the penalty naturally due from us—death—he ought not to have risen (which he did). And if his death was of the character alleged, the redeeming power lay in itself and not in the resurrection that followed; whereas Paul declares to the Corinthians that, notwithstanding the death of Christ, “if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain: ye are yet in your sins” (1- Corinthians 15:17). Further, if Christ has paid our debts, our debts are not “forgiven,” for it would be out of place for a creditor to talk of having forgiven a debt which someone else has paid for the debtor; and thus is blotted out the very first feature of the gospel of the grace of God—the forgiveness of our sins “through the forbearance of God” (Romans 3:25 ). (Extract from The Blood of Christ by Robert Roberts)
  17. Yes Jeremiah 17:9 story book is also very interesting. The human mind is more deceitful than anything else. It is incurably bad. . . . . (Jer. 17:9) NET story book. Yet many so called christians and others would have us believe that their alleged naughty fallen heavenly angel is the greatest deceiver, that allegedly started out in Genesis deceiving Eve? Obviously mere human propensity outclasses any naughty fallen angel? Cheers!
  18. Sadly the story book paints a dismal picture of this alleged story book hypocrite and monster of a trinitarian god. (Even more monstrous than that of the Intelligent designer that has inflicted pestilence, earthquakes, diseases, death and suffering etc. on its creation.) Going back to the story book monster and hypocrite by using the story book text itself that proves this. e.g. This god stepped in to save Isaac and trinitarians lead us to believe it stepped in to save itself when it was in disguise as a Godman babe Jesus but was no where to be found to save Abel and allowed the slaughter of other innocent babes, but protected its trinitarian self (apparently?)-(cf. Matt. 2:16) story book
  19. I would concur that the bible is purely a man made self contradicting story book. I do believe in an Intelligent Designer/ID (God for want of a better word) however it is unworthy of my worship. (Especially unworthy is the alleged trinitarian hypocrytical story book monster of a God.) as opposed to the ID monster of a God. Cheers!
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