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Posts posted by WeWereScammed

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by oldiesman:

    ... was turned into a marketing scheme by twi...it was also used as an excuse to sin (I'm saved, what the hay)...
    UncleHairy, here you disparage folks in twi by your false accusations of what you think went on in people's hearts.


    The statement above is not a false accusation.(I'm saved, what the hay) I was in TWI for much longer than you and I saw this happen. It was the air many breathed. Deny it if you want, but I know what I saw. I believe this attitude came from NaziMOG himself.

    Facts can be analyzed and expectations drawn to arrive at good, sound judgements.
    Skyrider, that's true only if you analyze and conceptualize ALL OF THE FACTS, not just the ones you predetermine are worthy of consideration and throw out other facts that you don't care about including.

    Until GSC, I never KNEW ALL THE FACTS ABOUT TWI.(and they weren't telling everything.) So I guess my "good' thoughts while I was "in" weren't really worthy of consideration...

  2. "said that his son was a very, very slow eater. so, he decided to put a timer on the table while his son ate. when the timer went off, if the son had not finished his meal, he would get the wooden spoon. (i believe the boy was about 2 or 3 at the time)

    so one day, the mother was baking and had set the timer and when it went off, the boy started to cry and got very upset.

    he was laughing as he recounted this story.

    can anyone say : pavlov? "

    Can anyone say : Child abuse?

  3. quote:
    Originally posted by A la prochaine:

    We were Scammed... icon_eek.gif

    You came back!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Nice to have you again. I was just thinking of you today and wonderin' where you went?

    Glad you decided to pop in!

    Sorry to derail.

    Thanks ALP,

    Had to return briefly when I saw the possibility of leading songs in the pompous...I mean, promised land...

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by Dot Matrix:

    Then (okay it is my fantasy) they bring in Socks, Alphacat, Raf, Zixar, Wordwolf, Garth, Hope and John, Tom Strange, Shellon, Tom Strange, Excathedra, The Evan, Greek2Me, Long Gone, Jaridino, Ex10 and others as “the board”. And they, the current generals, step down.

    Then, I would return!

    Can I come to lead songs????

  5. Dot,


    Really explains the 'personality' of some female revs. (males too!) back in the 70's and 80's.

    Wonder why the ministry fell apart, with such a firm Biblically sound foundation.

    Another point from the CF&S [CF&SCAM] class, the teacher of said class instructed females to 'use a little powder'. Anybody remember that.


    The word FREAKSHOW keeps blinking before my eyes.

  6. False cultural training, huh.

    Wish I'd known that all the times I stood squirming in line at the ROA to use the porta-john. I guess I coulda just hung it out right there and done my bidness right in front of the household.

    Or better yet, I coulda gone up and took a squat right in ole VeePee's front yard!!!

    "Watch your step madame first lady"

    Those dang devilish cultural things.

  7. quote:
    Originally posted by WhiteDove:


    My words were not to you or about you.

    If I may ask, who were your words to? When I read the post in question I immediately deleted my previous post about apple butter. It was intended to be a joke. As GSC goes, I think it was rather mild as far as egging VPW.

    For the record, I cannot and will not say anything nice about VPW, except that he is dead.

    His so called ministry was a scam, as was he.

    I need time to vent before I move on - GSC allows me to do that.

    The only reason people stayed around so long,(myself 20+ years) is that he and his cohorts were Master Scammers of the highest degree.

    Of course there were good things taught in TWI. No one would have lasted 3 months had there not been some attraction.

    I don't think there was anything good taught in TWI that we could not have learned on our own if we had tried. I also think there was a lot of junk taught that just was a waste of out time.

    WD, I understand what you were saying in your post about CF&S. I'm curious, After all that has been posted on GSC for several years, why did you choose this thread to defend VPW?

  8. "Good bye Rosie, Queen of Corona. . ."

    When I was in NY for a while I always thought of this line when approaching the Corona subway stop in Queens.

    "In the clearing stands a boxer

    and a fighter by his trade

    And he carries the reminders

    of every glove

    thats laid him down

    or CUT him

    till he cries out

    in his anger and his shame

    I am leaving, I am leaving



  9. Dot,

    "I heard Johnny-Jump-Up went down the wrong road with the wrong girlfriend....."

    - I wouldn't tell Tony this. He and JJU were 'close'.


    "i would love to shadow vito"

    - At 6'8, 275lbs, everybody shadows Vito.

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