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Posts posted by Bob

  1. How many times have I heard this? I owe my life to The Way.

    Someone was near death, most likely suicidal. A TWIt comes along, shows them some love, cons them into taking the class, then they find a reason for living. Latter on, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how miserable they become, they will not leave because The Way saved their life. They feel they owe it to them and nothing will talk them out of it. The Way taught them the “Word.”

    Let’s think about this for a minute:

    If you had a medical condition that threatened your life and a doctor got rid of it for you, would you feel that you owed your life to the doctor? Would you go to work for that hospital? Would you donate money to it, beyond paying your medical bills? Maybe. But what if latter it was found they were mistreating patients. Would you continue donating money to it?

    Is The Way unique in plucking people from near death and giving them a purpose to live? Not even close. Every religion, Christian or not, is full of people who feel they owe their lives to it because it saved them from one thing or another. Religion is very good at plucking people off when they are at their lowest. They give them answers to questions they’ve had all their life that appear to make sense at the time, even though they are totally unverifiable and usually just fantasy. They all use some book to back up their logic, giving their own fundamental strict interpretation, which given 20 people you would get 20 different interpretations of the same thing.

    If you were near death and someone pulled you from it, why would you just hand over your life to them? You no longer have your own life, you gave it away. TWI owns it now and be sure they have no intentions for giving it back. Do you still have a life? Not really.

    TWI really promotes this thinking also. They tell the corpse they are committed for life, even though TWI will drop them in a heartbeat if they don’t jump when they say jump. Hell, they’re even telling people that because God gave them life in the new birth then they owe their life to God. And since TWI is God’s ministry, you owe your life to TWI. That pretty messed up!

    If you believe God gave you life, what do you think he expects you to do with it? Turn it over to someone else and be their slave? Is that anyway to treat such a gift?

    I think Doyle Brunson’s experience, the godfather of Texas holdem, really applies here. In the early 60’s he found a lump on his neck. It was in the same place that his brother had found one and died 3 weeks latter 7 years prior. The doctor told him it was the same cancer. He found the best doctor he could. His wife and her church prayed constantly for him. He went into surgery to have it cut out. He was under the knife for 14 hours.

    When the doctor came out, he told his wife they couldn’t find the cancer. His wife thought that the original doctors had misdiagnosed it. The doctor explained, no, the cancer was there, it’s just gone now with no trace left. They couldn’t explain it.

    How did Doyle react to this? To this day he calls it a miracle. Did he commit his life to the church? No. Did he commit his life to anyone else? No. He realized that life is too short and he wanted to live every day to its fullest, doing what he enjoyed doing. He stopped doing what he felt he should be doing, putting aside the pressures of society that a poker player is no good and that he should have a real job. He really enjoyed playing, was good at it, and didn’t care anymore what people thought of it. He was going to enjoy life the way he saw it should be enjoyed, doing what makes life worth living for him. He went on to make millions playing cards.

    These TWIts who have turned their life over to TWI, do they even think for themselves anymore? Or are they just robots for TWI? What kind of life is that? Are they really doing God any favors? Or are they just a big disappointment to God, not enjoying or doing anything with the life he gave them? Is it only that their life is religious ritual, day in and day out? Do they even accomplish anything? Is that life at all?


  2. quote:
    Originally posted by ToadFriend:

    If it weren't for Victor Paul Wierwille, with all his human shortcomings, most of us would not know enough about the Bible to argue with or refute his teachings.

    If it weren't for Vee Pee, I wouldn't have to know as much about the Bible as I do in order to refute the crap he suckered me into. As Vee Pee put it, it's easier to learn something the correct way first, rather than undo "wrong teaching." It would be much more productive learning something worthwhile than spending so much time with a plunger trying to get his "load" to go where it belongs.

    No man is all good or all bad.

    I would beg to differ. Whether Vee Pee fit the all bad classification is a matter of opinion but there are plenty of people throughout history who fit rather nicely.

  3. quote:
    It's sad, but many people will not recognize that "just between you and I" is just as improper as "me takes no responsibility".

    Isn't it the same as having two negatives in a sentence making it a positive. Therefore, there's nothing wrong with the sentence, as far as ME is concerned.

  4. Me thinks it is related to the fact that most people are very good talking about ME (not I, but ME).

    Me is a standing member of the ME, MYSELF, and I trinity. As such, it is considered most holy. Most people will do just about anything for ME (or MYSELF and I).

  5. Of course, what do you do when the Earth's axis moves? Would there be a North and South coast? Would the war of "northern aggression" now be "western aggression?" Would a certain verse in the Bible no longer be valid, being easily measurable?

  6. quote:
    In the story of Abigail, she is married to a major bad person, yet she continues to be the good wife, until he dies.

    Women did not have the right to divorce their husband in the Old Testament. Only men were granted this privilege (not that I agree with it). Abigail had no choice but to wait until her husband checked out.

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