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Posts posted by coupcake

  1. A few months back I saw a Way bumper sticker on a car in a gas station around the corner from me. It was different from the one I remember but similar enough I recognized it right away. I waited till the driver came out and had a chat with her. Turns out there is a twig just down the road from me. So yes they do still have stickers, and some even have the guts or maybe a better word is audacity to display themicon_smile.gif:)-->

  2. Well after a number of tearful phone calls home with questions like how could her father and I have let her believe she could do this and encourage her to follow her dreams, she is now calling home with plans of going to London for 2 semesters to study in the international program and where she is going to intern her last year.

    Her car is fixed and she started a new job today.. just 10 minutes from her home. It sure is nerve wracking and exciting to see them grow.

    When I was recently telling her about a client at work who has a daughter in Tampa also, who is having a rough time of it she offered to call her and tell her how hard her first semester was but if you just gut it out it gets good. How funny is that.

    Thank you all for your prayers for Laura. She is a great young woman, an honest, hard working and very talented kid. And thankyou for listening to my trials of getting her thru this time, we are doing this on a tight buget with faith that God does provide.

    again all my thanks,


  3. My daughter started scool in Tampa in July. She is doing a great job dealing with being so far from home and hurricanes and all that goes with a move like this. But she is having the most difficult time finding employment. She had one job right away that ended up jerking her around and she left. We are wondering if they are giving her a bad referal.

    She is a great worker.. all her past employers have loved her so she is getting pretty depressed as well as broke. Anyway your prayers should would be appreciated for her.

    God bless.. JoAnn

  4. OK, I read the article and am trying to understand what you found so strange about it. In a nutshell it says there is God, His enemy Satan are in a spiritual warfare and that there are spirit beings.. no surprises there. Ok and that the angels have a function. I can't think of a thing God has done that doesn't have a function all of which to help us bless us and bring us closer to him.

    I might question where he gets the numbers but not the part of one third.

    As far as it being Mormon-like, I think they both agree there are angels. If memory serves the Mormons believe angels are spirit beings waiting to be born as people for their trial on earth. Quite contrary to what the author said. Well he or she said angels aren't dead people but it in no way implied people had been angels either. So IMHO that comment kind of smacks as a strawman argument.

    OK I couldn't find a biblical reference that angels ride on car tops maybe they sit on the hood. But if is the humor you take exception to well ok you don't like the humor.. so what?

    Well anyway I was just curious what you found so inaccurate or "Mormon-like". And for that matter Mormans, just like everyone else are correct about some things.

    Best regards.. coup

  5. Nameless, My answer would be the same irregarless of the organazation or religion of the one you were dating. When people come together from differing belief systems you need to proceed very carefully and have many discussions. This effects everything.. from where finances go to how to raise children... everything. While dating these things may seem far far away but after marriage they are everything. If this is someone you are truly interested in you have to have many long conversations before you decide to persue it. This is advice I give my daughter about anyone she is considering a relationship with. I will keep my opinions to myself about this particular group but you need to have many of these talks before you put too much time into this.

  6. I never thought the Way was always right but I did for a time think they would fix the wrong when they saw it. It became appearant in the early 80's that was not so. When I disagreed with more doctrine than I agreed with and saw more behavior I disliked than approved of it was time to move on.

  7. Refiner

    The Way recognizes that most churches have some truth as in you example of the Jehovah Witnesses and the trinity. ( Though they differ on some major points on that also.) But they believe they have the market cornered on all truth.

  8. Hairy, hello. My husband and I are from and still in Rochester. Tom, I am so sad to say passed away a few years ago. We tracked down his family when we saw the obituary and they told us what happened but had little knowledge of what happened to Lori. We probably know each other if you knew them here in Rochester. You can email me at coupcake@aol.

  9. I would love to find Lori. She was in Rochester till about 77 and she and Tom went in the corp. They didn't stay and went out near Denver. She was in a bad accident and confined to a wheelchair. I sadly know what happened to Tom but would love to find Lori. Thanks

  10. Kathy will be so missed so terribly as has been her husband Jim for so long now. They both sure knew how to love everyone around them. Her wonderful family both immediate and extended is a testement to how well she lived her life. I sure loved them both and am so thankful to have had them in my life.

  11. Hiya, Anyone of you recall Lori F? She was in the Denver and Golden area after leaving the corps in the 80s. You would remember her.. she had been in a nasty car accident and was injured very badly. Sure would appreciate news...coupcake@msn.com.

  12. MJ412,

    I understand completely. Micheal thanfully asked me for help some time ago..I think he was 15. While he does take medication which helps considerably when we found the right one, he stays in couseling as that I think offers him a more permanant solution. How you respond to this does indeed effect the outcome.

    He was in a deep depression the year after graduation.. he calls it the year he slept. But then went to college(locally) and got a 4.0, got himself up everyday without fail, pushed himself and excelled. he has hit a rough spot though, ... pushing himself to find summer work seems impossible... he does plan on returning to school so I beleive that will help. But everything is such a struggle for him it seems and his friends are mostly gone so he is sad right now and angry that this has gone on so long. It is better but well, better isn't good enough for me.

    Thank you for your prayers. I believe with all I have God has better things in store for him. Thanks again.. God bless

  13. Please keep in your prayers my son Michael. He was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder some years back. He is an icredibly intelligent, good and honest young man. While he works very hard to overcome it things have been very difficult for him. I feel at a loss to help him and am so tired. I can only imagine how tired of it all he is. Thanks.. God bless

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