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Mister P-Mosh

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Posts posted by Mister P-Mosh

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by Zixar:

    P-Mosh: You didn't by any chance mean "pucchiacha", did you? (must be a Sopranos fan...)

    Unfortunately all the TV I watch is limited to when I go to restaurants that have them, or when I use the 2.5" LCD that I have...so no Sopranos.

    Originally posted by Zixar:

    Anyway, I don't think the Internet is really set up for novice computer users to learn more about sex without being inundated with hardcore porn and penis-enlarger spam.

    It's not easy to do but you definitely have a point. Plus, people get all the spam and popups without even looking for information on sex. I was out of town for a week, and came back to find that I had 94 emails, of which 3 were valid. What makes it worse is that one of the email addresses has never been published, so I believe that Earthlink must sell their lists to spammers or make them available to the public some other way. It wasn't a dictionary word either so I don't see how it could have been guessed.

    Anyway, I should be an expert on via.grra 20945 now. That must count for something.

  2. quote:
    Originally posted by Zixar:

    Here's another question: Nobody knows everything about sex, of course, but do you think you know _enough_ about it, or are there things you're still curious about?

    I believe that thanks to the internet, people are a lot more educated about various things pertaining to it than they were years ago. Even if it's just something odd that you look up to find the definition of, such as "bukkake" (which may be spelled wrong) people can easily quench their curiousity.

  3. I tried it using my real name and got the following:


    If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Peroibo Topleaf

    and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Addrar

    and if you were an Elf, your name would be Lómónduil

    and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Gleran

    and if you were an Orc, your name would be Hool

    Your nearest Tavern might be called The Wanton Wench

    and your sword would be called Duldrus

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by Zixar:

    Plus, it would almost feel like discussing my sex life with my mother, which doesn't sound that good either.

    Actually it's not so bad discussing your sex life with your mother. What's really unsettling is having her return the favor, though:

    That is indeed a horrible, horrible thought. I shall bring it up with other people who would be more horrified than I am by that. Personally, I am all too aware of the actions of my parents since I have a handful of younger siblings.

  5. I won't really participate in this discussion as there is at least one person participating in this thread that knew me when I was a kid. I wouldn't want to ruin their image of me as a wonderful little boy or a good young man. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Plus, it would almost feel like discussing my sex life with my mother, which doesn't sound that good either.

  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Zixar:

    ...something along the line of using them as an elephantine butt plug for the nearest prancing pachyderm.

    Since Rocky got rid of his post, I won't escalate things by linking to goatse. Well, I wouldn't do that here anyway but I have a feeling that you are the type to read slashdot and would know what I'm talking about.

  7. I ended up going on scholarships and paying for a little out of pocket. My dad (the birth one, not my stepdad who raised me) offered to pay for me to go to school, and somehow got a loan for it that he then used to go buy a new car.

    TWI never really factored in much in my college plans. I figured I would go WOW or WD later on, because I needed to get school out of the way first. Of course, I ended up getting a decent job during school and then later on I found an even better one, during which time I left TWI amidst all the pressure that was increased on me to quit my job and go work at Fazolli's and live in a one bedroom apartment with ten people as a Way Disciple or whatever nonsense they do.

  8. As far as I can tell, there are no real miracles. There is chance, there are coincidences in our minds, and there are frauds.

    Chance comes into play when something bad happens that could have been worse or when you avoid something bad. Although it could have been from completely natural causes, you find comfort in attributing it to God because it means that it could happen again if you were ever in another situation like that. The reality is that if a person was caught in traffic and missed a flight where the plane eventually crashed they want to find reason in their life going on. If they had died, there would not seem to have been any miracle. Only unexpected or improbable things are considered miracles.

    Then there are coincidences. If you are driving down a dark road and perhaps you subconciously hear a car engine coming you drive a little more careful at the intersection and avoid an accident purely by instinct. God had nothing to do with it, it was just your self-preservation kicking in.

    Then there are the frauds that claim miracles in order for personal gain. I don't think there are any of those around here, but there are plenty on church shows on TV.

    Anyway, I don't want to insult anyone here, I just don't see anything strong enough to prove that their "miracles" are anything other than chance or a coincidence. If I saw Jesus walking on water, I'd have to put my hand under his shoes to make sure he's not standing on something.

  9. An amusing off-topic thing of note is that on the front page this topic is abbreviated to, "So What Did You Get For Christ..." as to which I would have to say that I tried to trade him in but they wouldn't accept that model.

    Anyway, as to what I got, I don't know yet. I got a DVD and some money, but I have yet to buy my own gift and because of the travel I haven't been given the gifts of my relatives.

  10. Great idea, lame implementation.

    Basically, it's about a guy who is a consultant for tech companies that is really smart so they hire him to reverse engineer stuff from competitors, then erase his memories of that for some reason that makes no sense. He does one last job for a typical creepy CEO guy that you know is going to try to screw him over just by looking at him. The guy wakes up from having his memories erased, is in trouble, and finds that he sent himself objects to get out of bad situations. Uma Thurman is in it, but as little more than an extra.

  11. quote:
    Originally posted by Pirate1974:

    One of the worst second sequels ever has to be "Home Alone 3." What a waste of film.

    Home Alone 4

    "Oh no, I'm 34 years old and my mom left me home with no beer and I'm too lazy to drive to the store because girls will laugh at me for driving an 83 Buick! *smacks cheeks* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

  12. quote:
    Originally posted by Steve!:

    Affection is one thing, this seemed beyond that.

    In that one scene, I really expected Frodo and Sam to lip lock.

    Agreed. The relationship between Sam and Frodo was the gayest thing on film since "The Birdcage" and even then it's close.

    I think it's the same one, but towards the end right before Frodo gets on the boat, the camera pans in such a way that it is focused on the sides of Frodo and Sam while it's mostly just their heads in the shot, which is a pretty standard kissing position in movies. The fact that they didn't kiss suprised me.

  13. One potential problem that I will have to rewatch to double check for is Frodo's finger. I'm sure you all remember when Gollum bit off the finger to get the ring, leaving a bloody stump and also that Frodo had it bandaged up in the scene where he was in bed. However, I'm not sure about the scene with Sam and Frodo sitting on the rock, and I'm pretty sure that later scenes show Frodo with a full finger again. I don't know for sure and will watch it again when it comes out on DVD, but I do think they messed up there.

    Of course, that's nothing compared to what I read about the first one which apparently shows powerlines and either a plane or car (I forgot which.)

  14. I wanted to see it but there was no way I could get tickets for anything that would let me get home before 1am and I have to work tomorrow. I think there should be a rule that if a movie is over 2 hours long, it should first be released on DVD so that we can go ahead and buy it and watch it on our own time.

  15. We always celebrated it, but I was constantly lectured on how the tree represents a penis for everyone else (for us it was just a nice tradition to represent the way tree or something else I forgot) and how Jesus was really born on September 11th.

    Still, we had a tree, gift giving, decorations, cookies (YAY!), music, and everything else. My parents cared quite a bit about their kids and we all got to experience things like this growing up. There was the cussing over putting up the tree and all that but it seems humorous now.

  16. quote:
    Originally posted by ChasUFarley:

    Mr. Mosh -

    My hat is off to you - incredible!

    This worked immediately - it just sort of 'appeared' on the screen when I pasted it in place.

    Shockwave & awe!

    You're welcome. This is actually an older version of what I use on my site. The only difference is that I pass a variable to allow people to send emails to multiple accounts. The only problem right now is that it's not database-driven so I want to set that up, so I simply use my database to get the list of people that can recieve an email and populate that.

  17. Save this to html:

    <h3>Contact Us:</h3>

    <form name="form" method="post" action="email.php">

    <p class="bodymd">Your Name<br>

    <input type="text" name="Name">


    <p class="bodymd">Your Email<br>

    <input type="text" name="Email">


    <p class="bodymd">Comments or Questions<br>

    <textarea name="Comments" rows="5" cols="40"></textarea>


    <p class="bodymd">

    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

    <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Clear Form">



    Save this as email.php


    if (($Name == "") || ($Email == "") || ($Comments == ""))


    echo "<form name=form method=post action=email.php>";

    echo "<p class=bodymd>Please fill out the fields in order to send an email.</p>";

    echo "<p class=bodymd>The ones you missed are listed below.</p>";


    if ($Name == "")


    echo "<p class=bodymd>Your Name<br><input type=text name=Name></p>";




    echo "<input type=hidden name=Name value=$Name>";


    if ($Email == "")


    echo "<p class=bodymd>Your Email<br><input type=text name=Email></p>";




    echo "<input type=hidden name=Email value=$Email>";


    if ($Comments == "")


    echo "<p class=bodymd>Comments or Questions<br><textarea name=Comments rows=5 cols=40></textarea></p>";




    echo "<input type=hidden name=Comments value=$Comments>";


    if (($Name == "") || ($Email == "") || ($Comments == ""))


    echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=Submit>";

    echo "<input type=reset name=Reset value=Clear Form>";

    echo "</form>";




    $message = "Name: $NamenEmail: $EmailnUser Agent: $HTTP_USER_AGENTnIP Address: $REMOTE_ADDRnRemote Host: $R

    EMOTE_HOSTnComments: $Commentsn";

    $extra = "From: $NamernReply-To: $Emailrn";

    mail ("PUTYOUREMAILHERE@ISP.COM", "Website Email from $REMOTE_HOST", $message, $extra);

    echo "<p class=bodymd>Thanks for your inguiry, $Name.</p>";

    echo "<p class=bodymd>A response will be sent to $Email as soon as possible.</p>";

    echo "<p class=bodymd><A HREF="java script:history.back()"

    onMouseOver="return setStatus('Back')"

    onMouseOut="return setStatus('')">Go Back</A></center>";



    You have to have PHP installed, but it should work pretty much instantly if you do, although you may want to change it a bit. You do absolutely have to change the email address though.

    I use vi for all my web development, although for work I usually just use notepad.

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