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Posts posted by DaddyHoundog

  1. Dot I have erad a lot on the ADD stuff and so far I havent come across...mercury, however I did hear recently that they did change formularies on vaccines from older onesthat did contain mercury, but I think that was in the 70's and related to birth defects.

    Still the majority are better off for having the vaccine instead of dying from many of those old diseases. Course -- I know thats a hot button for many, but then there ya have it, my position.

  2. Belle,

    You are a georgoeus girl!!!

    From what I saw of picture with ex-hubby at x-mas, and the recent web cam...Man-o-Man you did loose!

    But you have an awesome smile and happy look anyhow!----for those of you who don't know....Belle is a BELLE!

    Of course getting out of wayworld will take a lot of stress off anyone.

    I gained when I quit smoking and my matabolism slowed down, so now I excersice to keep the metabolism revved up and I am loosing very slowly, but am loosing...and getting much stronger and at 46 I have to also start protecting that bone mass.


  3. he explains the how and why of weight training, he has some great system that I use for aerobics ...done in only 20 minutes and YOU KNOW you did something.

    He also talks about food combining. I printed his list and keep it on the fridge. I also keep his rule up there ..now and again, not all the time or I get numb to them.

    Also, my husband noticed a change, and ya get a FREE day to pig out if'n you want.

    Body for Life

    I am not much on protein bars except in the winter when I cant use fruit...He doesnt go in for too much fruit and veggies, I do!

    I do combine protein with my other carbs, slows insulin production.

    I had 2 goals, help my trygliceride level and get rid of the cottage cheese on my thighs. Weight was not a big consideration, becasue if I met those 2 goals I knew it would be coming off. I am giving myself a year for the chees to go away, and I go in for a blood test tomorrow.

    I'll let you the blood results.

  4. i loosely follow the Body for Life book, Bill Phillips. I never starve, never deny, but I do excersice and that does include weights and aerobics of some kind...currently I am doing more swimming and I have started "water walking" doing walking laps in a pool for 40 minustes does help since I am living in 100 degree heat too and cant handle the runnng aerobic idea in this hot of a summer, I still alternate that with weights..check out the book...it gives good direction and some inspiation too.

    I never did the challenge, dont want to, but I also do more situps than he suggests.

    The bottom line is like money, gotta burn more calories than you consume.(except with money, we wan tit the other way around)


  5. I buy Dansko shoes on ebay regulary. A gu named Shoeprofessor is who I use. My son buys and sells his toys...PSP, now paintball sstuff on ebay and hubby does the same, we just got and iSight for our Mac, so we can video chat...my sister-n-law has a sharp eye for valuabl art and picks up quite a bit on ebay at 10% its worth.


  6. Hey there -- Welcome,

    my thought is that eventually, your folks might just be willing to look at this web site...

    unfortuantely - you'll probably have to name drop a few people to get there attention

    Either way, WELCOME...

  7. here is a total data base with tons of stuff, use the advanced search.

    Are we talking middle or elementary?

    In my elementary experience, there is a lot of behavior modificstion...dont give noisy the attention he/she wants, but the attention he doesnt want...etc.


  8. I personally think he ruined Mission Impossible, I like Barreymore, but MI was as bad as Charlie's Angels...

    At least Travolta doesn't Barf Scientology everywhere he goes as being better than everything else....

    Onion...thats like saying, maybe if we stop talking about Rosie, she won't be an idiot...

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