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Posts posted by DaddyHoundog

  1. in my experience, I have run into many liberal people who elevate animals over humans.

    I am mostly experienced with the finatics from New Mexico.

    While I am not quite as conservative as our friend Arkie, and I tend to dote on animals and am for the human society...I am against people who elevate animals above humans...MOST DEFINATELY


  2. actually we have a 90 by 14 that we got bids for last year...with out all the work you needed, but with a 1/2 basketball court on the side at one end. Without all the retaining wall and support stuff you had our came out to 10,000 - 14,000 ...we went another route and changed around some other stuff to get the court on another side of the house, and used crusher-fine on that driveway instead...that was a much cheaper deal, but here in not so winter country we can get away with things that don't work as well up north ...like Ron said.


  3. Last I heard, things of that nature were under the category of the result of being so pagan....like tsunamis' are the recipients fault...as well as hurricanes etc. That the evil supposedly present in a place brought about such catastrophies!

    (a load of crap, but thats what they were still teaching when I left 5 years and 3 days ago)

  4. thats why very few come here.

    And that is why after slavery was abolished very few white men befriended the black population...

    Needless to say they either started with an attitude of arragant betterness or adopted one very quickly upon becoming "leadership" - and I use that term loosely


  5. I am all over the place, but generally lean to Repbulican....however, I'm tired of Bush right now (even tho' I voted for him) and dont like how domestic issues are ignores and NCLB needs a whole lot more $$ to really work.

    And I am pro-stem cell research

  6. Galen..in New Mexico we have 3 recesses a day...but on .5 year of music and ART on alternating years.

    Having been in one of the states on the study...it has made the press. There are no public pre-schools here...

    Next year will be the first pilot.

    Given that fact, it apparently deals with private schools like Kindercare etc, and a lot of it has been from non-payment or if a kid repeatedly bites or something like that.

  7. the 80's was the beginning of teh whole language theory....

    (look at a book and absorb the words....yeah i know)

    now the pendulum has swung the other way...and you know...it never really stops inthe middle.

    I think the expectations thing is the issue....

    A lot of reading studies that deal with non discrepancy model children found that homeschooled or public schooled, most AVERAGE kids read at the 5th grade level by 11....amazing ....NORMAL DEVELOPMENT whoda thunnk???

  8. Yes abbi--its finally getting out there so to speak.

    The program my kids go to is based on cerebellar development. (or lack thereof) cerebellum - the place where motor coordination develops. (in a nut shell)

    Dore Acheivement Centers

    check out the science behind the program.

    Only 2.5 years in US, but been in England for a while, with a 93% success rate.

    On another note, chromosome 2, 10, and 11 have been found to affect decoding in dyslexic children....Good finding...means $$ for interevention down the road.

    (Univ. of Washington,- Drs. Raskind, Wijsman, Berninger--with funding by NICHD)(in Molecular Psychiatry, March 2005)

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