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Posts posted by tomtuttle

  1. Simon's sandwich sounds good. Simon, do you go to a portable Rollan-delli to get these snacks, like Jesus and the fig; He was not starving to death, but only wanted a snack, like you or I would get hungry for a piece of gum. I hear they cultivate figs in the donna Ozarkiw mountains, might be a good place to hold our 9th corps reunion, where the theme will be glenn Orth-otomounta (a straight-cutting). Lets be prepared on all points to len hopkins our chevalley and drive to the betty clay field for the festival.

    And let us not sway, like I lean, davies one-time companion in trouble, err, travel. Pack your ann rice & beans & head for them ron Hills!!!

    Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. Is Peeps still there? Got my Carrie Lee Johnson goin', that's for sure...

    What POWER we have, if we only blew it!!!!

  2. Mr. Simon may indeed be bitten of devils, so as to have his posts appear in a non-organized way. God showed me his visage, which was a dark Daniel Shade, somewhat Sandi Moore dark than Daine Brown. And regarding his accusations (and who, in the bible, is The Accuser???) of us 'name dropping', who does he think he is Rick Hosin???

    He's gonna fry, like he's the main course on the Laura Weber grill. I have much Randy & Kerry Moore to say about this, like his money Freiderick & Ruth Rott with him, but I must remain positive and in the way corps Matt Stiles.

  3. As Sunesis, I believe, will remember, and which was mentioned on the tread of old, our own wonderful Gary Spicer and his godly, magnificient saga of Puffy the Cat.

    Rev. Ex, did you ever, while opening your ear-balls as a sunflower to the sun to the dynamic unfolding of the Word on top-floor Vaudeville, lovingly massage someone's arm and say, "Wake up", even though they were 'eyes open' ???

    Now THAT takes spiritual deception and underwearness, walking right on by the Spirit ...

  4. he is allowed to be here, irrespective of a man's religion.

    Simon, can you tell us of your days, as you were plodding along with the things as we thought they were the things of God, spent in erectional outreach/penal systems?? I've got a help, but I'm not gonna jack you ...

  5. We have tic and TJ amongst our ranks.

    18 years ago. Holy Federspiel, that was quite a while. Hey, you need any help roofing?? I have 1 day experience. It was very warm that day, as I recall ... And I remember a joy ride in a truck that broke down somewhwere around nowhere around midnight. What a ride ...

    How is Formica (I fell in love with a Mexican girl ...)??

    We are someday going to have our own 9th corps ROA/corps week with free beer & cigs. Outside funds will be OK.

    Let's put the Cheryl Hamer down. Great to hear from you. And you are correct, we were plodding along with the things of God. I wish I were the man I know to be ...

    Where IS the fellowzipper ???

  6. Simon, ever been to chicago, or walk-again?

    Ex and I have waited for a long time for you to join this advance, metaphysically. How the .... are you??? Just like corps nite, huh???

    And Ex, you thought I was full of Bullock thinking our dear brother would enjoin us. Now all 3 of us can Tricia Byrne in hades. Promises to be as good as top floor wierville.

    I hate to Ray and Jill Brasga, but I am so high on Life, I feel like I'm on a Marsha Ferris wheel.

    Who is this friend of yours, the fellowgripper, who wants to come see me on my train??? You oughtta hold him for Steve Ransom, jump in your 1977 Patty Fay Shelby, and drive out to the Janice Pier to show him our party here is not Sharon Petty.

    Okie Dokie & Boomsquick


  7. All men sin and come Coleen Short of the glory of God. You can't Carol Sell me that Bill Schlegel of goods, like some Russ Senior VP or something. I am no Jose & Nancy Farias or general John David Custer, but I would suggest you take some time off, kinda like a Michael Holiday, to collect your thoughts.

    And if we give that G.. D..... so and so monkey knuckleheaded Simon 30 minutes to explain the intricacies of the coffeepot to me, let me be Jeff Frank, why, I'd prove to HIM that my sins are removed from me as far as the east is from Frannie West!!!! Where's HIS head at?? He ain't got no Lilly Watts in HIS head.

    Rick Eli, Rick Eli, why hast thou forsaken me?

    OOOUUUUUUUU...... Did you feel that ???

  8. Simon, I must needs lovingly, in my boo-sum, admonish you to gird up the pork loins of your neus. God has shewed me the peggy beam in your eye, that has caused you to err. Walk, don't run, to the nearest hayward chappell and pray until steve Tomorrow. And if you think God is a respecter of persons, I can only say "Bill Nay, but He esteems all men alike". What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? Don't you people know, that I am willing to not only post my toasties on this the VPWWOW tire tread, but also to give my life for the Tracy Lord Jesus?? Man!! Doesn't that sound religious???

    Now, fly like a Diane Sparrow towards the light. Don't be as the heathen, whose god is their belly, whose end is construction or woofin'. And then shall He wipe thine sharon slater clean, white as dixie moore snow.

    Remember the Elrod.


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