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A la prochaine

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Posts posted by A la prochaine

  1. Ahhh the Music Thread!

    Thank you Chaussettes! icon_wink.gif;)-->

    Yes, that is quite a song isn't it ~ loaded with all sorts of messages. A fine Work.

    Hey, I'm on my way to a concert this week ~ 'Great Big Sea'!!! They're a Celtic/Rock band with such a different sound. Lots of energy! They are from Newfoundland and do both traditional and original music.

    The 'Sea of No Cares' is their latest album.

    Well, A la Prochaine will surely be thinking of you all here in this music café as I'm dancing in the aisles, hopping and doing some pretty immature things for a lady of my age! icon_razz.gif:P-->

    Thank you again Socks for taking the time to post those words. They are soothing to the soul...

    'til the next time...

  2. I think being M&A'd is worse than leaving on your own.

    We were first dropped from our corps status, which nearly flattened us completely, then a few months later were told we were no longer welcome at the Way.

    We were isolated and had no one to communicate with. No one contacted us. We couldn't figure out what exactly we had done wrong. So for 8 yrs. we plodded along, with so much pain and hurt.

    Then we found GS and Waydale. Then the answers came. Then we found out about the lawsuits and the 'rest of the story' and the pieces slowly started falling into place. I know if we hadn't found these places, we would still be wanderers.

    'til the next time...

  3. Ahhhhh, Ted is Back... icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    A la is happy. icon_biggrin.gif:D--> My bleeding heart buddy is back again!

    Hey I was listening to some Aselin Dobesin and got thinking how I would have never found this little 'angels' voice if it had not been for this music thread. When I see a song someone mentions or posts lyrics too and I don't recognize them, I quickly run to my Kazaa lite site and down the song comes. And, usually it's a great find! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->.

    So, I just thought I'd let everyone know how much I appreciate your posts.

    And I have made some mighty fine friends in our little musical café here too.

    Merci! icon_smile.gif:)-->

    N.B. I'm listening to 'Summerside of Life' ~ Gordon Lightfoot! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    'til the next time...

  4. James Taylor an actor??? icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

    Ok, this evening I was watching a bit of television and happened to flick by this old,very dated, 'B' type movie.

    Low and behold, icon_eek.gif I see James Taylor in this movie. He looked just like what he looked like on the cover of his album, 'Sweet Baby James'.

    The movie was called, 'Two Lane Blacktop' (1971)

    The movie was veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy slow and I did not watch in its entirety.

    Does anyone know of this movie and/or has seen it?

    I just kept waiting and hoping for him to break into song! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    'til the next time...

  5. Just three words...(well almost icon_razz.gif:P-->)

    Earth, Wind and Fire ~ any takers out there?

    I loved these guys in the mid to late 70's. I think I wore out at least a dozen pair of shoes dancin' to this stuff.

    All time favourite song - 'September' icon_cool.gif

    And one more question - maybe Socks or Ted you guys can help me out here.

    Were any of the musicians in Joyful Noise once musicians in Tower of Power?

    'til the next time...

  6. Ok,

    Popping in to say hello. Am listening to Linda Ronstadt do : Someone to Watch Over Me by Gershwin.

    Man that piece of music is timeless.

    Just a musical thought .. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->.

    Ok, I'm back, am listening to Nickel Creek with John Mayer doing 'NEON'. If anyone is an upright bass lover this is the song for you.

    OOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU ~ soothing to the soul! icon_cool.gificon_wink.gif;)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_cool.gif

    'til the next time...

    [This message was edited by A la prochaine on January 22, 2003 at 12:55.]

  7. I just read the latest few posts here and wanted to add a bit of information. It may help, don't know...

    I remember during PFAL '77 we were put into twigs and one of our topics we were to research were these 900 promises. So each twig was given a certain chapter or section of the old testament to search. Then they recorded our findings and it was put into some computer.

    I remember them coming out and showing us the print out of all the scriptures that mentioned a promise from God. I think VP said it was the very first time in history that this was ever done. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    Ya, like those snowy gas pumps icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    Hey Oak,

    I'm laughing my guts out here icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    'til the next time...

  8. Hoppie! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    So nice to see you here on my all time favourite thread!

    Yes, Ste. Anne's Reel is a fav. of mine. My mom plays it on her mandolin and I accompany her on the guitar.

    Gordon Lightfoot is alive and well. I was on Google this morning and saw that he is still touring. And, as far as I know he has done a 7 day in a row concert at Massey Hall in Toronto Ontario Canada every spring for the past 30 years. Yes, to see him in a small out of the way pub would be a dream.

    Aselin Debison I do not know, but I'm sure he is fantastic. Do you know of Natalie McMaster from Cape Breton and the Rankins are from Maboo Cape Breton.

    There is so much music there it's wild!

    About 3 summers ago Keynote, me and the family went there. HOLY CRAPOLA! We were in Baddeck Nova Scotia and we had just finished eating, strolling down the street and I heard this great fiddling music. We walked into this little community hall. There was this fiddler sitting in the corner, and people were dancing. It was a ceiligh! I was home!!!

    And that place, like the Highlands of Scotland!

    Absolutely beautiful.

    Cape Bretonner's have been able to keep their music (which was originally settled by Scottish and Irish Immigrants) due to their isolation. I have read articles where fiddlers from Scotland/Ireland go to Cape Breton to study their music they have lost.

    Don't get me going, I could babble on for hours...

    'til the next time...

  9. Buckeroo,

    About the name change. Have you tried e-mailing Paw and finding out or maybe you could just try re-registering under a new name. Many people have done this here at GS. It can be done. I'm just not sure how. icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

    But I like you as Buck. I don't think of you as the MCP you started out thinking you wanted to be, but rather the 'outdoorsy - Jeremiah Johnston - rugged, but softy' type you really are. Wrestled any bears lately? icon_eek.gif

    Actually when you started that thread about consensual sex, I did not find you were offensive, just being honest.

    'til the next time...

  10. Buck,

    Who is Gordon Lightfoot?

    He was mentioned here earlier on this thread. He is a Canadian Folk Singer who started in the early 60's. A true balladeer. His voice in the early days was smooth and rich and the guitar work was awesome.

    If You Could Read my Mind and The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald were hits he had. You may have heard of these. But, to tell you the truth, I am not fussy on those tunes. It's his more remote stuff that I appreciate.

    Songs such as ***** Willow, Cattails, In the early Morning Rain, Steel Rail Blues, Cotton Jenny, Love and Maple Syrup, Summerside of Life, Boss Man, Pony Man, Did She Mention my Name are just a few of my favourites.

    Thanks for asking! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    'til the next time...

  11. Hi ya!

    Well, last night, little A la went out to the local folk club for the first time. I have lived in this town for 12 years and I have never sought out this place! What a freghen Way brain I have been!!! icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

    It was great. This individual got up and played about 5 different instruments and sang. His repetoire included Woodie Guthrie to gospel to blues. He was a master! He is local but has been performing and teaching for 30 years.

    He played and sang "I'll Fly Away" and played 'Ste. Anne's Reel" on this mandolin/guitar sorta' instrument. His fingers moved at about a million miles an hour! His voice was very similar to Gordon Lightfoot's when he sang the balladeering type tunes.

    If it hadn't been for this thread, I know I would have never gone out. This thread has brought out so much of the desire and passion I have had for music locked-up in my mental closet for so many years.

    I recently told someone I was IMing with that I remember asking God to take the passion I had for music away from me, since I thought it was a distraction and kept me from getting into the word.

    Since the way corps were not allowed any secular music for the first 4 months of their in-rez training, I figured music was a 'bad' thing and that is why we should control it's influence on us at all times.

    Thank you Chatty for your inspired Thread!

    It Rocks!!!! icon_cool.gif


    Ok, I'm listening to Van Morrison right now, "Ain't no Sunshine" oooooooooooooohhhhhhh, How Sweet it is!

    'til the next time...

  12. Hello 10th Corps,

    I'm back just to say, Hello and Keynote has read your posts ~ he's madly getting his typing skills up to snuff so he can get responding to everyone.

    Hey, Buck, your stories, your stories... Keep 'em comin'!

    I was also thinking if some of you want to post some of your 'Way Orchestra' stuff on the music thread ~ I'm sure us 'music thread groupies' would love to hear about it! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


    'til the next time...

  13. Wow Chatty,

    What a post. That was poetry. I ditto everything you said. I have often thought of starting a thread 'What GS has done for me'.

    And yes, the music in TWI is what kept me going through the tough times. Even the old gospel songs in the blue book were such an inspiration.

    The music was the thing that would often heal my heart from the abuse I was experiencing from certain leaders.

    Thanks for your post. It is wonderful.

    IGOT: Such a sweet comment about your wifey there. If I were her right now I'd be one big smile from cheek to cheek icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    I know I'm a hopeless romantic icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    'til the next time...

  14. This is for you Hope!(wink)

    ________________________________________________Stevie Wonder

    My Cherie Amour

    La la la la la la, La la la la la la

    My cherie amour, lovely as a summer day

    My cherie amour, distant as the milky way

    My cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore

    You're the only girl my heart beats for

    How I wish that you were mine

    In a cafe or sometimes on a crowded street

    I've been near you, but you never noticed me

    My cherie amour, won't you tell me how could you ignore

    That behind that little smile I wore

    How I wish that you were mine

    La la la la la la, La la la la la la

    La la la la la la, La la la la la la

    Maybe someday, you'll see my face amoung the crowd

    Maybe someday, I'll share your little distant cloud

    Oh, cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore

    You're the only girl my heart beats for

    How I wish that you were mine

    La la la la la la, La la la la la la

    La la la la la la, La la la la la la


    'til the next time...

  15. quote:
    Did any of you ever feel resentful of "new people"

    that still had outside friends and activities (i.e. A LIFE)

    Yes, I felt like this. Having pretty much lived all of my teen years in the word, I felt so resentful at times. I would hear of other teens having fun, going to concerts and doing 'teen' things together and I was sitting in a bible fellowship with a bunch of adults.

    There were never any teens where I was. So I was always with adults.

    I did make up for it at some point when I went to college and that was only because at the time I was not attending a fellowship. It was the greatest time of my adolescent years.

    Party time!!!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    PS I realize I'm not posting about the most recent posts. I haven't had the chance to read right to the end yet, but thought I would start by responding to the first few posts.

    Merci. icon_cool.gif

    'til the next time...

  16. Ahhh shucks Chatty, I'm blushing! icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    Glad you are enjoying Norah. She's quite a lady!

    Ok... Steely Dan ~ here we go...


    I never seen you looking so bad my funky one

    You tell me that your superfine mind has come undone


    Any major dude with half a heart surely will tell you my friend

    Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again

    When the demon is at your door

    In the morning it won't be there no more

    Any major dude will tell you

    Have you ever seen a squonk's tears? Well, look at mine

    The people on the street have all seen better times


    I can tell you all I know, the where to go, the what to do

    You can try to run but you can't hide from what's inside of you


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    And this next one was from the Nightfly album : 1980 ~ What a funky song!


    Standing tough under stars and stripes

    We can tell

    This dream's in sight

    You've got to admit it

    At this point in time that it's clear

    The future looks bright

    On that train all graphite and glitter

    Undersea by rail

    Ninety minutes from New York to Paris

    Well by seventy-six we'll be A.O.K.

    What a beautiful world this will be

    What a glorious time to be free

    Get your ticket to that wheel in space

    While there's time

    The fix is in

    You'll be a witness to that game of chance in the sky

    You know we've got to win

    Here at home we'll play in the city

    Powered by the sun

    Perfect weather for a streamlined world

    There'll be spandex jackets one for everyone

    What a beautiful world this will be

    What a glorious time to be free

    On that train all graphite and glitter

    Undersea by rail

    Ninety minutes from New York to Paris

    (More leisure time for artists everywhere)

    A just machine to make big decisions

    Programmed by fellows with compassion and vision

    We'll be clean when their work is done

    We'll be eternally free yes and eternally young

    What a beautiful world this will be

    What a glorious time to be free


    Ahhh, that felt so good... icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    'til the next time...

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