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Truth (the book)


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God first

Beloved friends

God loves all of us my friends

I been working on written a book that I want to call truth I got 2 chaters so far but I want to know what you think I plan for 25 chapter but only can think of 18 so far

but here is is even if I do not finish it

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy


God First


what is it, what is it not, where is it, where is it not,

is there a path to it, is there a path away from it

So many Questions around it and about it

wrote 12-15-17-2007


Here I sat at my desk as I begin to open up to you what I can share from my journey into truth itself. But before I begin you must open up your mind to discover a new meaning to a old word and be willing to search with a pure and open heart of what truth is now.

My plan is not to take you into my mind or heart for what truth is to me but my goal is together we can open up the truth that has all ways been within each and every one of us. We will travel into the many paths to discover what makes us who we are?

Now I am not out to change your ideal of truth but to help you focus it so you can be a aid in your truth in the direction you want it to go in life. Other wise we are about to try to fine tune the truth of who you are to become the person you want to be.

Now before we begin I want us to try a little excise with people we come across and every day life. Look into the eyes of about three differ people around you and asked them point blank these words.

"What do you see between my eyes and your eyes" then wait for a answer to your question? Some will go blank others will give you a answer to your question but do not judge anyone for their answer.

Here are some of the many answers I have got nothing, air, light, space, distance, closeness, and many others but none of the answers are wrong. We as people only see a very small part of the truth because we have not been taught to focus clearly we overlook so must making our ideal of truth a lie.

A answer that no one as ever given me is darkness because I all ways asked in the day light. Now even at high noon there is darkness all around us between the rays of light there is darkness but our eyes are not fast enough to see the darkness nor could they if they were faster.

Here a truth to begin with that which we call darkness is not truly darkness because we use light to see it and it takes light to see the color black . So true darkness can not be seem but it can be lite up by light to see the things hiding in the darkness.

Now I thank you for staying with me this far but now lets get ready to take a journey without leaving the place you sat reading this book.


The beginning truth out of your control Chapter 1

Truth control by family, school, and the world around you Chapter 2

Santa Claus Chapter 3

Your in control of truth now Chapter 4

Bible Truth Chapter 5

Science Truth Chapter 6

Math Truth Chapter 7

Reading Truth Chapter 8

Health Truth Chapter 9

Death Truth Chapter10

Learning to control the truth around you Chapter 11

Seeing we only have a small part of Truth Chapter 12

Natural Truths Chapter 13

Spiritual Truth Chapter 14

Real Truth What is it Chapter 15

God's Truth outside the bible Chapter 16

Many Truth but no lies Chapter 17

How Truth flows or moves around us Chapter 18

Today I have 18 chapters but I am hoping to have 25 in the end

God first

The beginning truth out of your control

Chapter 1


I bet you asked which truth are out of your control and at the same time you have some ideal of things out of your control. We must begin with your DNA blueprint that makes you who you are or at least who you were born to be in this case.

Lets put sex into the form of a dance of two sets of DNA one your father's and the other's your mother's. The blue print of who your father was at the time he set out to created you within your mother as the two dance together becoming one join like part A in part B.

The drop of DNA of your father dances with his many pages his blueprints of who he is while your mother's DNA dances with her many pages of her blueprints of who she is. Within the dance each DNA breaks apart in half.

One half of the man is spined up deeper into the womb has it bounces off half of the woman's half pushing both deep into the womb while the other two half's sides are cast out as waste. Now there may be more than one sets of DNA's from the two people.

The DNA blueprints that make up you who you are for your ear may have three hundred pages on how to build your ear with two hundred pages from your father's blueprint and a hundred pages from your mother's DNA blueprint of how to build your ear.

Truth number one is we have no control over our DNA makeup its under the control of our parents and their parents and all we can do is deal with it has we learn later how we can control changes within your DNA blueprint after creation and birth.

In our mother's womb

Just because we sat in our mother's womb ready to build our self from the creation of our blueprint of DNA it does mean our mother's body will supply us all the needed materials in a timely matter.

We make our request known but its up to our mother to eat the right foods and drink the right drinks to get everything we need to finish the work by the deadline with all the parts working as they were design to work.

Now I want you to note its not all ways a matter that in our mother's control because many things like money to buy the supplies in the market place, and endless things can stop us from getting everything we need to build our self by the blueprints set out before us.

There is all so the possibility that the materials we need might reach us in poor quality due to pollution, our mother has took in that got mix up with the parts we need. Now today we know most the poisons not to take in while being with child but that does not mean our mother will listen or even be aware she is with child until its to late.

Drugs, smoking, and some foods are known not to be healthy for the child building itself within the body of its mother. Its best if the mother talks to her doctor about her life style and eating habits if she discovers she is with child.

A accident like a slip and fall on ice can do damage to you the child growing within your mother's womb and there are many kind of accidents that can happen to her that are out of her control.

Truth number two just because you have a good blueprint to be put together by it does not mean you will end up according to your blueprint. Truth one and two are just facts of life that we must deal with later in life.

Getting outside our mother's womb being born

It's the day of our birth but on this day many things can go wrong that can damage that which we have build by the blueprint of DNA inside our mother's womb. The list is not that long but because of timing things can go wrong than most will not think of.

We can try to leave feet first but we can get tired up in the cord of our mother's womb, and the place we are born makes a differ if might be too dirty, too cold, too hot, or unsafe because of things happening around us.

While our mother may do her best to be in a safe, clean place with reasonable weather control its not all ways something she can control. The hour you make up your mind to come out she has only a small guess and a limited window to move herself to the best place for your birth.

There can be a factor called a doctor or nurse and believe it or not they do not all ways do the right thing that is best for you. But do not forget they are only human too and subject to making miss takes now and then.

Our early years as a baby

As a baby our care taker can hold us wrong which can cause damage to our back or another part of our young body. Most of the time our care taker will be our mother but this is not all ways the case due to things that can happen out of our control.

We have a need to be feed, changed when we wet or mess our self and many other basic needs that are in the complete control of our care taker. If any one of our basic needs is not took care of right our body can get sick or even die.

There are all so accidents that can happen to us we can be drop, hurt by a older child or a family pet that was there before us. But until we can walk so must of our life is out of our control which is just a fact of truth.

God first

Truth control by family, school, and the world around you

Chapter 2

Mother's factor

We are walking now moving around on our own some what but we find a person called mother or the person acting in place of her will not let us do as we want to all the time. We have learned that there is a big world out there but this person called mother is all ways saying no, no, no, and no to most things we want to do.

This person our mother sets within us right from wrong from her view point as she works to keep us safe from the world outside. It takes little time before we learn what we can do and that which we are not to do.

Our mother is molding us so in later life we can do the right things that will make her and us happy. Our mother becomes the image of the kind of person we want to be when we can do things on our own.

Note some father's have to do the role of the mother because of things out of their control but the needs do not changed no matter who does them. Our mother is the person we want when we get sick or have a bad day.

Father's Factor

History has the father has the one who goes out and works to get the money to have a place to live and food to eat. But this is not all ways the case today so your will have to write your own father image depending on your life style.

My father was seem as the one who work to full fill our basic needs and the one who got me toys, my father kept us as a family safe from the outside world. He is a strong example of who I wanted to become very tall and powerful.

Note some mother's have to do the role of the father because of things out of their control but the needs do not changed no matter who does them. Our father is the person we look for to get us out of trouble we got into.

Brother's and Sister's

Brothers and sisters are not part of every family and some children grow up as a only child or only having brothers or sisters. So because I have only had sisters my image of what a brother does might not fit with your image.

Brothers and sisters older seem to some times look out for the younger ones and other times get the young ones to do the dirty work when they want something like cake before its time or many other things.

It seems like they love to fight and play tricks on each other but for the most part they play together as taught my their parents. Love is build up because all the time they spend together while life is mostly play.

Grandmothers and Grandfathers

Visiting grandparents is a great time but when our mother and father is around we must do everything right. But when alone our grandparents seem to not care if we break something or get into something that we know better.

Its seems to be a place to get things that we would not normally get at home and if our parents say we can not have something we learn just to asked our grandparents. Its seems like we play a role for them as they play a role for us.


Not all children can have pets but a pet can play a big role in a child life to teach them love no matter what. A dog will lick your face even if you forget to feed him or check his water supply.

It seems that pets will listen to you even when no other person has time to sat with and just let you talk they come running to love you when you been away even for a hour.


School is the place you get to play with other children your age as a teacher shows you things that at first are fun but later only seem to take away from play time. School is the place that gets you ready for life how to read, count, and a understanding of things around you.

This image depends on how good the teacher is and the subject you are being taught at any given time. In school the teacher has all the control of what you learn but more about school later when we get into science truth, math truth, and reading truth.

The World around us

As we go to school and travel around with our family we soon learn that the outside world is not the way we want it to be some times it rains were we can not go out and play as we might want to.

It gets cold and hot making it harder to do as we want to at times while it might be fun watching the rain there are things that make us afraid too. As a truth we have no control over the world weather which all ways limits our fun time.

Our image of the world will change as we get older but as a truth we have little control over it and must deal with many things as just part of life in the world.

Santa Claus

Chapter 3

PS Santa Claus is the first truth we can learn is a lie basicly


will add more as I write if you want

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves all of us my friends

here is more


Santa Claus Truths

Chapter 3

The Fairly Tale

Most children know the story of Santa Claus and believe it at one time in their life it was a true story because of what older people told them and some must build up of the man at Christmas time. Now not all children believe this fairly tale but all children believe in stories that older people taught them about or they watched on the TV set.

But the key here is to point us to things that we once believe just because of what we heard or saw from older people in our lives. This is truth number three which is things are not all ways what they seem to be.

The Lie

The day all ways comes when children find out there is no real Santa Claus or what ever they believe that was proven a lie. This day changes how children trust older people around them they will not be fooled this way again.

This time in a child life can change so must of where the child’s future will take the child whether the child will trust people or not. But again these kind of things are just a fact of life that must deal with as we get older.

Spirit of the lie changes

One day most people changed back and they seem to need to believe in the spirit of Santa Claus making what they once believe was true which became a lie back to a truth again . What kind of circle have we travel?

That which was true became a lie but in the end it was true. We have just travel a full circle turning truth upside down to make a lie out of a truth in our heart. Now not all people travel this path but more people do than you may believe.

Truth can make a full circle

While truth is making a full circle is just a small part of life we must deal with in every day life. But the key is to notice these patters in life and learn how to deal with them more and more as we travel the circle of life because everything flows in patters of circles.

A seed of grass is planted that breaks out into the world a cow eats the grass then man kills the cow and eats the cow later the man cast out the cow from his body as wasted into a field of grass the grass takes in the man’s wasted given the grass back to the grass a full circle.

This is the way things in natural work so truth make full circles too they begin as a truth that seem to be a fairly tale which turns out to be a lie but later is clean up to be a truth that we can rejoice over.

Your in control of truth now

Chapter 4


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved Belle

God loves you my dear friend

I do not know about adding dreams and prophecies at this point but it might be a good ideal to add to it

I just mainly seeing if I can write some thing in a book form that might be read

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves all of us my friends

here is more


Your in control of truth now

Chapter 4

You have your own place

Today you have moved out on your own no longer to be under the rulership of your parents and you can do what you want too, when you want to it. So you think it will all be good because you are under control.

But the person you rent from and the people you live around have a differ ideal of what you can do and what you can not do. Surprise, surprise you do not have the power you had believe you would have but yes there is more freedom.

How you eat gives you some control

The way you eat, the time you eat, what you eat, how little or how must you eat, and where you eat gives you some control. But has we will see in Health Truth this can either shorten your life or make it longer.

So I advise you to build good eating habits in life which is something I never did but wish I had done better when I was young. After one does something a long time it harder to change bad habits but it still can be done.

Your life style gives you some control

Your life style can be one that works to hard, drinks to must, plays to must, and many other things you can do in life that can be good or bad in the long run. But this is something you have control over for the most part.

That is unless your life style gets you lock up which can take away your freedom and take things that were in your control in put them in other people control something you do not want believe me I been there.

The job you choice can put limits on your control

Some jobs put you on call twenty four hours a day and others demand overtime many times in a year but some seem not to give you enough hours. Then there is how much you get paid which changes from job to job.

There all ways a changed they will let you go if you do not as they want which put you some what under their control. Then some jobs can be harder on your health than others while others can not give you enough exercise per day.

Control is not what you believe it would be

Other wise while you have gain some control you have loss some in other area’s your parents took care of for you. Now you are beginning to see what they did for you so you could enjoy your life with some freedom.

At this point a lot of children move back home with their parents so they can be better ready to deal with the outside world. Something that if not done too long is a very good thing to do in any one’s life.

Bible Truth

Chapter 5


King James Bible, Great Bible and the Geneva Bible

Most people think the bible was all ways put together as it is today from the time of Jesus Christ lived but this is no way true. The bible is a group of books that set along which were added together to make one bigger book we call the bible.

In January, 1604 Queen Elizabeth call together Parliament of Hampton Court Conference to put together the King James Bible but their were some out there like the Bishop’s Bible of 1568, Great Bible, and the Geneva Bible.

This Great Bible was known as the Cromwell Bible because of the work of Thomas Cromwell which was printed in 1539 AD. Geneva Bible was published in 1557 AD which only predates our King James bible by a few years which most people today read.

While it is a truth none of these bible were around at the time of Jesus Christ but most the books in them were around as stand alone books of the God’s words. Now you can find a lot more on these bibles and do a longer study but we must get to truth.

Our bible is a set of books that men living over 1,500 years after the death of Jesus Christ saw has the best books to put together as a whole. But the big thing is they had hundreds to choice from and some bible have books that others do not have like the Catholic Bible has at least two books added that are not in our King James Bible.

Only Translated from copies

Today we only have good copies of the books in the bible going back to about the time of Jesus Christ but there are none wrote in the hand of the person who was blessed to write these books. We only have copies of copies at best.

This is all so truth a translation is only as good as the translator people can only do their best to get a clear meaning and this is why some churches teach their people to do word studies to get a better understanding of what God is teaching.

Prophecy is only in part

This is a truth we must deal with because of one verse plus logic teaches us this by looking at a picture of a dog. In the picture on a wall there is only some details we can learn about the dog but a 3-D picture of the dog we can learn more about the dog.

1 Corinthians 13:9 “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” when you add this verse to too Peter 1:20 “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” we see all of God’s word is prophecy which is only in part not complete.

The reason prophecy is not complete because our mind can not understand every view at one sating we must be spoon feed part by part because we are flesh which is weak. Now this is just a truth we must deal with as we search for truth.

While Prophecy and our bible are not complete they are a good place to begin

Yes I believe of a truth that the bible is a great beginning place to find truth because it is the work of holy men searching for the same truth we look for today. Now I am not saying that our bible and the known prophecy of our time can not be made more clear with work.

What I am saying they are a place to beginning until we can received truths straight from the great writer of truth himself God one on one.

Science Truth

Chapter 6

The art of discovery

Science is like a art form were a person searches to understand the things around and how they work. As they search for patters that are found about things as men get a better understanding of how things work.

There are lot of watching to discover how things work and how things can be changed to work together in a differ way. Now there have been some great discovers over the years and we look for many more in the future.

This is the act of learning truths about the things around us by try and error. In science the truth is all ways changing as men learn more of how things work together for good or bad.

Some men of science do not believe God is part of the picture but others do

Yes some men of science do not believe in God and because they are a small part they will even lie making a lack of understanding look like a truth. But in truth science just does not understand enough of the world around to prove one way or another.

Thanks to God there are some who do not believe in God but will not lie about what they discover no matter what and there are a few men of science who use science to prove things about God from his words like the bible.

Just because science is not made up of perfect all ways truthful people does not mean it has no value in truth because it does have a great value. When science things agree with God they help us teach about the great unknown out there which God’s words share about too.


A theory is a guess for a reason like how we got here or how things in space work that we can only witness from a great distance. Science use theories to make a good guess about the great unknown then they look for ways to prove their theories.

Now guessing is not a bad thing if one knows they are only guessing while the search for truth moves on about the given guess. Now some people act like a theory is a fact but in truth its just a guess some bad others very good but not matter what they are only guesses.

Its just what it is

Other wise science is just what it is the search to discover the truth of how things work, were we come from, how we got here, how old things are, how things got here, and many more questions people might look for a answer for.

To put things simple a search for truth by studying the things we see, hear, smell, tasted, and touch the use of our five senses to find answers to questions out there.

Math Truth

Chapter 7


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves all of us my friends

here is more


Math Truth

Chapter 7


Numbers only have the value we gave them years ago when we begin to see differs in the amounts of things like how many fingers we have over how eyes we have. Now once we have gave each number a value we can look for the differed in the amounts.

Now numbers have all so been given value in the bible along with many others things of the world of truth and magic. Without numbers we have no way to count money, pounds, measure, and the list is endless.


When we begin to count we see patters in normal people like two eyes, one nose with two holes, and the list goes on. There are patters to the way plants grow depending on the plant each plant grows within their pattern.

There are all so patters with in the bible and any thing that deals with truth of the ways things were design to work. Science looks for patters in the weather to tell us when bad weather might come due to past patters of weather .

When looking to understand truth we must look for patters in everything we see or hear around us and the use of numbers is a aid to understanding truth from a point of view.


Math is the act of adding numbers together or taking numbers away to get a answer, Then there is a number times another number to save time when it comes to adding a number over and over.

But lets not forget division which is to get a average of a set of numbers of what ever you need the average of to make a point with showing all the numbers of the thing you have a average of now.

With the use of math, patters, and being able to count gives us a way to search for truth that can be discover by the studying of numbers and how they work together.

Reading Truth

Chapter 8


Words are the value we give to everything we can see, hear, smell, tasted, touch, or that we are just aware that it is present around us. Without everything having a value we would not be able to talk with each other or read things wrote down.

Now some might fight over who gave the name to everything but whether one believes in God it was the first human being to open his or her mouth. But by the bible it was Adam that name all living creatures but then comes a debate what is alive as a creature.

Just so you will not worry about this too must I will share with you what I believe are living creatures to a degree. Plants live like a creature while they may not move around they breath in and take out air and why would it matter if the air in and out is differ than our air flow.

Elements move around and they grow as they gain in numbers like plants and the animal kingdom so I would put then into the list of living creatures. So my list would be of everything we see, hear, smell, tasted, touch, or that we are just aware that it is present around us.

Words of Pictures

Words of pictures is just a differ way of talking or written we either talk by a set of pictures or we write by a set of pictures which is the most basic form of words. When we dream its by pictures our mind is talking to us or some say God can talk by way of dreams and visions.

The first written word was pictures drawn on cave walls which seem to tell a story or teach how to do something needed for life. Pictures as words can be studied deeper but this is all we need to know to begin with.


The emotions of people can be read by other people around them from the tone of their voice to the look on their face. Now there are good emotions and there are bad one which people can show.

A good emotions would be love and bad one would be hate and from these two all others are base on. In the bible fruits of the spirit are good emotions that we should try to show but works of the flesh are taught to be bad emotions in the bible.

But if you been around very long you have saw people who say they love you and others who seem to hate you. So I do not believe we need to go to far into emotions. Because we have all witness emotions at some point in our life.

Language or tongue

Language or tongue are just the label you would use for the value given to each and everything around you like we talk about in words earlier. Tongues is said to be how the spirit can talk to us in a unknown language to us.

Languages are how we talk basically to each other within the flesh world or to any other realm there might be which for me is the spiritual realm. Now just because we do not understand a language does not mean it has no value.

Like the bark of a dog seems to mean nothing to us but if we take the time to discover the differ in the tones we would know what the dog is trying to say something to us. A loud tone might be a warning some one is here while a soft tone might be saying “I love you”.

Even the wind can be understood by its sound a strong wind could tell us bad weather is coming or a calm wind might say today will be a nice day. So take some time learn to read the things around you because of a truth they are talking to you.

Health Truth

Chapter 9


Our health can be help or destroy by the foods we eat or the drinks we take in giving us control to a degree over our health by the way we eat and drink. Now we can all so eat or drink too little or too must of any given thing.

But for a better understanding on how to eat and drink right talk to your doctor because you may not be able to change cold turkey to say. So take some time and talk about it if you feel you could have better health by changing the way you eat and drink but understand old habits are hard to changed.


The exercise you get daily can make a differed on your health and the easiest to do would be just take a walk each day. The need of exercise depends on the kind of work you do because some jobs give you a good workout while others do not.

Now again talk to your doctor has to how to begin because it not about building muscle but its about doing what you can to help control your health. Now not everybody is going to take the time to try to help themselfs live healthier but as a truth your heath is in your control.

Life Style

The way you live you life has a big factor in your health as does the place you choice to work. Some jobs seem to destroy a person health faster than others but some time we have no power over the job we can pick from.

Education can help us get a better job but it takes money to go to school longer and our grades control were we can go to school. But we have some control over our life style which has control over our health.

If you are still in school talk to your teacher so they can advise you to how you can get in the schools that give you a better life style so you can live more healthily.

While there are things out of your control

While there are things that are out of your control because they are in your DNA you can hold them off by eating better, drinking better, and good control exercise in your life. Its all up to you how healthily you want to live.

Even if your health began bad you can control to a degree how soon it gets worse by controlling your health with your doctors help. Of a truth you have some control over your health.

Death Truth

Chapter 10

Its comes to us All

Death comes to the poor man and the rich man a like with no or little warning for most people to prepare for. But because we all know it is coming we have some warning but we play hard when we are young only thinking about the good times we are having.

While we need to face the truth death can come any time so we all so need to live our life to the fullness we can. Most people after the age of forty begin to prepare for the cost of death but it can come at any age.

Of a truth death can come like a thief in the night when you are not ready but for the most part it waits until we are old giving us time to enjoy life first. Every day we live is another day of love and joy if we live life well.

Planing our death

No one wants to die but many people enjoy planing were they will rest and who will be around them with seems to comfort them and the ones who will live on after they have past on. For some people its about cost, while others it about being cried over and the list is endless.

Never the less you have the right to plan it as you see best and most people will just be thankful to be able to say good bye to you one last time. But of a truth there is all ways some who will want it done their way and these is just a truth you must deal with while alive it you want it your way.

It a good ideal to tell your family how you want things to go because they would want this day to be your way even is your way is not their way or your way is it does not matter to you. But never the less because death does come it a good ideal to think on these things before time as run out for you.

Your Things

I do not like to go into this part but we are talking about truth around your death something I wish did not have to come but it will one day. It you have anything of value you need to make up your mind who gets what before death.

Lawyers can help you do this and family can just do it if you have little but they need to know how you want it divided up because money can make the closest family fight which is something most people do not want to happen.

Is Death the End

Now some people like me believe death is not the end but only a new beginning one with God but all people do not share this truth. When some one dies we must respect their wishes no matter what they are.

People have the right to believe in God like I do and others have the right to not believe in God. While you might not like a Godly service keep your mouth close or if the service seems against God keep it to your self you are there to respect the wishes of the dead person and comfort the family only.

Whether death is the end or not this is a truth we all have to deal with in our life. Do we want comfort in its not the end or is there another thing we want. Here truth is up to each person while some might want to fight over it fighting as never changed anything or any one’s mind.

Learning to control the truth around you

Chapter 11


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves all of us my friends

While Paxtucket has not said anything I think I will not post any more of this book unless asked but what I will do is Email it to all who asked for it when done because it is taking a lot of space up

I might try to get


to put it in print if its fits with their ideal of a book

their edital like the first 3 chapters but only time will see

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  • 2 weeks later...

God first

Beloved friends

God loves all of us my friends

I desided to add some more if its taking up to must space please let me know


Learning to control the truth around you

Chapter 11

Lets Focus

Focusing on how you like to control the areas in your life around you is step one of learning to control the truth around. But there are still many things around you out of your control a fact you must face.

Now we have control over our health by the food we eat and our life style by the way we live. We can all so control the kind of person we are in life whether a good person or a bad person its all up to us.

Now we can control the way we live or the place we live by taking our time thinking about were we want to live and what kind of job we want to do in life. On every area of life we have limit control over its by the actions we take to make our self the person we want to be.

Now there are people out there who can help us on the area’s of life we want to changed by taking control over our actions in every day life. Doctors can help point us into the right directions for better health and teachers and others can help us get into a better job.

Lets Plan

Planing our future can help us keep focus on becoming the person we want to become in life. Because it takes time to changed any bad habit while building good habits that will help you reach your goals in life.

We can plan all parts of life which will help us get what we want out of life, but do not forget there are still things out of our control no matter how detail we plan.

After life focus and planing

One needs knowledge of God, Christ, bible, and other things to focus on becoming a person who will rise from the death. Church is where most people begin to learn about God and Christ has they focus on being the kind of person who will rise from the dead.

Now the better we plan the better odds we have of doing everything by God’s plan which will give us the power to get back up after fleshly life is over. Christ was a example that we need to follower if we want to get up when live after death has come. While many will say there way is the best but we need to check things out personally because it’s a matter of life after death.

Now some people have odd ideals of life after death but no matter what we think it takes a power of great love to get us up after death. But for me God by the way of Christ is the only way to life after death.

Seeing we only have a small part of Truth

Chapter 12

In Life

Once we face the truth we understand very little about the world around us we are able to face the fact that we only understand the smallest part of life. No matter how fast of computer we have today it take millions of years to understand .0005 per cent of what is out there.

No matter how we use our five senses in life there just two many possible out comes of things that can change the truth we face every day. But do not forget we are only human and we can only do so must to understand what is truth.

Prophecy is only in part

The bible which most people call the word of God reads in 1 Corinthians 13:9. “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” Other wise we do not know it all and on top of that we only prophecy in part.

Most people seem to think the bible has all the truth but in truth it only has the amount of true God knows we are ready for at the time it was wrote. But the bible does talk about the day we will know the complete story and we read about what to watch for in 1 Corinthians 13:10. “ But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.”

The only perfect thing that is coming is Jesus the Christ who the bible teaches us to watch for that great day of his return in the matter he left. Then we will know as we are known 1 Corinthians 13:12. “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

If the bible is not perfect why do some people think so

People are humans and they make miss takes in life because they are taught wrong by others is one reason of many. Another reason is they do not understand what they are reading and one thing leads to another.

But for the most reason things like this just happens because some people use the bible to control others for the gain of money or power. This is partly from churches being ran more like a business than a family working together.

This is just a fact of truth we must deal with as we reach up to God for the amount of truth we can handle at any given time of our life. So God’s word is only as true as you need to live by the ways he wants you to live like a child that learns babies come from people with out the details of sex.

Natural Truths

Chapter 13

Natural from unnatural

Something that is natural works the way it was design to work with no added control to change it or remade it so it changes it tasted, touch, smell, feel, or how it looks. Unnatural things are made from natural things mix together to change them into a new thing.

Not all unnatural things are that bad to our health but the more things we take in that are made naturally the better health it seems we have. We can go to health food stores for help in understanding the differ from natural things over unnatural better than I can tell you.


Water is the most natural drink you can drink but there others like the juice from fruit, trees, animals, and plants. Like milk from a cow, the inside of a egg, apple juice from a apple tree, or tomato from a tomato plant.

Drinks like these all come naturally without adding other natural things to them to make them from others like whisky is made from corn and sugar cook a special way which makes it a unnatural drink.

Now even the most colorful drink can be unnaturally made but while some drinks are not naturally made if used right they may not be bad for you. But the most naturally drink is going to be the best for you.


Food eating live from a tree, plant, or animal is better for your health than food that has begin to turn rotten from spoiling due to death of the food. The more flesh food is the better it is for your health.

All food we eat has a limited life cycle and can only be keep for a short time before it must be ate other wise it turns bad for you to eat. Now there are unnatural ways to make food last longer but while they are not bad they are unnatural and only hiding the fact that the food is old and not flesh anymore.

Killing a animal is not a natural way to get food but the food if cook right tasted good to eat but this is a area of food I just do not know enough about. But I would say the sooner you eat the food you have killed the less it would be bad for your health.

Now before we go on you are only human so the way you eat may be because of habits you have build over time and habits are hard to break. Now there is all so the time you live were its hard to get flesh food in some places today but you can try.

Patterns in trees and plants

The way trees and plants grow has been set up for them in the beginning from the first of their kind until today. The way they make fruit and seed of their kind is the natural way they were design to grow and live.

Man at times want to change these pattens set up from the beginning turning that which is natural to that which is unnatural thinking they have done a great thing. But in truth they are slowly destroying the natural patters in the life of some trees and plants.

Patterns in animals

The way animals grow make new animals of their kind and the food they eat is the way they were design to live, eat, and fill the world with their kind. Now there are things we can change like the food they eat but we will be hurting their health.

Now some control may seem good like breading one color to another one of the same color to control the color of the pups. But these seems to make it harder for the female dog to give birth to her puppies or what ever kind of animal.

While we see control mostly in our pets for looks it is a unnatural act that can hurt the animal in the long run. The natural way would be to let each animal changed has natural changes them because of changes in the world around them.

But we as men kind try to control the things around us but we sure let natural take care of natural the way God plan for it to work. Because when we changed things natural ways in the long run we are just hurting our self.

Controlling natural brings

If we keep trying to control trees, plants, animals, elements, us, and other things we will wake up one day and look to see. The last dog has die because of breading, the last apple tree is gone because of seedless apple’s, the last tomato plant because of seedless tomato’s, and many other things.

If we keep up with our unnatural work we will only bring death to our self for putting our nose were it is not needed. I would say let natural take care of itself and we will live longer and happier.

Spiritual Truth

Chapter 14

What is spirit

Before we get too deep into spiritual truth we must make up our mind what part of us is spirit if any. Some say the spirit and the soul are one of the same but I do not agree even that I am not here to fight about it.

Lets look at the bible for answers to what spirit is. Lets read Thessalonians 5:23 “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Note that this verse reads “your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless” as if they are three differ parts of you. Another verse to note is Isaiah 43:7 “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”

Ok we see here part of man was formed, another was made, and another was created but lets look to see which part was what. Lets begin with formed for that we read Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

After reading this verse one can see the body was formed from dust and our science have proved that we are made of dust and water that returns to dust . But which part was made for this we read Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”

If soul life is in the blood than this part was made while we could look deeper science have prove the flow of blood by breathing gives us life as we know it. But now to spirit the subject we are looking for a answer too.

We read in Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” but what is God’s image. For this we read John 4:24 “ God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” ok it spirit is the image of God.

Now unless you believe in God this means little but I believe in God and I am written this book but your book might see spirit as our bio energy a science term you can look into. So spirit is the part of you that makes you a child of God.

Fruit of spirit

For this we must read Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” to see what they are.

We know what fruit of a tree can be so if we think of spiritual fruit as coming from the tree of our spirit and being good for us like fruit from a apple tree. These fruits can not be seem but what can be saw if the after effect of having this fruit.

Like the smile on the faces of a young boys and girls as they date one another because of puppy love for one another. While love itself can not be painted that which it causes can be painted and works with all the fruits of the spirit.

Holy spirit the gift

The gifts of the holy spirit come from the love God has for us his children who were created in his image of love. Now to understand what it is to have spiritual truth we must look into the basic power that comes from the love of God.

For this we begin reading 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.”

This are the powers we the children of God have received from Jesus the Christ given his life so that we might over come our sinful flesh and grow into that which we were meant to be. In the beginning we had a living spirit inside of us the image of God.

But due to sin of the first Adam we became a dead spirit or a image of spiritual death until Christ quicken us by re-created that which was dead as alive making us again a living spirit of God’s image by the love of Christ.

While we were dead in sins the powers of love came only while we walk under the light of God’s love. These powers were word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith by believing, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of good over bad, divers kinds of dreams, and interpretation of dreams.

In the old testament times it was God who control these powers by his great love but today it’s the Christ in us that controls these powers as we will to be comforted by God’s great love. Now I know not all who read this book will believe in these powers a truth we must deal with as we love each other.

Spirit is for all men

While not all men believe they have a spirit it is for all men comfort if they desire to use it. But if they do not desire to use it time will tell in the end who was the wise and who were fools.

I believe spirit is there to help us alone life ups and downs but I will not push my believes on others. But I have the right to share my believes so each men can make up their own mind on how they feel about spiritual truths.

Real Truth What is it

Chapter 15

In the heart of the beholder

Some say beauty is in the eyes’s of the beholder but what about truth is it in the heart of each person what truth is to them. Most people believe there understanding is true but this is just what they believe.

Just because we believe something to be true it does not make it true no matter how must we want it to be right. The truth is no person alive has complete truth the most any one person has is a little piece of truth in their life.

It’s a hard fact for most people to face but none of us can handle the real truth because we just are not wise enough. While this does make us evil it just makes us human with fleshly limits out of our control.

So we only think the small part we have is the only part out there but truth is a bigger picture than we could ever paint. But do not get upset because God knows we are weak and that why he sent Christ to direct our path in love.

How many true view points are there

When we think about how many true points of view there is to any given thing we begin to think we have a ideal of how many. But in truth we could never in a life time paint every picture of one object from every point of view possible.

If I asked you how many points of view are there for the car you drive? Most people best guess would be six one from the front, another from driver side, another from the passenger side, another one from back, another from below, and another from above.

But this is not right because every time you move off center one degree to the left or right of true center you add a new point of view. And then there distance back away from the object which each place in point only creates a new point of view.

We can easy see that the number of points of view are endless but even if we could get every possible point of views picture the time it take to view them all the object has done changed by time.

Other wise our point of views is like our real truth limited to our understanding which is all ways changing due to things out of our control. The only thing that does not change is God but he is not limited by the natural world.

If real is not real what now

Once we find out what we believe to be true is only part of the real truth we find our self lost. But in truth we are not lost but only human with limited control over what we think is true.

God tells us we are just to live love because he understands that we are human and we can not understand the complete truth because our mind is too weak. But with love we over come our child like understanding because our big brother is holding our hand.

Telling the Truth

Chapter 16

Different from telling the truth over understanding the truth

There is a different from telling the truth from understanding the whole complete truth. We should all ways tell the truth as we understand it.

Just because we can not understand every detail of a action it does not mean we do not know what we did. Because there are endless impact from a bad action or a good action we only see a small part of a impact actions bring.

Scales Balance

Every time we do good the scales of good have weight added to them but every time we do bad the scales of bad have weight added to them. While bad all ways seems to outweigh good we must try to all ways do good.

The fact is one action effects more things than we think making the truth more than we ever dream of it being. Like the man who takes from another man when we asked who did the man wrong.

Most will say just the man he took from but the truth is far from that and just to name a few that got wrong by the action the man who took wrong himself first. The man who was took from was wrong next, then the family name of the man who took and the family needs of the man who was took from.

Then there the good name of the town, city, state, race, mankind, and the list of the good names that were hurt by the action of one. God in the end will have to balance the scales and he will in due time.

So tell the facts you know

The fact is God has set within our minds the knowledge of good from bad by the way our emotions work. While we do not see the whole picture we still know right from wrong giving us the fact of our actions.

So all I can do is hope you desire to tell the truth as you understand it which is all I and others can asked. While all God asked is that you live love by asking yourself if your actions are love and if not changing them.

Legal Truth

Chapter 17

Yes or No Answers

When you have to deal with a law officer or the courts telling the truth is better keep it to yes and no answers. While we might understand there is more to truth about a matter than yes or no this is best for dealing with man’s laws.

When one gives to many details some people might see things that are not there because the way the law has been taught to think. Now lets think about things the way they really are to a more complete detail.

A example might me a person you know was shoot dead so the law questions you but you did not shoot the person. But while you do not know who did shoot your friend you know the people around your friend.

So the ideal comes to your mind what if you could of warmed your friend or help the person who did the shooting so it might of not happen. You see the possible of the cause and effect may of been something you did to the shooter or did not do.

We never know what going to be the last straw that will send a person over the edge were he or she does a very bad thing. I know this first hand because I have lost my cool over the smallest things and every little things that happens just gets me closer to the day I will lose my cool.

If you lie in Court

Some people believe its ok to lie in court but that is far from the truth because if you get caught lying you could go to jail. But its ok not to tell all you know and that is why its better to keep things to yes or no.

So I would hope you do not lie to people but learn how to answer yes or no question without telling what you might think because we all feel we could of done something when a friend loses their life.

Do as they do in Roman

Laws changed from place to place so we need to asked about the laws of a place before we travel outside our home town, city, state, or country. No matter how odd a law seems we are subject to then in the towns, cities, states, and countries they are wrote.

The bible teaches us to obey the laws of men unless they go against loving our God and his son Jesus the Christ. Because God’s law of living loves trumps all other laws but that does not mean we claim every law we do not like is against God’s love.

Now I hope I do not have to hold your hand here and you know the differ from normal laws to keep order from laws to stop you from worshiping God. In the USA we are free to worship God in any way that does not hurt others.

God’s Truth outside the bible

Chapter 18


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves all of us my friends

I desided to add some more if its taking up to must space please let me know


God’s Truth outside the bible

Chapter 18

Lets keep our Cool

I know some people think that there is no truth outside the bible but that not true and even God tells us he wrote his word in the stars. In the bible we see men watching the stars for signs like the wise man who follower a star to Jesus’s birth.

Now I beginning this chapter this way because just because I see truth outside the bible there no reason to get upset about and close the book in a mad rage. I only want to help you understand the truth so to do that we must deal with hard subjects.

In Natural itself

In natural we can see truths that God set up in the beginning that can teach us good from bad in a special way. Like the grass when its brown from lack of water we can see what happens to us without the living word of God.

Then we can watch how grass seems to come back greener after a slow rain or we can see how its gets stronger after being cut. Which may get us thinking about the trials of life to stand our ground on God’s great love.

In Other books

Just because a book is not in the bible it does not mean there no truth in it because all books have some truth in them. If a book had no truth no one would ever take the time to read them.

Books are made of facts some stories of real life, some stories based on real life, some inspired from other stories, and some based on God’s word. Now just because some say the bible is the only written word of God that does not make it so.

Do not Add to God’s word

We read in Revelation 22:18 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:” and many think the word book here is talking about the bible.

But in truth Revelation was wrote as a stand alone book as were all the books of the bible and later they were put together as a set of books in one. Now we still should not add to any of the books personally but that does not mean we can not add to the set.

Yes you heard me right I said we may see books wrote old that agree with the books put in the bible and we can add then to the set of God’s word. But before you do this read them and pray about it to God because we can only do it in our mind.

What I am saying is talk to God about every move we make when it comes to his words because we are flesh and we can be fooled. Let me add God talk to all who would listen and he is no way done talking if we would just listen. So open your heart and hear God speak to you personally whether it be by answer prayer or another way listen.

Many Truth but no lies

Chapter 19

Why no Lies

I bet you asked how can a lie be any part of truth but its not hard to see lies are just twisted truths or truth with things added to then to get you not to believe the truth. Like the very old truth “there is a loving God” if we add the word “not” in the right place we have a lie.

Lets try making a lie out of “there is a loving God” we could add “not” like this “there is not a loving God.” While this lie is easy to spot some are not as easy to spot.

What to do if you find out you have believe a lie

Lets say a close friend told you they loved you but you over heard them talking against you like you were nothing. The best thing is to go to them and asked them about it straight fore ward with hopes you miss understood.

But if you did not miss understand do not hate them but love them anyway but be caution around them so you do not get hurt from caring about some one. We should all ways show love but in the same matter know when to walk away.

What if you find out by reading the bible some things you believe all your life were not so. Its easy just changed your beliefs after long pray while re-reading to make sure you did not read it wrong.

Science changes

Yes science is all ways changing because they find out after a new discovery some of their guesses they call theories are wrong. So they do not make a big deal about it they just tell the world we have a new theory or we updated a old one.

For science its more of a song and dance thing because they do not want to look bad after all those years of school. Its more about money than pride because who going to give a high paying job to a fool who only guesses.

Why Many

The reason I used the word many is because while there is only one truth there are endless layers or points of view to the one truth. Just like the are many ways to changed any layer into a lie.

The key is understand we only can understand a small part of truth so do not fight over it nor changed it just be bless with the little you know. If we work together we can uncover many layers of truth but it seems most just want to fight a fact we must deal with.

How Truth flows or moves around us

Chapter 20

How do we receive it

After birth the first way we received things is from word of mouth from the people taking care of us our mother’s and father’s. They tell us what will be the truth within their house with simple yes being truth and no being not truth,

When we go by their yes’s its truth in their eyes but when we get no’s it not good in their eyes making it a wrong. This word of mouth receiving truth goes on as long as we live. But we all so receive truth from things we read.

Then there TV and radio which only add to truth we can receive by our five senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. But there is receiving things from God by the way of the spirit in our gifts of holy spirit.

What do we do with them

After we have received something fleshly or spiritual we must made up our mind what we want to do with this truth. We can either believe it as a fact or think we misunderstood what we received and look deeper into it.

Its all ways good to take our time looking for more details of a truth we recover before opening our mouth to others. This will save us time later because all truths are only part of the picture.

Like the truth one can not prove God by science which does not mean there is no God but only that science can not prove his present. So I am saying as you receive things take your time because there are many layers to truth.

Can you receive a lie

While you can not receive a lie spiritual you can change it to a lie by understanding it wrong in context of what you receive on another subject. Other wise moving to fast on a received fact can get you to changed it with out knowing it.

Now yes some one can tell you a lie by adding to the truth they know to be truth or they just passing alone things without understanding. We should all ways take the time to look over every thing a few times before we pass it on as a truth in part.

Truths with me

Its seems when I am learning fleshly truths that I do not know first a ideal comes to mind and then I think about the possible meaning to the ideal. Then I test to see if the ideal has any value to the fleshly job I want to complete.

Then there spiritual truths that come to me, first thing I do is get peaceful were I can hear God or Christ talk to me with love. Then I hear something new from above I believe it to be truth so then I asked God to show me how to prove it using the bible.

Now just because I work this way does not mean my way is best or you can not do it another way it a walk we each must take our self. So truths flows as we reach out to receive them in our own way.

Whether they be fleshly truths or spiritual truths we can receive them to the level we can understand if we just reach out. Like a fleshly truth to get over a cold we might just need the name of a pill that will help or the complete make up of the bill depending on who we are.

Truth the person Jesus the man

Chapter 21

Before Birth

The bible and other books tell of the coming of Jesus Christ to save all mankind from the day Eve and Adam ate of the tree the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” God promise to send his son.

All that Jesus Christ would do and how his birth would come all the way to his death was forth told by men of God over the years. Now you can read it yourself and a good place to begin is the bible but I am not pushing this truth on you just sharing it with love.


Jesus was born just like the bible and other books tell us. It was and is a big deal because there was no act of sex to made the seed within Mary his mother. This was done by God creating a seed within her like it was done for Adam.

Now I was not there so like you I can only read about it and ask God and Christ to tell me about that great day when Jesus left the womb of Mary. The place was marked by a star in the heavens for all to see. While I believe out of love you do not have too but the birth of Jesus Christ is a big part of truth we must deal with.


The life of Jesus Christ is recorded from his childhood more than any other person that as ever live upon this earth making his life a big deal. The bible only has bit and pieces of his early years but there are books with more detail if you look and are willing to read.

This man live a life of love he seem to love everybody no matter who they were. He heal the sick and even rose the dead with the right to forgive sins. This man had no fear because he went were some wanted to hurt him to help the ones needing help.

He was and is a man of great love one who live love up to his last breath of life something I hope I can do in part. I say only in part because my whole life has not been about God’s love but now it is while I still do wrong here and then Jesus Christ never did wrong.


The death of Jesus Christ was a very evil thing to have been a witness to for the people of the time he live. It was a very painful death but he never stop loving the people who were killing him.

There was no just reason to put him to death the people were just fool to the point they listen to foolish church leaders who only played the part of good. I hope you will at least look into the vast stories of Jesus the Christ the man who gave his life for us.

Truth the spirit Christ the son

Chapter 22

Jesus as the son of God

It is taught in the bible and others books that Jesus son of Mary of the blood line of King David father was God’s son by a creation within Mary’s womb to made her egg a living creature. All the time Jesus live people fought over who he was.

Today people still fight over who Jesus was whether he was the Christ to Save mankind or just a cool story. I myself believe because he got up after death he was and is the Christ that came to save us from our self.

He got up

The bible claims a long with other books and history itself that Jesus was the Christ and that he got up from the grave. There were more than four hundred witnesses to Jesus risen from the dead making him the Christ the son of God.

Now I am not telling you to believe then but me and many other people do today. Right after the Jesus the Christ rose from the death people were put to death for following him but the thing the world notice is that no one was afraid to die.

This lack of fear should be a sign to all people but people have been brainwash to believe lies over the truth that were proving to be a fact. But I know not all believe that this Christ was any more than a story but note his name has become a household name.

The Test of Time

Jesus the Christ is the only name that has pasted the test of time and it has been more spoken than any other name. And his name still is the most spoken name in every tongue its spoken with boldness by some, fear by others, mocking by some, and other ways but no matter which way its spoken.

I want to take the time to share my love for Christ and that I believe he came to show us the way to changed from what we are now. To that which God wanted us to be in the beginning of time so I am glad you came to read this book.

Where is Christ Now

Today the bible and other books tell us that Christ is sating on the right hand of God as the son of God. Some people teach that Jesus the Christ was God in the flesh but others teach that Jesus the Christ was God’s son making him a God-kind but no matter what they teach.

Now I am not here to fight over who Christ is but to get you to think about the truth about Jesus the Christ. Now its said that today if we let Jesus Christ enter in our heart we can have Christ in us hope of Glory.

We are able to join the household of God by the blood of Jesus Christ that was gave up so that we can become a true child of God to change into child of God-kind. Not making us greater than God or Christ just adding us as a spiritual child if we grow within our heart to be good and just by living the love of God.

Truth God the Creator

Chapter 23


It is a big debate has to how old the earth is and the way it came to be as we know it today. When science have their theories which are only guesses God boldly tells us he created it from nothing along with everything known to us mankind. Science can come up with guesses of how it might of been made but they all ways begin with something.

While science put the beginning as very old millions of years God does not give up the beginning of creation just the day light was turn on so time could be measure. Without light being divide from darkness there is no way to know how long God’s creation was.

But when you count time forward using God’s words like the bible you get a earth of around six thousand years depending on today’s date making light turn on 4003 BC. So all we need to do is add today date to get the how long light as been turn on by God’s word.

Big Different’s

Between God and Science measurement there is a big different in time but man is only guessing while not all people believe in God. There are men that work on proving science wrong with their guesses and there are men who work to prove God wrong too.

But a fact we must deal with our world is too vast to find enough facts to prove science right or even close. But as for God you either believe in his truths in part or you do not because God tells us he created it without showing us how he did it.

So the age of the earth is under debate between science and God with God’s view more sound because everything must of come from somewhere while science leave out where things came from they begin with things.

I did it

God’s view is simple I God created the heaven and earth from nothing because the basic meaning of the Hebrew word “created” is to bring something into make something that has never been here before.

The heaven and earth were new to outer darkness as was animal life to the earth after we got the earth as was mankind. While I believe God created all things from his self to fill the vast space of darkness not all people do.

The Two Creations

The two creations comes from the verse Colossians 1:15-16 “ Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:”

How can all things be created by him God and for him Jesus the Christ you might asked. Its not that hard all things were first created by God in the beginning then Adam sinned sending death to all things until Jesus the Christ came to re-created everything.

So while in the beginning God created everything with plans to send Jesus Christ has his image to restore what man has destroy due to sin. Now a fact we must deal with not all people will care about this part but it is needed for believers like me.

I Believe

So yes I believe God created all things and for me this is a fact to my life I am not here to push this fact of my life on you the reader of this book. You have the right to make up your own mind as to what you choice to believe.

But for me and my house I will believe God created all things out of great love for all things to grow and learn. Now I may look at science guesses for possible ways God might of created all things I still look for God for the part of truth I am ready for.

Love the Way of Life

Chapter 24

Tuff Love

The trouble about tuff love is that the way some people understand what it is. Now if you see tuff love as letting the love one make a miss take and being ready to help the love one out of the trouble they got them self in that is love.

But if you mean getting in their face to make your love one do as you see best that is not love in any form while it is done in the name of love its control. While you may mean well its just one person controlling the actions of another person.

Now before I go on getting a child to think and listen by telling them what to do is just guiding them to keep safe until they are old enough to know right from wrong. But you still let the child fall down now and then so they can learn.

But once we are old enough to know right from wrong all love ones can do is point in the right direction and hope their love ones listen. It’s a fact that each person has the right to make up their own mind after a set age and here in the USA its eighteen on most things.

False Love

This is going to be a hard subject for a lot of church people who think they are living love by judging people that do other than their church teaches. Today we hear over and over how this or that are sins but these same people forget that they are sinners too.

Any time a person thinks by shouting at another person is going to change any thing they are dead wrong and full of hate. The only way to change another person is to love then into change other wise become their friend first.

That does not mean you join in on their sin but you become their sin focusing on the good parts of their life without bringing up what you think is wrong. Then after you have become their friend share you love of God with them and leave it there.

Unless they ask you about that subject just share your heart of love so that you two do not get caught up into false love a fight over small things. The only great thing there is in life is your love for God, Christ, and each other.

Real Love

If you have real love no one can get you upset by words wrote or spoken by others. Keep your replies simple and to the point and if they call you a evil name call them a loving name. If they poke fun at you share your love with them.

If they personally attack you with words send love back to them and if they hit you try to block the hit and forgive them. No matter what they do forgive them as you send them your love for them.

This is the way Jesus Christ lived

The man Jesus Christ live love to the point he even forgive the very people who put him to death on the cross. Yes lets show love right up to our death and past like our Savor did Jesus the Christ did.

Now God knows we are human and that we will lose our cool now and then but all God ask is that we do our best to live love. So I call for you to join me in this great walk of God’s love.

Truth by a Label

Chapter 25


The label of religion has been growing over the years from Israelite, Jew, Gentile, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Baptist, Christian, Pentecostal, Mormon, Church of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, The Way Ministry, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Wicca,, Atheism, Agnosticism, Humanism, and many more just to name a few.

Now I know not all these religions name here are love by you but they are all labels we give to religion groups today. Some of these are based on the love for God while others are bases on not loving God but never the same they are religion labels made my mankind.

Now I am not saying any label is better than another but what I am saying if we take away all labels we just have people promoting their beliefs whether in God or not. But just because a person shares Godly beliefs differ than us does not make their label bad.

What makes a label good or bad is what people do to share their label if they share their beliefs with love and understanding than they are doing good but they push their beliefs with control by ungodly laws their believe are bad.

Its all falls on they way they share what is in their heart which makes it of God or not because God looks at the heart not the doctrines of the religion. Now I am not going to go one by one showing you which is good and which ones are not because its up to you to put away labels and just live God’s love.


Race can be many things from color of a person skin to the language one speaks to the place you come from or were you live. But all of this should not matter but what should is you do live love around all people no matter which race.

To put it simple to you do you love all people or are you dividing people up my your personal judgment. I myself believe it better to divide people by their love me back from they do not like me but I love them.

It makes me sad how the people of this world love to judge each other today. Even when I fill out for a job they asked for what race I am, but race should matter but what should is that I am willing to work. But the people think some races work better than others which is wrong.

Even the tax man wants to know your race because its like he thinks some races need more of a tax break than others but our race should never come up in any form. Because it just sets a mind set for us to judge each other.

So I say lets only look to see if a person loves us back but if the person does not lets not judge the person as evil. But lets love him or her no matter what but because just because we love some one it does not mean we have to trust them. Lets live by love not by our race.


When we think of sex we think of male or female but in today world sex is no longer gender but your sexual personal desires on top of gender. Just another way to judge people and divide them up into groups.

Most people claim they are only asking male or female but I find that not to be truth because they asked if a person is married or not on the same form. While I believe people should not be judge for something like a job by gender nor should be judge by their sexual practices.

The words male, female, gay and bio-sex should not matter unless we are looking for a sex partner in our personal life. While I am not into gay or bio-sex as part of my life style I do not judge others by their life style.

And yes the bible does talk about being gay or bio-sex as being a sin against natural the design of the body’s way to work. But its all so a sin to over eating and many other things that we as people do today as part of our every day life.

So unless you are totally with out sin do not judge others person for the sins they do but love them as weak people as you are too. Jesus Christ was the only person to live without sin and he told us to walk in love not judgment.

Truth of love, peace, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, and temperance

Chapter 26


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves us all my dear friends

I wanted to share this chapter in doctrines so I put it here too


Truth of love, peace, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, and temperance

Chapter 26

Where have you read these emotions together before?

Truth of love, peace, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance are in the bible together. In Galatians 5:22-23 “ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

This is the verse that tells us the fruit that comes from having Christ within us or God’s spirit over-showering depending on the time we live. Today its Christ in us the hope of glory but there are many layers to this fruit,

This is the truth we will look into as we study the emotions of man from his fleshly image to his spiritual image the two sides of the truth of man’s emotions. Now this travel will take us to places we can see truths within inner men.


When we think about love we see a bridge of levers between hate and love which we seem in our fellow mankind over the years. The closer one gets away from pure love with no strings the closer they come to the emotion hate.

To see the emotions of love we must try to understand the many layers of love there are from the darkest to the brightest other wise from pure love to love twisted by lies added to it. To help you understand, if love was light pure love would have nothing blocking its path but the more things put to block love’s path the less love we see until we see nothing.

Lets look at some examples of love at its different stages or amount of pure love that gets through the added lies. Lets begin with pure love is like the love a good mother has for her new born baby as pure love or God like love,

There is nothing that can get in the way of a good mother loving her child. But now lets look at another side of love hate this love begins has a love of self but gets block by how others are different from yourself and some of the ways are race, color, age, and sex, just to name a few.

Its people works of dividing people into groups that gives us the dark sides of love where no true loves can move past all that dividing. But one part we must cover is lust which can be for many reasons like power and sex but we will look at the one for sex.

When a person lust for sex there is a true love to have sex but the act gets in the way were the true love is darken by the act of sex. Without lust for sex clouding up the love sex can be a real good thing but a person who lust can never find true love.

Now the emotion of love is a feeling that can not be painted in the picture or recorded in a movie film. What you can see or can be showed is the effect love as on a person after they feel the love in their heart.

Love is a spiritual emotion that we have had from the beginning but its been clouded by acts of the flesh like hate and lust. Christ came to help us take away the things that get in the way of true love to its purest degree.


Just like love peace is divided up into layers peace begins as pure peace and ends as war. War comes when one person wants peace only the way they think is best. Let me give you a few examples of why come wars have came.

War, war two came because a few man wanted peace as long as there were no Jews, blacks, and a few other races. So war had to come so we could get back to real peace. Wars have been fought over beliefs, customs, race, and many more things.

The side who fight a war to get freedom for all has peace within their borders to a higher lever than the side who fights for power. Now there are many things out there that people go to war against in their lives.

Fear of something happening is a battle that most people fight in everyday life. From the fear of losing their house to the fear of dying its out there if you want it to stop you need to have peace of mind.

Like love peace is a emotion that can not be draw in a picture but the after effect of having peace in a person’s life can be seem. One reason Jesus Christ came was to show us that death is not to take away our peace because he overcome it as we can if we just walk in the peace we have.

Now just because we have peace it does not mean there will be no wars but if we have to fight for freedom our mind will be at peace while we fight given us the power of God. Now if we go into battle with the power of God we can not lose.


Again we can see levers of joy or delight over something next to levers of unhappiness over something which is the feeling has that been block by something other than what brings us joy in our life. Lets say your child brings you joy in your life but the child does something that puts that joy on a back burner as to say.

The joy is still there but now you have to deal with that which the child did wrong. Now the dark side of joy would be depression which is cause by fleshly works of worry over things out of our control.

Now even with the most depressed person there are still things that give them joy in their life. The way to help a depressed person is remove that which is holding their joy back from comforting them.


A better word for longsuffering is patience which has its levers which we can look at in our lives. From the person who sat’s still waiting from the person who can not sat still for anything. Some people have a better handle on the emotion of patience than others.

But we all have this emotion and can learn to take away the worry that blocks it from coming out like other emotions do in our life. Jesus taught us patience when knowing what was coming for him by not running away but going to his death with out fear.

Jesus had patience because he understood all good things come to them who wait for the right hour for their reward. Jesus know by him having patience men would reward him with death so God could give him a better reward so lets have patience.


The word for gentleness could be translated better as kindness a emotion to be kind or to be good. For this emotions there are many layers from being kind to being cruel to someone.

Its basically the kind of gift you give a person a good gift is one to made them happy but a bad gift is one to made them sad. Other wise is your gift from the heart of love or the mind of judgment of another.

What kind of person are you and how pure is your kindness are you all ways looking for a return from your gifts or do you give only to be given. Yes its that simple when you think about it with a open heart and sound mind.


When we look at goodness we see that its something like virtue or of feeling beneficence because of the emotion behind a act of goodness. Like the goodness the lady received when she touch the hem of Jesus garment in Matthew 14:36 and others parts of the bible.

In Mark 5:26 -30 “And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?”

We read that the emotion of goodness left Jesus and healed the women which Jesus called virtue which the power of a spiritual fruit. Now there is more to the story but you can get a bible and read it your self but believe me or not this emotion is real.


The emotion of faith could be called trust which comes from reading about God and his son as does faith. Faith is a verb that denotes action other wise it takes action to build faith has it does to dis-believe because they both take action.

Faith to its purest is when you trust that which you have read and saw to be true to the lever you can understand but un-believe comes when you doubt comes into what you see and read. Now the movement pushing doubt is big today and growing bigger everyday.

But its up to us as whether we trust the part of truth we can see or we block its true understanding with doubt and foolish thinking. We are able to trust and its up to us where we put our trust in and there are only two choices God or self.

The reason I did not say man because we are man so by saying self I did say man. But for me I will trust God and his son over myself.


Meekness is the emotion of being willing to listen to others before we give advice to them in any form. Other wise the better we listen the better we can help if asked but if you do not listen you might not be given help but only pushing your views on others.

Now there are levers of meekness or length people will listen before cutting in on another person words. The person who will not listen that boast their way is the only way has block out the emotion of meekness from their spirit.

Now I not saying listen and never talk back but wait for the right time and the right way make it a fare debate with both sides speaking their views. Too many believers are one sided when it comes to their church, doctrines, beliefs, and other things.

But if they want to really help they need to be willing to listen and wholly listen to people they come across not just the ones who agree with them. Jesus all ways listen to others and that why he say “have you not read” or “is it better to heal the sick or” other wise he knew how to put them on the spot.

The a book called “The God Delusion” by “Richard Dawkins” Which on the web I heard him talk about his book giving the reasons he believes God is a delusion. So I took the time to listen then I search for a way to write him or people who promoted his book.

I found a web board that was said to be under his control so I filled out the form on the web page and sign up to write a comment about his book. I title my comment as “the love delusion” saying the same reason he gave for calling God a delusion could be said about love.

The people of that board did not like it because Richard Dawkins was married with children so I was saying he did not really love his wife or children. Now this got a lot of people mad to the point they banned me at the site.

But what I am saying if your meek enough to listen you can use their own words against them just like I did. Because I know love is real as Richard Dawkins does too so his fight against God was in vain without purpose.

So what I am saying lets be good listeners so we can fight the good fight with words of wisdom and not just flying off the handle like many people do. Jesus set example after example when he talk with the ones out to get him.


Temperance is the emotion of self-control over your flesh as you take time to reason things out with patience. But the down side of temperance is not having any self control but flying off the handle without thinking it out.

We are have these emotion but we are not all willing to use them to their full power to guide us with wisdom of a sound mind because we have enough self control to reason things out before we act or speak. Now like all the others there of layers of temperance we can have.

All as one

We can use these together with each other and that the way they were meant to grow from our inner emotions because we all have the same measure of emotions. But we do not all let these emotions turn to fruit that is ripe to share.

The more pure emotions you let out from your inner self the happier you will be in the people around you will be. Its all up to you as to whether you block them from getting ripe enough to share with others or not.

Truth of flesh works

Chapter 27


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves us all my dear friends

I wanted to share more


Truth of flesh works

Chapter 27


What are works but things that we can do fleshly the very actions we take with our fleshly body some good while others are bad. It can be anything like working at a job, watching TV, hurting another person, helping a person, to any action that can be done.

Now the bible divides the two subjects into either good works or bad works of the flesh which is just bad works and a nut shell. Some believe when they study the bible by researching it they are doing something spiritual but in true they are only doing good works.

We are going to see that all works of the flesh are just works at most and the bible use of works to divide the two could of been better but there may of been something more when spoke as it was first wrote by the different language but I believe its in the context of the works that make them good or bad.

Good works

To do good works are needed to move forward in life but its not by good works we are saved but by the grace of God. For good works are welcome by God and highly desire for us to do but we are saved by God’s divine favor.

Why works do play their parts the works or action of believing lets us take the action of good works to believe in God and the works God did for us by the loving hand of his son Jesus the Christ. When you are working to hear God’s voice by talking at him or reading his words of old he rewards you with spirit insight that came without work.

Other wise spiritual insight can not be received by the works of the flesh but only by God’s divine favor because we are working or taking action to receive by hearing the voice of God or having the written word unfold as we sat and read, research, meditate, listen, or what ever action we take to receive it in this realm.

So good works get us to the point we can receive the super spiritual blessings of God that take no work but come because God loves us. The works of God are all ways good and they can not be other wise because God is pure without spot of fleshly weakness.

Bad woks

In the bible we can read about good works, good deeds but we can all so read about evil works or deeds. But why are there bad works at all you might ask? Without bad works we would not see the value of good works all around us.

In Galatians 5:19-21 “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”

Now I could go into detail of this list of part of the bad works but I will just touch on it basically because we all know good from bad. Most of these are evil acts that people do to gain power, control, money, or what ever over another person but some take away our personal good judgment of good and evil.

Crimes done that get people in jail like murder are on the high side or most evil side of bad works while just opening your mouth in hate is on the low side of bad works. But too God a bad work is a bad work making no different from one bad act to another.

I know some people will think some bad things are just a game but when the act gets to the point a another person fights back with bad acts for bad acts they are the first to cry. Other wise what you give out look out because it might come back to bite you.

Doing good to look good

Some people out there only do good works to be seem by other just so they can get good favor with the people around them. Good works should no be used to get a reward but they should be done because it’s the right thing to do.

Now I warn you watch out for the men or women that only does good works when others are looking because they may be planing a bad work and they only want to gain your trust. They might take you for a hide were you lose out in the end.

I wish these kinds of people were not in the world but they are and we must watch out for them in our every day life. But we all so do not want to judge anyone to fast its better to wait and see because they will show their true colors soon enough whether good or bad.

I call you to do good works while hoping for greater works

Yes I call you to do good works while hoping for greater works but you might asked me what I mean by those words I spoke. I am saying for us do good works with a desire to receive in all due time the blessings of God.

The blessings of God are insightful spiritual answers to your questions in life, life after fleshly death, love of God which you have no matter what, good fleshly health, comfort from above, wisdom, and the list is endless. So I call you to take these good actions to only receive greater things but I am not pushing you and its totally up to you.

Truth the End

Chapter 28

This book

The end will come even to this book because everything of the flesh world must have a end to it but the end does not work the same with spiritual things because spiritual things do not end. Some are yelling what about the second death.

Christ die for all so all of mankind might exit the womb of God’s love alive but if there no growth death comes before its time in the womb of God or while trying to be born of a new creature. So true birth never comes because death comes before the new creature is a living spirit outside the womb of God.

I know this is hard for some and some people will say I am wrong and that is there right but believe me God is not flesh and blood. If God is spirit and God is not subject to the rules of flesh than neither is the spirit you will become when you put on your new body.

Things you can see

No matter what it is if you can see it than it will not be able to be seem one day because it will end one day. One day you will die and the stars will vanish away or gradually cease to exist because everything has a end.

From the rainbow to the dog that runs after your car to the car that you drive to the bird that does its thing on your car, to the gas in your tank, to the road you drive on and the list is endless. I do not care what it is if you see it, the sight of it will cease to exist.

Things you hear

If you can hear it then it will cease to exist one day by coming to its end. Now I know some one is jumping up saying I hear God and yes you too but things change as needs change.

Other wise you will hear spiritually which is far greater than the sounds your flesh hears because God will no longer need to lower his self down to be heard. You will speak to God and Christ face to face or spirit to spirit a whole new realm.

From the music you hear to the dog barking at you, to the wind blowing things around, to the cars moving down the road, to the sounds of natural and the list is endless of the sounds that will cease to exist.

Things you smell

The things you smell around you will changed until they cease to exist like everything else they will end too and due time. From the smell of roses in your window to the gas you let out from having beans for lunch.

There are endless kinds of smells in the world around us and the sky above us but in due time they will end too. Nothing you can smell will last forever they will come and go until their finial end.

Things you touch

The things around you that you can reach out to touch with your hands will not all ways be there for you to feel them with your senses of touch. From the baseball you hold to the person you love, to even your own body will cease to exist one day.

Now I know someone going to say God’s love has touch their heart and God love will never end. Yes God love will not end but you will change which will change the way you receive God’s love. Everything you touch will end.

Things you tasted

From the mouth of your love one, to the food you eat, all the way to the bad tasted you get when you drink or eat something you do not like. Whether you enjoy the tasted of something or you throw it back out everything you tasted will cease to exist one day.

Tasted is a fleshly sense that you will not need one day because you will cease to be or changed into another form one of spirit. Everything you ever tasted or everthing tasted will cease to exist in due time.

They all end

There is nothing that exist in our world whether as part of us, above us in the open space of outer space, in the waters around us, or in the dirt below us will cease to exist one day. Everything has a end to it and then a finial end once and for all.

This is a fact we must face as a truth all things end and our flesh is part of that all things. So we must changed to a non fleshly form or we too must cease to exist forever. I am hoping you will join me in the great change by putting on incorruption or immortality.

Truth the New Beginning

Chapter 29


When it comes to fleshly ends they only begin a new cycles of life until the end of flesh which will be the last enemy that will be destroy death of the flesh world and all that it contains. But until then we can try to understand the truth of endless cycles of life.

The earth is made of dust which gives itself the dirt so plants can grow which give itself as fruit so we can eat to grow from work, and we mankind put our waste from our body back on the earth so the earth can take it in to feed the plants and so on.

There are endless of cycles you can think of like we take in oxygen just to make a waste from it to cast out carbon dioxide which plants and trees take in only to cast out oxygen that we need. Everything we see around us is in a endless cycle from one form to another even if we can not understand them all.

Dinosaur were did they go

Science are looking for were the dinosaurs have went but in truth they are still here all around us in the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink and many other ways. The very food you eat was ate one time by a dinosaur or cast out as waste.

But lets look at more ways the dinosaurs are still here today. They have changed into some of the animals we have today because the world changed so for them to live on they had to change with it.

Science say this animal and that animal are part of the dinosaur family so either they are gone or not and if any part of their kind is still around then so are dinosaurs. Let me give you a example that you might understand if all man with white shin were wipe out mankind would still live on in black skin man and other colors.

So of a truth some breeds of dinosaur might not be around but the kind of animal called a dinosaur is still alive and well today. Dinosaur have just changed their cycle they moved within by size and breed.

From Fertilized Egg, to Birth, and to Death

We moved forward in stages from a fertilized egg in the womb of our mother to the day of our birth and last to our death then the dust we are made of is used just to set others into this same pattern but there is more to a changed.

You begin as a fertilized egg into your mother more like a growth depending on her body to feed you and take of your every need. Your mother’s body is the whole world to you at this time in your life.

After a period of time you are ripe to a point your mother’s body needs to cast you out like fruit from a tree. Together you and your mother work to get you out so you can changed from a growth within your mother to a flesh image like your mother.

You take your first breath and they call you a new born baby and the baby label sticks to you until you begin to walk. Now your label is young child but this only sticks until you are about twelve years old and your call a teen, then adult, old age, and them comes death.

Of a truth we grow in stages until the stage is to return to begin again and again until the stages of flesh are over. But just in time for our inner self the part that makes us who we are a change comes if we have trusted God.

Final Changed

Not all people want to believe in life after death but I choice to believe there is life after death so I am reaching out for a changed when Christ picks me from the tree of this fleshly world. Then I can moved forward to grow in a new world one of spiritual stages of life and more life with out a end.

The realm of spirit is outside the realm of flesh so the laws of flesh and bone mean nothing to it at all. I look forward to discovering this new world and leaving the old world of life and death for one of life and more life.

Truth a closing Understanding

Chapter 30

Basic review

What have we learn so far from taking this journey into the mystery of what true is and how can I see it in my everyday life? We look into the map of DNA that created you into who you are which is out of our control how it begins.

But you have some control of what will be added to your DNA make up to be passed along to your children in their DNA. Then we look into how we can limited control our health by the food we eat, were we live and were we work.

We have made a few statements of truth to help us alone our way. Truth number one is we have no control over our DNA makeup its under the control of our parents and their parents and all we can do is deal with it as we learn later how we can control changes within our DNA blueprint after creation and birth.

Truth number two reads just because you have a good blueprint to be put together by it does not mean you will end up according to your blueprint. Truth one and two are just facts of life that we must deal with later in life.

Truth number three is that just because wise people taught us something it does not make it the truth because things are not all ways what they seem to be. These are some basic things we look at while looking to see if we could discover the truth about questions one can asked about the subject truth.

Its bigger than we can imagine

We have all so cover the size truth must be if you could get the complete truth it would of changed before we could view it from every point of possible view. We saw how time is changing faster than we can view truth from all possible points.

We made many statements of how just a movement in inches changes the point of view to a given object you are searching truth about. Truth is a very big subject one that can not be understood in a short life span.

Truth is not in the eyes of beholder

Most people believe they have truth in their life because they read the bible but we have discover that the written word of God is only truth in part. We have learn its like a picture of a house there more to the house then the view the picture was took from.

What you believe to be truth is in your eyes but what you believe is only a small part of what truth is. Truth is more than a man can behold with his or her natural eyes.

We looked into labels

We label everything from what we call our self to the names we give to building, cities, sects, and the list is endless we see. The truth about labels they are just the name given to a basic object we can view.

We tried to look without pushing one label over another with a pure heart with out self righteous judgement with is just a different label for their love for God. So of a truth labels mean nothing at all.

Healing Truth

Chapter 31


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves us all my dear friends

I wanted to share this chapter in doctrines so I put it here too


Healing Truth

Chapter 31

The Body Heals itself

It’s a well known fact that the body works to heal itself when something goes wrong with it. Now doctors have learn how to help the body heal itself faster by many ways.

But in truth it not the doctor who heals a cut on your hand but your body itself but the doctor is the one who might sew it together. So your body can heal faster or so it would not lose the battle to close the cut up.

A Mud Pack

For many years home medicine have used mud packs to draw out poison from a bee string and a snake bite. Now this is just a fast way to get help when you are away from a doctor but doctors used many things to draw poisons out that work like the mud pack does.

The list of home medicine that is out there is very long and your local health food store can help you find many of then to try. Most doctors will work with you if you want to try home medicine that is more naturally made.

Mud in the Blind man’s eye

In John 9:4 -7 “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.” we read that Jesus Christ used mud called clay here.

Now we asked our self what good did the mud called clay do here for the blind man? If there was any film of poison on or in the eye it could help draw it out. It all so made the eye fight to cleanse itself with tears beginning the process of the eye healing itself while God help it move at a faster rate it heal itself because of God’s design.

There is nothing new about the body healing itself so Jesus using home medicine like clay is nothing new to these people but what was new is that it work for a man born blind from birth. Actions of a home medicine plus believing is how we can used God’s design of how he made the human body better.

Now I am not saying put aside doctors

Now I am not saying put aside doctors but used them hand and hand with well known home medicine that been around for hundreds of years. Now that does not mean we trust every old outdated home medicine but we look into them to add to our modem medicine.

You can talk to your doctor and your local health store together for what is best to help your body heal faster. A good diet goes a long way to getting better too.

Never ending Truth

Chapter 32


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves us all my dear friends


Never ending Truth

Chapter 32

Always Changing

We have saw that time is always changing the picture of the truth to what a fleshly thing looks like at any given period of time. The only truth that is not in a never ending movement to what it truth is would be spiritual truth.

Spiritual truth does not changed because it does not die or change because it always stray’s the same. Time has no value in the spiritual realm because there no beginning nor any end, so there no need to measure lengths.

Our understanding is growing

The more we grow older the more knowledge we can take into our hearts. We begin in life as a child knowing only what our DNA program us to know the basic skills to keep us alive, like how to breath, drink, and many other skills of the flesh.

As we get older we learn how to get what we want from the ones around us but as we get older we learn that its better to give than take as we receive help. Yes at older ages we need help to do things that came easy as skills program from the beginning like breathing medicine and the list of things we might need is endless.

Now not everybody needs help in the same way at older ages but of a truth we all need help because we can not do it alone. Whether the help is a family member or some one from the health care in our town. There is always help to the rich man and the poor man alike we all have people we depend on.

But fleshly Truth will end

The cycles of the flesh run in patters from one form to another until they run into their final end a day no one looks forward to. Once there is no more fleshly things there will be a end to what we call fleshly truths.

Our works to understand our body, world, and the list is endless of what we are trying to understand and explain to each other. They will no longer matter because with the lost of our earth world will destroy all the paper reports we wrote.

Personal Truth

Chapter 33

What I believe is written in our DNA

I believe the knowledge to grow into the person we are is wrote deep in our DNA as a road map to make us who we are. Our DNA was changed over the choices our grandparents made in their life.

We can changed our DNA by the choices we make like the foods we eat or the life style we live. Now I believe if we plan on children we should watch the ways we could change our DNA in bad ways and try to changed them in good ways.

How much of the Truth I believe is in the bible

Its not the bible that holds truth in part but the books held by its pages. Now I am not cutting down the work that it took to get the bible but what I am doing is helping you see the bible for what it is a container of books.

Now I do believe the bible within its many books there is enough knowledge to send you on your path to God and his beloved son Jesus the Christ. One could spend a life time uncovering the truths in part held within these pages.

So I call you to read this book yourself as you sat talking at God reaching to hear his loving voice guide you by Christ who’s image enters your heart has you read. The books are the bible are God calling you to his great love. Now not all will agree with me but that is ok.

I believe God has all truth

Yes of a truth I believe all truth that is and will ever be is contain in the love of God and spoon feed to us by his son the Christ. It’s a well known truth that God will only give you as must knowledge as you can handle at any given second.

The more a person grows spiritually the more parts of the vast endless knowledge in part that person will be able to receive. Its like you do not demand that a one year old child understand how to do your taxes so why demand the spiritual child to see things he or she can not.

The End.

Closing Statement

While I have enjoy taking this journey with you and pointing you to the right direction. You must reach to take this knowledge to the next lever in your understanding of the many questions I tried to answer by written this book.

Other wise a book can not cover every possible place or way you will journey for the things you will write within your heart. Now I did my best to keep a open mind that not all reading this book may join me in my love for my God.

I love you the person reading this book and I personally hope for the best in your life no matter what that might be. Thank you for taking the time to read this book, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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