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Red Earth

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In a great vision I saw the acts of God... The Omni God has come into this world to draw all things holy up into the heavenly city.

In the beginning the Omni spoke and the words that proceeded forth were as lights, brighter than any light ever seen since time began. These lights appeared only for a short season and left behind old wisdom of an age past, then faded up into the heavens as the stars of the messianic zodiac.

Then God appeared within the red earth and two images were formed from dust into Adam and Eve.

Then God became the breath of life and both Adam and Eve became living souls. Then the Omni came down as love and became holy upon them.

Then the Omni became circumstantialism and free-will so that these new beings could experience autonomy and desire.

Adam and Eve used their free will over time... This holiness could not live in the sight of sin. Without the spirit the flesh could no longer contain the Omni so the flesh returned to the dust and the soul returned to the air. Because of them leaving the Omni, the Holy spirit could no longer remain upon them and the image of God became subject to the imaginations of the heart.

Then the Omni appeared as fire in a burning tree and this fire burned as no other and out of the fire came the voice of the Omni, the fire spoke of justice and righteousness. This fire went up into the heavens to purify the souls of the saints.

The Omni appeared also as a cloud and a wonderment in the sky to the people as manna fell from the heavens. The cloud then drifted also up into the heavens to guide, nurture and comfort those lost in the spiritual wilderness.

The manna was a sign of the inborn spirit to come.

Then God became a male seed and impregnated the flesh of an egg within the flesh of Mary’s womb. Thus God was inborn and the seed remained within.

God as the Omni mother became the egg and as the father became the seed. Thus the son of God was the son of both his heavenly masculine and feminine, for the God Omni is all in all.

There was gladness of the Omni.

Then God appeared as the wind and became the breath, Jesus breathed in the soul life of the Omni’s sinless heredity and became the second Adam. Though created by the Omni, born of a woman.

The child grew into the shepherd of creation.

Then the Omni appeared as a dove, free of guile and pure. The dove was a symbol of the Omni’s peace and salvation. The Omni became the water and John the Baptist anointed Christ with the Holy spirit of the Omni.

Then Jesus was nailed to the tree and the son of the Omni was crucified.

So the red earth flesh part of Jesus ascended up into heaven, the breath life of Jesus went up into heaven and the spirit part of Jesus went up into heaven. For they were all three pure and sinless images of the Omni.

The fleshly form of Jesus stood before me in this vision, the lord had no scars he was dressed in unity as a prince of peace and out of his mouth the Omni spoke. The end is the beginning and I am all things pure and true. I raised you from the dust into the full stature of the spirit.

Then Jesus turned and walked as if wandering through the earth seeking souls to enlighten with his visions.

I saw that Jesus was guileless as the dove, that he gave me waters of life to drink and fed me with the manna from heaven, he guided me like a cloud and burned within my heart like a fire. Like the red earth that surged through my veins and was the breath that I breathe. Jesus turned before walking off into the radiant light and said, “The spirit of the Omni is with you, the Omni is in all things pure and true that enter into heaven.”

I think back upon this vision to realize that, it is not the life we live but the Omni living within us sustaining us and fortifying our body, soul and spirit for the long journey back to rebirth within Zero, Amen


Edited by DrWearWord
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