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Possessive Dog


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Rottiegrrrl Quote: We serve our animals as much as they serve us I suppose!

Rottigrrrl so very true what a great saying, yes i believe also we serve our animals as much

as they serve us. They are very loyal and love unconditionally,

Digi, your dog Duke is beautiful what a wonderful shine on his coat, he is in fantastic shape.

what do u give him to keep his coat in such fantastic condition and so shiny?

I love any kind of dogs they are all so sweet and this is a great topic

:wub: :wub:

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I read all your posts, but did not notice if you said he had been formally trained.

I love dogs, have 3 currently 2 pure and 1 mix, but I am an Avid believer in training dogs. Not any trianing will work. It haas to be one you can do with said pet the rest of said pets life.

On the National Geographic Channel if you get it is a show called The Dog Whisperer...marketing for sure, buyt he shows the value of setting at least minimal standards with all dogs.

His basic philosophy is Excersice, Discipline and Affection.

You might be able to do a search about him...I only mention it becasue I don't know what you have available. I think you can baby the heck out o' yer dog and still be the one on whose terms life goes on.

You have a Doberman....a breed trained to guard and dominate. It will be imperative to gain the dominate position as I do not believe Dogs grow out of bad habit contrary to Rottie, (no offense please) but instead get stronger in their habits and as they get old, they just do those habits less becasue they are sleeping more.

In my family, we have bred Boxer's, New Foundland's, Large Standard Black Poodles, and Shelties and currently own a Blue Heeler (a very stubborn breed), a Yellow Lab and a Chow Husky Mix. The Chow Husky is Delta Society Certified....the Pet Therapy dog program. He lets people fall all over him.

But anyhow, I was just trying to address you initial concern about your Duke, he's a beautiful dog too.

I reread the thread again after I posted and I really think its a dominance issue and would be glad to email you more if you are interested in more than just letting her grow out of it.

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MaryPoppins or should I say BoxerGrrrl ................

I use an Avocado Spray on Duke when I bath him about every 2-4 weeks right now. When its warmer he is bathed every 2 weeks, but with the cold weather we let it go a little further between bathes. Although you have to keep in mind that the black Doberman is naturally endowed with a certain amount of shine, but Duke is by far the shiniest of the 3 dobermans I have owned in my lifetime.

RottieGrrl, ..................... Duke is like your Rottie. He loves his attention. My parents are Rottie fans. There first one was named Roxy and she died of Cancer a couple of years ago, so they bought Bruno a male this time. Bruno and Duke played together well this summer ........ both loving there attention.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my Doberman Duke. He is a wonderful dog and is the third Doberman I have owned in my life. My first Doberman I worked with a professional trainer and he was trained well. The second doberman I trained myself and he was the best of all three as far as obedience. At about 3 yrs he was perfect in every way and he was my only red/brown doberman. Never a problem with him after the age of three.

Now Duke is still young. We have overcome his pawing or licking my hands when I am busy doing a task that doesn't include him. He will now lay at my feet and wait until I am ready to tend to him. I read an article on the net that brought back to mind something the original trainer of my first dog had taught me, and that was "Dobermans love attention regardless it be bad or good its attention and thats exactly what they are seeking in any possible way, shape, or form. So I put into effect when Duke would paw or lick my fingers I would make him sit at my feet and stay there until I was ready to acknowledge him. This has worked perfectly and he is very happy once I do acknowledge him and give him his turn.

He is a pet and a guard dog, we have 5 acres in which he does patrol nightly right before we go to bed and once in the early hours of the morning. He sleeps indoors of course because we live in Alaska and it is too cold for him to stay outside without exercising his body for more than an hour or so in the winters.

Although I have broken him of pawing at me I did have an opportunity just yesterday and for the life of me I can't figure out why this happened. I took Duke outside to use the potty and play a bit and he took off on me. I clapped twice which is his signal to come to me and he flat out ignored me and just ran off. I called him then by name and whistled and he did not return. He was headed off the property. My husband got in the truck and went off to look for him. Couldn't find him. I took my turn to go look seeing as Duke is under voice command with me the majority of the time. I stopped in the local general store/post office and checked to see if anyone had seen him and the owner had told me a customer had just told him of a Doberman running along the highway. Anyway ........ I drove up and down the highway couldn't find my dog .... scared.. I stopped and called back to the cabin and my husband had informed me Duke had come back. This all happened in about 30 minutes or less but seemed like hours. I still can't for the life of me figure why he did not answer to my double clap and come to me immediately.

Still perplexed about this one ......... I saw no moose, no lynx, no rabbits nothing that sent him on chase which I still work with him on in his training. Not to chase the other animals without permission.

If you have any ideas WW let me know .................. Or send me a PM if you think you can help and we can email if you would rather go by email.


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First let me say thank God...that is always so scarey. I had that happen with the Lab when she was six months, and the Chow Husky mix went after to her to actually drive her back, she slowed her down enough we could catch up, but I HATE that feeling.

I will think about it and look at my stuff, but just off the cuff I think you might need a few minutes a day or maybe 3x a week doing some "reminder" training. with him at the heel position while walking, working with him to remind him his pack position. Lots of praise, but after he does what is expected. Do you have a 20' lead...this is good to use for reinforceing the double clap if that is your chosen signal. Put him in the stay...walk out the 20 feet, after a while you can even drop the lead, and keep doing the double clap. Indoors, outdoors -- should practice these "dog skills" in both environments every so often. I still test my 13 year old heeler who can even walk backwards on command "BACK," but I still want her actions to be on my and my husbands terms..and my kids since they have to learn the right commands and how not to confuse the dogs.

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I didnt get the heeler in the pictures...Happy is the mix breed, he's happy he is not dead....a day away at the shelter and he is by far my most comapssionate dog ever. The Lab is Lady...and I will have to remember how to load a picture of Maggie...our old lady heeler.


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That is a classic photo of bathing a dog. I love it. Beatiful blue husky eyes ...... I often see the huskies up here with those sky blue eyes and they have always awed me.

I can normally have Duke right next to me then allow him to run ahead on our half mile road about an 1/8 of a mile clap twice and he returns immediately. Of course our road is more like an extended driveway out to another gravel road that is a few miles long and it runs into the highway.

But I do think you have a point about the 20ft lead and retaining him a bit more again as a reminder of what he already knows. I don't see any harm in trying this and am going to work on it again. It might just remind him that I am boss and not him. That he doesn't pay the bills in his family pack LOL.

I really don't ever want another incident like I had the other day. Scared me to death. I was on the line international at the time and my friend was praying for my dog when hubby went after him first and then I went out after him when hubby returned empty handed. I do not want any more scares of such.


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im so glad you got to him....

That is my husband..Larry Pierce and my daughter Sarah in the picture with Happy.

in thinking about the pratice...you might extend each "stay" from 5 sec, then 10 sec, up to a minute or 2. I would just do it for 5 minutes a day...no more really if he is already used to your commands, Duke will see it as a game and a good way to get your attention...so its good psychologically for the dog.

I will put all 3 in a stay in the kitchen and them actually walk around the house with dog treats in my hand. the release is "okay" for mine and them they come running waiting for their treats. But I also do it without food and that is important too because they have to do it because I say so...or my husband says so....and that's all.

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Duke is doing great with me right now. Hubby has not been calling Duke to him regular when they are outside together so he is letting Duke kind of run the property at all times when they are together. Hubby is going to work on double clap and bringing Duke to him so he doesn't constantly roam about when out with him.

Our 12 year old son and Duke are always competing for the attention spot with us. Actually its only the Duke trying to take over in our sons roll and move up in the pack .... our son just has a blast with him and plays with him for the roll. Son always wins .......... but Duke knows the son will get board of mom and walk away to play somewhere else and Duke wil have me back.


how are your beautiful Boxers doing? Chloe is well trained how did you do this? I know you spoil yours like I do mine but you don't seem to have the problems with Chloe like I do Duke.

I really like the boxer ........ we had a neighbor when we were in the city who got theres stolen right out there fenced in yard when it was still a pup. It was so sad. They are such and expensive and wanted breed.


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The thing i find is that female dogs don't seem to fight for the dominance thing...We got chloe when she

8 weeks old, and treated her like a baby, she is very clever, but started to get lazy around 3 years old,

she wouldnt run on the fields behind our house so we decided to get her a friend, thats how we got ty.

Now ty was 18months when we got him and the first few days were awful they continued to fight, and i

began to think we did the wrong thing, but it was chloe putting ty in his place, SHE IS THE BOSS

He trys to dominate her but she wont have it, maybe because she was here first, it took only 2 days for

her to form peckin order.

CHLOE has always been of sweet nature i guess because shes female, Ty is pure madness lol but very

affectionate. I Love them they are family and great company, as i said before They Love unconditionally

and i get so much from them, just by having them around. But they have off days to and run off and when i

call them to go home, they look at me as if to say nooo we arent, so my little secret is cheese, chloe loves cheese,

when we use to show her we would always have cheese, she will always come for cheese, then in turn that

makes ty come to.,

Thanks for the info on the shine of Dukes Coat.

I bathe my dogs regularly and believe it or not i use the shampoo Frizz Ezz its what humans use lol

But it makes there coats beautiful.

I Love boxers they really are brilliant dogs especially around children. But i would advise to get

female as the male can be very boisterous and much harder to train., (from past experience ) lol

It also didnt help that we got him at 18 months so it wasnt as easy as training a small pup.

Edited by marypoppins
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You were right on with going over some of the original commands given Duke. Just reminding him of what he already knows. He can still stay for 20secs and wait while his treat lay on the otherside of the room waiting for the command for him to go retrieve it. It took a couple of tries ...... I think the was trying to move up in the pecking order of the family pack.


I find it quite intelligent of you to wait out the couple days with the dogs to get to know each other. I know it might have seemed like you were living in hell for a couple of days but it is so worth it. You are quite the family for being patient with the dogs until they became close to one another. I know now that this can be done and is done all the time. There are few times that dogs just don't get along but usually you can see it through.

We wanted to get Duke a friend last year and took in a puppy for a day to test it out .... I did not sleep a wink that night, Duke just was not having it. I gave the puppy back the next day ...... it was fine with the owners they had another buyer for he pup but wanted to give me the opportunity with Duke.

Well This last summer my parents came up for the summer to help us build. They had a Rottweiller and favor Bruno just as much as we favor Duke. In essence the were both under two at the time and were still pups. It only took a couple of days of them hanging out together and establishing what was whose and what wasn't before they got along. They spent months together and had a great time. In fact Duke helped Bruno get into a bit better shape. Bruno is huge and was having breathing difficulties at first.

It made me wish that I had been more patient with the other puppy we had, he was a kewl dog. But, at least now I know that usually you can put two dogs together, first couple of days may be hard but they do work things out. Since last summer Duke has made two other dog friends and yes it took a day or two but now when Duke is over Lexis' house he goes by Lexis rules and when Lexis is with us she goes by Dukes rules ....... its really funny but they are good doggy friends.

I do have a concern of what I am going to do when we go on vacation and can't take Duke with us on this vacation. We will have to figure this one out ...... There is only one couple I know whom I trust who have the facilities to take on such a big dog and the space he needs to run. We have taken care of there horses but the horses are different. They stay in pasture or in open stable the can come and go in. Duke is spoiled and stays in house with us ..... he even has his blankee to cover with seeing as its cold up here and he is a short haired dog. We thought about knocking him out with Dog Valium which had done before but it was only a 5 hour flight. 14-19 hours isn't kewl for that. Its definately something we have to consider.


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I agree when you have animals it is sometimes a tie, its hard if you want to go away

and it is not available to take them with you, having someone you trust to take care

of them like you do is not always a comfortable thing to do, its like leaving your child.

I am very fortunate that they stay with a friend of mine that also owns boxers,

But again i would rather take them with me

We travel to spain every year and it is not possible for us to take them, but they enjoy

there holiday to with there mates :dance:

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